Avoiding Commitment

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Avoiding Commitment Page 21

by craziebabe45

  "What's going on out here?" Jack spat through gritted teeth.

  "I…uh…" she began.

  "Lexi wasn't feeling well. I think she drank too much," Ramsey interjected smoothly. "I thought she could use some fresh air." Ramsey glanced from Jack's furious face to Lexi sheepish grin. She looked like she had just been caught with her hand in the cookie jar. Something was up between the two of them. He just wasn't sure exactly what it was.

  "Hey baby, ready to go?" Bekah asked announcing her presence in the lit doorway. Her bright smile began to fade as the tension in the air hit her. Something was up. She couldn't figure out why this Lexi girl caused commotion everywhere she went. Was it completely necessary to put everyone's emotions on end all the time?

  "Um…did I miss something?" Bekah asked her tone concerned.

  Ramsey's eyes remained locked on Jack's face. He was really curious to know what was going on between them. Why would he invite Lexi to Atlanta when he quite obviously had feeling for her? Were they having an affair? That just didn't make sense to him. There would be no point in introducing her to Bekah, and keeping up pretenses if that were the case. Bekah was smart enough that she would see straight through them if that were the case. At least, he hoped that she was capable of being an unbiased judge about the whole situation.

  No, there must be something more to the situation. Something that Bekah quite possibly knew about. He wanted to know what was going on. While he was stuck under Jack's lethal gaze probably wasn't the best time to start asking questions.

  Or maybe he just liked Lexi. There was something so real…so raw about her personality. She didn't hold back. She wasn't afraid to be blunt, to say things that you weren't expecting, to completely ignore someone with wealth and influence. These were not things that people did especially not the people he hung out with. Everyone was so desperate to please him all the time. And much of the time they were only interested in him for his money. Up until their kiss, which he attributed to the compulsive personality he was beginning to become fond of, he hadn't even really thought that Lexi liked him at all. More like she resented him for the very virtues that everyone else flocked to him for having.

  "I don't think so," Ramsey finally answered breaking the silence.

  "Why you are all so tense?" she trilled hoping to lighten the mood.

  "Yeah Jack, why are we all so tense?" Ramsey couldn't keep himself from asking.

  Jack's face immediately lightened some. "I don't know what you're talking about. I'm not tense," he said shrugging his lifted shoulders.

  "Alright, well can we just get out of here. I'm tired," she pleaded her blue eyes opening wide as she looked up at him. He didn't even have a glance for her as his eyes remained locked onto Ramsey and Lexi who were still huddled together.

  "Yeah, we were just leaving," Jack growled. "You ready?" he asked nodding his head towards Lexi.

  "Oh, well I'm not ready to leave. We just got here," Lexi said lamely. Actually, she had no idea what time it was, and didn't particularly care.

  "No, Lex, it's past eleven. Bekah and I have to work early in the morning so we're heading out. You have to come with us," he demanded.

  How had she missed that they had been at Ramsey's for over three hours? Time had just flown by. Lexi's eyes shifted from Jack to Bekah and then up at Ramsey. She knew there was some reason she hadn't wanted to come to this party. Where was she going to sleep now that she was hammered? She couldn't stay at Jack's. They would definitely end up sleeping together. She was already turned on, and with all his bubbling anger she was sure he wouldn't be able to control himself. There was no way she was staying in Bekah's ridiculous Easter egg house. Honestly, she didn't have the money for a hotel, but there was no other option.

  "Oh, I see," Lexi said wobbling even in Ramsey's grasp.

  "Well let's go then," Jack said reaching for Lexi's arm.

  Ramsey could see the reluctance in Lexi's face. He vaguely remembered her telling him that she was supposed to be staying with her parents tonight nearly an hour away from his apartment. There was no way she was going to make it there in her condition. For some reason, he instantly felt protective of her. He didn't want her to stay at Jack's house. Something deep inside him told him that it would be bad news if they were stuck in the same house together.

  "She said she didn't want to leave," Ramsey said his voice turning business-like. He had moved just a fraction of a step forward, but it was enough to make Jack drop his hand. "She can stay here and party more if she wants. It's not like anyone else is going to be leaving at eleven." He hadn't intended for his words to come out quite so condescendingly, but he had managed to get his point across. Jack and Bekah both were looking at him curiously. Almost as if it were the first time they had ever looked at him.

  "Ramsey, can I talk to you for a minute in private?" Bekah asked her voicing oozing with sisterly affection.

  He glanced from Jack to Lexi and back. He didn't want to leave them alone. Something was gnawing at him, and he didn't know what it was. But it's not like he could always deny them alone time if Lexi was here visiting Jack, and he'd never been able to deny his sister anything. Reluctantly, he nodded and Ramsey and Bekah retreated back into the kitchen closing the door behind them.

  Lexi and Jack were alone. They both realized that this was the first time since this morning at his apartment that they had been completely alone. Sure anyone could walk outside and find them together, but that didn't matter. The electricity coming from their nearness was intense.

  She couldn't remember the last time she had allowed herself to drink this much around Jack. Before, if she knew there was even a possibility that they might end up alone together, she wouldn't touch the stuff. But she hadn't anticipated this moment. She knew she wasn't thinking clearly even as she walked towards him.

  "What were you doing?" Jack asked his earlier anger resurfacing. He had drunk a few too many beers himself, but not enough to get him past the tipsy stage.

  "What are you talking about?" she asked taking another step closer.

  "You were kissing Bekah's brother!" he exclaimed unable to control his fury.

  "If you already knew what I was doing, then why did you have to ask?" she questioned him her voice laced with sugar-coated inflections.

  "How could you do that?"

  She stopped her progression. Why was he being like this? God, she was so fed up with him being so goddamn demanding all the time. He didn't own her by any means. He couldn't decide who she could see, and who she could kiss. He had no rights, no claim on her…not anymore. "You want to know?" she asked returning his fury.

  "Yes, I want to know how you could go and kiss him knowing that I'm here. Knowing what you…mean to me."

  "What I mean to you?" she asked disbelief. He nodded. "I don't care if she hears," she spoke the words softly.


  "I heard you at Bekah's house. You told her that you didn't care if I heard you with her."

  "Lex, I didn't mean it," he said once he realized his mistake.

  "I don't believe you."

  "I told her that I didn't mean it. Did you hear that?"

  "Yes, I heard it."

  "And you still don't believe me."

  "No, I don't believe you Jack."

  "But why? I'd never want to hurt you again Lex."

  She shook her head furiously. "Don't say those things to me. It's just wrong. You can't ever say those things to me again Jack Howard!"

  "Lex, please, listen to me. I swear to you that I didn't mean it. I shouldn't have said it, but I did not mean it."

  "It doesn't matter. You don't care about me Jack. I'm not sure if you ever did." Once the words were out she couldn't get them back. She wasn't really sure if she wanted them back though. She wondered sometimes if he really did ever care about her. Her intoxicated mind told her she was being ridiculous, but she couldn't stop herself. "If you had cared, you wouldn't have left New York," she cried spitefully.


/>   "So don't tell me what I can do as you always have. Don't tell me that I can't kiss whoever I want. Don't tell me that I can't do what I want."

  He stared at her his mouth agape. When had she turned so cynical? How could she ever believe that he didn't care for her? Sure things hadn't always been peachy, and he had said and done things he wasn't proud of, but he had always cared. Always.

  But he didn't say any of those things.

  "How much have you had to drink?" he asked his eyes hardening again at her accusations.

  "Don't you dare try and blame this on alcohol."

  "How can I not? Look at yourself," he commanded her openly surveying her flustered appearance. "You look like a two cent hooker flushed after securing a sugar daddy for the night," he stated cruelly. She had struck a nerve too close to home, and he couldn't control his retaliation. If she thought he didn't care, well then he would show her what that was really like.

  It was Lexi's turn to have her mouth drop open. He couldn't mean that. After all, it was his stupid girlfriend that made her wear this outfit. And sure she was flushed, but it certainly wasn't from Ramsey! August in Atlanta wasn't exactly breezy, to say the least. The environment was blazing hot and down right sticky from the off the charts humidity ratings.

  But Jack wasn't finished. "Are you so easy Lexi that you'd rather stay here with someone you don't even know? Someone who is already taking advantage of your drunken state?"

  Her mind couldn't even begin to process the nasty remarks Jack was sending her way. Had he really just called her easy? Just accused her of using Ramsey for his money? Was he on crack?

  "Why are you being such an ass?" she muttered between clenched teeth.

  "I'm just being honest. Anyone else who would have stepped through that doorway would have seen the same thing. I just want you to know that."

  Despite the falsity behind Jack's statements, her emotions were beginning to get the best of her again. Jack kissing Bekah. Jack dancing intimately with Bekah. Jack fondling Bekah. And now he was accusing her of doing things…while he claimed that he cared for her. It's not like he had exactly made that clear. Why was he playing these games? Tears began to well in her eyes, and she rushed to brush them away. Why was she even crying over him? He was only saying these things to get a reaction out of her. She knew that. But she just couldn't stop it.

  "Why don't you…just…leave?" she asked between hiccups.

  "Why don't you come with me?" he countered making it sound like another demand. He took the last step towards her and placed her elbow in his hand.

  She shook her head trying to get out of his grip. "Why would I want...to be...with you?"

  "Can't you see that I'm looking out for you? You know nothing about Ramsey," he said trying to reason with her even though he was grasping for excuses to get her away. "He's not exactly a nice guy."

  "Neither are you!"

  "You know me Lexi. You don't know him. You don't know what he can be like. I know how he is with women, and I know the type of women he associates with. You're better than all of them combined, but if you keep throwing yourself around like them, he's going to treat you the same way. So stop being so stubborn, and let's get the fuck out of here."

  "No! God, you're blaming me for drinking too much? I can't believe what just came out of your mouth."

  "I wasn't kissing some random guy."

  "Now that would be a sight."

  "You know what I mean. You were the one making out with a guy you just met when you know absolutely nothing about him. What's gotten into you Lexi?"

  "What's gotten into me? You're the one practically getting a blow job in the living room. So don't come here on your high horse and try and bring me down for kissing someone. Last I checked I could kiss whoever the fuck I want, because unlike some people I'm not attached. Not that it seems to stop you," she snarled crossing her arms over her chest.

  "Oh we're back here again," he huffed. "Haven't we covered the topic about things being different?" As the words came out of his mouth, he couldn't help but let his eyes crawl her body. She was so angry right now, and coupled with her dangerously revealing outfit she looked amazing. He hadn't meant to say such harsh things to her, but it's like she hadn't ever listened to a word he said to her. It's not like he was about to go and kiss her now…even if he wanted to. He remembered the last time her lips had been on his and it sent shocks through his body. He knew he could kiss her. He had always known that fact…taken advantage her desire for him just like he had claimed Ramsey had. But still he wanted to think things were different.

  "Right…things are sooo different now. Just…leave me alone Jack."

  "Okay," he began stepping into her personal space and forcing her to look up at him. "So maybe things aren't completely different, but they have changed. So just let's get out of here. I don't want to see you get hurt."

  He had moved his hand up so that it was cupping her cheek. Her watery brown eyes were looking up at him. How many times had she been in this similar position before? She couldn't even think about that right now. She was fighting off the alcohol induced hormones running rampant throughout her body. He shouldn't have talked about kissing her and then touched her the way he was doing. That just wasn't fair.

  "It's too late for that Jack," she whispered stepping away from his comforting touch. "You've done more damage than anyone else ever could."

  "Lex, come on. Stop talking like that. Let's just go."

  The door swung back open revealing Bekah and Ramsey. Lexi quickly turned around to face away from the door and forcefully brushed away the tears that had seeped out of her eyes. She didn't need them seeing her this way. It was bad enough that Ramsey had almost seen her cry. She could do without Bekah having that advantage over her as well. Not to mention she had no idea what she looked like. Jack completely threw her emotions around. One minute she was on fire. The next she was near to tears. Back and forth. She knew one thing though. She couldn't be around him right now. It would surely end in disaster.

  "Jack let's get out of here," Bekah said pulling him backwards away from Lexi.

  She didn't exactly look pleased. Bekah shot Ramsey a disdainful look as she yanked on Jack's arm. Ramsey just smiled that perfect Country Club smile. Apparently, he had won out in the end.

  "Lex, are you sure you're not coming?" Jack pleaded one last time.

  "No, Ramsey's going to get her a hotel," Bekah told him practically dragging him away.

  "Oh." He quickly composed himself. "I'll see you. Later," he said tilting his head at Ramsey after giving Lexi one last look and exiting with Bekah.

  Lexi breathed out not having even realized she had been holding her breath. How had she let herself deal with his behavior for so long? She had such strong feelings for him and yet all they could seem to do was argue. God, it was so typical of him. She didn't know what to do. Her head was killing her already. She didn't even want to imagine her hangover tomorrow.

  Luckily, Ramsey didn't seem to try to push his advantage. And when he glanced at her, he didn't ask all of the nagging questions he was dying to get answers for. Bekah had been just as secretive about the whole situation. Confirming, at least, that in some strange way, she was involved. His little sister had actually told him to just back off from the situation and Lexi. Though he could tell she was less vehemently concerned about the second demand…and more so with covering her ass.

  Lexi wasn't sure if she was going to be able to keep up pretenses if Ramsey wanted to talk about what had happened. She certainly wasn't ready to spill her beans as she had proven when she had spoken with Bekah. There was no way she'd be able to talk to Ramsey. She was grateful when he smoothly requested her presence on the dance floor. As emotionally drained as she felt that definitely sounded like a better option than thinking about Jack anymore. Which is exactly what she did…stopped thinking about Jack and indulged a little bit more in the wonderful quantities of alcohol Ramsey was providing.

  The next morning Lexi could feel he
r head splitting open. She couldn't even open her eyes. If she opened her eyes, she was certain the pain would be unbearable. She couldn't even think of anything besides the pain. What could she last remember about the previous night?

  She had kissed Ramsey. Yeah that was pretty clear. And the nasty things that Jack had spat at her were still relatively clear in her mind. Though they didn't sting quite as much now that she was sober and had other much more physically painful things to deal with. Then her and Ramsey had danced and danced and danced. She didn't even know how long they had danced. From there things just sort of went fuzzy. Had she blacked out? She was pretty sure she hadn't blacked out since her twenty-first birthday, and the next morning she had had some twenty-one slash marks in black permanent marker on her wrist letting her know much she had had to drink. No way had she had that much last night.

  Reluctantly, she blearily opened her eyes and found herself in a strangely meticulous bedroom. A very foreign bedroom. Definitely not a hotel room. Shit! This was not good. Hadn't Bekah said that Ramsey was going to check her into a hotel room? Not that it would have looked very good for him to check her into a hotel room in her condition. Don't hotels frown upon that? God, she had no idea. She'd never gotten herself into this situation.

  She didn't want to face the truth. Maybe Jack had been right. She knew nothing about Ramsey other than that he came from money and was related to his girlfriend. If Jack couldn't even vouch for him, maybe he wasn't such a good guy after all.

  She peered under the huge white down comforter and silky blue sheets to find that she was clothed in a pair of red plaid boxers and a white undershirt that was at least three times too big. Yeah, not even close to what she had been wearing last night. She rubbed her eyes vigorously hoping that maybe something else would come to her. Anything else. But she simply didn't remember what had happened or how she had ended up here in this strange place in some guy's oversized clothes.

  Even before she lifted her head off of the enormous feather pillow, she knew it was a mistake. Spasms of pain shot throughout her entire body sending her sprawling back against the bed. The pain was all-consuming and instantly made her feel nauseous. If she had thought she had wanted to throw up last night, it was nothing compared to the desire she was having right now. But realizing she was in a strange person bedroom with no clue as to where a bathroom was, she lay back down and took several calming breaths before attempting to stand up again. Steadying herself on the dark wood footboard, she took a swift analysis of her surroundings. The room was plain, but she could tell that the furniture was high quality. A Macbook Pro sat unopened on the desk, but there were no cluttered stacks of papers or half full glasses like at her apartment. The walls were blank giving off a guest bedroom vibe, but something about the space convinced her otherwise. She couldn't put her finger on it. Then she glanced back at the bed. There weren't any throw pillows on the bed. She had noticed over the years that guest bedrooms always had useless throw pillows that most people neglected to place on beds they frequently slept on.


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