Roving Mind

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Roving Mind Page 6

by Aluta Nite

  They poured cold water in my bed

  As a way of initiating me to the next class

  And they put a giant grasshopper

  Between my sheets to make me scream and jump

  From the top bed and break my leg.

  How much nastier did they want to be!

  Why emulate the worst, if they had had their share!

  Food, clothing, shoes and money I had

  Were for those older girls

  For I was like in a penitentiary.

  I had no voice to shout out no to them

  For they could deal with me accordingly

  Them bullies, of the worst kind.


  Ma Joy will ask me where I left Joy,

  Dear Mummy of Roy;

  I went to fetch firewood in the bush with Joy

  Hyenas came and ate her up while I escaped.

  “Why don’t you tell me where you left Joy

  Dear cousin, Adelele!

  Why don’t you give me an answer

  Auntie’s daughter, Adelele!”

  I took the path most traveled

  She took the path least traveled

  Hyenas made her their meal of the day.

  I heard growls over her and her low moans.

  “Why don’t you tell me where you left Joy

  Dear cousin, Adelele!

  Why don’t you give me an answer

  Auntie’s daughter, Adelele!”

  I returned to our agreed marked point to confirm

  The worst and ran for dear life on missing Joy

  I have no firewood you can see

  And that is the truth about Joy and me.

  “Why don’t you tell me where you left Joy

  Dear cousin, Adelele!

  Why don’t you give me an answer

  Auntie’s daughter, Adelele!”

  It's impossible to soothe Ma Joy

  For no amount of consoling

  Can comfort her.

  “Why don’t you tell me where you left Joy

  Dear cousin, Adelele!

  Why don’t you give me an answer

  Auntie’s daughter, Adelele!”


  As a young adult, I saw JM, rich and mighty

  Giving handouts to the poor and his worry was-

  His state had ten millionaires to which he was one

  And the rest were ten million, poor populace.

  Because of speaking out and gaining popularity,

  He met a gruesome end; dumped in the remote hillside

  Where herdsmen roamed by day and hyenas by night,

  But, hyenas couldn’t touch the acid blanketed corpse.

  The world is up in arms to societal imbalances

  Of what JM said decades ago and Nyerere confirmed.

  Many have been glued to consumerism

  Without noticing causes of the imbalances

  Till world economies plunged and people turned militant.

  To divert attention due to public outcry,

  Many were bombed and died in public transport;

  And a lie fabricated he was in a southern country

  In capital city X, in hotel Y and room Z, only

  To be called to shame by the media and herdsmen.

  He was shot, scalded with some caustic agent and

  Left on that slope. And Nyerere named the country

  ‘Man eats man society’ in echo of JM’s worry.

  The world is up in arms to societal imbalances

  Of what JM said decades ago and Nyerere confirmed.

  Many have been glued to consumerism

  Without noticing causes of the imbalances

  Till world economies plunged and people turned militant.

  Cities' lawns, parks, harbor Occupy Movements

  In this century and time

  When we should have known better in terms of

  What ails communities and societies worldwide!

  Yet, there’s heavy resistance for change.

  The world is up in arms to societal imbalances

  Of what JM said decades ago and Nyerere confirmed.

  Many have been glued to consumerism

  Without noticing causes of the imbalances

  Till world economies plunged and people turned militant


  I don’t have to look like you in trends:

  I can’t stand slings women stash breasts in

  For they compress me to faint however loose.

  I don’t mind my bust moving up and down

  Or swinging sideways like pendulums

  As I feel free and breathe effortlessly.

  Thanks to personal freedom

  And freedom of choice

  I am what I am without them all.

  Mid rift ropes that hug waistlines

  Like a human strapped ready for electrocution

  Appeal not, as I’m not ready to lie down and die.

  They interfere with my digestion and relaxation

  For they separate me in two and kill my oneness

  And I become a stranger in my own body.

  Thanks to personal freedom

  And freedom of choice

  I am what I am without them all.

  Hosiery that keeps you warm

  And make you look like a countess or baroness

  Make me itchy and stuffed like I’m in a sack.

  Ill-fitting shoes and specs on the nose bridge

  Are no pleasures either, as my feet cry foul

  And my nose twitches with a heavy load on.

  Thanks to personal freedom

  And freedom of choice

  I am what I am without them all.

  Oh, dental structures gripping gums and teeth

  And contact lenses poking eyeballs;

  Oh, a tie that says-‘I am strangling you now’

  And a turtleneck top sheathing like a python;

  They drive me nuts till I feel like I am invisible.

  I have a phobia and I’m rescuing myself.

  Thanks to personal freedom

  And freedom of choice

  I am what I am without them all.


  School is no more and work is no more

  How relieving and comforting is that!

  The reins are in my hands forever.

  It means independence to the end.

  I’m liberated, I’m liberated; I’m liberated.

  Oh, I’m liberated I’m liberated.

  I wake up when I want to and I eat what I desire.

  Passionately, I do what I do and go where I wish

  For age is not doom, as many believe,

  It simply means liberty.

  I’m liberated, I’m liberated; I’m liberated.

  Oh, I’m liberated I’m liberated.

  You fear age, yet you don’t know what it is.

  Wait for your turn and taste it for real,

  Only then will you grasp the whole scenario;

  It just gives you autonomy.

  I’m liberated, I’m liberated; I’m liberated.

  Oh, I’m liberated I’m liberated.


  Why be selfish, yet you have good neighbors?

  They live to your left and to your right,

  They live across the corridor and up and down.

  At dead of night, you aren’t the only one around

  And play music like you’re in a dance hall.

  Your boom, boom music wakes them all up.

  Consider others in the vicinity you belong to.

  Consider others in the vicinity you belong to.

  Consider others in the vicinity you belong to.

  By day your nuisance continues, as your

  Noise bursts their eardrums, doors and windows.

  Dear neighbor, listen to their cry, for like relatives

  Or country, they didn’t choose you as a neighbor,

  Yet, they’re your first respondents in time of ne

  Your boom, boom noise distracts those concentrating

  Consider others in the vicinity you belong to.

  Consider others in the vicinity you belong to.

  Consider others in the vicinity you belong to.


  Due date is awaited like a hawk watches its prey

  Yet work is done like a slave forced to labor.

  Just like its arrival is anticipated and welcome

  So should sweating be orderly to receive it later.

  Paycheck, paycheck, paycheck

  You’re the biggest curse to man

  For man discarded barter trade for you

  And you’re as rare as the diamond ore.

  Bated breath longs for its appearance

  Meanwhile, time seems to stand still

  While man salivates for its delivery

  For without it, there’s no livelihood.

  Paycheck, paycheck, paycheck

  You’re the biggest curse to man

  For man discarded barter trade for you

  And you’re as rare as the diamond ore.


  A MD told fellow medics treating him-

  “Take out of me all that say no to alcohol

  For I am not done

  And I’ll not be till my last breath.”

  As we see it, that is what we want

  As we see it nothing else matters.

  A surgeon told visiting colleagues,

  “My best work is done when I am high.

  How else do you attribute my success,

  In chest surgery, in so many years?”

  As we see it, that is what we want

  As we see it nothing else matters.

  And I say to myself, “Get rid of mucus

  For it is the worst part of my system.

  As much as I know its usefulness

  I loathe it more than anything in me”.

  As we see it, that is what we want

  As we see it nothing else matters.

  HE HAD HER HEART, BUT - - - - -

  Love is a nice thing to experience

  And it takes two to enjoy.

  Mean what you say

  For tomorrow is not promised

  She gave him her heart to the last puff of breath.

  He flaunted his around for hyenas

  To pounce on and make him theirs;

  He had her heart, but he was careless with it.

  Love is a slippery thing to handle

  For it takes two to build on.

  Keep to your word

  For tomorrow is not promised

  She gave him her heart to the last puff of breath

  He flaunted his around for hyenas

  To pounce on and make him theirs;

  He had her heart, but he was careless with it.

  Love is a painful thing to hurt

  For it takes two to nurture.

  Respect your commitment

  For tomorrow is not promised.

  She gave him her heart to the last puff of breath

  He flaunted his around for hyenas

  To pounce on and make him theirs;

  He had her heart, but he was careless with it.


  Publicity beckons everyday

  As competitions tantalize in:


  Wipe Out

  Spelling quiz

  Deal or No Deal

  Bet On Your baby

  The Biggest Loser

  Who’s Still Standing?

  Sing Off

  The Voice

  The X factor

  American Idol

  Let’s Play Millionaire

  Dancing With the Stars

  America Has Got Talent

  So you think You Can Dance


  Fear Factor

  Family Feud

  Amazing Race

  Don’t Forget the Lyrics

  You’ve got A Minute to Win It

  Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?

  America’s Funniest Home Videos

  And more

  The unknown come

  From nowhere and become celebrities and

  The less known get chances to be known,

  The poor get opportunities to be rich,

  Creativity gets a chance to flourish

  And talent gets a chance to shine,

  As the successful view poverty

  In their rear view mirrors.

  She might never have sung like a lark to millions.

  He might never have shown his creative possibilities.

  She might never have taken her young guts to France.

  He might never have shown his baritone in Los Angeles.


  The lonely one remains alone

  Since his departure a while back.

  His travels take him all over

  For duty calls him alone.

  Good bye love

  It’s sad to see you go,

  It’s sad to say adieu.

  The Almighty be with you

  Wherever you go.

  There’s no provision for company

  And she must abide by that

  And his return is not known

  For duty calls indefinitely.

  Good bye love

  It’s sad to see you go,

  It’s sad to say adieu.

  The Almighty be with you

  Wherever you go.


  Races exist in ideologies and expectations

  And within are pronounced codes

  In culture, tradition and customs,

  But rebellion creates new codes.

  The browning of the world changes all this.

  The browning of the world alters equations.

  Who is to blame? No one,

  But true urges for the forbidden.

  What are forbidden are always desired

  For the hearts grow curious and fonder

  In eagerness to find out more about

  Strange persons and things.

  The browning of the world changes all this.

  The browning of the world alters equations.

  Who is to blame? No one,

  But true urges for the forbidden.


  Man-made laws are insufficient since days of yore.

  There’re oversight, favoritism, misjudgment and sloth;

  Propaganda, thirst for riches and power struggles;

  Corruption, looking the other way and inaccuracies.

  Meanwhile, many aggrieved get hurt further or die

  As the hands of those trusted with laws grind slowly

  While turning confessions into arguments

  In the name of fair trial.

  Public court is not always wrong

  For the villain is a criminal.

  What legal protection does he deserve!

  And why give lesser punishment to the villain

  For admitting to the foul acts!

  Even human rights groups overstep limits at times

  In clamoring for persons condemned for rotten deeds,

  Yet it is payback time for the wrongs done

  To innocent people of the world.


  In time of hunger,

  She deserted food for her kids to get satisfied

  while she starved to death.

  In time of disaster,

  She covered her two children with her body

  while she suffered loss of limps

  via wrecked knee and ankle.

  “Mom, you are the best Mom

  in the whole wide world”

  ‘Child, I’m merely fulfilling

  my earthly calling.’


  Egoism and merit bore animosity

  And no one was to be seen or heard, but her.

  Those who sang her songs and praises

dotted on to the letter

  While those who stood aloof

  Were concocted to distraction.

  Tales were born and issues were raised

  Where there was no grain of flour

  In order to destroy credibility and create ire

  For independent souls, that desired peace.

  If one was not spotted at a gathering,

  She claimed one had gone to hide

  In the city far away, yet one was surely

  Having obligations to fulfill there

  With no knowledge of any calamity.

  Commands were her directions and all

  Were to run, walk, jump, move or anything

  And utter no word of objection or but, but

  Otherwise, one’s loyalty was in question.

  In a conversation, mentioning someone

  Else other than her, was futile

  For one crossed the line

  And had to be dealt with accordingly.

  If one did a good deed

  And she came to know about it,

  She had to double the deed

  To nullify or belittle one’s deed.

  If she telephoned someone

  And that someone was absent

  She wouldn't leave a message

  Because talking on one to one

  Without notice, gave her the upper hand


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