Of Gods And Elves tgc-2

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Of Gods And Elves tgc-2 Page 8

by Brian D. Anderson

  “As am I,” Maybell added.

  “It is I who am grateful,” said Grentos.“This journey will allow us to strengthen bonds longneglected.”

  They spent the rest of the evening in cheerfulconversation. The wine flowed freely, and soon the tent was filledwith laughter. Jacob returned after a time and proceeded to sulk onhis bedroll, despite Grentos' efforts to make amends. By the time thewine was gone, they had all but forgotten their troubles and fellinto a deep peaceful sleep.

  Chapter Seven

  Lee woke to the gentle, feminine voice of one of theyoung healers who had attended Gewey. It had taken him quite sometime to fall asleep. Despite his cool demeanor, he was excited by theprospect of Gewey finding out what had become of his wife and son,not to mention Millet, Maybell, and Malstisos.

  “What is it?” said Lee groggily.

  “I’m sorry, but Master Gewey wishes to speakwith you. I told him to wait until morning, but he insisted.”

  “Don't be sorry,” he said, trying not toknock the girl down as he sprang from his bed and headed swiftly tothe healing chamber.

  When he arrived, Gewey was sitting up in bed sipping acup of hot tea. Kaylia was still fast asleep in the next bed. Helooked tired and worn as he managed a smile.

  “We did it,” said Gewey.

  Lee was stunned. He had prepared himself for bad news.“Are they safe?”

  “From what I was able to tell they're all justfine,” he answered weakly. “They're a few days fromHazrah. Your son is with Millet, and he plans to take him toBaltria.”

  Lee sighed with relief. “And my wife?”

  Gewey's eyes fell. “She isn't with them. Why, Idon't know.”

  Lee's heart froze. “I see.” He began pacing,rubbing his temple. “I must go to Baltria.” He looked upat Gewey. “I'm sorry but I must.”

  “I know you must. Besides, there is nothing youcan do here. The elves won't allow you to go with me anyway.”

  “I'll leave after you've gone,” Lee said. “Ishould still be able to beat them there.” Gewey nodded, clearlyexhausted. “Are you alright?”

  “I'm fine,” Gewey replied. “It took alot of effort to reach Malstisos. I wasn't ready for it, that’sall.”

  “And Kaylia?”

  “She'll be okay after a good night’s rest.”

  “I'll let you both sleep then. I can't thank youenough for this.” Gewey nodded slowly and sunk back into bed.

  Lee returned to his room, but sleep didn't come easily.His mind wandered to thoughts of his son, and worries about thewhereabouts of his wife.

  The next morning, Lee joined Gewey and Kaylia forbreakfast in the healing chamber. The healers insisted that they restfor at least one more day. A small table had been set up, and Dinaand Selena soon joined them. Conversation was light, to Lee's relief.He never enjoyed serious talk over a meal.

  “Theopolou has agreed to allow Linis to accompanyyou,” said Selena after the table was cleared. “But Ifear you may be forced to leave before you are fully recovered.”

  “We could leave now if necessary,” statedKaylia. “I am rested and not accustomed to being idle.”

  Selena's eyes wandered to Gewey.

  “I'm fine, too,” said Gewey. “Besides,it's no good for a farmer to be lazy.”

  Selena smiled warmly. “Don't worry. Neither of youwill be idle for long.” She turned to her son. “I did tryto convince Theopolou to let you go-.”

  Lee stopped her short and told her about Gewey's contactwith Malstisos.

  “I'll do my best to find out what has become ofyour wife,” she said. “In the meantime I'll havepreparations made for your journey. We have friends in Baltria. Youwill have whatever help you require.” She reached over and tookLee's hand. “Don't worry son. I will do what I must to ensuretheir safety.”

  Lee gave her hand a tight squeeze. “Thank you,Mother.”

  “I'll go with you,” said Dina.

  Lee smiled. “I appreciate it. But I won't put youin unnecessary danger.”

  “Don't be a fool, Lee. You can't go alone, and Igrew up in Baltria. You may need me.”

  “I think it's a great idea,” said Selena.“I'd feel better knowing you had someone I trusted along withyou, and as a temple historian, it's her duty.”

  Lee sighed heavily. “Very well. Meet me in mychambers after the noon meal to discuss our plans.”

  Dina grinned with satisfaction.

  “When does Theopolou want to leave?” askedKaylia.

  “In two days,” said Selena. “He hasalready sent word to the other elders. They should be there upon yourarrival.”

  “I don't like it,” said Lee. “I'drather they arrived first. Less chance for a trap to be set.”

  “Linis agrees,” said Selena. “That'swhy he's sending his people ahead, just in case.”

  Linis opened the door, his face grave. His hand grippedthe handle of his long knife so hard his knuckles turned white.

  “What is it?” asked Lee.

  “I just received a report that the roads are beingwatched.”

  “That's not surprising,” said Selena. “Weknow that the elves are aware of this place.”

  “It is not elves,” said Linis.

  “Men?” asked Kaylia.

  “No. We do not know what they are. But they'refast and cunning. My seekers have only been able to catch a glimpseof them before they disappear. But there is little doubt that theyare stalking the routes away from here.”

  “If the Dark One knows of the location of thistemple, then you must evacuate,” said Lee.

  Selena lowered her head. “We will hold ifattacked. Our walls are strong, and the Dark One has no army here.”

  “Don't be foolish,” said Lee. “Youhave few men here that can fight or mount a defense. To cover thewalls you would need a hundred soldiers, at least.”

  “A hundred we shall have,” said Selena.“What you see here is not the entire strength of the Order. Ishall send word for all of the knights to gather here. That will beenough to hold this temple indefinitely.”

  “How long will this take?” asked Linis.

  “I can double my strength in a week,”answered Selena, her hands firmly on her hips. “In three, I candefend this place against any attacker.”

  “Then I shall stay until your men arrive,”said Lee.

  “No! You will protect my grandson.”

  Lee sat back in his chair, stunned by his mother’ssudden anger.

  Selena's face softened. “You mustprotect your family, as I could not. Don't worry about me. If thesewalls are breached I can escape. There are secrets here that only Iknow. I will not be captured.”

  Lee took his mother’s hands and pulled her close.“Swear it!”

  Selena smiled. “I swear,” she said tenderly.“We will not lose each other again.”

  Lee lowered his head and sighed heavily.

  “We should leave right away, Gewey,” saidLinis. “Tonight, if you are able.” He turned to Selena.“You said there are ways out of here that wouldn’t benoticed?”

  “Yes.” She wiped her eyes. “I can getyou and the others out of the temple unseen.”

  “Good. I'll inform Theopolou.” Linus noddedcurtly and left.

  Lee stood from his chair and looked at Dina. “Prepareto leave,” he commanded. “I want to be gone ahead ofGewey. Perhaps we may draw off any pursuit.”

  “Of course.” Dina rushed off to pack.

  For the rest of the morning the temple was a beehive ofactivity. Lee and Dina were ready to leave by midday. Selena providedthem with gear and enough provisions to last more than a week, alongwith three strong horses. Lee had decided to leave Lord Ganflin'ssteeds behind and made his mother promise to ride one to safety ifthe need came.

  Gewey and Kaylia had been informed by Theopolou thatthey would be traveling on foot, which pleased Gewey. He had not beenlooking forward to saddle sores and preferred to travel light. Linisspent the morning going over the plans with Theopolou and his guards.Theopolou was troubled
when he heard the roads were being watched,but agreed that there was little to do but move forward with theirplan. The healers made the loudest protests. They insisted thatneither Gewey nor Kaylia was ready to be out of bed, let alonetravel. However, both had shown no ill effects from their ordeal. Ittook the insistence of Selena to quiet them.

  Before one o'clock Lee and Dina made their way to thefront gate. The entire temple had gathered in the courtyard to seethem off. Selena, Gewey, Kaylia, and Linis stood by the large oakdoors, each trying to hide the concern in their heart.

  “Be careful, son,” said Selena as sheembraced him. “And you…” she said to Dina with a smile.“Keep yourself safe at all times. I won't have my most valuedhistorian getting herself killed.” She embraced Dina tightly.

  Linis handed both Lee and Dina a small flask. “Keepthis with you. Should you find yourself lacking food and drink, itwill keep you strong for several days. Only a mouthful will do.”

  They received their gift gratefully and bowed in turn.

  “Thank you, my friend,” said Lee.

  Linis took Dina's hand. “I look forward to ournext meeting.”

  Dina blushed and smiled. “As do I.”

  Kaylia embraced Lee then turned to Dina. Dina laughed asKaylia whispered into her ear.

  Gewey hugged Dina then turned to Lee. “Be safe,and bring your son home.”

  Lee placed his hands on Gewey's shoulders and studiedhim for a moment. “You have grown up so much in such a shorttime. Still, listen to what Linis says, and be careful whom youtrust. I don't like the idea of delivering you into the hands of theelves, but I think you’re right. It is the only way.”

  “I'll be careful,” said Gewey.

  Lee smiled, then he and Dina mounted their horses. Asthey rode through the doors, they heard the farewells of the templecall after them. Lee's mind focused on their journey as he heard theboom of the doors close behind them. They hadn’t ridden ahundred yards when the hairs on the back of Lee's neck stood up. Theywere being watched. He knew it but from where he couldn't tell. Therocky terrain made it impossible for him to spot anyone, and ifwhoever it was could evade the elf seekers, he had little chance ofcatching him.

  Lee turned to Dina who was looking around nervously. “Ifeel it too,” she whispered.

  “Be ready,” warned Lee.

  Dina's hand slid to the knife in her belt. By the timethey reached the end of the path, her nerves were frazzled. Lee,however, seemed calm and alert.

  “We should head in the direction of Althetas,”said Lee. “If we are still followed by nightfall, we'llcontinue on to the city and try to throw them off. If not, we'llstart west. There's a road about a day’s ride that will take usto Idelia. From there we can make our way to the southern coast.”

  By the time the sun began to set, Lee no longer thoughtthey were being followed. He and Dina found a small clearing and madecamp.

  “It seems we are not worthy of further attention.”Lee laid out his bedroll. “Which means Gewey and the elves arethe likely targets.” His eyes scanned the nearby brush. “Still,I should scout the area. Wait here.”

  Lee disappeared into the fading light, while Dinamunched on a piece of bread and some dried fruit. About an hourlater, he reappeared.

  “Whoever or whatever it was is gone,” saidLee. “For now we aren't the objects of their interest.”

  “I hope they feel the same way about Gewey andKaylia,” said Dina.

  Lee nodded slowly, laid down on his bedroll and staredat the night sky.

  Chapter Eight

  Gewey, Kaylia, Selena, and Linis joined Theopolou andhis companions in the receiving chamber shortly after Lee and Dina'sdeparture. Their gear lay next to Selena's chair at the far end ofthe hall.

  “Follow me,” said Selena. She walked to thefar left corner of the room where a tapestry depicting the symbols ofthe nine Gods hung. She reached behind it and a loud clack echoedthroughout the chamber. A hidden door on the floor in front of herfell open, revealing a ladder leading down into a dark hallway.

  “Follow the passage for about one-thousand feet.There you'll find a small iron door.” She handed Gewey a key.“This will unlock it. The passage will let you out along thewestern wall of the temple. From there, follow the trail west untilyou reach the Sintil Sans Road.”

  Gewey nodded and put the key in his pocket. “Thankyou, High Lady.”

  They gathered their gear and readied themselves to climbdown the narrow ladder. Selena had packed the Book of Souls inGewey’s satchel.

  Theopolou and the other elves thanked Selena for herhospitality. Linis bowed low, and held out a small silver dagger,sheathed in an ivory scabbard. The handle was wrapped in soft leatherand it was crowned with a large blood ruby. “Take this as areminder of our friendship,” he said.

  Selena smiled and took the dagger. “Thank you,seeker. You and your kin are always welcome here.”

  Kaylia took Selena's hand in hers. “I can neverrepay you for your kindness, High


  “Nonsense,” she replied. “Your braveryhas saved us all. Without you, the only hope we have for survivalwould still be laying helpless in the healing chamber.”

  Kaylia lowered her eyes and smiled.

  “As for you,” she said to Gewey. “Icharge you with keeping yourself alive and well.”

  “I'll do my best,” Gewey replied with asmile, then made his way to the ladder.

  Gewey went first, followed closely by Kaylia, Linis, andthe others. The narrow hallway was pitch black, and it took a fewmoments for Gewey's eyes to adjust. The air was stale, and the roughstone walls echoed the troop’s footsteps. Just as Selena hadsaid, the hall sloped gently up for about one-thousand feet. There hecould make out the outline of small door. After retrieving the key hehad been given, Gewey felt around until he found the keyhole. Thelock was old and rusted, and for a moment he feared the key wouldbreak, but to his relief he heard the sound of grating metal as thelock gave way. Gewey pushed hard with his shoulder and the doorscreeched open.

  Gewey breathed deeply, allowing fresh air to fill hislungs. The sun was still high in the sky, and for a moment he wasblinded.

  “I should take the lead for now,” saidLinis.

  Theopolou nodded his approval.

  They followed the trail west for a few miles, then Linisordered a halt. “I assume you have no intention of travelingthe main roads.”

  “Correct,” said Theopolou. “Once thispath ends I will lead us.”

  They continued for several hours. The terrain becameless and less rocky, replaced by thinly spaced oaks and pines. Thelong grass bent and shifted as a constant breeze blew in from thewest. What struck Gewey as odd was the utter silence. With theexception of their footfalls and the sound of the wind, nothing, noteven birds could be heard. The elves appeared to notice this oddityand Gewey could see that it made them uneasy.

  “Something foul is near,” whispered Linis.

  “What do you mean?” asked Gewey.

  “I'm not sure. But I intend to find out.”

  Linis motioned for a halt and disappeared into the thinbrush. A while later he returned, muscles tensed and eyes wide.

  “We are being followed,” said Linis. “Butby whom or what, I can't say.”

  “How?” said Gewey. “I thought this waywas secret.”

  “So did I. It would seem the High Lady wasmistaken. I tried to spot our pursuer, but it is as crafty as myseekers reported, assuming what they saw is the same thing thathounds us now.”

  “We should try and capture it,” saidTheopolou. “I would know who this is, and why they riskfollowing elves.”

  “Whatever it is, it's neither human nor elf,”said Linis.

  “How do you know that?” asked Gewey.

  “No human alive could avoid me. Not even ahalf-man could manage it. As for it being an elf… no elf feelslike this creature. Life flees from it. Not even the birds comenear.”

  Theopolou looked troubled as his brow furled and eyessurveyed the area.
“Take as many from my escort as you need.”

  “I should need no more than three,” saidLinis. He turned to the other elves. “Who among you have hadseeker training?”

  Stintos and Haldrontis, two tall blond elves, steppedforward. “And I make three,” announced Gewey.

  Linis looked at Gewey skeptically. “I know youhave training, but I do not think Lee would approve of this.”

  “Lee is not here,” said Gewey. “And ifhe were, I am still the best choice.”

  Linis' mouth tightened, then he sighed. “Verywell. But you must do exactly as you are told.”

  Kaylia grabbed Gewey's arm. “You should let me goinstead.”

  Gewey squeezed her hand. This drew uneasy stares fromthe elves. “Don't worry. I won't do anything too stupid.”

  Linis motioned for the volunteers to follow him into thebrush. They walked north for about one-hundred yards, then he toldthem to halt.

  “You two split up east and west. See to it thatyou make enough noise to announce your presence. I will move northwhile Gewey follows slowly behind.” His eyes met Gewey's. “Makesure you are at least three-hundred paces behind me at all times. Thething that follows us fell back north as I approached. Ahead is aclearing. The creature will likely try to avoid being exposed, whichmeans it will double back and try to sneak by me. When it does wewill close the trap.” He looked hard at the entire group. “Ifyou encounter whatever this is, do not take it on alone.”

  Everyone nodded in agreement. Gewey began to feel thepulse of the earth flow through his limbs. The world around himopened up, and he could sense everything around him. He closed hiseyes and listened for their prey.

  “It's one-hundred yards north,” said Gewey.“And you're right. It's neither human nor elf.”

  “How is it you know this?” asked Stintos.

  “Never you mind,” shot Linis. “IfGewey says the creature is there, then you can count on it.” Heturned to Gewey. “Do you know what it is?”

  Gewey shook his head. “No. But I think it knowswe're coming.”

  “All the more reason to be mindful,” saidLinis.

  Stintos and Haldrontis drew their long knives and eachheaded in opposite directions. Linis gave Gewey a final glance andwent north. Once he was out of sight Gewey slowly crept forward. Withhis heightened senses, he could hear the movements of the creatureahead. Slowly he slid his sword from its scabbard. It felt warm as itthrobbed in his hand. Energy rushed through him like a torrent, andhe could feel the sinews of his arms and legs pulse and growstronger.


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