The Zed Files Trilogy (Book 1): The Hanging Tree

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The Zed Files Trilogy (Book 1): The Hanging Tree Page 16

by David Andrew Wright

  I step over his body and turn left. The Zed they had spotted from the wall is standing in front of me and I send him out with the cleaver as well. Two more fall as I walk towards the main house. It is more like weeding the garden than fighting for your life.

  The clumps at the front door of the main house are tall and thick. I begin whacking away at the growth with the cleaver. A rib cage, a femur, a skull, a foot. I chop out big sections and push them out of the way until I can see the door knob to the house. The door itself is full of holes but the unmistakable smell of something frying fills my nostrils. I reach out for the knob but the door opens before I can get to it.

  “Got any onions?” Kevin says with a big smile. He’s holding his machete in his right hand with a small joint balanced carefully between two fingers. “These things taste a whole lot better with a little onion.”

  Chapter 22: Story Hour

  “You cut her hand off?” Kevin says and licks the seam shut on a fresh joint. “How did I miss that?”

  “Dunno,” I tell him. Little Dawn isn’t saying anything or looking at anyone. She just stares at the end of her bandaged arm. The rest of us continue to look at the plate of half-eaten brown stuff sitting on the table.

  Kevin shakes his head again. “Pretty quick think’n I reckon. She’d be dead as hell if you hadn’t a give her the chop.” He nods at Little Dawn but she still doesn’t look up. He rolls the joint between his fingers for a while before finally asking, “What the hell did happen? One minute I’m up on top, shoot’n away, next minute there’s some kinda explosion and shit flying everywhere and everybody running everywhere. I missed sump’n.”

  Ray clears his throat. “That, uh, well…” he slaps both legs and parks his hands on top of his thighs. “That’d be my fault. I guess. I don’t know. I threw the grenade, thinking I could keep them out farther and well, it bounced back off a tree… I mean, I could sit out there all day and throw things and not hit that goddamn tree again.” His hands come up and out. “Just bad luck. Some kind of cosmic ‘fuck you’. It’s like… I just…”

  “Just fucking stupid,” Betty says. She’s sitting very close to Kevin with her hands wrapped around his arm. “Mr. Hong Kong Phooey over there in that fucktarded karate outfit. Jesus. Who the hell gave him grenades anyway?” Her hands slide back and forth over Kevin’s arms like she may never let go of him ever again.

  “Hey,” Ray says trying to work up some indignation. “You saw the corners of the walls. Those things ended up spilling over and in anyway. I just kind of sped things up.”

  “Are you sure those things can’t get in through the front gate?” Eddie asks me.

  “Nah, there’s not enough of them to work through all of that brown stuff,” I tell him. After finding Kevin, the two of us had climbed up on the roof of the house and shot the few remaining Zed roaming inside the compound. The lump of brown stuff by the front gate looked impenetrable.

  “We’ll need to get that tractor righted and running,” Tyler says from the far corner of the room. He looks annoyed that Kevin and Betty are still alive. Betty in particular.

  “We got time for that, man,” Kevin says in his slow stoner way.

  “How the hell did you two survive? That’s the story I’m waiting for. You’re both holed up in here, eating that brown stuff like it’s filet mignon and just as happy as clams and... Did you guys already get the story? Did I miss this somehow?” Ray flails his hands in the air as he talks. “How the fuck did you guys live through this shit?”

  Kevin shrugs. “I dunno. Just got pissed off.” Betty squeezes his arm again. Kevin smiles at her and looks around the table before continuing. “I just kinda figured I couldn’t leave Betty here behind, so I reloaded, came up out of that hole just blaze’n away. Then I ran out of ammo and started swinging the rifle around, but then I broke the stock over one of them thing’s heads. Pissed me off too, I liked that gun.”

  “Then I let one of them little short bastards have it with the machete and there was this like, wall of zombies. They were all over. There’s so many that the one I just kilt, couldn’t fall down so I picked him up by the neck and just started using him as kind of a shield. He didn’t weigh nothing and I just managed to wade through’em all on the run kinda. I dunno. I done looked a whole buncha times and I ain’t got a bite on me. Just kinda weird really.”

  “I was in the house,” Betty says as she picks up the storyline. “I figured it was going to take all day to shoot those things and I just couldn’t stand the racket, so I came up to the house for a drink. I heard the big boom out front and saw everybody running, but there was one running right at me, so I just slammed the door shut and went upstairs. I could hear the windows breaking and all of them starting to come through the house and then I heard Kevin yelling my name.” The look on her face is bordering on orgasmic. “He just came through chopping and smashing and I opened the door to the upstairs room up there and we just stayed in the attic.”

  “It’s a pretty stout door,” Kevin continues. “I propped some stuff up in front of it and we just hung out.”

  “Hung out?” Ray asks, completely incredulous. “Just hung out. Went for a stroll, fought through a few million zombies, knocked on the door, hung out a little bit. Didja play Bee Bee Bumblebee or Hangman? You’ve got to be fucking kidding me. We’ve been down in that fucking bunker thing for days. How the hell did you get by up there?”

  “Well,” Kevin says still smiling at Betty. “We got a little rainwater in through one of the holes in the ceiling and we just kinda, thought up ways to pass the time.” He laughs at his own comment and squeezes Betty’s hand.

  “Why are you eating that?” Karen asks and points at the plate. “How can you possibly eat that?” There is no masking the disgust on her face.

  “Well,” Kevin starts, “it got pretty quiet up there after a couple of days, so I eventually opened the door and all of this brown stuff was everywhere. But I knew I’d seen it before and I got to think’n about it and well, it ain’t much different than a morel mushroom.” To emphasize his point, he takes the side of his fork and cuts away a piece. “Ain’t nuthin better than mushrooms pan-fried with a little butter so, I dunno. We came down here, couldn’t find anything to eat in all of this brown stuff so I started hack’n away at it, trying to find something underneath it all and I just got to think’n, fuck it. Why not? So I cooked up a little piece and tried it. Tasted alright. Didn’t get me high or make me puke so I cooked up summore. That’s when all you guys showed up.”

  “It’s got kind of a nutty flavor to it,” Betty says and nods her head. Her leg is now across Kevin’s lap.

  “You just tried it?” Tyler says with disgust from the back of the room. “No test on anything. No worries about it being contaminated or a carrier for the infection or anything you just fried up a slab and ate it?”

  “Well,” Kevin says as he fires up the joint. “You can fry just about anything and eat it. Squirrel, possum, groundhog, crawdads. This here ain’t much different than any of that. There had to be a time when somebody looked at all them other things and got hungry enough and said, ‘Fuck it, man. I’m gonna eat this.’ So it ain’t that big a deal.”

  “How come you didn’t come out to the bunker? You could of let us know it was all clear,” Ray says.

  “How the hell could we tell it was all clear, man? And we didn’t figure we’d be able to get in. Or we’d get shot try’n to get in. And if we got out, we wouldn’t be able to seal up the door again.” Kevin rubs his hand along Betty’s leg. “Sides, we were alright. We figured y’all were too.”

  “So what now?” Eddie asks. He’s leaning against Karen and looks exhausted.

  “Dunno,” I tell him. “Anybody got any ideas?”

  “I know what happens now,” Ray begins. He sits up straight and looks around the room. “It’s over. All of it. It took these things, what? Three weeks? Four weeks? From the time of the rock in the ocean to the first infection to getting here and turning into appet
izers? Maybe a little longer? I don’t have a clue. But this is it. The cycle is over. All of the chaos and the terror and the freedom… gone, poof.” He makes a pinching motion with his hand to punctuate the thought. “And now,” he continues, leaning back with his hands intertwined across his legs, “Now it starts all over again. They’ll rebuild the factories, they’ll reestablish the government, all the rich and powerful mutherfuckers who’ve been hiding all this time will come out and take over and all the other countries out there who aren’t up to their armpits in semi-dead people will try to come over here and Jesus Christ, it just makes my fucking head hurt.”

  Kevin laughs and points at Ray with his thumb. He doesn’t say anything, just shakes his head.

  “You think everything will go back to normal?” Karen asks from my side. The hope in her sentence is only detectable if you’re listening for it.

  “Normal?” Ray asks. His arms begin to flail again. “What was normal? Jobs we hate to buy gadgets that fucking text and talk and pop popcorn and wipe our asses and everybody has to work 60 hours a week just to be able to afford rent and groceries and we all have debt up to our ears. You mean that normal? They’ve got beagles that glow in the dark now.”

  “What?” Kevin is laughing. “What in the hell does that have to do with anything?” He wipes a tear from the corner of his eye and takes another drag off the joint.

  Ray is smiling now too. “They did. These scientists in South Korea or someplace made beagles that glow in the dark. And we ‘genetically modified’ our food to look perfect and taste like crap. It just goes on and on and on. They’re trying to supercollide this molecule with that molecule and start up a black hole and there’s a floating island of plastic in the ocean the size of Texas. We were just fucking it all up before this happened. And now we’re going to go back to fucking it all up.”

  “What did you do before all of this?” Betty asks. “Were you some kind of scientist or journalist or what?”

  Ray clears his throat. “I uh,” he clears his throat again. “I drove an ice cream truck.”

  Kevin’s head hits the table and rocks there for a moment in silent laughter. Betty snorts and even Karen is smiling.

  “Ice cream,” Eddie says wistfully.

  “Yeah,” Ray says with a fake seriousness. “It’s the only thing I could think of that let me sleep at night. Can’t be a cop, they’re all taught it’s ‘us against them’ now. Firefighters are all assholes; doctors are completely incompetent stooges for the pharmaceutical companies. Dentists are sadists; bankers should all be dipped in boiling acid. Can’t have a small farm anymore. I dunno. Everything is just too… psychically… marginalized. There’s karma to all that shit.”

  “What about fat people?” Tyler chimes in from the back of the room. He’s smiling too.

  “Well,” Ray says and fakes another cough. “I always made the fat kids run to catch up with me.” More laughter rolls through the room. “Seriously. It may be the only exercise the little porkers got. They may not run for the gym teacher but by god, they’ll chase a fucking ice cream truck for about three blocks.”

  My sides hurt from laughing. It’s been a long time since I had a good laugh.

  The only one not laughing is Little Dawn. She just looks miserable as she stares at her hand. “I’m tired. I want to go to bed,” she says in a weak voice.

  “I guess we can all sleep down in the bunker,” I offer. “At least it’s free of brown stuff. Maybe tomorrow we can get the tractor pulled up somehow. Maybe take the Jeep over there and try to get it up and moving. Then we can use the front end scoop to clear the compound. I guess just try and clean the place up tomorrow. Then start going out looking for food.” Everyone nods at my plan.

  “I don’t want to sleep down there again,” Karen says quietly.

  “Me neither,” Eddie chimes in.

  Everyone looks around at the main house. Brown stuff is everywhere, on every floor. The path upstairs is lined floor to ceiling on the sides.

  “We can check out the bath house I guess.” Karen and Eddie stand up to leave with me. “What are you guys going to do?” I ask.

  “Fuck that,” Ray says as he gets up. “I’m sleeping underground. I don’t want to take any chances of having one of those things chewing on my leg when I get up. Next thing you know, you’ll be cutting my fucking arm off and he’ll be eating it.” Ray points at Kevin to finish his sentence. Kevin laughs some more and ends in a tired sigh. Dawn breaks down sobbing.

  Karen, Eddie and I start weaving our way through the alien landscape of the compound. I keep the cleaver out front and Karen and Eddie behind me. The footing is tricky and I stumble several times. I trip and fall over something solid. A horrible smell fills the air. It is the smell of death. The bar of a chainsaw is sticking up.

  “Oh my god,” Karen says and covers her mouth. “I think I’m going to barf.”

  I kick the chainsaw free and see the skeleton of a decomposing hand just beneath it. The hand belongs to someone from the wall, someone who didn’t make it to the bunker, didn’t change over into a Zed. The horrible smell of rot and death is almost too much stand. I give the saw to Eddie and we push on through.

  “That was so bad,” Karen says, still covering her mouth.

  “Cycle of life,” I tell her. “Everything eats everything.”

  The bath house looks to be relatively free of brown stuff. Eddie and I block the door shut and put boards over the windows, while Karen readies a place for all of us to sleep. Across the other side of the compound, the smell of something frying wafts across to us from the main house again.

  Chapter 23: If You Love Something

  We buried Little Dawn in the space at the back of the compound next to Daisy. She had gone in her sleep as quietly as the snow that now falls. Big Donna wept uncontrollably beside the grave and the only person who could comfort her was Tyler. They both remain behind as we walk away with our shovels.

  “What the hell?” Ray asks, hands shoved in his pockets. He hadn’t done any digging but had come along anyway. Everyone had come except Karen. Ray shakes his head as he walks. “She was fine. No infection. Nothing… I don’t get it.”

  “Well,” Kevin begins slowly, “some people just, I dunno, man. They give up.” Ray nods and watches his shoes as he walks. The ground is muddy and slick where the front end scoop of the tractor had peeled away a path. “They just ain’t got it in’em to go on. Her arm was fine but something inside her broke. Can’t do nothing fer it.”

  The sound of Big Donna sobbing fades into the distance as the big, wet snowflakes fall in a curtain of silence. Little Dawn had never seemed to forgive me. I didn’t know her and never cared to know her. I had done what I thought was right in the moment and had even considered my actions to be somewhat heroic. But it appeared on this morning that I had simply prolonged what was inevitable.

  “There wasn’t anything we could have done, then?” Ray continues in his effort to understand.

  “Had me a beagle dog one time,” Kevin says as we walk. “Just a regular beagle dog, not a glow in the dark beagle dog.” Ray looks up and smiles. “Well, this here beagle got his foot caught in a coon trap. Most dogs, hell, they’ll just chew the leg off and get home. But when I found this’in, it was just sitt’n there, shiver’n and scared. So I took it to the vet, got a cast put on its leg. Paid a shit load of money. Took it back, put it in the kennel in the house. Little blanket, nice and warm. Next morning, dead as a hammer. Just… dead.”

  “Huh,” Ray thinks for a moment. As we approach the front door of the house, Ray finally asks, “So, what does that have to do with this?”

  “I dunno, man” Kevin answers with a shrug. “I just thought it might help.”

  From the main house, I can see Karen walking slowly back into the bath house. She’s wiping her mouth and holding her stomach. Kevin sees me looking and watches with me. When I look at him, one eyebrow is cocked up into a smiling question. “She sick again this morning?” He nudges me with
his elbow. I kind of feel like throwing up myself.

  “Noooo way,” Ray says and snaps his fingers at me. “Holy shit. She’s not… you know… knocked up? Is she? She is. I knew she was. She is, isn’t she?”

  I shrug my shoulders this time. But we all know. I head back up to the bath house to find her sitting on the bed, crying uncontrollably. The inside of my chest burns hot and I have trouble drawing a deep breath. She sits looking at the ground with both arms wrapped around her. Part of me thinks I should go put my arm around her. The other part is just flat. And dead. Like Daisy and Dawn in their graves behind the house.

  “I don’t want this,” Karen says with a big, snotty slobber. “I don’t want to live in this fucking shit-ass world and I don’t want to bring a baby into it.” The mention of the word baby is like a kick in the stomach. I swallow down some of the acid that’s bubbled up into my mouth. “You could have ended this. You could have just…” she lets the thought go but the weight of it hangs in the air.

  I hear the door open behind me and I know without looking that Eddie is standing there. The door shuts again softly and I turn to see him heading up to the main house, one hand in his pocket and the other grasping the little Ruger. Two squirrel tails hang out of the pouch across his shoulder. If it wasn’t for him, I don’t think we’d ever have any meat to eat.

  I turn back to the drama in front of me. “Well,” I say with a deep sigh. “What do you want me to do?” She shakes her head and doesn’t say anything. But I can see another hysterical crying fit coming, so I move to the bed and put my arm around her.

  She collapses against me and then punches me hard in the top of my thigh, the undamaged one. I move my wounded thigh away from her. “God damn you,” is all that comes out but she doesn’t move away from me. I give her a squeeze and kiss the top of her head. She rolls my hand in hers and in a small, cracking voice asks, “What do you think of me? What do you feel about me?”


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