Operation Midnight

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Operation Midnight Page 18

by Sharon C. Cooper

  “And I see you still move in and out of rooms like Casper the Friendly Ghost.”

  Quinn chuckled. “Yeah, but I’m not all that friendly.”

  His dark eyes twinkled and Wiz carefully lifted his left hand, greeting his longtime friend with a fist bump. He could always count on his brothers to be here for him, even when they lived out in the Pacific Ocean somewhere. Bora Bora was where Quinn and Alandra called home now.

  Quinn nodded toward Olivia who hadn’t stirred. “My girl looks good.” The moment Wiz woke earlier to find her standing at the foot of his bed, he could tell she was exhausted. Insisting she lay down with him wasn’t just about him needing to hold her. They needed each other.

  “She’s good, all things considered. You’re looking well. How’s Alandra?”

  He hadn’t seen them in almost a year, though they kept in touch.

  “She’s amazing. Of course I brought her with me.”

  Wiz cracked a smile. “Of course.” After all the mess that he and Alandra went through, Wiz was pretty sure Quinn rarely went anywhere without her. The fact that she was five months pregnant probably made him even more vigilante about keeping her close.

  Wiz glanced down at Olivia. He not only had her to worry about, but now also their baby.

  “Olivia’s pregnant,” Wiz said without preamble, liking how the words sounded as they rolled off his tongue.

  Quinn cocked an eyebrow. “Seriously?”

  Wiz nodded, finding it hard to keep the smile from his face.

  “Congratulations, man. Malik didn’t tell me that part. So how far along is she?”

  “Eight weeks.”

  Wiz and Olivia had a lot to discuss. He wasn’t sure how she wanted to handle telling their friends and family. But before they did anything, he needed to figure out why they were ambushed.

  “I need your help in finding the bastards who attacked us yesterday.”

  “Cidal Boyz.” Quinn rubbed the back of his neck. “So when I find them, then what?”

  “Then I’ll take it from there.”

  Quinn shook his head. “Nah, man. You can’t take them on by yourself. We’re not talking about some two-bit gang bangers. They’re hard core and crazy organized. You don’t just go after them. We can’t just go after them.”

  Frustration rumbled in Wiz’s gut, causing his muscles to tighten. The wound on his side felt as if someone had just punched him and the heart monitor went into a fit.

  Wiz breathed in and out slowly, but seconds later, a nurse walked in.

  Oh great.

  The last thing he needed was for her to start fussing over him. Instead, she glanced from him to Olivia to Quinn and then back to him.

  She moved farther into the room. “I totally understand the need to have your wife here, Mr. Miller, but it’s against policy for her to—”

  “If she goes, I go.”

  His comment was met with silence. Instead of responding, the nurse nodded and backed out of the room.

  Olivia mumbled something, but didn’t wake and burrowed closer to him.

  Quinn said nothing. Probably because his stance would have been the same had it been him and Alandra.

  “Malik told me this crazy shit started because of Midnight. For the record, this will be the last time we search for her.” Quinn kept his voice low, but Wiz didn’t miss the edge in his tone and the meaning behind his words.

  Wiz nodded his understanding. He pushed down the guilt that was clawing at his conscious for not telling Olivia what happened ten years ago. But after the way they were attacked yesterday, Keisha would deserve whatever fate dealt her when this was all over. As far as he was concerned, this would be his last round with Keisha Abernathy.


  Later in the evening, Wiz—propped against pillows in his hospital bed—listened as Quinn, Malik, and Raeanna discussed the latest developments in Operation Midnight part two. Malik insisted that this new search for Keisha ranked up there with one of their overseas missions.

  Raeanna handed Wiz her laptop, the screen covered with snapshots of Keisha.

  “Where did these come from?”

  “While doing some more background checking on Keisha, I … I also stumbled upon some chatter within the Cidal Boyz’s organization.”

  “What?” Wiz, Quinn, and Malik said at once.

  “Stumbled upon or hacked into?” Wiz knew her. She was good. Damn good. She might have stumbled, but he’d be willing to bet she knew exactly what she was doing.

  “Rae, you’re playing with fire. We don’t want your digging around to start a damn war,” Malik said.

  “It won’t, I was very careful.” She glanced at Wiz and he knew for sure she intentionally dug into their system.

  “So what did you find?” Quinn asked.

  “Bishop wants Keisha found. He wants her returned alive. From what I can tell, whoever did the shooting, didn’t act on his command. And the powers that be are still trying to figure out who was involved. It doesn’t sound like anyone is admitting to the shooting.”

  “Bishop will find them,” Quinn said dryly, running his hands over his dread locks that hung in a ponytail past his shoulders. Many years ago, his gang ties had brought him face-to-face with Bishop. According to Quinn, the guy was ruthless, but a frickin’ genius when it came to business.

  “Also, the media has been all over this and was at first saying that the shooting was some type of gang initiation, but I only heard that once. This morning they haven’t said much about the incident. It might be because Victoria and the agency’s PR department have convinced them not to release your names. But I’m sure she’ll talk to you more about that.”

  Wiz nodded absently as he continued looking through the photos.

  “Most of the pictures of Keisha were posted in the Boyz’s system a few weeks ago, before she showed up in Chicago,” Raeanna said. “The last four photos were more recent.”

  Wiz was pissed Keisha had intentionally made herself look like Olivia. These guys could easily go after Olivia thinking that she was Keisha. He hoped he was wrong about the direction his thoughts were taking him, but he knew his sister-in-law. He wouldn’t put anything past her.

  He scrolled down the page to the last few photos that Raeanna said were recent. His pulse cranked up as he studied each one. He had seen the outfits recently. He also recognized the backgrounds. Two of the pictures were taken near the university where Olivia worked and the other two were taken outside of … a bridal shop.

  “What is it?” Quinn asked, approaching the bed. “Your heart rate just skyrocketed.”

  “The last four aren’t Keisha. They’re Olivia.”

  They all crowded around the laptop. Wiz pointed out the backgrounds and told them Olivia had recently worn those same outfits. For the most part, it looked like the same person, but Wiz was ninety-nine percent sure they were photos of Olivia.

  “Which could mean they might not know they’re twins,” Malik said.

  Damn. That means she might have intentionally led them to Olivia.

  “I need Olivia back here.” Wiz tried to remain calm, but the thought of her being a target was making that difficult.

  “I’ll find out their ETA,” Malik said, his cell in hand as he stepped out of the room.

  Wiz handed the laptop back to Raeanna. The more they learned the more afraid for Olivia’s safety he became. Victoria and Hank had escorted her home to pack a couple of bags since they wouldn’t be staying at the house until all of this was over. But no matter where they stayed, knowing this gang thought Olivia was Keisha scared Wiz.

  “Do you need anything else from me right now, Wiz?” Raeanna asked.

  “I just need you to keep digging and see what you can find on Keisha. We have to find her. Sooner than later. Also, can you finish going through the jewelry store’s footage? I marked where I left off. I’m thinking we have at least another week’s worth of footage to look through. Mark anything that looks strange, especially sections that include Clayton
working alone in the back area of the store.”

  “Is Clayton the one you saw Keisha talking to on the video?” Quinn asked Wiz.

  “Yeah, and I have a feeling they know each other.”

  “Actually, Wiz, Gary called this morning and said that he thinks he’s ready to go to the police. Clayton didn’t show up for his shift yesterday or this morning and he didn’t call in.”

  Wiz flopped against the pillows. This shit just keeps getting messier.

  “If what Wiz says is true about Clayton and Keisha knowing each other, it’s pretty safe to say they’re together.” Quinn hadn’t said much during the brief meeting, but each time he interjected a thought or asked a question, more and more of the puzzle came together.

  Wiz lifted his head. “Raeanna, I’m going to have Victoria work with you. I want everything you can find on Clayton. His contact information is in the file we have on the jewelry store. I want a list of credit card transactions over the past month, all of his incoming and outgoing calls, where he’s been the last few days—everything. Once I’m out of here, we’ll lay out the information we’ve gathered on him and Keisha so far, and see if we can make any connections.”

  “Got it. We’ll get on this right away. Feel better soon,” she said before leaving.

  Wiz and Quinn were the only ones left in the room. “What are you thinking?” Wiz asked.

  “I’m thinking we have to find Midnight before anything else happens. In the meantime, you and Olivia are all set to stay at the penthouse while you recover. Tyler will meet us there once you’re released.”

  Quinn and Tyler owned one of the largest real estate development companies in the Midwest. A couple of years ago, they had purchase and renovated a building on Lake Shore Drive, turning the top-floor units into penthouses. Tyler kept one that they now used as guest housing. Since living out of the country, Quinn wasn’t as active in the company and now was more of a silent partner.

  “I appreciate you setting that up. I’m being released in the morning.”

  “Why don’t you try to get some rest? I’m going to check on my wife and then start doing some digging of my own.”

  Wiz watched him leave the room. All of their lives were changing. Engagements, marriages, and now children. Their extended family was growing. The crap that everyone had gone through over the last couple of years was more than any of them bargained for, but they survived.

  Now it was his and Olivia’s turn.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Olivia sat in the chair next to Wiz’s hospital bed as Malik explained to her and Wiz how they would transport them to the penthouse.

  Her gaze went to Quinn who was leaning against a wall, his huge arms folded across his chest. She hadn’t seen him since they had dropped him and Alandra off at LAX to parts unknown a year ago. He was still as dangerously sexy as always, and according to Natasha, his presence in the hospital had all the nurses hanging out in the hallway near Wiz’s door.

  “Wiz, you and Olivia will ride with me and Quinn,” Malik said. “Travis and Hank will be in the truck in front of us and we’ll have another team taking up the rear.”

  “Is my computer equipment already at the penthouse or do we need to stop by the house first?” Wiz asked.

  Olivia had been watching Wiz all morning. Some of his color was back, but he was still in a great deal of pain. She understood why he’d been weaning himself off the pain medication, but that didn’t mean she thought it was a good idea. Like her, he was ready to put the whole mess with Keisha behind them. But unlike her, he was putting his health at risk, claiming he would never be able to rest easy as long as there was a threat against Olivia.

  Wiz had told her his theory about Keisha’s reason for being in Chicago. Her sister had done some underhanded, thoughtless things in the past, but nothing to this degree. Not once had Keisha mentioned being engaged. And diamonds? Why would she think she could get away with stealing diamonds of all things? But what Olivia had a hard time believing, was that her sister altered her style of dress in hopes of drawing the trouble away from herself and onto Olivia. Now that was unforgivable.

  Wiz reminded Olivia that it was just a theory and that he hoped he was wrong, but Olivia knew better. Wiz was good at what he did and she would be willing to bet money that though it might’ve been a theory, he wasn’t that far off.

  “Ready?” Wiz asked Olivia when he climbed off the bed.

  She nodded, but honestly, she wasn’t. She wasn’t ready to walk out of the hospital in broad daylight despite Malik’s assurance that they would be safe.

  The day before when Hank and Victoria had taken her to the house to gather some of her and Wiz’s belongings, it had been at night. Somehow she felt a little safer under the cover of darkness.

  “Let’s rock and roll,” Malik said.

  They headed to an area for employees only, where the trucks were waiting to transport them. Olivia felt like royalty hurrying down the hall surrounded by big, strong men whose eyes were shielded by dark shades and who were all well over six feet tall. She didn’t dare ask if this was a little overkill after what she and Wiz had experienced the other day. Instead, she appreciated the measures they were taking to keep them safe.

  Wiz held tight to her hand, looking as if he were prepared to leap out of the wheelchair at any sign of threat.

  No one was in the hall as the exit came in to view and Olivia wondered if Malik orchestrated that as well.

  “Olivia, the moment the back door is opened, you’re going to climb in first and then Wiz.” She nodded her understanding.

  Once they were at the exit, Malik’s team jumped into action. No one spoke as they all moved in perfect sync, hustling her and practically carrying Wiz to the truck. Seconds later, they were on their way.

  It wasn’t until they were several blocks away from the hospital did Olivia breathe. Wiz squeezed her hand, encouraging her to move closer to him without saying a word. As a matter of fact, no one in the vehicle had spoken.

  They had done a good job in keeping her in the loop, but Olivia couldn’t help but wonder if something was happening that she didn’t know about.

  “You’re shivering. Are you cold?” Wiz asked, his normally deep voice sounding strained.

  She glanced at him. He had on a wool hat pulled low on his head that stopped just above his eyes. He wasn’t looking too good and she was about to tell him that when he spoke again.

  “Don’t look so worried. I’m all right.” His raspy voice contradicted his words. And the perspiration on his nose and above his top lip couldn’t have been a good sign.

  “You can keep telling yourself that if you want, but I’m not buying it. You’re not well, Cameron. I can tell you’re in pain. You should’ve stayed on the pain medication a little longer. As a matter of fact, you should have done as the doctor recommended and stayed at least another day in the hospital.”

  He didn’t speak for the longest. He just caressed her cheek and stared into her eyes.

  “Do you realize, we’ll be married in two weeks and six days?”

  “Really, Cameron? You’re going to bring that up now when I’m worried to death about you?” She wanted to punch him. If for nothing more than to release some of the pent-up stress that had been building within her for the last few days.

  The day before, her doctor had ordered an ultrasound. With her age and the fact that she had miscarried in the past, as well as the fall she took during the shooting, he wanted to make sure all was well with the baby. Arrangements were made and Wiz was able to be with her.

  Olivia would never forget the expression on his face when they saw and heard their baby’s heartbeat. She had experienced it before, with the baby they’d lost, but to experience it with him was something she wouldn’t soon forget.

  Though she and the baby were fine, the doctor did warn that she needed to get started immediately on prenatal vitamins, as well as eat more. She had to keep from rolling her eyes when he told her to try to keep her stress leve
l down. That would probably be easy if she hadn’t been shot at, her man hadn’t almost lost his life, and she hadn’t just found out her sister was a diamond thief. Who could stay stress free with all of that going on?

  “Relax, sweetheart.” Wiz broke into her thoughts and gently pulled her to him. She went willingly into his arms as his calmness slowly swirled around her. It was as if he sensed her anxiousness. Heck, it was probably written all over her face. After a few minutes, she settled in for the ride.

  Thirty minutes later, Quinn escorted them to the apartment.

  “You guys made it. Come on in,” Tyler said when he and Dallas opened the door. They all exchanged hugs in the circular entryway.

  The impressive space was larger than a normal foyer and showcased an impressive crystal chandelier, sparkling marbled floors, and two large bamboo palm trees. Olivia had always loved touring houses and watching home shows on television and couldn’t wait to see the rest of the penthouse.

  “I’m so glad you guys are okay,” Dallas said taking their coats, keeping her arm around Olivia’s shoulder.

  “Thanks. Me too.”

  Olivia couldn’t get over how Dallas always looked so pulled together. With her long, dark hair, flawless skin, and perfect body, she didn’t look like a mother of twin boys who were almost two years old.

  Dallas ushered them into the living room and just then, Alandra walked in carrying one of the twins and holding the hand of the other.

  “Ma ma.” The one whose hand Alandra was holding ran to Dallas.

  Olivia’s heart melted at the sight of them. She hadn’t seen them in a while, and was surprised to see how big they had gotten. They were still the cutest little boys she’d ever seen. With their innocent eyes and head full of curly hair, they were the perfect combination of both Tyler and Dallas.

  Oliva caught Wiz’s gaze and they shared a smile. In a few months, they would be holding their little one. She had no idea how she was going to be able to wait another seven months for their child’s arrival.


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