Love 'Em or Leave 'Em

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Love 'Em or Leave 'Em Page 5

by Angie Stanton

  Another day, another date. Thank goodness she wasn't on it. Ashley woke up feeling sore all over. Liz took one look at her and started laughing. Rachel just shook her head with a look of pity. Ashley moved to the dresser mirror. Her face was beet red. She stretched her T-shirt to expose a painfully burned shoulder, the white strap mark proving her skin had once been something other than fire-engine red.

  Just what she needed, another reason to feel inferior. Yesterday she'd been the only one with pasty white skin. Today she would stand out like a beacon.

  Tami barreled down the hall shoving people out of her way.

  "Who took my lip gloss?" Steam practically poured out of her nose and ears. "So help me, Gwen, if I find `Charged up Cherry' on your skinny little lips, I swear I'll scratch it off with my fingernails and there will be one less person to give a rose to!"

  Ashley tried to move through the chaos. Gwen wiped her mouth on the inside hem of her dress. The women were getting ready for the next big rose ceremony. Tempers flared as the ladies rushed to prepare for the long night ahead of them. Ashley just wanted to escape the insanity and find a few minutes of peace and quiet.

  Women rushed from room to room comparing notes about who was wearing what and how they should do their hair. Many rushed back to their rooms to do more. At the rate things were going, they would all end up with too much makeup and hairspray.

  In the larger bathroom, beauty queen Shelby hogged the mirror. Huge hollow rollers covered her head. She looked like a giant air-head doll, but then she pretty much was. She stood in a skin-tight tank top, posing and posturing before the mirror, examining every angle as Kate tried to squeeze in long enough to apply her mascara without stabbing an eye.

  "Do you think my left one is higher than my right?" Shelby asked, holding a breast in each hand. She lifted each one up and down. "Look, this one doesn't bounce as much as the other."

  "So sue 'em," Kate said skeptically.

  Ashley couldn't believe fourteen women could scurry around so frantically for the big night, all of them aflutter at the prospect of five women being let go. It seemed like too many of them gone too soon. Most of them hadn't even had a group date with Luke.

  "He can't possibly make a fair decision when we've only been on one date," said Jenny the snuggler.

  "At least you've had a date," complained Melissa.

  "Yeah, but I couldn't even get him alone. How can I possibly make the right impression when I can't get him alone?"

  "What kind of impression did you have in mind?" asked Kris.

  Looking sly and seductive, she answered, "Oh honey, the kind of impression that makes a man return for more."

  Ashley's tolerance hit its limit. She edged through the group and snuck into her small bedroom and out onto the secluded balcony. Finally. A little peace and quiet. She took a deep calming breath to ease the stress. These women made her nuts. She gazed out over the trees at the setting sun. What a beautiful combination of pinks, ambers, and purples. A soft, warm breeze brought the scent of lilacs wafting through the air. After a few minutes, Ashley felt much more relaxed.

  She could still hear the commotion inside, but it didn't bother her now. Even her own roommates, who normally acted down-to-earth, were getting ready with a high level of stress. Rachel had fallen for Luke on the very first date of the show. She did her best to act nonchalant, but with little success. Ashley hoped Rachel received a rose. Rachel was fun and adventurous and had been totally caught off guard by the game.

  Ashley's view, however, hadn't changed. She still felt the whole thing was a joke, including most of the women; they represented some of the worst female stereotypes. Take Shelby. While very beautiful, she couldn't move past her beauty-pageant past. Everything was about how she looked and about winning the contest. She seemed confused about whether she was there to win her next crown or to meet a man with whom she could have a lasting relationship. Ashley hoped Luke saw through her.

  Luke presented another interesting piece of the puzzle. He appeared to be a nice guy. Down-to-earth and well grounded. Yes, he looked great with an amazing body that could melt butter, but who could fault him that? Ashley shivered, thinking of him at the pool party, his tanned physique in low-slung swim trunks, his muscles rippling with each move he made.

  He was nice to everyone, even though he didn't have much time. He had an engaging sense of humor and a great smile. Ashley had been the recipient of his smile a number of times now since their first introduction and their chance meeting on the beach.

  Her real question concerning Luke was why he'd agreed to do such a stupid show. He could have any woman he wanted, and yet he'd signed on for a reality show with all these women parading in front of him, trying to lure him with their feminine wiles. For a guy who spent so much time in front of the spotlight, why would he want more of it? Perhaps he was one of those people who needed to be the center of attention all the time. He didn't give off that impression, but who knew? She could be wrong.

  She would ask Liz or Rachel to find out his real motivation to do the show. Ashley felt fairly confident that at least one of them would stay on a little longer. She, however, hoped her lack of a date with Luke and her blatant disinterest in him guaranteed her a ticket out of there and back to true reality. Back to the reality of putting her life together, starting with landing a real job, a job that involved no cameras and no harem of women. She couldn't wait. The thought of regaining her privacy would get her through tonight's rose ceremony.

  Luke sat quietly on the balcony of his condo. The show put him up in style. The place was a bit pretentious for his tastes, with too much chrome and glass, but the large balcony was heaven. And what a view! The coastline and ocean stretched before him, as far as he could see. Huge, airy ferns filled the space, creating a casual, relaxed feel. It was well-furnished, with comfortable swivel rockers and small tables placed here and there so that he always had a spot to set his sports page.

  The sun set slowly on the horizon. Luke's halffinished beverage hung easily in his hand as he contemplated the rose ceremony scheduled to start in about an hour. He'd expected the game to be much different. When his brother Mike had tricked him into going on the show, after he'd lost a bet, Luke had been ticked. He was sick and tired of his family and friends trying to get him to settle down. Heck, he was still young, and there was no reason he needed to give up bachelorhood. Granted, he lived a decadent life when it came to women, but hey, they were hard to avoid when you were a successful quarterback. A warm breeze moved through the fern fronds creating the illusion that they danced in their hanging pots. Over the water, pelicans soared across the water looking for the perfect moment to dive in and catch their prey-not unlike what the producers expected him to do with in the next several minutes.

  Luke sighed. The show had been surprisingly fun so far. He couldn't complain about being handed two dozen women from which to pick and choose. The only problem was that he actually knew some of them now. He didn't quite know how to proceed. He wasn't used to seeing any one woman so often in this short a period of time.

  His life usually consisted of practices, games, and travel during the season. In the off-season, he spent his time on the golf course with his buddies or at charity events for the dozens of causes he supported. The list of people wanting him to lend his name and face to their cause never ended. He met new people all the time. He didn't have to see them for very long, so brief interludes with ladies worked perfectly. No strings, no attachments. Love 'em and leave 'em-it wasn't just that it was almost the same as the name of this show, but it was his mantra.

  What to do about tonight? Hmm. The obvious plan would be to keep the best-looking women in the game. He should keep himself surrounded with great eye candy. Then he supposed he should go for those with whom he had the most in common, someone athletic, who wouldn't be afraid to join him when he went golfing. Someone willing to get out and be active. Life was full of great adventures and he wanted to share them with a woman who had spirit.

  That would make up the majority of the roses, but who to pick then? He disliked bossy or overly fussy women. It was one thing to be feminine and know how to use it, and another to act like a simpering, helpless fool. He looked out across the water and watched the sun as it sank beyond the ocean, creating the most spectacular wash of colors in the sky. Vivid purples and blues, pinks and reds layered and overlapped, creating an amazing masterpiece. He never saw anything like this in Wisconsin.

  A smile came to his lips as Luke took another swig. Of course! He would pick the challenging women. Nothing better to keep the game interesting. He tilted the bottle, guzzled the last bit and stood.

  Time to play ball.

  Ashley walked into the room that was filled with big lights and cameras. It was reminiscent of the first night, when everything was brand new and intimidating. While things still overwhelmed her, she now knew the drill. Instead of wearing a long formal gown, as she'd done on the first night, she chose a light floral dress. The hemline ended right at the bend of her knee, showing off a bit of leg, yet not too much. The dress gently tapered to her waist, with a diamond cutout revealing the tender skin of her back. She felt that she looked pretty nice-except for the brilliant color of her face. She did what she could with powder and concealer but tiny blisters covered her nose and her whole face felt tight and hot. Hopefully, Luke would take pity and not call her up to accept a rose. She could only imagine how red she'd look on camera.

  The other contestants wore various levels of dress ranging from cocktail dresses to sundresses. As Ashley had expected, several women wore way too much makeup, particularly Jenny the snuggler and their roommate Gwen the crier. Gwen's eyeliner was so thick, if she started crying again, black rivers would run down her face and onto her light pink dress.

  Rachel and Liz stood off to the side, checking out the competition.

  "Look at them" Rachel pointed. "They're like vultures going in for the kill."

  Luke stood on the other side of the room, not far from the entry. He leaned against the banister, hands in his pockets. The soft fabric of his tan trousers draped gently down his thighs and a black silky shirt hung to perfection from his broad shoulders. He bent his head down as he leaned forward to listen to something Cricket was saying. He wore a small smile on his lips as he listened politely and then replied. Luke didn't seem fazed a bit that he was surrounded by a group of women, each hoping to ensure they received a rose or could sway his decision if necessary. He acted relaxed and happy and looked amazingly hot, as usual. Ashley could watch him all night. Luke flashed a devastating smile at her. Ashley realized he'd caught her staring and quickly turned away. At least no one could see her blush through her sunburn.

  After another twenty minutes, the producers placed each of the women in a semicircle so that the cameras could easily cover everyone. Ashley ended up in the back row. Rachel was right in front of her and Liz stood in the back row, within eye contact of Ashley. Luke stood next to Clay the dorky host and a small table of roses. There still appeared to be a lot of roses on that table.

  Ashley wore a pair of light gray sandals with braided leather straps. They were much more comfortable than the designer stilettos she'd had strapped to her feet on opening night. She hoped that tonight would go much quicker, and that her feet wouldn't suffer so much.

  "Good evening, ladies. You look absolutely delicious." Clay rubbed his hands together. "We are so excited about this round of cuts, aren't we, Luke?" he said, nodding eagerly to Luke as though they were best buddies. Luke rewarded him with a blank stare. Clay always stretched things out and made them all suffer as long as possible. After sucking up, he turned it over to Luke to hand out the coveted roses.

  The air in the room tensed as Luke stepped forward. As the others stood anxiously waiting to learn their fate, Ashley scooted to the side so that she was mostly hidden by Rachel, who teetered in her high heels.

  Luke held the first rose in his hand and looked directly at the group. "Tami," he said with no hesitation.

  It figures. No doubt why he picked her first.

  Tami purred her way up to accept the rose and gave him a satisfied smile, looking as though she'd just caught a mouse.

  "Will you accept this rose?" He looked at her with smoldering eyes.

  "Oh yeah, baby." She returned the look.

  He leaned forward to kiss her on the cheek. She turned her face in time to catch the kiss on her lips. Slow and moist.

  A collective release was heard in the room as the mood of the women deflated. Tami stepped to the side and caressed her neck with the newly won rose. Filming paused while the lip gloss was wiped from Luke's mouth.

  Next he offered a rose to Cricket, a pretty but quiet girl, then Jenny the snuggler. When he said Rachel's name, she just about jumped out of her heels. Ashley hoped it worked out well for her. She was such a sweetheart.

  With a huge grin on her face, Rachel walked up to receive her rose. Luke rewarded her with one of his trademark smiles. After handing her the rose, he kissed her on the cheek, and Rachel looked like she'd died and gone to heaven as she joined the other rose recipients.

  Unfortunately, with Rachel out of the lineup, Ashley stood in full view of Luke. Out of sight meant out of mind, and Ashley definitely wanted to stay out of Luke's mind.

  Next, he called forward Megan, Kate, and Shelby, the Texas pageant girl. Shelby didn't seem the right fit for Luke, but apparently he liked big hair and heavy makeup application. Or maybe her Southern drawl did the trick. Some guys were suckers for Southern girls, and Luke grew up in the South. No, it probably wasn't the hair.

  Seven girls held roses, which left eight girls yet to have their fates determined. Three more would be picked and five would be left with nothing but a plane ticket home. Luke took his time looking over the group. Most of them did their best to look irresistible and yet nonchalant. Except Ashley and Gwen. Gwen's lower lip quivered, her eyes were glassy with unshed tears, and she continued to wring her hands on her dress. Ashley, on the other hand, hoped to blend in with the background.

  "Liz," Luke announced.

  Ashley turned her head and gave Liz a congratulatory smile. Both Rachel and Liz had made it to the next round. Perhaps Luke could recognize quality women.

  He took another pause looking over the last of the girls. Two roses remained. He looked up at Lindsey, the money-hungry gold digger. Then to Gwen, the crier. Ashley figured he'd run out of good candidates and was trying to pick the lesser of two evils.

  "Gwen," he said.

  "Oh my God!" squealed Gwen as she ran to him. "Thank you, thank you, thank you" She plucked the rose from his hand and jumped up and down in her excitement. She rushed over to the group of rosebearing women, then suddenly turned and ran back to Luke. She jumped up to peck a kiss on his cheek and then, nearly breathless with elation, ran back to the group, gasping as though she'd just completed a marathon instead of a ten-foot sprint.

  Luke smiled at her excitement. He was having a good time.

  Slowing the pace, he surveyed the group of six remaining. He studied each face.

  Ashley wanted desperately to look away, as she'd done in school when she hadn't wanted to get called on. Instead, she stood still, eyes focused down, and tried to appear pleasant but uninterested. Inside, her stomach churned. Her mind raced, thinking, Pass me by, pass me by. Behind her back, she anxiously picked at her fingernails, wishing the whole ordeal was over. The bright lights of the cameras beat down on her.

  Clay stepped forward. He looked somberly at the remaining women and then at Luke. "This is the final rose"


  Luke picked up the final rose. He focused on Lindsey, then shifted his gaze to Ashley. He looked away, as though deep in thought, then smiled and said, "Ashley"

  Teeth clenched, Ashley pasted a pleasant expression on her face and stepped forward to accept the rose.

  As she attempted to take the rose, Luke held it fast and raised an eyebrow at her in challenge. She could almost hear
him say, "Not your type? We'll see about that" He leaned forward to give her a kiss on the cheek and instead whispered in her ear, "Nice burn"

  He released the rose. She stepped away to join the "winners" Clay immediately stepped forward to thank the other girls for participating and offered them a brief chance to say good-bye to Luke.

  Ashley was stunned and disappointed. She had looked forward to getting back to reality. The longer she stayed on the show, the more employment opportunities she lost out on.

  Rachel rushed over to congratulate her.

  "Can you believe it? He picked you"

  "Yeah, isn't that great?" Ashley gave her a weak smile, wondering why she was so surprised. "But I feel kind of like a reject getting picked after the crier."

  "No way," Rachel said brightly. "He saved the best for last!"

  Liz joined them and watched the losers say their clingy good-byes. "You have nothing to feel bad about. Look at who didn't get picked. Lindsey was only after his money and he knew it. The others were either too annoying or too desperate" She gestured toward the departing group. "He was weeding out the riffraff. You have just as much a chance as anyone else here"

  "Great," Ashley said. Not what she wanted to hear. No matter how she looked at it, she was stuck here for a while longer.

  The taping always lasted late into the night, and after all the hoopla and good-byes were finally over, the remaining women sat up with Luke celebrating the next leg of the contest. They sat around the great room to get better acquainted. Jenny the snuggler sat on the floor next to Luke, poised for any attention he might throw her way. Everyone else sat on furniture to digest the evening's events and revel in the knowledge that they were still in the game.


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