Home > Thriller > DESIGN FOR LOVE > Page 13

by Murray, Bryan

  “Let me guess,” she began. “You must be Mr. Cinclare?”

  Gerard smiled courteously. “I am indeed, ma’am. It’s a pleasure to meet you and you too, sir,” he shook hands with both of them. “Francine told me about your wonderful surprise visit.”

  Yvette was eyeing Gerard very closely. “Well, she’s such a doll, we couldn’t let her face her biggest event alone.”

  “No indeed. Well, it’s been a pleasure to meet you both. Perhaps we’ll meet at the show?”

  Carl was his old polite self. “The pleasure’s ours, sir.”

  Gerard turned to Francine who had been watching the last few seconds in a half trance, like she wasn’t even there. He shook her hand with what seemed about 10,000 volts of electricity. “Enjoy the evening, Francine, I hope you win a little something, bye!”

  “Bye!” she managed to whisper in a voice that didn’t even sound like her own as Gerard made his way out through the throng of people. As he walked away, Yvette was watching Francine closely. “My, my, now I know why my baby has been distracted, and it’s got nothing to do with fashions!”

  Carl squeezed Yvette affectionately. “Now, Honey, leave her alone. The guy’s a friend and a gentleman, Francie knows what she’s doing!”

  Francine looked at them both. “I’m glad you’re so sure, Daddy!” “Problems?” Yvette asked, a concerned tone in her voice.

  “No, not really, Mom,” she recapped a little for their benefit, “You know I started out ready to kill him and now…!”


  “Now, he’s turning into the nicest guy, he’s helped me out of a number of scrapes, like some sort of protector.”


  “Yes, and now…”

  “Now you’re nuts about the guy?” Yvette didn’t pull any punches.


  “Don’t Mom me, my darling. And I’ve got a hot flash for you.”

  “Go on?”

  “He’s nuts about you too!”

  “You get my vote on that one.” Carl added.

  Francine looked them both in the eye, a hint of a smile on her face. “So, you both think I should go on the beach picnic he’s invited me to tomorrow afternoon?”

  Yvette clapped her hands in glee. “On one condition, darling.”

  “And that is?”

  “As long as you wear a sexy bikini!”

  Francine smiled. “Consider it done!”

  They all laughed happily as Carl skillfully removed three glasses of champagne from a passing tray. He handed out the drinks, a smile on his face. “Here’s to love!”

  They all three clinked glasses before toasting the smiling Francine.


  After making sure that all was still in order back in Dallas, Francine made her way down to the lobby, her sexy bikini out of sight under a casual beach dress and with a beach bag containing sunscreen and towels.

  From the moment she had arrived in Monte Carlo she hadn’t even figured out where the beach was and definitely not the road it took to get there.

  A warm breeze was blowing in from the Mediterranean through the breezeway as Francine arrived in the lobby at 2 o’clock sharp.

  Gerard, in shorts and a classy-looking golf shirt, greeted her as she arrived.

  “Hi there!” he smiled.

  “Hi yourself!” she returned the smile a little self-consciously.

  “You look great, Francine!” once again the goose bumps were up to their old tricks.

  “Thank you!” was all that Francine could manage.

  The Doorman opened the door and on his signal, one of the valet parking guys rolled up out front with Gerard’s bright red, rented Ferrari convertible. Francine stared at it in shock.

  “You mean we need a car?”

  He grinned. “Kind of,” and opened the door. “Jump in?”

  He tipped the valet, jumped in after her and they set off down the blossom-festooned driveway of the hotel to the highway below.

  He looked at her and smiled. “Hungry?”

  “Starving,” she replied. “So, where’s the picnic? Did Mr. Visa show up?”

  “Patience, lovely lady.” he smiled, eyes ahead, as they sped along the road. The aroma of the sea in her nostrils and the warm breeze rustling her hair, made her feel suddenly relaxed. As she looked ahead, she could see a sign for the Marina as Gerard signaled to make the turn. This was getting stranger by the minute.

  “Now I’m really confused!”

  He chuckled. “I know, isn’t it great?” he finally pulled up in front of an elegant 40 foot motor yacht. A man in a captain’s cap waived to Gerard as they got out of the car. Francine now looked more confused than ever.

  “Bonjour, Monsieur Cinclare.” the man smiled as Gerard ushered Francine up the gangplank. She looked back at him and he nudged her forward gently. “Keep going, Francine.” he coaxed.

  When they came aboard, the two men shook hands and two crew members in clean, white uniforms appeared as the Captain waved them to cast off and they sprang into action. Gerard introduced Francine.

  “Francine this is Captain Gironde,” he turned to Gironde. “Capitain, c’est mon cher amie, Francine!”

  The two shook hands as the Captain added in broken English.

  “How do you do, mademoiselle, welcome aboard!”

  Francine was still in shock. “Thank you.”

  At that moment, a third crew member wearing a chef’s hat and white uniform appeared. He was holding a silver tray containing two glasses of champagne that Gerard removed and offered one to Francine.

  “If you would please excuse me.” The Captain said as he headed for the bridge and within seconds the engines purred into life as the sleek yacht slipped her moorings and cruised gently out to sea.

  Francine looked at Gerard, a slow smile crossing her face. “My, my, Mr. Visa has been busy!”

  “This is just the beginning,” he chinked glasses with her. “Relax and enjoy yourself!”

  She took in the opulence of the yacht. “So, where is this picnic, North Africa?”

  “No, not far, actually it’s a beautiful private beach, approachable only from the sea.”

  Already Francine was getting those sweet, erotic vibes that she had forgotten even existed. She sipped her champagne, inhaled the salty air and smiled sexily at the handsome man opposite. “Well, I can see that you’re full of surprises, so carry on. I’m completely in your hands!”

  He clinked glasses once again. “Now that’s what I call relaxing,” he reached out and touched her arm as she braced herself for the shock. “Come, let me show you around.”

  They walked along the side of the yacht to an open area aft where an elegant table for two was already laid, a bottle of wine chilling in the bucket. Behind the table were two comfortable sun loungers. Gerard waved her to one of them.

  “Lunch will be served in about 15 minutes, would you like some more champagne?”

  ‘Keep a clear head, girl,’ Francine told herself adding quickly in her mind. ‘Why should I?’ before she threw caution to the winds, laid her glass on the tray for a refill, whisked her beach dress off and lay back on the sunbed.

  The effect on Gerard, seeing her in the sexy bikini, was startling. He stood there immobile for about 5 seconds as Francine, perhaps emboldened by the champagne, smiled at him.

  “You can put your eyeballs back any time!”

  He grinned. “Francine, I’m so sorry. It’s, it’s just that you’re so beautiful. Please forgive me for staring, it won’t happen again.”

  ‘Why not?’ she asked herself before answering. “Well, the feeling’s mutual.”

  He looked puzzled. “Mutual?”

  “Yes, when you suddenly appeared half naked on the way to the pool at the hotel, I must have looked just as you did!”

  He laughed, took his shirt off and removed his shorts to reveal that same sun-tanned torso in swim shorts.

  She grinned. “There you go, doing it to me again!”
r />   He smiled, re-filled their glasses and lay back on the lounger next to her. The sun was warm and Francine reached into her beach bag for the suntan oil.

  He took it gently from her hand, those green eyes almost reading her mind. “Need some on your back?”

  ‘How about all over!’ she nearly blurted out. “Yes, thank you.” she turned over on her tummy and braced herself.

  As Gerard started to slowly unfasten the clip on her bikini top, Francine thought she would go insane with anticipation. When his strong, warm hand finally started to rub the oil up and down the length of her back, she almost had to bite her tongue to stop the sigh of bliss trying to escape from her lips.

  “You’ve still got a good tan.” he added casually, still moving his hands up and down in the most delicious, slow movements.

  She was struggling to get her breath. Not once in her sexual encounters with Roger had she come even close to the feelings that were invading her senses right now.

  “Yes, I’m lucky I’ve got that kind of skin,” she managed to reply in what sounded like a croaky voice. “Looks like you have similar skin.” she added.

  She almost jumped in shock as she felt his hands alongside her breasts, until she realized that he was reaching for the straps to re-fasten her bikini top.

  “I guess so.” suddenly Gerard’s voice sounded rather strange.

  “Thank you, kind sir,” she smiled sexily. “Anyone ever tell you that you missed your calling, you should have been a masseur?”

  He grinned. “Not that I recall,” he handed her the bottle, “How about returning the favor?” he flipped over on his stomach as she took a deep breath looking at the muscular, suntanned back below her. She found herself gripping the plastic bottle of oil so tight it was almost spurting out like a fountain. She sucked in some air, squirted some oil on her hand and reached out to spread it on Gerard’s back.

  As she touched him, she wasn’t sure who flinched first, but she noted with satisfaction that her touch had a similar effect on him.

  “Aaagh!” she heard him sigh.

  “Feel good?” she asked before almost biting her tongue at such a shameless remark.

  “Mmm, you could say that,” his voice was strangely softer. “I guess you’re not the only one who needs to relax, Francine.”

  Her head was starting to swim as each slow, sensuous rub up and down his broad back was giving her more erotic feelings than she could ever remember. Her hand felt red hot and his skin felt even hotter.

  As if to break the deadlock of emotions, a polite cough behind them caused them both to look up as the Chef spoke in broken English. “Lunch, she is served, M’sieur!”

  Gerard smiled at him. “Tres bien.” waving him to continue and on the Chef’s signal the two crew members proceeded to lay out a most delicious looking lunch for the sensuously charged couple.

  Francine marveled at the elegant display of food and suddenly felt ravenously hungry. Gerard topped up their glasses and they started to attack a delicious feast of fresh strawberries, crab, shrimp, lobster and a mouthwatering orange-flavored dessert that Francine couldn’t pronounce but shamelessly had two helpings of.

  As they ate and started to really get to know each other, the yacht eased its way slowly around a headland and into a breathtakingly beautiful cove with a white, sandy beach.

  Francine was desperately trying to appear casual on the surface although inside she was longing just to feel his touch again. She tried to keep the conversation on anything but what was burning in her libido.

  “Any more news on your mother, Gerard?”

  His face clouded momentarily. “I spoke with her this morning and she said she felt fine. Trouble is, she’s so independent, I find it hard to believe her!”

  Francine smiled, visions of the old lady telling her the truth about her son. “Yes, I know what you mean.”

  He suddenly reached out and held her hand. “You know I never got round to thanking you for visiting her in hospital, Francine,” he grinned suddenly. “She really believes that you and I are an item, you know.”

  ‘So do I!’ Francine almost screamed. “I know,” she smiled. “A little confused and a hard lady to convince.”

  “You’ve got that right.”

  At that moment they turned to look aft as the engines stopped and the two crew members dropped anchor. Captain Gironde appeared on the bridge. “We will anchor here, M’sieur Cinclare. The dinghy is at your disposal.”

  Gerard waved his agreement. “Thank you,” he turned to Francine, “Time to jump ship, lovely lady.”

  “You mean?”

  “I mean the yacht stays here and we row ashore.”

  “You mean you row ashore.” she smiled.

  “Right, right.” he helped her to her feet as they climbed into the dinghy and Gerard started to row.

  She looked into those warm green eyes watching her, now that she was totally comfortable looking almost naked in front of him

  “Now I know how Robinson Crusoe felt,” Gerard smiled but he added quickly, “Well, not quite.”


  “He didn’t have an incredibly beautiful companion with him!”

  Once again her heart lurched. “Thank you, kind sir.” was all she could come up with.

  A few additional strong strokes with the oars and the dinghy grounded out on the beach.


  Gerard jumped out and pulled the dinghy up on the beach and then helped Francine into the shallow water as they removed the towels and beach bag from inside.

  When she walked up the beach for the first time, she was totally taken aback by the incredible beauty of the place. She breathed in huge lungfuls of the salty air and turned to look at the smiling Adonis in front of her.

  “I’ll bet you bring all the girls here?” she joked.

  “Only in the mating season,” he replied with a grin. “No, actually, it was Captain Gironde’s idea.”

  “It was?”

  “Yes, I said I needed to take a special lady on a pleasant picnic and he had the answer in a flash!”

  ‘Special lady!’ Francine’s heart skipped a beat at such a hint of interest.

  “Well, I must say he was right.” she inhaled the sea air.

  “So, ready for a swim?” he looked at her challengingly.

  “You bet, last one in is a sissy!” she laughed as she started to run towards the water. Within a few strides Gerard was running beside her step for step.

  “Okay, sissy.” he laughed as they both ran into the turquoise surf.

  The initial chill of the water followed by its soothing warmth did wonders to control the hot feelings that Francine had been getting from the moment that Gerard had rubbed the oil on her back. As they emerged from the surf, waist deep in the foaming water, they looked at each other and for the first time there was longing in their eyes. Just as Francine was wondering what would happen next, her fate was sealed, sealed by an unexpected attack of cramp in her right leg!

  “Ouch!” she yelped as Gerard looked suddenly concerned.

  “What is it?” he asked reaching out to hold her arm.

  “A cramp in my calf!” she yelled as the pain seized her calf muscle.

  “Hang on!” he replied calmly as he scooped her up into his arms effortlessly and proceeded to carry her up the beach. He laid her down on the towel and started to massage her right calf muscle.

  “Aaagh, that’s better!” she sighed. ‘It’s incredibly better!’ she almost sighed having been held close to his chest, just inches from those lips as he carried her up the beach. Slowly the pain subsided and she started to relax.

  “Don’t scare me like that!” he chided. “Okay?”

  “Okay,” she decided she needed to change the subject. “Mind if I ask you a question?”

  “No, go ahead?”

  “Were you ever married?”

  He thought for a moment and his face clouded for a second before he decided to answer. “Yes.”

ncine was wondering if perhaps this was why he was taking his time with Jeri, “What happened?”

  “She died!”

  “Oh no!” she now wished she had never asked the question.

  “It’s okay,” he added consolingly. “It was a while ago. A car accident. She was killed but my son made it okay.”

  ‘A son?’ she had no idea. “You have a son?”

  “Yes, he’s ten years old. He’s in a private boarding school in Europe.”

  Suddenly, Francine was filled with remorse at asking this handsome, private man to dig up old skeletons. “I’m sorry,” she began hesitantly. “I shouldn’t have asked.”

  He touched her arm. “That’s okay, I wanted you to know. I just didn’t know how to tell you.”

  And then it happened. When she thought about it later, Francine couldn’t decide whether it was the effects of the champagne, the sensuous feelings that had been slowly building, or her sorrow at hearing what happened to his wife, wondering what it would be like to lose someone you love. Suddenly, she reached out with both hands, cupped his face tenderly and gave him a quick kiss on the lips!

  At first he recoiled in shock before returning the kiss with a suppressed passion that he himself had been holding in check for the past hour.

  As their lips met a second time, Francine could feel every drop of emotion left in her body draining into a warm enveloping mist of sensuality. It was like sinking deeper and deeper into a feather bed and the further you sank, the more erotic became the sensation.

  She was not sure where it came from, but a small, warning voice, getting slowly louder, started to pound in her brain. ‘Slow down, girl.’ it told her and just as easily as she melted into Gerard’s arms for that heart-stopping kiss, she found the resolve from somewhere to reach out and gently push him away.

  “I’m sorry,” she blurted out. “I shouldn’t have done that. It, it must have been the champagne!”

  He smiled gently. “That’s okay, Francine. I guess we both needed it.”

  “Yes, but I shouldn’t have started it,” and she was about to add. ‘And it’s not fair to Jeri!’ but he interrupted her.

  “Really, it’s all right, Francine.” he looked confused.


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