Young, Allyson - Away (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Young, Allyson - Away (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 8

by Allyson Young

  “Wipe her face, Dev.”

  He filled a plunger with lube and carefully filled Alex’s puckered entrance then rubbed it with a finger, stretching the ring of muscles and pushing in slowly. She opened with an ease that surprised him, though she whimpered at the burn.

  “It’ll be fine, darlin’, you know it,” he crooned to her as he withdrew and lubed up the plug. He pressed it in then twisted it until it was inside to the flat base, all the while rubbing her back and murmuring words of encouragement. Devon was still down for the count, so he cleaned up the excess lube with another towel and untied Alex.

  “Hurry up and get to that bathroom, darlin’,” he instructed her. “I want a taste of breakfast here first.”

  He watched as Alex rolled and swung her legs to the floor gingerly, trying not to seat the plug any deeper. She stalked to the bathroom and slammed the door. He heard Devon chuckle, and Jeff let the minor rebellion go. He was going to tongue her until she had at least two orgasms and have her suck him off at the same time. Then they’d have breakfast with her all soft and sated and happy to be fed. Devon could break the bad news to her then. Jeff had a feeling that the door slamming was the least of their worries.

  Alex emerged looking more cheerful, though clearly not impressed with the large plug impeding her graceful movements. Jeff hugged her to him and laid her on her side on the bed. He climbed up beside her and smiled at her look of surprise when he took a reverse position. Alex seemed to quickly catch on when he rolled onto his side and put his cock in her face while lifting her leg and pushing his face between her thighs to nuzzle into her sex. Alex took hold of him and felt it carefully from root to tip. He jerked between her thighs, and she tightened them around his head. He moaned against her sex and danced his tongue over her clit and pressed it into her pussy opening.

  When she swiped her tongue over the head of his penis and pressed into the tiny opening, he jerked in her hands, and he renewed his efforts. He knew that Devon was reclining at the head of the bed, watching, and it should make her even more excited. Just as he felt the fluttering of the beginning of her orgasm, she abruptly sucked his cock into her mouth hard, her teeth scraping him lightly, much as had happened with Devon. He clamped on her clit, and she inadvertently gasped and choked him deep as she climaxed. Jeff spurted at the back of her throat, and this time Devon was there with a towel, as she couldn’t swallow it all.

  Jeff rolled free of Alex’s thighs and tried to slow his breathing. Holy shit, and he had laughed at Devon. Who was enjoying the payback right that moment, actually. Jeff was done for a while, too.

  * * * *

  Alex slid out between Jeff and Devon and made her way to the kitchen. She had poured coffee and sliced a cinnamon bun, slathering it with butter, before either man made an appearance wearing boxers and a look. Game on, guys. She pulled a banana from the bowl on the island, peeled it slowly and carefully, and began to nibble on it. She’d seen bits and pieces of porn over the years, though it wasn’t any interest to her, at least not then. She knew, however, that this analogy wasn’t lost on either Devon or Jeff and reveled in the fact. Alex might be having to sit on one butt check or the other because of that stupid pink plug up her bottom, but reminding them of how she had pushed their buttons just a few minutes earlier was giving her a lot of satisfaction.

  * * * *

  She didn’t realize that Jeff knew a smug woman when he saw one, as did Devon. And what she didn’t grasp, because she was so inexperienced, was that her very ability to get them off so easily was a win for them. She wasn’t yet aware that they delighted in how she assumed the heady mantle of her newfound sexuality and would never burst her bubble.

  “What would you like to do this morning, Alex?” Devon asked as he poured more coffee.

  “Nothing that involves sitting,” she replied tartly.

  “How about a hot tub, followed by a massage?” Devon offered on a chuckle.

  “I’d like to sunbathe on the back deck and read a book, actually, Devon,” she answered.

  “Sure, sweetheart. You do that while we clean up here. We’ll be out to oil you up and make sure you don’t burn,” Devon said, a little taken aback that she might want some time alone, but rallied, exchanging a look with Jeff.

  They watched hungrily as Alex wandered to the hall closet and retrieved a book from her little case, the pink plug swaying with her walk. They worked together quickly to put things away and stack the dishwasher. Devon put some subs together for lunch, storing them in the refrigerator, while Jeff checked the phone for messages, having turned it off prior to Alex’s arrival Friday night.

  “Anything?” asked Devon.

  “Nothing that can’t wait, although Elise left you a callback number.”

  “That’s a call I won’t be making, Jeff,” Devon said somberly. “There’s room for no other woman in my life now, pussy-whipped or not.”

  Jeff nodded. “You still need to talk to her about last night.”

  Devon smiled one of his evil smiles. “I’ll help her understand while we’re oiling that sweet little body. Right before the hot tub and massage.”

  They found Alex stretched out on her belly on a lounge pad that she’d dragged onto the middle of the deck. She was reading, her hair gathered on top of her head, legs bent at the knee, slowly scissoring in the hot late morning sun. She made a heart-stopping picture, and they stood and looked at her, silent and appreciative.

  Devon was the first to move, crossing to her and hauling another pad from a lounge to lay it beside hers. He knelt and squeezed suntan lotion in a long strip down her spine and across the crease of her ass. Alex arched a little but made no comment. He began to work the cream into her skin, and she dropped her head to give him access to the nape of her neck.

  Jeff settled near her feet, putting lotion on his hands and smoothing it up the soles, over her ankles, calves, and thighs, paying attention to the crease where her buttocks met her thighs. Alex’s legs drifted apart at his touch, displaying more of the plug and a hint of her pussy lips. He rubbed a bit harder on the crease, and she spread further, so he slipped a lotion-covered finger down to cover her labia, deliberately not pushing inside.

  Devon finished her back and buttocks and then lotioned her arms, tugging her fingers and then sliding up under her armpits to slip over the sides of her breasts.

  * * * *

  Alex waited in anticipation yet wondered how she could crave another orgasm so soon. Women, she decided, were lucky. They could have several orgasms without waiting to recover, unlike men. That is, if they were lucky enough to have men like hers. Gosh, listen to her, men like hers.

  “Whatcha thinking, sweetheart?” asked Jeff. He was a bit more in tune with her than Devon, or maybe more curious, whereas Devon’s sheer confidence didn’t make him beat everything to death. But what the H! He asked, so she would tell him.

  “I was just thinking that I want lots more orgasms, and how lucky women are to be able to have several in one day.”

  “Darlin’, be careful what you wish for,” Jeff advised. “We’ll be happy to oblige, but we can make you come over and over without any respite until you pass out. We’ve not had the need to make that a part of punishment, but it can be arranged.”

  Alex clamped down on both the butt plug and her smug retort at his response. It sounded pretty wonderful, but passing out? Holy cow.

  “I need to talk with you about something, Alex,” said Devon quite seriously.

  Alex turned her head to lock eyes with him, lying right next to her. She felt a little anxious, like this was going to be bad news, and Jeff’s soothing rub on her back amplified the feeling. She wanted to stick her fingers in her ears and make noises. They had talked about a relationship last night, but people changed their minds all the time.

  “Quit thinking, love,” Devon told her firmly, “and hear me out. There’s no easy way to tell you this, Alex.” He grasped her chin when she would have turned her head away.

  “Last night wh
en I made love to you, well, fucked you, I didn’t use a condom.”

  Alex’s eyes grew huge for a moment, and then she shut them tightly, talking under her breath.

  Jeff kept rubbing her back.

  “Alex? Honey? I don’t have any diseases or anything, and if you get pregnant, that’s great, and we’ll work it out…” Devon trailed off as Alex opened her eyes.

  “It should be okay. I just finished my period, and I think that’s a safe time.”

  “But that was pretty darn irresponsible, Devon,” she advised him, “for a man of your experience, when you knew I wasn’t on the pill or anything.”

  * * * *

  Devon wanted to kiss her silly and bang his head on the deck, all at the same time. Jeff was smirking at him over her shoulder.

  He smiled as she picked up her book again and began to read, effectively dismissing them both. Devon rolled over to allow the sun to beat down on his face and chest, breathing the scent of Alex and suntan lotion. Jeff dropped down beside him on his belly and Devon watched him watch Alex, squinting against the glare. Devon was content as their woman devoured the printed word, naked and with a pink butt plug up her ass. It was his kind of domestic scene, and they were never going to let her go.

  When Jeff scooped Alex up and carried her to the hot tub despite her protests, for she had had enough sun, Devon went to get the subs and some drinks for them.

  * * * *

  Alex floated around in the tub, snacking on tiny bites of sub sandwiches followed by swigs of water. She felt decadently spoiled, and her anticipation was building again. She knew that the plug was in preparation of Devon having sex with her there. It was scary, but she wanted to let him do it. If it hurt, well, she’d have tried it and would say no about a second time. She knew he wouldn’t cause her any lasting damage. She also thought that she should go and get put on birth control next week. It had felt even better when Devon hadn’t used protection, now that she thought about it, and that would mean Jeff could forgo condoms, too.

  Devon helped Alex out of the tub and wrapped her in a big towel. He took her to the playroom and put her on the massage table while Jeff cleared up after lunch. By the time Jeff arrived in the playroom, Devon had massaged Alex’s shoulders and neck and was working on the small of her back. Jeff grabbed a cloth and began to remove the plug. Alex felt empty, somehow, and her muscles gripped it as it slipped out. From the silence she knew that they were looking at her anus again and wondered at men’s fascination with hidden, forbidden parts.

  “Alex?” Devon’s voice was strained and husky. “We’re going to fuck you now, honey.”

  They raised her off the table and led her into the living room, to the plush rug in front of the fireplace, now glowing on a low setting. Devon arranged her on her hands and knees and crouched behind her, pressing lubricant against her stretched anus. He added lube to the length of his cock and pushed the head up against the opening.

  “Relax, Alex, and push back against me like you did the plug, honey,” he instructed.

  Jeff held her head and watched Devon begin to breach her ass. It was the hottest thing.

  “You okay, darlin’?”

  Alex nodded against his hands, and Devon pushed in further.

  “So tight and so fucking hot, Jeff. That’s it, honey, push back on me.”

  Alex couldn’t begin to describe the feeling of Devon’s large penis making its way, inch by excruciating inch, up her bottom. It burned, but it tingled, too, and the fullness coiled in her belly.

  He reached under her and fingered her clit. The extra sensation made her take a deep breath, and suddenly Devon was in deep, his testicles touching her labia. He held perfectly still, allowing her to adjust to him, then slowly withdrew and pushed back in. Alex groaned and clamped down on him.

  “Shit, Jeff, you’d better get a cover on. I’m not going to last.”

  Jeff shook his head. “How about if Alex blows me instead?”

  Devon gritted his teeth. “This is our woman, and she deserves this, Jeff. Cover up.”

  * * * *

  Jeff drew on a condom and watched as Devon rolled with Alex, further impaling her and eliciting an excited whimper. Her face was taut with passion and her eyes reached out and touched him. He didn’t want to hurt her. She was so new at this, but desire warred with tenderness and desire won out.

  Devon held her thighs apart, and Jeff could see how wet she was. He knelt between their outstretched legs and pushed into her. She was unbelievably tight. He could feel every vein and ripple of Devon’s cock through the thin membrane separating them.

  Alex started to shake.

  “Are you okay?” he asked anxiously.

  “I don’t know,” she muttered, struggling to look at him. “It’s too much. I need something, please.”

  They began to stroke inside her, one in, one out. Alex came apart around them, screaming her release. They kept at her, and she whimpered at having another orgasm so close to her last but couldn’t stop it. When the next one took her, the men followed, shouting and grunting their release. Jeff pulled out and leaned away so Devon could breathe, kissing Alex tenderly.

  * * * *

  Devon held Alex close and rocked her on him. He began to harden and swell again, and she moaned. He rolled her under him and pistoned in and out of her ass, straining for release. It drained him when it came, and he collapsed on her, reveling in the smooth skin of her back and sweet, clean smell of her hair. Life was purely fucking awesome.

  Chapter Ten

  The next weeks were a blur for Alex. She got the Pill so they didn’t have to use condoms and moved in with Jeff and Devon, ignoring the curiosity of her roommates. She made arrangements to move her office to their home at the end of the semester, taking another position that didn’t pay well but would allow her to build a consulting business over time. She was taking a leap of faith but trusted them and didn’t want it any other way.

  Alex helped make meals and helped to take care of the house and yard. There were no roles in their household, except for the things she didn’t know much about, like the cars and in the sex department. Jeff and Devon were dominant and didn’t hesitate to have her meet their needs. Not that she had any complaints, though there were times when she thought she’d like to initiate sex or touch them before they had her do so. Sometimes she would slide beneath the covers if she woke in the night and suck the first available penis into her mouth, reveling in the immediate response. The penis’s owner would shudder awake and immediately take control. More often than not Alex would be on her knees sucking him while the other pushed into her from behind.

  They were insatiable and highly inventive, and Alex loved it. She was always ready when they came home from work, naked or close to it, and dinner often was eaten much later in the evening. They practiced oral sex, vaginal sex, and anal sex regularly, in a variety of positions, together and separately, but mostly together. If she had her period or didn’t feel well, they cuddled and held her and respected her privacy. She slept between them almost every night, feeling loved and so safe. When they had to work late or a different shift, which was rare because of their seniority, she felt incomplete and her sleep was fragmented.

  Alex was introduced to the paddle and the flogger, as well as a variety of toys. It all built her pleasure and any pain was highly erotic. Being restrained and open to their every whim aroused her beyond belief, particularly when she was blindfolded and could only anticipate where they would lay the next touch. Her orgasms were all the more consuming when her skin was heated with the toys. They never left welts or marks, but delighted in turning her pink, reddening her bottom, and giving her that extra stimulation that made her orgasms all the more powerful. Alex would sometimes endeavour to annoy them just so she could delight in a punishment. They bought her kinky jewelry, and it thrilled her. The beautiful nipple clamps alone could bring her off, and when they used the clit clamp to torment her tiny bud, making her come over and over, well, it was mind-blowing. Her m
en were demanding but careful with her, and she trusted them totally. They took such pleasure in her own, and she loved the times she knew she had forced them to lose their famed control. She still had some boundary issues, or, she thought, maybe they did, but they compromised.

  It wasn’t all about physical intimacy. They told her about their work and were interested in hers. They had lively discussions about all manner of subjects, and Alex met Devon’s family. She was instantly accepted and included in what was both a warm and slightly overwhelming group. Devon’s mom confided that Devon never brought girlfriends home, and his sisters treated her like a sibling. Devon’s brothers checked her out, but it was done in a tongue-in-cheek manner. She recognized it as such and smiled to herself when both Devon and Jeff surrounded her and threw warning, angry glances at the other men. Their wives hid smiles, too. Devon and Jeff biked with her on weekends and took drives to explore the countryside. Sometimes they would take short vacations. They planned for the holidays together. Alex didn’t know when she had ever felt so happy and part of something so much bigger than she ever thought she would have. The men bought her a variety of lovely outfits to wear out to dinner and to the Club and enticed her into wearing sexy lingerie when she wore clothes at home.

  The Club was probably the only wrinkle in the relationship. Jeff and Devon had clearly spent a great deal of time there in the past. They were open with Alex about their activities, and she suppressed any jealousy, realizing that they had not even known her back then. She enjoyed meeting some of their friends, if not all of them, and they had dinner there at least once a week and had drinks in the lounge some weekends.

  One night Alex had accompanied them into the backrooms of the Club. She saw women, naked and bound for the most part, being struck with objects and fondled in front of people. While she could see that the women, Lacey being one of them, weren’t really being hurt and were actually receiving considerable pleasure, she felt uncomfortable intruding on what she felt was private and wasn’t aroused by anything she saw. Heaven knew she wasn’t a prude. She did most of those things with her men, or had them done to her, and she was a most willing participant. But it was private and special between them. She was relieved when Devon and Jeff concurred. More disturbing for her was the sharing that she saw. One of the men’s colleagues, she knew, was in a relationship with a really nice woman. Alex saw her giving another officer a blow job while her partner watched, and he didn’t seem upset, just aroused. Again, Jeff and Devon reassured her with their stated possessiveness. They only shared her with one another.


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