Playing Jasper (Genoa Mafia Series Book 4)

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Playing Jasper (Genoa Mafia Series Book 4) Page 17

by Ginger Ring

  It was a lot to take in. Not to mention she’d caused Andrew Hower’s death. A living, breathing person was now dead because of her. That was the hardest thing to deal with. She’d not actually done the deed, but by lying and leading him there to be killed, she had as much blood on her hands as Arlo and Dominic. Her relationship with Roman and Madison seemed fragile, but they didn’t seem to think anything of it. Her boss still expected her to show up for work on Monday. But could she? Would it be best to just pack the car and leave town? Where would she go, and what would she do? Life right now was a crossroad, and it was hard to know which direction to turn.

  A rattling noise brought her back from the brink, and she realized it was her teeth chattering. She trembled so badly, it took several attempts to turn off the water. Grabbing a towel, she dried off and slipped on a fluffy robe. Still cold, Jackie went to the kitchen, grabbed a bottle of whiskey, and started a fire in the fireplace.

  A half hour later, the fire roared, and half the bottle was gone. Jackie rocked while staring into the flames. Nothing helped. Nothing made her feel better. It was at if she’d died on the inside, but the outside just didn’t know it yet.

  In the brief time she’d been in Genoa, the place had become home. A bigger city held zero interest for her now. She liked it here. Being a reporter held zero interest for her, but she liked working at the winery and was excited to see the business grow. Then, there was Jasper. She loved him. As much as she had fought it, he’d won her heart.


  She took another swig from the bottle and set it on the floor. Where was he? Jackie stood and paced the room like a caged-in cat. So tied up in her own mess, she’d not considered how much this had affected him. The man must be a turmoil. He loved his life with the family, and she’d made him look bad.


  Guilt spiked when she realized she had no idea where he was, but going to his house right now just didn’t seem like the right idea either. Jackie needed time to think things, though, and it was a good bet he did also. Rising slowly, she returned to the kitchen, carefully holding on to chairs and tables along the way. She wasn’t used to heavy drinking, and too much booze had made the room sway. Spying her phone on the floor, Jackie carefully reached for it. Hitting the start-up button several times, she realized it was clearly dead. Counting four deep breaths, she found the cord and plugged it in. Maybe it was a good thing it wasn’t charged. Right now, she didn’t even know where to start, and she was in no condition to form complete sentences.

  The clock on the wall said midnight. Where had the time gone? Fighting back a yawn, physical and mental exhaustion overtook her, and Jackie finally fell into bed.



  Never had he wanted to skin a person alive, piece by piece, but right now, Andrew Hower was at the top of that list. Arlo and Dominic didn’t appreciate him making them wait to get rid of the guy, but he’d insisted. The urge to do something was overpowering. Ever since things had unfolded at the winery, it’d been hard to process what the hell had gone down. Just driving out of town helped ease the throbbing headache that had formed.

  The Restful Arms was anything but. It was a run-down motel that both the MC and mob used for things they’d like to keep under the radar of the local law enforcement. However, once the staff discovered the demise of Hower, they’d have no choice but to call the police.

  They were waiting for him in room number thirteen.

  “What took you so long?” Dom grumbled as Jasper entered the room. “Stephanie’s been waiting. She wants to go out to eat.”

  “Whipped.” Jasper couldn’t believe the change in the man since he’d met his true love. The guy had always preferred to be alone, so going out to eat in a restaurant was something new to the man who was uncomfortable around people. Steph had healed the man from the inside out. It was true love, and that just threw more salt on the cuts to his heart he was experiencing right now. “Has he said anything?”

  Arlo stepped to his side. “The usual shit. Help me. I didn’t do it. I can get you money.”

  “Nothing about the Bratva or the Smiths.” His friend just shook his head. “Did you bring what I asked?”

  “Yeah, but this is going rogue.” He nodded toward the man tied to a chair. Hower was pale, and from his lack of fight, he had clearly accepted his fate. “Roman said to kill him, not interrogate him. We can’t leave any marks. It has to look like a suicide.”

  “It will. Connie got the insurance money, so they didn’t suspect anything there.” Jasper now stood in front of the man who’d turned Jackie’s world upside down. “Give me the needle.” He held out his hand, and Arlo gave him the syringe. It was Amobarbital, which they used to get people to talk. It wasn’t actually a truth serum, but it did cause the person’s central nervous system to slow down, and they would have a hard time coming up with a fake answer. Even if he couldn’t get his girl back, he would prove his worth to his boss.

  “A needle pick will leave a mark.” Dom moved to stand behind Andrew. “But we’re going to hang ’em, so just poke him where the rope will hit. Hold him, and I’ll do it.” That caused the man to squirm and come to life.

  Jasper and Arlo held Hower motionless while Dom inserted the needle in the correct spot, and they waited. The drug made him drowsy but not enough to not answer questions. For the next hour, Jasper asked question after question and recorded it all on his phone. It was risky to do that, but it was important for Roman to hear it word for word. The man revealed the full details of what had happened to Jackie’s parents and the names of the men who had murdered them.

  It was when they asked him why he had gotten involved with the Bratva that things really got interesting. Andrew hadn’t always been a willing accomplice. He was over his head in debt and had agreed to help in return for a payoff. Once he was on the payroll, the man got addicted to the money and the other benefits of working for the Russian mob. The high-end hookers and access to their clubs were just a few of those benefits. The guy gave up the addresses of some of the clubs and major hangouts. He also mentioned that they’d been responsible for some of the hits on Caponelli and Rinaldi businesses.

  “What are they planning to hit next?” They didn’t have much time left. It was getting late, and the motel would get busy with people paying by the hour. Also, Hower had broken out in a sweat, his skin was clammy, and it looked like he might be going into cardiac arrest. The guy had been under extreme stress for several hours.

  “The daughter,” he mumbled, and Jasper shook the man awake.

  “The daughter? What daughter?” Jasper asked again. “Whose daughter?”

  His mind raced as he counted in his head the names of single women in the Caponelli and Rinaldi families who might be the focus of the Bratva. It was anyone’s guess who they’d go after, but everyone needed to be extra vigilant.

  Andrew jerked as the impending heart attack kicked in, and in a matter of seconds, his head rolled to the side.

  “Son of a bitch. Untie him.” They loosened the ties that bound him, and Hower collapsed onto the floor in a thud. He was still breathing but not long for the world.

  “Well, this makes it easier. We don’t have to hang him now and the needle gauge was small enough it didn’t show at all.” Dom glanced at his watch. “I just got a text from the tech guys saying that everything has been uploaded to his computer and phone. They said to just leave the laptop up and running. Can you finish up? I got to go.”

  “If everything is swept and clean. Go.” Arlo groaned, and his eyes met Jasper’s. At least Dom’s love life was on the right track, even if theirs weren’t.

  Dom hustled out, and his van could be heard turning on the crushed rock as he spun out.

  “I guess that means you’re driving me home.” Arlo checked the man for a pulse. “He’s dead, but we’d better stay another ten minutes, just to make sure.”

  “Yeah, sure.” Jasper checked his phone for messages, but there were none.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  The sun was already up when Jasper finally drove into the driveway to his place. What a long fuckin’ night. Turning off the car, he checked his phone for the hundredth time. If Jackie cared as much as she said, why hadn’t she called? And did he even want her to? After leaving the motel, Arlo and he had driven to Roman’s house to play the recording. At least Jasper felt redeemed in Roman’s eyes. The man said he knew that Jasper would do what needed to be done and that Jasper was loyal to him. Arlo and Dom had been given instructions to interrogate the guy, if Jasper hadn’t beat them to it. He’d played right into their hands again.

  The Caponellis and Rinaldis were taking extra precautions to protect their wives and the daughters of everyone in the family. Arlo hadn’t said a word, but you could tell he was concerned about Layla. If anyone was a target, she’d be the biggest. With Madison out of town and married to Roman, Layla was the remaining daughter of Bruno Rinaldi in Chicago. The closest dot on their radar.

  After business was taken care of, Arlo left, while Jasper stayed to ask about Jackie and where he stood with the family. Again, Roman stressed that he should have been more careful about pursuing the reluctant redhead, but that all was forgiven. She’d be welcomed into the family with open arms, if Jackie wished to stay. Oh God, how he wished she would. Even if there was no future for them, he wanted her to be safe.

  Entering stalker mode, he drove past her place. Her car was parked in its usual spot, and nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Finally, Jasper dragged himself out of the vehicle and into his home, where he collapsed onto the couch. There was no way he would sleep in his bed with the scent of her perfume on the pillows. It hurt way too much. He should have hated her, but he didn’t. He should have wanted her to leave, but he didn’t. He should have gone after someone, but he wouldn’t.

  In the past few hours, he’d gone through all the stages of grief, only this wasn’t a death, but the possible end of relationship. Her betrayal had shocked him beyond belief. It had come out of left field and nailed him with a right hook. She had her reasons for keeping quiet, but she should have trusted him, and that hurt most of all. It’s human nature to want to get back at those who harmed you. Was he angry? That was an understatement, but then, he remembered what else she had done.

  Jackie had stepped in front of a loaded gun pointed at his chest. She’d accepted death to save his life. How could he say that wasn’t love? How could he ever let her go? Groaning, he rolled over and reached for his phone. He’d always regret it if they didn’t see this through.

  Jasper checked the time on his phone. It was too early to call. She may still have been sleeping. Being overly tired and overly emotional was never a good time to talk. So he sent a text.

  Jasper: We need to talk. 7 tonight at the Pier. Please be there.

  He hit SEND and closed his eyes.



  Her mouth was dry, and her head throbbed like a bitch. Yawning, she rolled to the side and closed her eyes. The sun was up and shinning right through the window. Glancing at her alarm clock, she’d clearly overslept. Reliving what had happened in the last twenty-four hours, she hugged her pillow tighter. Andrew Hower was dead, and her relationship with Jasper was on life support.

  Dragging her feet, she headed to the bathroom to freshen up for the day. After a warm bath, yoga pants and a t-shirt were her choice for the day until she knew what came next. Coffee. That was what came next. It briefly crossed her mind to go to the Java Shop, but right now, she didn’t feel like talking to anyone. Making her own would have to do.

  Jackie spied her phone on the counter where she’d left it late last night to charge. She was afraid to check and find no messages. That was just too much to handle right now. What was needed was some caffeine first.

  It was a good thirty minutes later before she gained the nerve to start up the phone. There were several messages, in fact, so she started at the bottom.

  There was one from Stephanie, asking if she’d be interested in a girl’s trip and bachelorette weekend. It was a group message that also included Valentina and Madison. Jackie was officially included in the mob wives/girls club. Having never been a part of anything like that, she yearned to have close friends to do things with. There were a few reward texts from local businesses. A free cookie with purchase of coffee at the Java shop. Maybe she’d go there, after all. And a free car wash with gas fill-up at the Kwik Trip. The next was from Maddy. She no longer thought of her as Madison, but Maddy, as her friends and family called her.

  Madison: I’m worried about you. Let me know how you are, and I expect to see you at work Monday.

  Her heart sank that there were no texts from the person she really wanted to hear from. Jackie placed it back on the counter, only to have it vibrate to life. It was Jasper.


  The message was brief and to the point, but it said what she wanted to hear. He wanted to work things out. Well, that’s what she hoped it meant.

  But could they?

  Jasper would have trust issues, and she had a lot to work through as well.

  The rest of the day dragged at a snail’s pace. Minute by agonizing minute. Even if things didn’t work out between her and Jasper, she’d already made the decision to stay. Genoa was home now, and there was no place she’d rather be.

  Jackie curled her hair and put on some light makeup. Deciding what to wear was the hard part, but she finally settled on capris, a sleeveless top, and sandals. Standing in front of the mirror one more time before going out the door, Jackie added the infinity earrings, bracelets, and necklace.

  It seemed like so much had happened since he had given her that first gift. What was Jasper feeling right now? Would he be angry? He had every reason to be, but it had never been her intention to get him tangled up in this mess. She’d turned him down numerous times, but in the end, he’d won her over. The next few hours would decide her future—their future. Anxiety had gotten the best of her, so she decided to get outside again and take a walk before leaving. Wringing her hands, it was the best stress relief she could come up with. Jackie grabbed her phone and keys and went outside.

  There was a small wooded park near her building, and that’d be just the trick to calm her nerves and get some much-needed fresh air. All she wanted for the next half hour was a little alone time with nature. Jackie took the path next to the lake. It was basically a hiking path that stopped at different spots in the woods. In the middle was a small park with a few picnic tables and benches. There was also a small parking lot that seem to attract lovers late at night. From what she had heard, anyway. With any luck, it would be too early in the day for that.

  It was a good ten-minute walk before she’d get there. Rounding the bend, she spied a white van in one of the parking spots. What was Dominic doing here? Was he checking up on her? Jackie strode alongside the vehicle. Hopefully, the man hadn’t had to pick up a body here. The side door was open.

  “Dominic?” She poked her head inside, but it was empty.


  She fell forward onto the hard floor of the van. Her elbows burned as they skidded across the rough surface. Jackie rolled over and rubbed the back of her head. She saw stars. What the hell? Before she knew it, someone shoved her legs in the van and slammed the door shut.

  Jackie fought to keep her eyes open. Had Roman changed his mind and decided to get rid of her after all? Not having seen the inside of Dom’s van, she couldn’t be positive this was it. There was a gate separating the driver and the back. Struggling to sit as the vehicle started up and drove out of the park, the man behind the wheel came into focus. It wasn’t Dom. It wasn’t anyone she’d ever see before.

  “What’s going on?” She collapsed back onto the floor. The stranger had hit her over the head. Right now, she should be in panic mode, but the pain was too much to register anything else. It was a concussion, for sure, maybe even a skull fracture.

  “Who are you
?” The pain caused her to roll up into the fetal position, but she still had a little fight left in her.

  “Don’t worry, honey.” The man in the front seat finally spoke. “Before the night is through, you’ll know me really well.” His laugh was the last thing she heard before everything went black.



  Jasper was early to the Pier. He didn’t want to miss Jackie and was too nervous to sit and wait at his place.

  “Can I get you a drink, sweetie?” The waitress stood a little too close. At first, he didn’t recognize her, or even care, but it was a good chance they’d shared a drink somewhere or sometime. Her name was Lacy, Tracy, Stacy, or something like that.

  “Just a water for now. I’m waiting for someone.” He glanced at his phone again.

  “Lucky lady.” The woman walked away with an exaggerated saunter.

  Thirty minutes later, he was still nursing a glass of water and ready to bite off the head of anyone who came in the door and wasn’t the one he was waiting for. He glared at the wall clock for the hundredth time. Well, he was done. Jackie wasn’t coming. If she was anything, it was punctual. The woman was usually early for everything. Cursing, he got up and threw a few bills on the table before marching out the door to his vehicle. Maybe he’d head to Roman’s and punch some bags. The need to hit something was top on his list. Anything to distract him from the emptiness in his chest.

  The phone in his pocket vibrated, and hope rose again.

  “Jackie?” He didn’t bother to look at the scene and kept walking.


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