King Tomb (Forever Evermore)

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King Tomb (Forever Evermore) Page 18

by Scarlett Dawn

  I nodded vigorously. Fuck, yes. If he could give more of that wonderful friction, I wanted it all.

  My jaw fell open as he tilted his hips, and that quickly, I jerked, a keening cry echoing as my vision hazed, eyes closing. Liquid lightning shot from my stomach to my limbs and brain, a sparkling, sensual rain running like a soothing flood over and through me as I climaxed, convulsing hard while my core pulsated against his driving cock. “Baby!”

  “Fucking shit!” I heard him shout, dropping down against me, shuddering as he gripped my hands, entwining our fingers above my head. He started hammering into me, his cock driving deeper as he held my convulsing frame down, his muscles clenched tightly over and around me. “Holy hell.” I choked on air, and blinked my eyes open, only just coming down and able to see again. His face was carved with harsh pleasure, staring down at me, and breathless, he ordered, “You are going to do that again.” And he thrust into me, his cock sliding past my cervix, pressing hard inside me. “Again. Understand?”

  I nodded, and I gripped his hands tighter, and I knew…yep, as soon as I tilted my hips, rubbing firmly against his pelvic bone, I shuddered and screamed, flying again. Hearing him shout, I felt his mouth land on mine, his slick tongue driving into meet mine, and I whimpered in my haze, tilting my head and meeting each of his thrusts by both his tongue and his cock, wanting both to be deep as I quivered under him, warmth suffusing my limbs.

  He ate at my mouth, the strokes ravenous, starving, and I felt him tremble against me, our slick bodies rubbing sensually. Chest heaving, he shouted against my lips and slammed his cock so deep I screamed with him, jerking as I felt his hot cum shooting inside me, his cock pumping as he shook violently on top of me, his lips still on mine, his tongue still demanding, thrusting deeply. Moaning at the sensations, I kept my legs wrapped tight around him and gripped his hands as hard as he was mine and held him close, uncaring that both of us were leaving bruises.

  And he didn’t stop there, doing as he said he would do.

  Even though our heartbeats hadn’t even begun to calm, our aftershocks barely through, he pulled out of me and lowered his mouth to my flesh.

  “Is there something you need?” the green-eyed devil purred quietly against my ear as he thrust into me firmly but gently from behind. On my knees, my hands dug under his pillows to press against the headboard. I whimpered against the plush black pillow, trying to push against his fingers more firmly where he had wrapped his arm around and under my waist, his fingers teasing my clit endlessly, taking me to the edge…only to stop before I got there, tormenting me. “I’m about to cum…and you know what I want…” He gently massaged with his fingers, making me jerk and moan, driving his hips against mine harder. His body began to tighten around me, proving he wasn’t lying. “Say it, sweetheart, and I’ll take you with me.”

  He had made good on his word, tasting every part of my flesh, and already having given me the two orgasms earlier, and then another one with his damn talented mouth and tongue and fingers. But he had been going at it slow this time. He was building my orgasm to a fever pitch, so I trembled under him in need, a literal haze beginning to blind me. I shouted in frustration, again trying to press more firmly against him, but he only gripped my hip tighter with his free hand, groaning a chuckle, his body starting to tremble.

  “Asshole,” I groaned low.

  Again, he chuckled gently, his chest vibrating against my back. “That’s not the word I want,” he rumbled, biting my shoulder — without fangs, since I hadn’t offered up my blood — his thrusting cock pumping faster inside me. “I can’t hold out much longer.”

  “Oh, God,” I groaned, shaking my head back and forth, feeling his cock stretch my slick channel to perfection. I shouted when he started rubbing faster with his fingers…only to fucking stop. “Fine…fine…I’ll say it.” I thrust my hips back. “Just stop toying with me.”

  “Now.” A harsh demand. “Say it.”

  “Fine,” I groaned. “Baby. There. Now do it! Please, baby.”

  “Fucking right, wife,” he growled low as he drove into me more forcefully, his steady drives altering to a more hammering rhythm as he shouted my name, filling me repeatedly, the friction mesmerizing and making me scream as he pinched my clit firmly and rubbed in solid and quick motions like his cock.

  We both stilled at the same time, and I shoved back against him as he slammed his hips against mine, sliding further inside my channel’s depths. Our shouts sounded in unison as we fell over the edge, our pleasure consuming us, a sensual mist shrouding me in flames of warmth as my channel pulsed in time to his cock pumping his hot cum deep inside me. Our bodies trembled against each other in mutual pleasure. Bit by bit, we slid flush to the bed’s satin sheet, our chests heaving and heart rates slowly lowering.

  Half passed out in pleasure and exhaustion, I barely heard him whisper against my ear, “You’re all mine, sweetheart.”

  With his body’s warmth crushing my backside in a comfortable way, I tilted my head a smidge and yawned. Eyes closed, on the edge between awareness and sleep, I murmured, “And you’re my husband.” I yawned again, snuggling the side of my face into the pillow. “All mine, baby.”

  And blessedly sated, I went under, unconsciousness taking hold, and he lifted away from me, the action feeling like a dream itself. His heat was gone for only a moment before it returned next to me as he furrowed his hand under the pillow my head rested on and slid my wedding ring back onto my thumb with a slightly cautious kiss to my damp forehead.

  Chapter Eleven

  Waking to the sound of an alarm clock buzzing, I yawned. Then I froze when I felt what was, by all accounts, a hot, naked body lying behind me — actually spooning my own naked frame — reach over me and slam their arm down, the thwack of flesh smacking plastic sounding.

  The alarm stopped.

  Startled, my eyes flying wide open, I viewed my surroundings as I scented the air. The most potent smell was that of the man burrowing his arm back under the black blanket over us and running his warm palm down my arm to my hand and entwining our fingers so that our thumb rings, our wedding rings, rested against each other. It was Ezra, my husband, and slowly the memory of last night filtered through the haze of sleep I lingered in. Sighing softly, I relaxed a smidge, even if still a little apprehensive of what this day after our carnal events of last night might bring, and I snuggled more firmly against his heated body.

  He grunted softly, mumbling sleepily, “Don’t wiggle your ass like that or we’ll be in this bed all morning long and people might wonder where the hell we are.”

  I stilled, whispering, “Sorry.”

  He squeezed my hand, his voice gruff with sleep. “Plus, I have to pee.”

  I blinked then chuckled softly. “I married a romantic.”

  “A realist, more like.” He sighed. “Hell, now I seriously have to pee.”

  Glancing at the time, I then stared at the poor alarm clock, which appeared to be on its last leg, as if it had been in one too many fights with my Vampire husband and had lost most of those battles. “You know, when you have to start duct taping your alarm clock so it’ll stay together, it’s probably time to get a new one.”

  “If you can’t duct it…,” he rumbled, stretching behind me, his legs interweaving with mine, the coarse hairs on his legs tickling my smooth skin.

  I blinked. “Maybe I could find one for you that’s industrial grade.”

  He snorted. “I’d rather not have an alarm clock with Bambi buttons or duck designs or cartoon characters on it.” A pause, then polite words. “But thank you for the thought.”

  I scowled at the ugly alarm clock. “I wouldn’t get you one like that, but even if I did, it would be better than that eyesore.”

  “I like that eyesore, so don’t even think about it.” He pulled me onto my back and lay on top of me in one swift motion. Remarkable, sleepy green eyes stared down at me, his red and black hair a rumpled mess all over his head. He actually appeared adorable like this a
s his gaze scanned my face, which I would never tell him since he was a man who prided himself on being tough and cruel, so he would probably take my assessment as a knock to his virile ego. Leisurely, he lifted his hand and placed his index finger on my chin, and he began gliding it down the curve of my jaw, making me want to lean into the touch as he watched his digit’s motion. “And I didn’t mind you so much sleeping in bed with me.” His lashes lifted, granting me better access to his striking eyes as he spoke quietly, “How about you?”

  My lips curved, and I told the truth. “For the first time in a long time, I slept like a baby.” I tapped his straight nose softly. “And speaking of which, I need to go check on ours.” And give us both time to cope with what we had done together last night.

  His lips twitched. “Are you sure you’re up for the walk of shame?”

  Yeah, I knew I would be seeing a few Mysticals out at this pre-dawn hour heading back into their own tents, some with heads raised and grinning while others stared at the ground, wondering what the hell they had been thinking the night before. “I can do it, if they can.”

  His wide lips straightened as he stared me in the eyes for a long moment. “We’re good?”

  I bit my lip, watching him as closely as he was me. “I think so.”

  “I think so, too.” His eyebrows furrowed. “I mean, it was only sex between a married couple.”

  Yeah, we both sounded as if we were trying to convince ourselves of this…and we were. “I’d better go. I want to be there before Isa wakes up.” It had definitely been more intense than your everyday, simple sex between a married couple.

  We had — if this was a way to explain it — met each other in a flawless unification of connecting bliss, the give and take between us perfectly matched. So no, it hadn’t been your everyday, run of the mill sex.

  And we obviously needed time to process this as he nodded once quickly. “I understand.”

  I felt my lips twitch with humor as he continued staring. “You’ll have to get off me then.”

  He sucked in a quick breath, rolling off me to sit on the edge of the bed, his strong, muscled back to me. “This is a little weird.”

  Yeah, I got that too, so I threw him a line. “No weirder than the fact that I would love to sink my teeth into each of your mocha hot-as-fuck ass cheeks.”

  There was a beat of silence, then he chuckled quietly, shoulders slightly shaking as he glanced over one to me. “That is a bit weird.”

  I shrugged, keeping the blanket over my chest, oddly shy even after last night. “But that still doesn’t stop me wanting to do it.”

  His eyes skimmed down my face, a small smile lifting his lips as he murmured deeply, “Yeah, definitely.” Then he raised a cocky eyebrow, speaking plainly instead of in code as we had been. “Perhaps next time?”

  I waggled my eyebrows playfully, knowing he was seriously offering as I lifted on one arm and kept myself covered with the other. “Most definitely.” And yes, I would be having many helpings of this man, no matter the obvious cost to my soul…because it was already beginning to feel like he completed it.

  It was after reminding Ezra to make sure he showered — and to not allow a Shifter into his bedroom until he washed his sheets so no one knew he’d had sex with a wolf Shifter, since the sexual fluids of a Shifter gave away their animal — and after he had called off his guard, that I left his tent unseen. I picked up Isa at Antonio’s tent and spent a few mommy-withdrawal early hours with my daughter before handing her over to Bindi. Eventually I walked into the conference room of headquarters, surprised at what I saw.

  I stopped directly inside the tent’s flap and quickly assessed the additional occupants to the room. Apart from the usual Elders, the room also contained Elder Fergus, Elder Kincaid, Elder Nelson, and Elder Venclaire. Eyes widening, I smiled instantly — a real one — as Elder Kincaid rose from a leather chair, stalked toward me, and wrapped me in a huge bear hug, crushing me. I barely wheezed, “I missed you, too.”

  Pounding on my back, he stated gruffly, his wolf riding his voice, “I’m so happy to see you.”

  When he finally let me breathe, pulling me back to hold me by the shoulders, I asked a bit breathlessly, “Is Fi here with you?” My late mate’s mother, practically a surrogate mom to me after I had moved in with them when I had met Dominic.

  “Of course, and she’ll want to see you,” he stated happily, dark eyes searching my face until he seemed satisfied with his inspection. “You look well.”

  “And so do you.” I patted his chest and stood on tiptoe to kiss his cheek. “I really have missed you.”

  Preening a bit, he hugged me once more, then gestured to the others of his four. “As you can see, everyone’s here.”

  I crossed my arms and raised my eyebrows, glancing at all of them. “So who won the most recent bet?”

  Elder Fergus — ‘dirt boy’ as I had lovingly called him at King Cave — chuckled and flicked his finger in the air. “That would be me. I bet we would be shipped to the United States next.”

  “Good payout?”

  His hand teetered back and forth. “Decent.” He shrugged. “But it could have been a dollar for all I cared since I was just happy we were leaving,” he shuddered, “Moscow.”

  “Not a fan?” All four Elders cringed, making me chuckle. “Guess not.”

  Antonio tilted his head at them. “They arrived this morning and they’re already trying to take over.”

  Elder Nelson rolled his eyes, sitting back on his chair. “Elder Fergus and I were only saying that the Elemental and Mage Commanders could be overhauled here at King Shadow.”

  Elder Jacobs chuckled, showing camaraderie with his fellow Elemental as he glanced at Elder Fergus. “Good luck with that. Queen Ruckler already attempted to change the Elementals and,” a glance at Elder Nelson, “Mages, but King Zeller didn’t think it was needed.”

  Elder Merrick snorted. “That’s not exactly what he said, but that’s the polite version.”

  Elder Nelson peered at me. “Tell me your thoughts.”

  I knew that expression. Ezra was going to get an earful from him. I literally had to pinch my lips to keep from sticking up for him…but Ezra was wrong not to even read the files. So I went to the shelves at the end of the room where the books and other files were while King Kincaid stated, “I have no issues with the Shifters here. With the additions Lily brought in yesterday, the group’s strong and the numbers are right.”

  Sifting through the gold folders first, I was distracted hearing Ezra enter the conference room, so I didn’t notice anyone come up behind me. I was startled when Elder Venclaire — the one Elder I hadn’t really glanced at yet — spoke quietly directly behind me.

  “Hello, Lily.”

  I didn’t jump, but I froze. “Elder Venclaire.” Hello, biological father.

  He moved so he was in my line of sight, resting his shoulder against a shelf and tilting his head forward to look me directly in the eyes. “It’s been a while since we last saw each other.” Blue eyes so like my own studied my face. “How are you doing?”

  “I’m fine.” I stared at him a moment, then went back to trying to find the folders I was looking for. “And how are you?”

  “It’s been an interesting journey so far.” His head cocked forward further, so it was harder to ignore him. “Lily?”

  “Hmm?” I couldn’t find those damn files anywhere, and I wanted to find them to escape the man my mother had loved so deeply, a man I didn’t really know why she had run from.

  His words were soft, sounding heartfelt. “Lily, look at me.”

  Eyebrows furrowing at his tone, I held my place in the files and peered up at him.

  Intense blue eyes stared down at me as he angled his body so no one could see our faces. “Will you have lunch with me sometime when things have settled down with the war? I want to speak with you in private and this conversation has been a long time coming.”

  I froze as I gazed into his eyes seeing…knowled
ge there. And a quiet yearning. My eyes darting back and forth between his, I realized he knew. He had figured out I was his daughter. Maybe I had known before, but I couldn’t remember it if I had.

  My heart began running rapid inside my chest, literally feeling as if it wanted to shove through my ribs, the beat almost painful.

  No, it wasn’t almost painful.

  It was painful, especially when he let another emotion slip past his guard to shine through his eyes.


  This man I didn’t know, the man who had helped to create me, loved me.

  Hiccupping once or twice, I turned my head away, blinking back unexpected tears, and nodded. “Yes. Yes, I’d like that.”

  “Good.” He smiled gently. “I know this—”

  “Elder Venclaire.” Ezra slapped a hand on Elder Venclaire’s shoulder, cutting him off, and if I wasn’t mistaken, he was squeezing the Elder’s shoulder a bit too roughly. “Should I feel offended you’re talking to Queen Ruckler before you’ve even said hello to me, your favorite Prodigy, and now King?”

  I stared, trying to decipher why he didn’t seem to like my biological father. Though his tone was perfectly pleasant, his tense body and too tight hold said otherwise, and his scent was a little off since he reeked of aggressiveness.

  Elder Venclaire even stared before he covertly picked up Ezra’s clamping index finger, not flinching at the hold Ezra had him under, and then jerked it quickly, lifting Ezra’s hand from his shoulder without harming either of them. “You, Ezra,” a pause as he dropped Ezra’s hand, “so sorry, I meant King Zeller, were my only Prodigy — thank God — so therefore it could be construed that not only were you my favorite, but that you were also my most despised.” He patted Ezra’s shoulder. Gently. “And please, forgive my rudeness in not attending to you earlier, but the guard at your tent before dawn said you weren’t to be disturbed.” His eyes flicked to me then quickly back to Ezra. “But it is nice to see you again, and I hope you’re doing well.” He turned and walked a few steps before pausing to speak softly over his shoulder. “And you’ve got it all wrong, King Zeller. Try the equation again to find the correct answer.”


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