Roving Mind

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Roving Mind Page 3

by Aluta Nite


  Deaths in one incident don’t

  deter others from happening.

  Driven by thoughts of scarcity,

  an oil tanker rolling over

  and spilling petroleum,

  means scooting to scoop

  as much as possible,

  before authorities arrive

  to stop foreseeable danger or

  rescue those writhing in pain.

  The media tells stories often

  and others who care caution

  at opportune time at any podium,

  but ears refuse to take in advice

  as minds aren’t ready to digest talks

  or previous eventualities.

  And they rant that

  those talking know not

  their desperation for survival,

  and won’t give them daily bread

  and so brush warnings aside.

  Free things come at a price

  and they know it,

  but the temptation is too great

  to just let go what would

  relieve toiling temporarily

  without a care for consequences

  that would stop cravings for good.

  Yes, we know that

  birth is sheer luck

  while death is guaranteed,

  but why throw it away

  when your mission is not yet!


  Let free spirits be

  Untainted as was intended.

  Witnessing a baby smoking

  Is a devilish act

  That makes minds faint.

  Why, father why,

  Allow such heinous acts

  In your home!

  Encountering a baby drunk

  Is an evil act

  That puts hearts to shame.

  Why, mother, why

  Allow such heinous acts

  In your domain!

  Real parents, guardians

  Involve not their babies

  In such pollutants.

  Screens show two year oldies

  Intoxicating in tar and liquor

  In broad daylight!

  Where will salvation come from

  If those trusted with nurturing,

  Turn into abusers!

  We can only blink back tears

  As we silently shout ‘stop it’,

  Yet they hi-five the deeds as okay.

  What world are we dwelling in!


  Land of the Dutch stands imposingly

  Like, an impossible mountain to conquer.

  Geography has taught a lot about the Dutch;

  Their daring experimenting and pioneering.

  The world would never have known dykes

  Had it not been for the Dutch.

  The world would never have known dams

  Had it not been for the Dutch.

  The world would never have known windmills

  Had it not been for the Dutch.

  Now when the world struggles to create

  Clean and efficient energy,

  The Dutch enjoy their old age science.

  Holland’s history could not let her sleep

  While there was need to research and invent.

  From where could she have got more land,

  Yet colonies had to be freed and let go!

  Holland’s exploration to the east, west and south

  Is well documented:

  Dutch is spoken in Indonesia

  So does Aruba,

  So does Surinam

  And so does Azania.

  The Dutch are well known for their farming

  In dairy, poultry and exportation.

  The Dutch are known to love flowers

  And import them from growers

  Of other parts of the world.

  The Dutch speak Dutch but

  There’s room for English.

  The Dutch are jolly people,

  The Dutch are friendly people.

  The times I’ve passed through Schiphol,

  Amsterdam has always beckoned,

  And if Amsterdam beckons

  Holland welcomes.

  Watching Netherlands’ documentaries,

  And air viewing Netherlands

  Is breathtaking.

  And dreams remain in my mind

  For the land of reclamation;

  Netherlands I adore you.


  Traveling, was no option

  Though it brought heartache and misery.

  A project awaiting accomplishment

  Had to be followed to the end,

  Yet the journeys were sickening

  Most of the time.

  Overbooking created abnormalities.

  Standby ticketing complicated matters

  And fairness was not practiced

  As the sweet talkers got the upper hand

  And networking paid handsomely

  While the lowly were left to suffer.

  At times, it was so bad

  To the extent of spending whole days

  Or days and nights waiting

  And eventually sleeping while sitting

  On uncomfortable chairs over night;

  Not forgetting how chilly airports can be.

  The result was disorientation and fever

  For days on end

  And the ordeals had to be repeated

  Over and over for years

  Till the project was completed.


  I may be poor outside

  But I am rich inside.

  I may be thick academically

  But I am good with my hands.

  I may be classified stupid looking

  But looks do cheat.

  I may be unable to make a speech

  But I have good ideas.

  I may be the ordinary Joe next door

  But I am flourishing elsewhere.


  A little pride does no harm

  If used to show preferences

  In taste and so on.

  Madam Allay had big pride

  For no one was better than her

  Or as good as her.

  It went to her head and

  She openly talked about it

  While upsetting many and

  Embarrassing others.

  It became an obsession

  And a serious one too.

  Maybe it needed therapy

  For it was a song from morn to eve

  Every single waking day.

  With time, it became bad competition

  Because so and so did something better

  She had to try and put them down

  By surpassing their deed

  Whether she had the means or not.

  She borrowed or put her offspring under

  Pressure to cough the unnecessary dough.

  It was like a disease that had no cure

  As her mind revolved around materiality

  And unachievable desires.

  Other people’s offspring

  Arriving from towns and cities who

  Passed by to say hello, were bait and asked

  For something, like she was starving

  Just to further her course.

  Looking at people straight became impossible

  As her heart turned mean and evil

  And only stolen looks from the corner

  Of the eyes, prevailed.

  It became scary.


  Self-control lacking,

  There were no boundaries.

  She slept anywhere and with any mate.

  It was not because of money,

  It was a mere bodily weakness.

  Her body got battered like an old disused tin

  And she went home almost not breathing

  For how many chums took part

  Will never be known,

it’s only her who knows.

  She recovered and was off again

  To another escapade.

  It was the rhythm of her life.

  Those were school days

  And many school hours were lost.

  After poor graduation, the issue continued.

  In marriage, that life never stopped.

  No one truly knew the dads of her kids

  For the pals were legion and

  She didn’t have to know them well.

  She had a younger sibling bro,

  Who followed unto her footsteps

  Except, he loved automobiles

  And hooked female car owners

  Who let him drive their cars.

  Female car owners adored him,

  For he was young and handsome

  And he changed them like shirts.

  But, due to his perennial absences

  His nuclear family suffered greatly.

  In the end, he got his match,

  The virus that put him down

  And surely, finished the job;

  But, his sis, was left going strong

  Like she had strange immunity.


  How long you go with the sway

  Depends on how quickly the going

  Takes you to trouble, danger or death.

  Going with the sway is not a fashion,

  It’s a time bomb waiting to explode.

  There could be unity in numbers

  And strength in crowds,

  But hurting is individual.

  Drugs and alcohol injure a person,

  But destroy families.

  Mob action injures, kills several, scores

  While stampede maims, kills many,

  But guilty conscious is in a person.

  If arrested in-group swoops,

  Answering to law is to self

  And burden of proof is to self.


  If not meant as you say never

  Then never use the word never

  Because it makes no sense

  When you keep swallowing your words

  And going back to the swearing you did.

  Mean it, when you negate statements

  Otherwise you are a reflection of a man

  With no stand or a child that can’t decide.

  The future never means you won’t be

  Part of whatever is at stake today.

  Madame Le Blanc learnt the hard way

  That not meaning the future never

  Makes one idiotic, lacking firmness,

  A laughing stork, not taken seriously,

  Unreliable and untrustworthy.

  She says never and never turns back.

  At first they thought she was joking,

  But with passage of time,

  They realized it was possible to stick to never.

  She became a symbol of defiance.

  But they respect her

  For she has a stand and mind of her own,

  That cannot be pierced with nonsense.

  She depends not on them to move on

  Or carry out her desires and wishes.


  Michaela was a wreck

  and Neta chose to follow suit,

  a chip off the old block.

  Michaela did it all:

  she smoked and drunk;

  she welcomed all and sundry.

  She reached anywhere anytime

  and was never in a hurry to depart.

  Her children knew it and covered her trails.

  Her poor old hubby was helpless and

  coiled himself like a worm in its cocoon.

  She did what she wanted

  and he could do nothing to stop her

  insatiable thirst for booster shots.

  Her perfume was known from afar

  and before long, she was seen coming.

  Her walk was never rushed as

  she swaggered like a duck in its territory.

  She knew all in details

  for that was her way of selection.

  Her food was of choice

  and she did anything to get it.

  If the dish in the pot wasn’t of her taste,

  she slipped off like a shadow

  and returned with a roast

  from her buddies at the tavern.

  She was never seen unkempt

  for her market was everywhere.

  She robed in vogue and talked class

  despite her humble background.

  Some gentry hid on spotting her

  for they didn't want embarrassment.

  Neta, her first child, copied the traits to the dot

  And listened to her mentor and did as dictated.

  Neta changed matrimony in search of a better life

  while Michaela staged a home with her father.

  Neta worshiped materiality like her teacher

  and followed it wherever she thought she would get it.

  Someone’s hubby or fiancee was not spared

  for her mind never understood why.

  Mom and daughter nurtured a few kids

  that came not from men in their matrimonies

  and the kids fathers were well known to all

  as looks don’t cheat.

  Shame had no room in the wants and desires

  for the here and now mattered more.

  Sweating for wants and desires wasn’t a priority

  for willing chaps provided them at any cost.

  Insults to their offspring didn't matter

  for material satisfaction was being taken care of.

  Many women cried foul, for the acts

  were intrusive to their homes; and, at times,

  both carried on the muck with same guys,

  yet there was no shuddering still.

  Finally, checking out came to both,

  in pretty awkward ways.


  Zena went to the pub as usual,

  But her buddies weren't there.

  And other admirers had the ground.

  She drunk their beer,

  But she wouldn't reciprocate

  And they did the unthinkable later.

  Next time her buddies didn't turn up

  They dragged her to unfamiliar destination

  And tore into her in turns.

  When done with her,

  They inserted two ale bottles into her

  And left; leaving her gagged and in pain.

  That was their way of getting even,

  Yet she had a right of choice.

  To what extent can cruelty go!

  She wallowed in pain in the bush till morn

  When passersby noticed, went to her aid

  And took her to the human garage.

  She underwent surgery and

  Recuperation took time and pain.

  But, she resumed drinking all the same.


  Going down memory lane

  thro’ astounding experiences

  is no match to material gifts or rewards.

  The latter fade, die and lose value

  because of their nature.

  Unforgettable experiences are forever

  for they can’t be touched

  nor value placed on them.

  They're imbedded in the mind, heart and soul.

  It’s only death that separates one from them.


  Born an independent mind

  She knew right and wrong from an early age.

  Norma said not yes quickly,

  for she pondered issues before responding.

  Her Mum was unable to make her do things

  she was uncomfortable with or would regret later.

  At times, she read people’s minds before they spoke

  and when they did, she knew the right thing to say.

  She was considered obstinate

sometimes a coward,

  but that was not so.

  Both were defense mechanisms for what she disliked.

  Children were to be seen and not heard,

  but not Norma, the headstrong.

  Orders were in order if they made sense

  Otherwise they weren’t for her.

  When paraphernalia was laid out for all

  to participate in the dark life of wild beliefs,

  Norma was nowhere with the rest.

  She stood aloof and said “Count me out”.

  She hid somewhere and peeped at the stupidity

  as they drank concoctions, got cut and

  rubbed with stuff by the queer looking old

  men or women invited to handle mysteries.

  Norma rejected moves they wanted made

  or carry gadgets they dished out for protection.

  She objected to treatment by them when sick

  for she wasn’t induct-able into that world.

  Norma walked out and away forever

  for she couldn't adopt her Mum’s ways

  that drained the family and yielded nothing,

  yet her Mum couldn't see her own foolishness.


  It’s fulfilling to have an aim,

  It’s great to achieve a target,

  It’s satisfying to finish a task,


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