Hacking the SEAL (Saving the SEALs Series Book 2)

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Hacking the SEAL (Saving the SEALs Series Book 2) Page 9

by Leslie North

  “Well, I want free booze for life and a sixteen-inch cock. Doesn’t mean I’m going to get it.” He crossed his arms. “Kyle’s in charge. Whatever he says, goes.”

  “Wrong.” She tromped along through the mud beside him as they headed across the river. “I’m still FBI, remember? I outrank a bunch of SEALs with questionable motives.”

  “The only thing questionable here is your attitude.”

  She flipped him off and crossed the bridge ahead of him.

  “Don’t do it, Red. I’m warning you.” He stalked behind her, not sure exactly what he was threatening but pissed as hell just the same. Bad enough Nick’s wife had turned on them, now Hayley was going all renegade. Shit. This was why he never got involved. Better to love them and leave them happy and satisfied than to deal with all this crap. “The guys are handling it. Don’t interrupt.”

  Hayley barged into the vacant row house anyway and Scotty followed, halting just inside the door to let his eyes adjust to the dim light inside. In one corner of the long, narrow space sat a couple of broken crates fashioned into a makeshift chair, Natalie secured to it with zip ties, while Kyle, Gage, and Spence stood around her, arms crossed and scowling. Hayley pushed in beside them and stared at the widow as Scotty joined the group. All manner of boxes and pallets and God knew what else lined both side of the place, stacked floor to twelve-foot-ceiling high.

  “What the fuck is going on here, Natalie?” Kyle stepped forward, holding up a hand to forestall any other questions from the rest of the guys. “Why are you meeting with Becks?”

  Natalie shook her head and stared at the floor. “You don’t understand.”

  “Try us.” Scotty’s words earned him a harsh stare from his team leader.

  Kyle crouched in front of her. “Who are you, really?”

  Eyes bright with tears, Natalie met his gaze direct. “I’m your sister-in-law. Let me go.”

  “Not until you tell us the truth.” Kyle inched closer. “Who do you work for?”

  “I—I can’t.” She looked away. “They’ll kill me.”

  “Yes, you can. Tell me, Natalie. Who’ll kill you?”

  “A private party. That’s all I can say.”

  “A private party?” Kyle shouted. “You let some nameless private party come between you and Nick? You let some private party kill your husband? The man you loved? What a load of bullshit, Natalie!”

  “They threatened me—” she was choking back sobs, but Kyle pressed her, his glare something altogether more frightening than the one he used on unruly recruits.

  “Threatened you with what, Natalie? What could possibly worse than Nick getting shot in back of the head?”

  “They—they threatened to hurt Nick if I didn’t help them. Turns out they hurt him anyway.” She was sobbing now and Hayley stepped forward. Scotty placed a hand on her arm and held her back, giving her a warning look. “I just want out. That’s all I want. Out.”

  “Is your name really Natalie?”


  “Did you care at all for my brother?” The rawness in Kyle’s voice stabbed Scotty in the chest. “Or was he just some pawn in your scheme?”

  “No.” Natalie blinked hard, tears streaming down her cheeks. “I loved him. Nick was my best friend.”

  “Ours too,” Spencer and Gage said together. Spencer stepped forward and snarled. “We don’t like it when our best friends end up dead.”

  “You think I wanted that?” Natalie struggled against her bonds, her cheeks flushed. “I had no idea they were going to—If I did, I never would’ve—”

  “What did you give him, Natalie?” Kyle narrowed his gaze. “We saw you pass something to a member of Michael Becks’ team outside.”

  “I’m not saying anything else.” She pressed her lips together. “I have rights. I want an attorney. Let me go.”

  “Did Nick know you were a double agent?” Natalie shook her head, her eyes lowered once more. Kyle straightened and pulled out his cell phone. “Yes, FBI, I’d like to speak with Special Agent Michelle Harper. Thanks. Yes, I’ll hold.”

  “How do you know my boss?” Hayley asked, the color draining from her face. “You never mentioned you knew my boss.”

  “You never asked,” Kyle replied. “Besides, you didn’t think I’d allow my men to meet with just anyone do? I’ve sworn to protect each and every one of them with my life, if necessary. A smart agent like yourself should’ve expected a bit of investigation into her past.”

  Hayley opened her mouth, closed it, then opened it again, speechless for the first time since Scotty had met her. Even he had to admit that his team leader’s actions were shocking, but he’d long ago learned never to question his commander. As the old poem went theirs was to do or die, not to ask why. Or something like that. English Lit had never been his strong suit.

  “Did you know he knew my boss?” Hayley asked, her gaze accusatory.

  “No, I swear.” He held up his hands. “First I’ve heard of it. But I’m sure Kyle had a good reason for keeping it secret.”

  “Yeah?” She crossed her arms and frowned. “I wish I had your faith.”

  “No. Please. Not the FBI,” Natalie pleaded. “If they get ahold of me, I’m dead. Worse than dead. Nothing but interrogation rooms and torture and prison time. Please, Kyle. Please don’t. I’ll help you, I promise. For Nick’s sake, please don’t.”

  Kyle gave her a pointed stare then looked away. “Yes, Agent Harper. Kyle Matthews, SEAL Team Ten leader. No, I’m not interested in cutting a deal.” He gave Hayley a look. “I’ve got someone here I think you’ll be interested in questioning. My ex-sister-in-law, Natalie Matthews. We’ll hold her until you arrive.”

  He hung up and Natalie sobbed again, a gut-wrenching sound that sliced into Scotty’s heart like a razor. Part of him wanted to cut her restraints and hug her tight, tell her everything would be okay even though it probably wouldn’t. The other part of him couldn’t seem to get past the fact she’d dealt openly with their enemy, Michael Becks—a man who’d destroyed his own team, a man who’d had direct involvement in her husband’s death, a man who’d kidnapped Gage’s girlfriend Anna and nearly killed thousands by blowing up a downtown building just to get some fucking file. His anger and suspicions outweighed his sympathy. Scotty grabbed Hayley by the arm pulled her away from the group. He needed air and space and time to clear his head. “Let’s wait outside.”

  “No.” She pulled free. “I want to talk to her. Alone.”

  The other guys in the group swiveled to face them.

  “You want to tell me about this deal your boss mentioned?” Kyle said.

  “It was bogus. She wanted me to tell you that if one of you took the blame for what happened to Nick, they’d grant the rest of your team immunity.” Hayley rubbed her arms. “I never made the offer because I knew it was a set-up.”

  Kyle didn’t response, just watched Hayley with cool calculation.

  “I trust her, “ Scotty said, narrowing his gaze on Natalie, who seemed oddly subdued for a woman fighting for her freedom. “I think we should let her speak to the widow.”

  “I don’t think that’s such a good idea,” Kyle said. “Natalie’s dangerous, a wild card.”

  “I know how to handle myself. Besides, if she tried anything, you guys will be just outside.” She glanced at Scotty. “Please?”

  Heart heavy and body exhausted, he didn’t want to fight anymore. “If that’s what she wants, Kyle, why not let her do it? Not like she’ll get any more out of Natalie anyway.”

  Kyle looked for Scotty to Hayley, then back again. “Fine. You’ve got ten minutes until the FBI team arrives. Make ‘em good.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Hayley waited until the guys were on the other side of the room, then moved closer to Natalie, her hand around the Swiss army knife in her back pocket. “Who are you working for?”

  Natalie looked up at her from her chair. “I can’t tell you that.”

  “Not even to save your life?�
� Hayley pulled the knife out and flicked it open, keeping the blade low and hidden from the group of men behind her. “Tell me.”

  “I can’t.” Natalie struggled against her bonds, the metal legs of the chair scraping loud against the dirty concrete.

  “Everything okay over there, Red?” Scotty called.

  Despite the situation, Hayley’s heart stuttered. Against her better judgment, against all her excuses and staunch barriers, she gone and done it. Fallen for her brave, stubborn, sexy SEAL. Now, she’d do whatever she could to clear his name and the names of his team mates, to keep him safe.

  “Fine.” She narrowed her gaze on the widow. “You said you loved Nick. If that’s true, then why would you betray him?”

  “I had no idea.” Fresh tears welled in Natalie’s eyes. “I would never have done anything to hurt Nick. He stuck with me through everything. They told me they wouldn’t harm him. Promised me.” Two fat tears rolled down her cheeks. “Please, you have to believe me. If they find me here, we’ll all die.”

  Deep down Hayley didn’t really believe Natalie had maliciously tried to kill her husband. Still, she was hiding something and whatever it was required more time to root out. She checked her watch, then stepped closer to Natalie. Michelle’s team would be here soon and then it would be too late. If she was going to act, then it had to be now.

  Cursing under her breath, she leaned over Natalie’s shoulder, quickly cut through the zip ties binding her hands together, and kicked the evidence off into the shadows, then whispered in the woman’s ear, “Move a muscle before I give my signal and I won’t be responsible for what happens. Got it?”

  Natalie glanced sideways at Hayley, frowning, then nodded. “Why are you helping me?”

  “Because once this is over, we’re going to help each other. Got it?”

  The women locked gazes, a silent understanding passing between them.

  “How long have you been in love with Scotty?” Natalie asked as Hayley faked tying her shoelace and deftly sliced through the remaining restraints around Natalie’s ankles. “Nick never had a more loyal friend than Scotty.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Hayley straightened then looked over at the guys. Even in the dim, dingy surroundings of the warehouse, Scotty looked like a Greek god, all bronzed muscle and golden hair. Warmth spread outward from her chest through every inch of her body. “We’re just business associates. Nothing else. Now stay put until I say so.”

  “Right.” Natalie snorted. “Scotty’s a great guy, you know. Maybe a bit of a man-slut in the past, but he’s got a good heart.”

  “I wouldn’t know.” Liar.

  The sound of engines cutting off followed by footsteps crunching on the gravel outside had both women turning their heads in unison. Soon, the boys rushed back over and Hayley gave Natalie a don’t-move look.

  “All right, Red.” Scotty moved in beside her, his heat chasing away the sudden chill in Hayley’s bones. “Time’s up.”

  “We accepted you into our group, Natalie,” Kyle said, his tone disappointed. “I took you in as part of my family. I trusted you. I won’t make that same mistake again.”

  Natalie remained silent.

  “Feds are here,” Gage called after peeking out a nearby window. He and Spence held the door open, then led Michelle and her team back to where the rest of the group were waiting.

  “Uh, Red, can I talk to you a second?” Scotty took Hayley’s arm.

  “I need to talk to my boss,” she said, trying to wrench free.

  “You can talk to her in a second.” He guided her off to the side. “Mind telling me what’s going on?”

  She scrunched her nose. “Last time I checked, you guys were turning in the widow.”

  “No.” He crossed his arms and exhaled. “I mean why did you cut her restraints?”

  Hayley swallowed hard and did her best to keep from showing her shock. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “I saw what you did, Red. I’m a SEAL, remember?” He stepped closer and her breath caught as he reached behind her and patted her butt, right over where she always kept her knife. “Always knew that thing would get me into trouble.”


  “Save it,” he growled, struggling to keep his anger in check. “Just tell me why.”

  “She knows things, Scotty. Things she’d rather not tell the FBI. I think if we take her in, she could help us clear your name.”

  “So you’re doing this for me?” He raised a brow and his firm lips quirked into a half-grin. “I’m touched, Red.”

  “I’m doing it for all of us.” She smoothed a hand though her hair and cleared her throat. “Think about it, Scotty. She won’t do anyone any good locked in some federal prison rotting away. And she won’t talk to the feds. She said so and I believe her.”

  “You believe her, huh?”

  She ignored his derogatory tone and continued. “I’ve been researching her for months. I believe she truly loved Nick. I don’t think she had any knowledge that whoever killed him was going to do so. But I do think she’s in serious danger. And she’s grieving. Has it ever occurred to you she might be on a mission of her own? One to avenge her dead husband?”

  “If that’s the case, why didn’t she come to us? We could have helped—”

  Hayley gave him a look. “Well, there is the matter of your team being blamed for what happened…”

  Scotty scrubbed his face and Hayley took it as her opportunity. “She has a better motivation to find the real culprits, than any of you, don’t you think?”

  He sighed and looked over at the group.

  Hayley took stock of Michelle’s team for the first time. They outnumbered Scotty’s team by at least two to one. That was weird. Michelle was definitely gung-ho about taking down the people responsible for this, but even for her, a team this size was extreme.

  “Kyle won’t like it,” Scotty said, finally.

  “If I’m right, Kyle will get over it.”

  “And if you’re not?”

  “Guess we’ll find out.” She walked back to the group and met Natalie’s gaze with a pointed stare.

  “We’ll take things from here, Matthews,” Michelle said to Kyle. “Your services are no longer required.”

  “I want this on record. My team helped bring this woman in,” Kyle said.

  “I’m sure you do.” Michelle gave him a slow once-over. “Your team is in a bit of trouble, Matthews.”

  “My team did nothing wrong.”

  “Funny. The official reports seem to say otherwise. My deal still stands. One of you confesses to Nick Matthews’ shooting and the rest go free. No more living on the run. No more hiding. Agent Stevens here was supposed to have made this offer clear to you before it came to this, but,” Michelle shrugged and gave Scotty a significant look, “it appears she got distracted.”

  A muscle ticked near Kyle’s jaw and Hayley’s eyes widened. Making enemies with these men wouldn’t help Michelle’s cause. What the hell was she trying to prove? Hayley stepped forward.

  “My prodigal agent,” Michelle’s gaze flicked to her, assessing. “Was it worth it? Sacrificing your career for these losers?”

  “They are not losers. They’re innocent men and I intend to help them prove it.” She glanced at Scotty, then Gage and Spencer. All of them wore the same granite-tough expressions of hardened warriors. “Why all the extra manpower? Expecting resistance?”

  “I’m always prepared. As you should know by now.” Michelle shook her head. “To think I once considered you my protégé, Stevens. I thought we were two of a kind, thought you’d follow in my footsteps. I would’ve given you that promotion, you know.”

  The words hit Hayley like a kick to the gut, but she remained steadfast. A week ago, that promotion was her supreme goal. Now, thanks to this group of guys and one special man in particular, she knew there were more important things in life. Things like friendship and loyalty and love.

  She inched close
r to Scotty. “I don’t want your promotion. I’ve found everything I want right here.”

  Scotty glanced sideways at her, his eyes glowing with heat and affection. So, yeah. Maybe it was all too fast, maybe she was flushing a promising career and everything that went with it right down the toilet. But at that moment, she didn’t care. They’d find a way out of this, a way back to freedom and truth and a real life, together.

  “We’ve wasted enough time with this shit.” Michelle cocked her head toward two agents across from her. “Davis. Green. Grab the widow and let’s go.”

  “I’d like the opportunity to question her also, Agent Harper.” Kyle said.

  “I’m sure you would, Matthews. But I’m afraid that won’t be possible.” She gave Natalie an icy smile.” According to my superiors, we’ll be shipping you off for interrogation soon enough.” She looked back at Kyle. “Still not too late to take my deal, Matthews. This is the last time I’m offering.”

  Natalie’s gaze darted between the SEALs, her expression desperate.

  Kyle scowled and stepped closer. “That’s fast, isn’t it? What about her Miranda rights?”

  “We have reason to believe she’s in possession of top-secret information that could affect national security. And we take threats of terrorism very seriously, Matthews. The risk trumps her rights.”

  “She’s one woman.”

  “She’s a traitor.”

  Kyle’s gaze hardened. “Says who?”

  “Says this warrant for her arrest from the State Department.” Michelle removed a folded packet of papers from the inside pocket of her black blazer. Most people mistook her petite frame and dark good looks for weakness. Hayley knew better. Michelle could be a ball-buster of the highest order when needed. “Now, Matthews. Are you going to let us do our jobs or will we have to arrest you and your team in for obstruction of justice?” She gave him an cold stare. “There are many people anxious to get their hooks into you guys.”


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