Bobbi Jo in Ecstasy [Siren Publishing Ménage Amour]

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Bobbi Jo in Ecstasy [Siren Publishing Ménage Amour] Page 10

by Robin Gideon

  She’s mad as a scalded cat, he told himself, but if I play this right, Caleb and I are going to turn her over to our side. She’ll see we were meant to be together.

  Jacob approached her slowly. He strongly suspected she wanted to kick him in the testicles, and that the only thing stopping her was the fact that there was a silk necktie tied tightly around her ankles. She breathed deeply, and her breasts were rising and falling in a manner that drew the gaze. Her breasts were held—magnificently, he noted—in a very nice bra, the lacy embroidery showing through the fabric of her blouse. He thought her sexier in a bra than without one. It wasn’t so ostentatious, and therefore, much more to his liking.

  She only goes braless because she needs the tips, he told himself. If she wasn’t a waitress, and she wasn’t poor and in need of money to get the hell out of Williston, she’d never dress braless in a halter top.

  The thought made him smile.

  “And what do you find so funny?” Bobbi Jo sneered.

  You haven’t a clue on how much I adore and respect you, he thought. He said, “There’s time enough for explanations, but right now you’re not in the mood to have a clear, open mind.”

  He knew he’d piss her off by saying that, and he wasn’t disappointed.

  “Clear, open mind? You tied me up to the goddamned steering wheel of a yacht in the middle of the afternoon, and you want me to be objective about you?”

  “I don’t want your objectivity,” Jacob said, his words coming out slowly, very modulated. He glanced at Caleb, silently confirming that what he was about to say was absolutely true. “I want your submission. Submission to me, and to my brother. And in return, a world of wealth and privilege will be yours for the asking.”

  Bobbi Jo sputtered some, and fought against the braided leather belts that bound her wrists to the wheel.

  Five or six climaxes should help alleviate her anger, Jacob thought as he watched her breasts swaying as she struggled against her bonds. He looked down at her pelvis, so erotically adorned with spectacularly fitting denim shorts, and felt his cock start to harden.

  Easy, boy, he thought. We’ve got plenty of time, and if we do this wrong, we could lose her forever.

  * * * *

  Andy clenched his jaws so tightly that for a moment he worried that his teeth might shatter.

  It was the one thing that he hadn’t planned on, the one loose thread that he never dreamed would unravel all his plans.

  “Are you serious?” he asked.

  The oil rig foreman smiled, but only with one side of his mouth. He leaned back in his chair. Andy knew that the foreman didn’t like him, but he didn’t realize the contempt was this profound.

  “I’m a good man on a rig,” Andy said, trying hard to keep his voice modulated. “You know that. I’ve worked for you. Me and my brothers have all worked for you.” With a rising voice, he added, “And goddamn it, you know we earned our keep, we earned our place in line.”

  “You know that’s true. And you want to know something else?” the foreman asked, his eyebrows lifted in amusement. “I know it’s true. So does every other wildcatter in the Bakken oil fields. We all know you’re solid men. A little rough around the edges, I’ve heard—“

  “But we always show up for work, and we show up on time.” He grinned sheepishly. “Maybe a little hung-over, but we show up and we get the goddamned job done. You don’t have to teach us nothing’. Me and my brothers have done just about every job there is on a rig. Why the hell won’t you hire us? You goddamned need us!”

  Again, the foreman smiled. This time he didn’t even attempt to make the expression appear friendly.

  “I’d like you working for us, but I don’t need you working for us. There are other good men that can be hired. Whatever they don’t know, some of the experienced men can teach them. So, you see, you and your brothers aren’t really needed.” He inhaled deeply, and then exhaled slowly. “Andy, you and your brothers were tolerated because we’re chronically underemployed here in the oil fields. But nobody liked you. Nobody. After that shit you pulled with the waitress at Wings & Things you burned all your bridges.”

  “What? I grabbed her monkey. So what? If she didn’t want it grabbed, why does she tramp around in a skirt that short?”

  “The word is out.” The foreman’s voice suddenly got very quiet, very cold. Andy knew that whatever he was about to say, he meant from the bottom of his heart. “Every man who hires for oil rigs in a three hundred miles radius has been told that if you get hired, whoever hires you becomes an enemy of the Blackridge brothers.”

  “Those worthless fuckers!”

  “They’re anything but worthless,” the foreman said, and now he smile openly. “And there isn’t a man-jack in North America who’s going to challenge them. You and your brothers can flip burgers if you want, but you’ll never work in the oil fields again. You can kiss good-bye two thousand dollar a week paychecks, you worthless prick. You and your brothers are done. You’re blackballed. How long do you figure it’ll be before all four of you have those brand new pickup trucks repossessed?” The foreman laughed shortly, and then continued. “We can’t prove it, but there’s a Rolex watch that’s been pawned not far from here that belongs to Jacob, and the ID on who sold it is pretty solid. What everyone knows is that you molested that cute, blonde waitress at Wings & Things, then you clubbed Jacob over the head with an empty bottle, then stole his gold watch and his wallet. You did that in the parking lot. Don’t try to use his credit cards, by the way, or you’ll be arrested before you can blink a fucking eyelash.” He laughed openly. “Face it, you cheap punk, you’re in way over your head. You’ve made enemies more powerful than you can possibly imagine, and from this moment forward you’re going to be doing oil changes on Chevys for a little over minimum wage, but you won’t be working on oil rigs. You’ll be flipping burgers for rock bottom wages, and that’s the best it’s going to get for you for the rest of your life.”

  Andy thought for a moment that he was going to get sick. There were a lot of independent contractors in western North Dakota, and eastern Montana. Maybe this guy wasn’t telling the entire truth.

  But there was something about not just what he said, but how he said it, that chilled Andy to his soul.

  If Jacob put me on a blacklist, Andy thought, then he’s the one to get me off it. And the only way he’s going to change his mind is if I put a knife to Bobbi Jo’s throat, and she convinces him just how fucking serious I can be.

  * * * *

  Bobbi Jo closed her eyes. She felt the leather belts surrounding her wrists. She felt the sun overhead. She felt the gentle rocking of the yacht. She felt the pounding of her own heart, and the persistent throbbing of her clitoris. She could feel her panties getting moist with the nectar of her passion, and she hated herself a bit for getting so aroused by being tied up and dominated…outside, on the very top deck of a forty-foot yacht where anyone boating by could see her.

  “Don’t do this to me,” she said in a whisper.

  “Don’t do…what?” Jacob asked. She could tell that he was standing very close.

  “Whatever you’re going to do. I don’t want you to.” The lie was evident in her tone. She wished she could hide her own rapidly escalating lust.

  “All we’re going to do,” Caleb said, his voice clear and commanding, but not much more than a whisper, “is show you that you belong to us, and we belong to you. You need to be with us, and we need to be with you.”

  “It’s really all quite as simple,” Jacob said, “as that.”

  “But it’s not, don’t you see?” Bobbi Jo said, almost sobbing. “Nothing about this is simple. This is all so much more complicated than you or I or any of us can every truly comprehend.”

  “Shhh,” Jacob shushed quietly. He was standing close enough now that she could almost feel the heat of his powerful body. “When it’s all explained, you’ll see that everything is quite simple.”

  He touched her cheek, and Bobbi Jo immediatel
y opened her eyes. A moment later his fingertips were against her temple, touching her so lightly she couldn’t feel all of his fingers.

  He always knows just how commanding to be, and when to be gentle. Damn him!

  “My brother and I have been with more women than you can count—“

  “Oh, and that’s supposed to impress me?” Bobbi Jo shot back.

  “No, but it does explain that we’re not, as we cowboys say, greenhorns. We lost our gullibility a long time ago.”

  “And that means,” Caleb said, stepping forward, placing his hand lightly on Bobbi Jo’s left hip, “that we’re making our decisions based on experience. We know what we’re talking about.”

  Bobbi Jo pierced them both with withering looks…except that neither man withered.

  I hate them both.

  She looked away. It was difficult to lie to them, but she couldn’t so openly and foolishly lie to herself and not find it at least a little bit ridiculous. She smiled.

  “See, you’re starting to see this our way, aren’t you?” Jacob asked, his lips now so close to her ear that she could feel the warmth of his breath.


  “One…plus one…plus one more,” Jacob said. His voice was like silk.

  With a voice like velvet, Caleb concluded, “Equals ecstasy.” Bobbi Jo felt her pussy clench as it never had before in her life. These were wicked men, terrible men…and they promised her experiences she could hardly imagine. What would it be like, night after night, sharing a bed with the two of them? How many climaxes, on a weekly basis, would she come to expect? How greedy for sensual excess would she get? She’d been out of the sensual game a long time, and there’s only so much fun you can have with your own fingers and a series of small vibrators.

  “Just admit,” Jacob said, kissing one corner of her mouth, “that you now understand that the three of us were meant to be together.”

  Bobbi Jo turned her face away, but when she did, Caleb sealed his mouth over hers. She tried to be offended, but instead, when his tongue tested her lips, she opened her mouth. She tried to tell herself she had given in to his kiss so quickly only because she had no choice, but she knew it her heart she’d given in precisely because she had no choice. Their domination had triggered her hungry, willing surrender in a thousand different ways, only a few of which she was just now beginning to completely understand.

  As Bobbi Jo soulfully French kissed Caleb, she felt her blouse coming unbuttoned. Her first reaction was to try to stop it, but since her arms were outstretched and securely bound, that was impossible.

  It’s not my fault. I can’t stop them.

  But the self-serving thought died as quickly as it had entered her head. The pulsing throb in her clit was more persistent now, and it grew in intensity when Caleb’s tongue curled with her own while she felt the last of her blouse’s buttons unfasten beneath Jacob’s skillful fingertips.

  She tried to move her hands, but her wrists were bound. Her ankles were tied together with a silk necktie that, while being smooth to the touch, was nevertheless extremely strong.

  The sudden unquestioning awareness that she was trussed up like some sexual crucifixion hit her with such startling swiftness and strength that she nearly climaxed instantly.

  Squeezing her eyes shut, she turned her face sharply away from Caleb’s, ending his kiss that stimulated her to the tips of her toes.

  “I’m thinking a dozen orgasms should weaken her resistance and prove once and for all that she’s meant to be with us,” Caleb said.

  “Us,” Jacob replied. Then, with greater vehemence, he added, “And only us.”

  Bobbi Jo trembled as the men, carefully and erotically, eased the cups of her bra beneath the mounds of her breasts. She had been touched before, but never had caresses to her breasts felt quite so forbidden, so intimate. Looking down, it seemed that her breasts were plumper, more round than usual, though she attributed this to the bra’s cups now being beneath them.

  Both men bent. Bobbi Jo watched as they simultaneously opened their mouths, hesitated just a moment, and then at precisely the same time sucked a nipple and areola into his mouth.

  Bobbi Jo’s knees buckled, but since she was tied up so securely, she couldn’t fall. For a moment she sort of half-dangled from her wrists, her chin on her chest, watching two of the most handsome men she’d ever known passionately sucking on her breasts, in the position of being crucified without any of the pain. The intensity of the feelings of having both nipples sucked on at the same time was something her libido was entirely unequipped to calmly deal with.

  Seconds ticked by, and only when she felt discomfort in her shoulders for having to bear her weight did she actually get her feet once more solidly beneath her. She stood erect, but was still distinctly aware that she was a captive in bondage.

  “Please,” she said. She wasn’t at all certain what words would next pass between her lips. Did she want the brothers to continue? There was a part of her libido that certainly wanted them to continue. Did she want them to stop and untie her? Yes, there was a part of her better judgment that seriously wanted to be untied and freed from their sensual and physical bondage.

  “Please…what?” Jacob asked, releasing her nipple from his oral embarrass. “Please stop? I don’t think that’s what you mean.”

  Bobbi Jo wanted to correct him, to tell him that he was completely wrong, but the words just wouldn’t form in her throat. She gave her head a shake and tried to clear her thinking, but her thoughts remained muddled and muddied.

  “You’ve been very kind to me,” he said, his voice rich with emotions she was certain should never be put to words. “I never asked you to be kind. You just were because…well, you just are.”

  Bobbi Jo squeezed her eyes tightly shut, knowing that Jacob had avoided saying the word “blow job” though, in fact, that’s precisely what had been her act of kindness. He wasn’t some whining boyfriend asking for sexual relief, he was just a really decent guy…and she had wanted to do it. She wasn’t coerced. She wasn’t subtly forced into sucking his cock. She did it because she wanted to do it, and when she was done and she’d swallowed his cum, she hadn’t felt a moment’s regret. Not real remorse. She had surprised herself, but being surprised wasn’t the same as being regretful.

  She watched, unable to breathe, as Jacob got down on his knees before her. He moved slowly. The damage to his ribs could be seen in his eyes when he moved, and Bobbi Jo loved him more than just a little because he never said a word about the pain he tried to hide but she knew he felt.

  He looked into her eyes and said in a quiet voice, “I’m going to even the karma. And I’m not going to stop until you owe me a dozen blow jobs.” He smiled. “You’re going to come many times.” He smiled again. “So many times.”

  He drawled the single, significant word out slowly, making it both magical and obscene.

  She felt her nipples tighten even more, and she began to tremble as never before in her life.

  Chapter 11

  Bobbi Jo could hardly breathe. She looked down and watched as Jacob opened her shorts, and then tugged them and her panties down to her ankles. She could hardly breathe as he cupped her buns in his hands, and then kissed her lower abdomen, several inches above her vagina. She sucked in a breath and held it, though at first she was unaware of this. Jacob kissed her body gently, reverently, his lips warm and moist against her skin. She felt as though he was giving tribute to a goddess.

  He’s going to suck my clit. He’s going to lick my pussy.

  She tried to tell herself that it was such a coarse, crude thought to have and that it really shouldn’t excite her, but she couldn’t deny that the idea of Jacob’s lips and tongue caressing her most private, feminine place made her tremble. The fact that her body was in bondage heightened the amount of honey that oozed to the lips of her cunt. Being out in public was yet another taboo thrill she didn’t want to think about too much, but she knew was affecting her passions greatly.

nbsp; He kissed her just above her feminine mound, his lips moist, his fingers kneading the cheeks of her ass. Bobbi Jo shivered. Nothing in her life had ever been quite like this. It wasn’t just being with two men at the same time, and it wasn’t just the bondage that so erotically prevented her from defending herself. She was utterly and completely helpless against these men and their desires. There was nothing she could do to prevent Jacob and Caleb from doing to her whatever they wanted to.

  And she wouldn’t have wanted it to be any other way. Just the thought of it would have aroused her profoundly. The fact that it was a reality put her on the brink of orgasm, her passions at a tinder pitch.

  This awareness nearly made her come instantly. There were only two men on the planet she wanted to be helpless against, and it was Caleb and Jacob…and whatever they wanted to do to her, they could. She would be their willing submissive. She had no choice but to submit, willingly or not.

  She would never admit it, but she the awareness of being submissive to their domination put her seconds away from climax. She teetered, so close to that ultimate sensation of sensuality that it scared her.

  “You smell like flowers,” Jacob said quietly, his lips brushing against her skin as he sank lower and lower, kissing closer to her vagina. “I want to give you the most satisfying orgasm of your life.”

  His words alone were nearly enough to make her come. His hands tightened on her buns, and then he kissed her pussy. At first it was just a closed-mouthed kiss, almost chaste, but it didn’t stay that way long. A second later he pressed his face between her naked thighs, and though she couldn’t see it, she felt his tongue snake out between her sex lips, then move upward, grazing over her clit.

  “Fuck!” she gasped.

  She didn’t like the word, but that didn’t keep her from saying it quietly, between teeth clenched in sexual tension.

  Jacob’s tongue was caressing her clit, his face pressed against the front of her thighs, when Caleb’s mouth captured her left breast and sucked much of her nipple and areola inside.


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