Falling Forward

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Falling Forward Page 9

by Dawn Robertson

  A moan slips from my lips, encouraging his tongue on my clit. My back arches as I can feel my orgasm start to brew. I beg him to stop so we can share out climax together. His lips leave my womanhood and kiss their way up my body, only coming to a stop inches away from my lips. My own scent fills my nostrils, and he pauses before moving in for a kiss.

  “This okay?” he asks. I nod in approval as we continue to kiss. His feet push the covers to the end of the bed and onto the floor as he positions himself where I need him. My legs spread wide, waiting for him as he palms his cock and teases my wet cunt.

  “Shit!” he says, pulling back and kneeling at my feet. “I don’t have a condom.” Frankly, I don’t give a shit at this point in time. It’s the least of my worries actually, my first priority is finishing what the hell we started. I’ve been on the pill for as long as I can remember, I don’t think this would be much of a risk.

  “I’m on the pill,” I say, reaching out for him to come back to me.

  “Are you sure?” he asks me, and I nod feverishly. I want to start screaming, but I don’t think that would be my sexiest move. He moves back into position between my legs, lowering his mouth once again and licking my center. A shiver runs through my body as I feel the swollen head of his cock slowly press against my virgin-tight cunt. It’s been way too long.

  He slowly pushes in, stopping and pulling out to work his thick member into the tight space. Checking on me with every thrust until his cock is fully seated inside me. It’s like heaven. I’ve died and gone straight to cock paradise. As he starts to really pump into me, I get lost inside my head. Something that has always been a bad habit of mine. I think about the no condom, and freak out mildly. I think about what life has tossed in my direction over the past month, and how lucky I have been to find a guy so seemingly perfect. I think about a white wedding dress, and am distracted when his lips come down and meet mine again, thankfully snapping me out of my manic musings.

  My hands wander all over his sculpted body, coming to a stop on his ass, guiding it with every thrust while raking my fingernails up and down his back. My body begins to quiver, and I can’t hold back my orgasm this time. I’m going to tip over the threshold. Without thinking about it, I scream.

  “I’m going to come!” As he picks up his pace, the orgasm takes over my entire body, from head to toe. I yell with pleasure, as he quickly pulls out and finishes himself on my bare stomach. Holy. Shit.

  Did that just happen?

  Chapter 8

  The Aftermath

  I’ve spent two days beating myself up over being a slut. I’ve texted quite a bit with Liam, but I’ve been too busy to actually see him. Between the house closing tomorrow, and having to purchase furniture and belongings, I’ve been a ghost. Shit, I ghosted Liam, huh? He’s been understanding, and doesn’t seem phased by any of it. If anything, I think he’s far more interested in my crazy ass at this point. My phone vibrates on the nightstand of my hotel room, while I watch the ceiling fan circle around. Then it vibrates again, and again. Picking up the phone I have three texts, two from my sister, Violet, and one from a number I’m not familiar with.

  Hey Stranger, how’s Savannah?

  Pick up any hot guys yet?

  I debate on answering that question honestly, since I’ve never been one for gossiping with my sister. I’ve been the one who has kept everything bottled up to myself, which hasn’t worked out the best in the past, no matter who I am dealing with. I think to myself, maybe I should be more open and honest with her, she’s obviously been able to keep my lottery secret?

  I start to type back to her,

  Savannah is amazing. I love it, and I think I feel at home. I close on the house tomorrow.

  Why don’t you come drive up to help me get settled for a bit?

  I’m not sure if I actually want her here, or just want to distract myself from the life I’ve already started to screw up in a new place. Not that I regret anything that has happened with Liam, I just don’t think I’ve handled it the best the past two days. I let out a sigh and look to see the other text message.

  Hey Luna, this is Hunter from Zunzi’s, the Coldplay fan. How are you doing?

  Just when I think my life couldn’t get more complicated. He was a nice guy, I don’t want to be rude and not reply to him, but, my god, could he have any worse timing? I laugh to myself because I shouldn’t expect anything different, this is how things go in my life. One day I am the old spinster cat lady, and the next day I have cocks flying at my face. There’s is never a happy medium. Springing out of bed, I grab my phone and go sit on the patio off my hotel room, grab a joint and spark it up.

  I need a minute to clear my mind. Figure out what to do, what to say. I’ve never been one for words. I close my eyes, and just sit and think. Picking up my phone, I start to text Liam.

  Hey you! Up for moving some furniture this weekend? LOL

  I don’t want him to think what happened between us changes anything, even though I am a giant neurotic mess. As I hit send, my phone buzzes again with Violet’s reply.

  Sure! When do you want me there?

  My closing is bright and early tomorrow at 9am, so maybe the afternoon would be a good time? I’ll have my keys in hand, and can finally get in there and see my home, without all the sellers shit in it. It’s always hard to picture things when you have another person’s belongings everywhere. It needs to be a blank canvas for me to start.

  How about tomorrow afternoon?

  I reply to Violet. I’ll still have the room at the Bohemian for a couple more days, because my bed isn’t due to be delivered until next week. I’ll just rent the suite that attaches to my room on the other side for her until then. There is no way I’m sharing the bed with her ninja ass. When Lucy got married we all traveled to Atlanta, and I got stuck sharing a bed with goddamn Chuck Norris all night. Worst night’s sleep ever. Minutes go by and I get no reply from Liam, and my mind begins to churn out outlandish ideas as to why he could be ignoring me. God, I hate how my brain works most days.

  I’ll be there. Still at the hotel? I’ll meet you there. Should be there around 2ish.

  I’m excited Violet is going to come and help me get settled, I just hope she doesn’t tell Lucy she is making the trip to Georgia. Although, they aren’t exactly the closest either, Lucy has always just been… well, Lucy. She’s much older with a stick shoved so far up her ass, she can’t take anyone else into consideration, which is why I was floored when she e-mailed me the other day.

  Hey sexy, of course I will help you this weekend. Wanna grab dinner tonight?

  Liam finally replies, and I feel a sense of relief wash over me. I guess this is just me coming to terms with the fact that I really do like this guy and don’t want to screw it up. I debate back and forth about replying to the text from Hunter. I mean, I shouldn’t be rude and not answer, he seemed like a really nice guy, and since I am super into Liam I don’t see making friends as becoming a problem. Right? Girls can totally have dude friends without sleeping with them or dating them.

  Hey! I’m good! Busy as hell! Closing on my house tomorrow, so I have a bazillion things

  going on. How are you doing?

  I reply to Hunter, then immediately change conversations to reply to Liam’s dinner date. Of course, I want to go out someplace to eat tonight. I ate room service for dinner last night, and it wasn’t one of my best ideas. Not saying the hotel food isn’t amazing, but I felt like I was missing out on something. My phone buzzes again, signaling a text from Violet again.

  Am I keeping this visit a secret from Lucy or what? You know, if she knows I’m in town she

  is going to show up.

  Shit! Lucy. I’m starting to realize that I’m not going to be able to avoid her forever, especially being in the same state now. Maybe I should just give up and let her in on what is going on with my life. Or we could at least meet for lunch. If she found out that Violet came to Georgia and didn’t make it a point to see her, she would be pretty ups

  Let’s figure that out once you get here. Don’t say anything yet. I want to think a little more

  about it.

  My text sounds like a good idea, but I’m not sure how much time it will really buy me. I re-light my joint and deeply inhale. I start to relax a little bit and my anxiety starts to melt away. Thank God, because I was starting to feel like I was going lose it there for a second. My phone catches my attention and I have a bunch of texts again. They are coming in quicker than I can keep up with. I pick Liam first and make plans to meet him at The Pirate House at seven. Something about pecan fried chicken and a drink named the Skull Crusher had me sold.

  Violet and her dog will be on their way mid-morning, and I will finally have the keys to my new home. I’m overly excited to not have to live out of a hotel room and my car. Heck, I haven’t even had the chance to drive it since I got here. But the text that got me puzzled on how to answer, is the text from Hunter.

  Closing huh? I hope it’s someplace nice! I’m not sure if you are interested but I bought

  tickets to the Coldplay concert in Atlanta. You wouldn’t happen to be interested in going

  would you?

  It’s a loaded question. The first thing that comes to mind is Liam. I like him, and I don’t need to ruin something that could be a great thing from the get go. But it’s Coldplay. I’d fly to Europe to see them. I’d shank someone to see Coldplay. It’s an obsession of unhealthy proportions on some days. I want to say yes, but I want to say no at the same time. Maybe I should wait till later to answer him, talk to Liam and see how he feels about whatever this is going on between the two of us.

  Can I get back to you?

  I reply to Hunter so that I just don’t leave him hanging. You know everyone today has their smartphones attached to them at all times of the day and night. I let out a sigh and lean my head back against the cushion of the patio chair. How do I get myself into these situations? I laugh, a nervous laugh to myself. I’m sure if anyone was watching me right now, I would probably get locked away for being crazy.

  Of course, it’s not for a month anyway. Maybe before then we can get some coffee, or lunch?

  I feel a little bit of relief. I don’t even know how to bridge the subject with Liam. I’ve never had multiple men interested in me at the same time. It’s moments like this, I wish I had my mother to talk to. She always had some kind of guidance to give me. The sting cuts me deep today, because I realize it’s been a week and I haven’t really felt the pain of her loss. I feel like I’m forgetting her with each day that goes by, which isn’t my intention at all. I’ve been so busy with this new little life I am building for myself, that this whole moment really knocks the wind out of me.

  Tears start to sting my eyes as I rapidly try and blink them away. Stupid feelings. Stupid fucking death. I’m over the rollercoaster ride of life. All the money in the world doesn’t matter when the one person I’ve always leaned on is gone and I feel alone in the world. I scroll through my phone thinking of who I could actually talk to about the ache I am feeling. Violet will crumble into tears, and with her coming to visit tomorrow, I’m sure we will have more than our fair share of crying. Lucy, well she’s Lucy, and she already thinks I’ve gone off my rocker. I don’t need to give her anymore ammo.

  Then, out of nowhere, I think of Edward and the special bond he was able to share with my mother without any of us knowing. Her work with the LGBT kids in high school won her praise from so many different local organizations. In the aftermath of the Pulse shooting, she became an even bigger advocate as two of her students were killed in the tragedy. I open up my text messages and type out a message to him.

  I’m having a rough day without my mother. I know you guys shared something very special. I was wondering if you might have a couple minutes?

  It’s short and sweet, and I hope he’s able to give me some kind words to take my mind off of everything. I’m able to keep my tears at bay, until my newfound friend replies to my desperate sounding text message. I really should work on my words, they can be so alarming without that intent.

  What’s up buttercup? I’m always here for an ear.

  I smile because I can see his face light up as he says it. His personality is infectious. Our friendship has become a fortunate accident, in the best way possible.

  I realized today, I’ve been here for a week now and so much has gone on. I haven’t had time

  to think about my mother at all. It took me off guard and totally made me feel like shit that

  I could just go on with my life.

  The honesty is brutal, but it’s exactly how I feel. I’m harder on myself than anyone else has ever been, and that always was my mother’s major complaint about me. I can still hear her words in the back of my head, “Luna, my love, don’t be so hard on yourself. You are a wonderful person, you always will be. That is who we raised you to be.”

  That is what she would have wanted, Luna. She wouldn’t want you upset or crying. She

  would want you seizing the day and making Liam your bitch. LOL! But seriously, maybe

  you need to find something to get involved with here in Savannah? We are always looking

  for volunteers at the LGBT youth center. Carry on her legacy there.

  I never even though about occupying my time with something like that. There couldn’t be a more perfect way to honor my mother than by continuing the work that she started while she was here. Even if I am hundreds of miles away from her legacy. Maybe that is what I’ll do. Once I am fully moved in to the house, I will take my time to the youth center and help these teens through some of the hardest days of their lives.

  I knew you would have some good insight. Thank you. That is exactly what I am going to do! Is that something you can help me get into? Also, I am working on making Liam my

  bitch. LOL! I’m meeting him for dinner tonight. ;)

  I look at the time on my phone and realize I should probably shower, and start trying to find some clean clothes within the mess of a suitcase I’ve been living out of. I’m sure housekeeping will be happy when I’m gone. I make my way off the patio and call down to the front desk to book Violet’s adjoining suite for a handful of days, then make my way to the shower.

  My hotel is pretty close to The Pirate House, where I am going to be meeting Liam in about a half hour, so I opt to walk and see the sights on my way to that area of town. We drove through on our trolley tour, but I figured I could use the exercise since I haven’t stepped foot in the hotel gym since I’ve been in Savannah. Something I told myself I would be doing every day. Instead I’m gorging on all the food of the city and hooking up with practical strangers. Seems about right.

  I take my time checking out all the sites, while using my GPS on my phone to figure out exactly where I need to go. That is one thing I am not loving just yet… I hate getting lost, but I am also really good at it. I have zero sense of direction. The Pirate House comes into view, it’s gray and looks like it is leaning to one side. There is a crowd at the door, so I send Liam a text to try and find him. I hate looking around in public like an idiot, searching for someone. Call me self-conscious, but I think deep down everyone hates it.

  I’m here, it’s mobbed. You inside?

  I stand on the porch of the eatery, waiting for a reply and my phone buzzes quickly.

  In the bar, come in and make a left. I have a booth.

  I wade through the crowd and see him sitting alone in a booth at the end of the bar. His smiling face reminds me of how he was able to seduce me the other night. Hell, who am I kidding? I probably wanted it more than he did. I start to blush without even knowing it. As I approach the booth, he stands up and wraps his arms around my body. I feel comfortable with him, something that’s happened extremely quickly for me.

  “I almost forgot how beautiful you are, it’s been too many days,” he says with his thick accent, that makes me want to melt into a puddle right here for the world to see. Families come and go, and the bartender ey
es us as he finally releases me and we both scoot into our sides of the table.

  “It hasn’t been that long!” I laugh, while I start to twirl my hair.

  “Maybe I am being a little over the top,” he laughs as well. The bartender makes her way over to the table and takes our drink order. Of course, I had to opt for the Skull Crusher, a mix of grapefruit, pineapple, and orange juices, lots of rum, and some fruit garnish. It also comes in a killer skull mug that will be my very first piece of kitchenware for my new house. I can already see me sipping my morning coffee out of it.

  “So, I’ve been meaning to talk with you about the other night. But I wanted to do it in person,” Liam says, completely catching me off guard. I figured we would both skate around the topic for a little bit before jumping into whatever conversation this is about to be.

  “I’ve been thinking about it a lot as well,” I add, and wait to see where he is going with this.

  “I really like you, Luna, but I need to share something with you that I wasn’t very upfront about.” My heart sinks at the thought of his statement. Internally, I’m in a panic. It must be written all over my face, because he stops and reaches for my hands across the table.


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