Syndrome of Mortality

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Syndrome of Mortality Page 30

by Eden R. Souther

  That was not to say their emotion was not justified. Fenriel had power like nothing the young warriors had never seen, or would see ever again. Their leader had brought them carelessly to a blood bath.

  Demias was not a good shepherd. His poor lambs were being fed straight to the wolf. It was a pity that the innocent would have to be sacrificed for his mistake, but Fenriel refused to die. There was so much to live for. She had a people to rebuild. An entire nation rested on her shoulders. The stakes were too high.

  “Father forgive me,” she murmured and watched as the first line of loyal soldiers began their charge, “for I have sinned.”

  With delicate fingers, she ran her hand down the length of her scythe until a sterling line appeared. She drew back the string and focused her energy into a bolt. A deep breath filled her lungs and as she exhaled, she released the arrow. The soldier it collided with stood not a chance. He fell to the ground below and withered away into nothing but light and a single flower.

  Silently, she prayed that their poor soul found peace. Perhaps they would join the universe in nirvana, or they would be reborn again. Whichever path they took, Fenriel wished them all the best.

  Life after life was taken. The soldiers attacked and found their deaths at the Dark Angel’s hand. Her heart ached for them and the families who they had left behind. There was no satisfaction to these deaths. These were the innocents.

  The battle raged on. Energy flared and popped and explosions dotted the sky. She could feel Zier’s familiar presence, and the arch-demon known as Sin not too far away dealing with her own squadron. Cries of pain and agony washed through the clearing.

  There was a pop. Immediately, Fenriel twisted around. Ravin had returned with the girl known as Michelle. Without waiting even a heartbeat, the Dark Angel appeared before him and created a small field to deflect any blasts.

  “Made it,” he panted, sagging against the Cistern. “Hope you didn’t start the party without me.”

  “I am afraid it started whether we wanted it to or not,” she said and placed her hand on the clear glass. “You need to get her somewhere safe until the fight subsides. They will not hurt her in her current state. I am their target. “

  Ravin nodded. “I’ll get on that.” Then he disappeared in another poof of energy. This time, he reappeared in the basement with Jo and Lian.

  Jo looked up from the sleeping Lian with shock, which faded when she realized who it was. “I heard you caused quite a commotion.”

  “Yeah.” He gave a grin. “I kind of kidnapped her, I guess. To be fair, I did apologize a bunch of times.”

  “Marie called Lian in a fit of hysterics.” Jo gave him a nervous smile; the ground was shaking above them. “I told her Michelle was with us, then she said something about seeing you left her a message.”

  “Well, I kind of explained it there.” Ravin glanced up at the ceiling. “I’ve got to get back up there. They are going to need me.” With that, he teleported up to the fight. Almost immediately, two angels had focused in on him. One grabbed his neck, with hate in her eyes.

  Loviel tackled the angel off, and at once, Ravin could breathe again.

  A fireball knocked the second angel off its course. Sin limped up to Ravin, panting. She had an inferno blazing in her eyes and her tail twitched. A large gash marred the side of her arm. Before another angel could attack, she readied more fire in her palms.

  “We can’t keep this up forever,” she growled. The spell had taken a great deal of her energy.

  At the same time, an intense battle raged above. Bastion was locked in on Zier. Bastion was a large angel with big broad shoulders and a thick neck. His arms looked as if they were made from tree trunks. In his hands he held double shield blades.

  His every move was tactical. Bastion was a tank in every way. He could take almost any hit thrown at him and he could just as easily give it back. He was not, however, generally one to jump into fights. The Guardian was a Defender. His people were known as the Shield for a reason.

  The look in Bastion’s eyes was blank and reserved. This to him was nothing more than a formality. War was not something he eagerly joined.

  Zier aimed a strike straight at Bastion’s exposed chest. The opening was too good, but he couldn’t pass it up. It turned to be just that. The moment he went for it, Bastion struck his chest with the flat of the shield. Zier felt his ribs crack and collapse inward.

  There was a pop of energy. Fenriel grabbed Bastion. She wrapped her arms behind his shoulder and pulled. Her hold was strong. Despite his struggles, she could not be shaken. She flashed a look with Zier and made eye contact.

  The Fallen Angel threw himself forward with all his remaining strength and landed his fist square in Bastion’s face. A sick smile pulled at Zier’s lips as the cartilage of Bastion’s nose shattered beneath his knuckles. He followed the strike with a kick to Bastion’s chin.

  An exhausted wheeze escaped Zier’s throat as he landed.

  Fenriel gripped Bastion's limp wings, then twisted, tossing him into a line of other soldiers. She landed in front of Zier and put her hand on his cheek. “Are you okay?” she murmured in the most gentle of tones.

  As she looked into his gaze, her brows furrowed. His eyes were not the ones she remembered, but his face was. It was everything she had dreamed of while she was locked away. A single tear ran from her eye. She was entranced by him, her only weakness.

  “I’m okay, now that you’re here.” Zier pulled her close and kissed her deeply as tears rolled down his cheeks. It had been so long since he’d been able to see her, let alone touch her, or kiss her.

  Blood spurted as pain lanced through Fenriel’s wing. She let out a cry and looked to see an arrow of pure light blazing in her flesh. Hatred filled her gaze as she twisted to see Demias above. A look of pride filled him.

  He had been waiting and watching the entire battle for a moment where her guard had been lowered. Luckily for him, it had been easier than expected. Perhaps all her years locked away had made her weak after all.

  Another arrow formed in his hand and he took aim yet again.

  Fenriel pulled the bolt from the wound and felt the warmth of life flowing down her feathers. Haze filled her sight and her legs started to feel weak. She looked at the arrow and its tip dripped with a sticky substance. Poison.

  The bastard was crafty. She would have to give him that. She lifted her hand to fire back, but the energy fizzled in her veins. Whatever he had hit her with was powerful. This time, he was not taking any chances. Fenriel gritted her teeth. This could not be the end. How could it? Her people needed her. She was their last chance. The girl, Michelle, needed her.

  As if the Father had been listening, a pillar of light transcended from the sky above. Either her prayers had been answered, or all hope was lost. Singing like she had not heard in a lifetime filled Fenriel’s ears. She knew it well.

  From the bright beam floated down an angel who embodied the sun itself. She was just as beautiful as Fenriel in every way.

  Silence overtook the battlefield as the singing faded. Before them all, Cleoph stood mid-air. She held out her hands and the battle stopped. The soldiers looked upon her in awe, for she was the Mother Exalt.

  Beside her was a tall male with dark hair that had a vibrant pink stripe. As he played a song on a small harp, a strange feeling took the battlefield. Happiness. He looked down at the Mother Exalt and placed a single kiss atop her head. Then he looked skyward and spoke, “Let the Forces of Balance be known.”

  More angels started appearing around the field, their bodies were covered in loose battle veils. They stood ready, their eyes filled with light and their hands held staves of all shapes. Some went to the injured of both sides and laid healing hands upon them.

  “Demias, this needs to stop,” Cleoph commanded. “I will not stand by and let the last of the Angels of Night be killed. You will not harm my sister. “

  The Leader of the Sword stared in horror at Cleoph. “You would protect her
after everything she has done?” His words were a sharp hiss. “You cannot interfere, this is not your place.”

  “On the contrary.” Cleoph was calm as ever, her demeanor full of confidence. “Balance has been off for longer than we dare remember. Without our sister clan, the scales are unbalanced.” The Mother Exalt landed beside Fenriel and placed a soothing hand on her wing.

  As the wound healed, clarity returned to the Dark Angel. She stared, unbelieving, at Cleoph. After a quiet moment, she bowed her head with respect.

  Demias shot forward and gripped Cleoph’s robes. He glared into her eyes and growled. “This is treason against the Father. If I must, I will kill you as well.”

  “You forget, Demias.” Her words were gentle as if she were speaking with an insolent child. “He is her Father, too. If your actions are not in the best interest of our people, I will stand against you.”

  Then, a bright flash exploded with Cleoph at the center. Once the blinding rays had cleared, Demias was standing with his hand over his heart, clenching at his burning skin. All of the Angels of the Sword and Shield released calls of pain.

  “My love.” Cleoph turned to the tall angel with the pink hair. “Make the barrier.”

  He bowed his head then began to sing in Haelic. The other Angels of Balance lifted their voices and as they did, a bubble was formed around them. For the time being, they were protected from the outside. Demias could not harm them.

  “Woah,” Ravin gasped. “How did you do that?” His eyes were full of wonder.

  Cleoph turned to face Ravin, and a strange expression rolled over her face. She studied him quietly. She seemed confused at his reaction. It was as if she expected something different, but what that was, was unknown. Her words were chosen with utmost care. “They are all like my children,” she mused, as if it were an inside joke. “In times of great need, I am able to … ground them.”

  “How long do we have?” Fenriel querried.

  Cleoph turned and looked at her husband who was watching the conversation as he sang. She looked back. “There is not much time, but enough to do what must be done. Please, hurry. Erieciel and I will only be able to hold the barrier for a short time.”

  Fenriel nodded and looked at Ravin. “Come. Let's go.” She flared her wings and started to walk away before she muttered, “Thank you, my sister.”

  “Go,” Cleoph demanded. “We will speak later.”

  Satisfied that all was well, Fenriel nodded and started down towards Michelle. For millennia, there had only been one Dark Angel left in the world. Soon, there would be a second. The human would be the first blessed with the Gift of Night in this new era.

  Perhaps everything would be different this time. When she was last free, Cleoph had sided blindly with the rest of her people, or she had been too weak to stand up to the destruction of an entire race. For so long, Fenriel had hated her sister because of it. Though she wasn’t sure this would change all of that, it was a start.

  Fenriel reached the basement and stared at the strange device that was holding the human girl. She had never seen anything like it before. Technology had truly changed. That was no matter. She looked at Ravin and pointed at the capsule.

  “Free her,” she ordered. “Then, we shall begin the ceremony.”

  Chapter 34

  A moment went by before Ravin began to comply with Fenriel’s order. He searched his mind for the instructions the nurse had unwittingly given him. Upon finding them, he started to flip a few buttons. In response, the Cistern began to drain. The top cracked open; the segments retracted back like flower petals. In the machine’s compact state, there wasn’t much liquid to remove.

  Michelle rested in the bottom; her sleeping form was fragile. He leaned down and drew her to his chest. The liquid quickly evaporated and she felt warm in his arms. He placed a single kiss on the center of her forehead, then looked up at the Dark Angel.

  Fenriel held out her arms and took Michelle’s naked frame within them. The girl’s breaths started coming in weakly. Every moment, her fire was fading. Using her mental abilities, Fenriel suspended the human in the air.

  Silver tears welled in her eyes as her emotions flared. There would be two. No longer did she have to be alone in darkness. Soon, her tribe of people would return and it would all start with this so-beloved girl.

  The Dark Angel closed her eyes focusing internally on her heart and her soul. The crystalline light called to her, beckoned her closer and closer.

  Memories started pouring back. She stood in the center of her homeland. From above, the stars smiled brightly down. Songs long lost tickled her ears and she could almost hear the voices of those she once knew.

  Children ran around her feet and grabbed at her robes. They smiled and joy fluttered through their wings and laughter. Fenriel walked up the stairs to the temple where the Lunar Heart shimmered. She placed her hand on the crystal and felt its love like raindrops pouring from the heaven.

  “I call upon you,” she murmured, “the voices of the ancestors long passed. Tonight, a human girl shall join our ranks. Great kind ancestors, grant this girl life so she may carry on the traditions long lost to time.”

  The crystal shimmered brilliantly in response. Many voices spoke in harmony. “Let her song join ours. Let her be one of the People. We Ancestors bestow upon her the Gift of Time and Space. She is one of the Night and we are one with her.”

  “Michelle, your spirit comes before the great watching stars,” Fenriel intoned. “May this heart be yours and may it beat until the end of days.”

  When the Dark Angel opened her eyes, she held pure starlight in her right hand. With her left, she brushed Michelle’s hair from her face. With every second, Michelle’s pulse grew weaker and weaker. A cool feeling tickled at Fenriel’s wingtips.

  With the greatest of grace, Fenriel held the tiny star above Michelle. “This is your new home. Nourish her and teach her. Give her the greatest gift that we can offer so that she may walk the path with us. Great Star, be one with Michelle and let her Spirit live on.”

  The Star sank down until it touched Michelle’s chest. Beams of aurora-like light burst from the Star and wrapped around the weak human’s form. Brighter and brighter they burned until the room was filled with a white light so fulfilling it was as if it were made of joy itself.

  As the light subsided, Michelle was sitting in midair. Clothing made from swatches of the night sky wrapped around her form. Her back, which was exposed, had dark markings scrawled across the skin. Two tattoos that looked like wings rested on her shoulders. As she stretched her muscles out, the markings began to glow.

  A new feeling, never before experienced, filled Michelle to the very brim. It was something so alien that she began to cry with joy. She was free from pain.

  At last, her eyes opened and the gaze that was once dull blue was now bright silver. Her feet hovered an inch above the ground as energy pulsed from her skin. Was this what the others had always felt like? How had she never noticed just how weak she had been?

  “Holy fuck,” she whispered and looked at her hands.

  Ravin stated in awe at Michelle. He could barely comprehend what he had witnessed. “That's a good way to put it.” He gaped at her and took in the differences. She wasn't just a husk. She was well and truly alive for the first time in what felt like forever. “You’re…” Ravin murmured. “Woah.”

  She turned to face him and a mischievous grin appeared on her face. “You look like shit.”

  “Yeah,” Ravin admitted. “That tends to happen when you are punched by Lovie, yelled at by Zier, steal someone from a hospital, jump out of a parking structure, and then get attacked by angels. And that’s all just within the past two hours.” A self-satisfied smile crept over his face. If they survived through this fight, Michelle could live for as long as time itself. Their problem was finally solved.

  Michelle took a step towards him, but a hand on her shoulder stopped her.

  “I have learned the hard way. Kisses should w
ait for after the battle,” Fenriel mentored.

  Michelle looked up at the sound of a rumble. “A battle huh? Well, what are we waiting for?” She didn’t know what kind of powers she had received. Thoughts and feelings coursed through her brain. She could hear Jo’s thoughts in her own head. ‘Thank the gods. All of them. I’m going to literally kiss all of the gods. God orgy. My body is ready.’

  She could hear Marius! There was something about a Dark Angel in there. Wait. Was that really Fenriel? Okay, Michelle promised herself she would never go into a coma ever again. There was a big loop that she wasn’t a part of and yet she was in the middle of it.

  “Give me a rundown,” she said as they started towards the stairs.

  “I was released in order to make you a Night Exalt,” Fenriel explained. “Then angels started attacking us due to our history.”

  Michelle nodded in understanding. “So someone’s throwing a bitch-fit and it’s up to us to calm their tits.”

  “If that is what they are calling it these days.” Fenriel quirked a brow, and grinned. She was going to like this girl quite a lot. There was a good energy about her; it was full of brightness. Yes. She was quite pleased with her very first of the new Night Angels to come.

  When they reached the battleground above, there were loud rumbles. Angels were slamming into the barrier with all of their strength, causing it to crack. Both Cleoph and Erieciel were straining, holding their magic in place.

  Trembling, their bodies were exerting so much power to keep their people safe.

  “Cleoph.” Fenriel approached and put her hand on the Exalted Mother’s wing. “The ceremony is complete. We are again prepared to fight.”

  Lightning stuck the apex of the dome and Cleoph gritted her teeth. On her skin, a bolt-like pattern started to burn. They were fighting magic with magic. It wouldn’t be long before the Angels of Balance would drop the defense.


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