Beyond Expectations (Mended Hearts Book 3)

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Beyond Expectations (Mended Hearts Book 3) Page 11

by Sarah Markel

  Judge hands down sentencing in murder trial of Francine James. The headline on the front page article had faded over the years, as had the text detailing that fateful day, nine years earlier, that had left Alex and her children devastated. The picture of Callie, with Alex and Zane by her side as she held a newborn Dej in her arms for all of her friends to see, had been provided to the newspaper by one of Callie’s friends. Alex sniffed and smiled again at the image, remembering the day the picture had been taken. Dej had been about a week old at the time, and Callie’s friends from the Portland Peacocks softball team had thrown a party for the couple to welcome the new baby. Poor Dej had been passed around like a round of drinks that day, and in the three hours that the party took place, Alex and Callie had only held the child for a few minutes. Alex chuckled to herself as she remembered four year old Zane, standing on the table that held a pacifier shaped cake, cupping his hands and yelling at the top of his lungs for his baby sister to be returned.

  “What are these, honey?” Alex jumped when she heard Kelly’s voice, having not heard the woman enter the garage. Alex set the papers on the tool bench and looked to see what Kelly was referring to. Kelly had picked up the pictures that had fallen from Alex’s hands, and was looking through them with an odd look on her face. “I knocked a box off the shelf and those were in there. They must have slipped out of the stack I picked up.” Alex replied, craning her neck to see. Kelly flipped through a few of the pictures, shots of Callie and Alex with the kids, but when she reached the last one, she gasped loudly. She looked up at Alex with a look of pain in her eyes as she handed the picture over. Alex looked down at her hands and felt her heart slam against her chest before sinking into her stomach. “I thought… I thought I lost this.” She stammered, her mouth going dry. Her hands shook as she brought the image closer to her face and kissed it lightly. “Is that what I think it is?” Kelly asked, unsure of what to say. Alex nodded and handed it back to her wife to look at. “That’s the only ultrasound I have that shows all three of the babies.” Kelly smiled and leaned back against Alex’s chest, reaching over to pull the woman’s hand onto her belly. “I think we should put this in Zane’s baby book. Maybe one day, you will be able to tell him what it means.” She suggested softly, not wanting to break the tender moment they were sharing. Alex nodded and kissed Kelly’s neck. “I think that’s a great idea.”


  “Oh my God. I don’t remember that vanity weighing a thousand pounds when I put it up there!” Alex said, panting as she rubbed at an ache in her shoulder. She and Kelly had spent the morning hauling furniture from the guest room into the garage, with Kelly graciously agreeing to let Alex do the lifting and pulling. With the vanity in the garage, the room was now empty, and Alex was ready for a break. “Well, honey, you’re not the strapping young stud that you were when you put it up there.” Kelly chuckled as she put together a quick lunch. Alex noticed what the woman was doing and hoped like hell this was not going to be another of Kelly’s crazy craving concoctions. “I never claimed to be a stud, and when I moved that thing in, I was in a skirt and heels, and was not nearly as muscular as I am now.” Alex deadpanned, taking a seat at the island. Alex knew that the people around her never bothered to remember that she had once been very feminine and shy, the complete opposite of how she was now. The only thing about Alex that hadn’t changed, was her preference in the bedroom. Ever since Callie, who had been the one to take Alex’s virginity when she was in college, had taught Alex the joys of sex, Alex had always taken the roll of a top, and she liked it that way. Occasionally, she would let Kelly, who had also previously been a top, take control, but for the most part, Alex was content to be the aggressor during their lovemaking. And she loved the fact that Kelly had so willingly allowed Alex that control.

  Kelly chuckled and set a sandwich in front of her wife. “You’re right, you’ve never claimed that. But you have to admit, since I got pregnant, you’ve gone kind of soft.” Alex set down the sandwich and stared, slack jawed, at her wife. “How could you… what would make you say that to me?” she asked, shock making her eyes wide. Kelly just raised her eyebrow and took a bite of her own sandwich, letting her eyes drop conspicuously to Alex’s middle. Over the last month, as Kelly’s own belly had expanded, making her go up two pant sizes, Alex’s midsection had also expanded. While Alex couldn’t have gained more than ten or fifteen pounds, which wouldn’t have been noticeable to anyone else, Kelly had noticed. “Honey, I know every inch of your body, and you’ve gained some weight. I’m not saying that’s a bad thing, I still find you insanely attractive and would give anything to ravish you right here, right now,” she said quickly, seeing the hurt and protest in her wife’s eyes, “but it’s the truth. It seems like the bigger I get, the bigger you get.”

  Alex looked down at her stomach and rubbed it absently. Had she gained that much weight? She looked from Kelly to her own lunch, and pushed the plate away, her appetite suddenly gone. Kelly grabbed the plate and pulled it back in front of Alex. “Honey, don’t do that. You’re not fat, and there is no reason to go hungry. Eat. If you finish your lunch, I’ll give you your dessert.” She added with a seductive wink. Still a bit hurt by her wife’s words, Alex raised her eyebrow and snagged her sandwich, taking a healthy bite and setting it back on the plate. Chewing quickly, she took Kelly’s hand and pulled her to the stairs. “Okay, all done. What’s for dessert?” she asked, pulling Kelly close and kissing behind the woman’s ear. Kelly shivered and moaned softly, pressing herself tight against Alex. “Well,” she replied, kissing the hollow of Alex’s throat, “You’ll just have to come upstairs and find out.” She let her hands roam over Alex’s chest, squeezing her breasts roughly. When Alex grunted, Kelly smiled up at her innocently, “On second thought, I think I will enjoy dessert more than you will. I’ve been a bad girl lately.” She whispered, turning and walking slowly up the stairs, the sway of her hips enticing her wife to follow her.

  When they reached their bedroom, Alex grabbed Kelly by the hips and pulled her back against her, sliding one hand up to cup a generous breast as the other trailed down to cup Kelly’s center. “A bad girl, huh? Does that mean you need a spanking?” Alex growled softly, nipping at Kelly’s neck. Kelly moaned, but tapped the hand on her breast, “Too hard, baby. They’re really sensitive.” Alex lessened her grip and used her thumb to gently rub over the breast in question. “I’m sorry, baby.” She said, walking them to the bed. “I think…” Alex kissed Kelly’s shoulder as she slipped off the loose tunic that covered Kelly’s torso. She smiled, resting one hand on the baby bump that was making their children’s presence obvious. Kelly was only seventeen weeks along, but with three babies taking up residence, her body was changing much quicker than it would have, had she only been pregnant with one child. Alex dropped to her knees and pressed a kiss to Kelly’s navel before rising again and meeting her wife’s eyes. “I think you are crazy sexy, baby.” she breathed, letting her eyes roam with her fingers as she traced the exposed skin of Kelly’s middle.

  Kelly scoffed, rolling her eyes. “You don’t have to lie to me, Alex. I know I’m never going to be a size six again, you don’t have to try to make me feel better about my body.” Alex’s eyes flew back to Kelly’s. “Whoa, whoa, whoa. What makes you think I would lie to you about something like that?” she asked. Kelly dropped her gaze to her belly, rubbing her hand over the bulge. “Because you’re horny and you want to remedy that. And before you get upset, I’m just as in the mood as you are, but come on, eventually I’m going to be bigger than the house, are you really going to want to touch me when I can’t even see my own feet?” Alex’s first instinct was to get upset and argue with her, but after studying her wife for a moment, she decided against it. She noticed that Kelly was nervous, afraid that her words may start an argument, but she was also genuinely worried about Alex’s answer.

  “Baby, look at me.” Alex said softly, lifting Kelly’s chin and meeting her worried blue eyes. Kelly reluctantly met Alex’s
gaze, worrying her lip between her teeth. Alex pressed her lips to Kelly’s and gently sat the woman on the side of the bed. Dropping down to settle between her wife’s knees, Alex rested her palms on Kelly’s hips. “Kelly, I wouldn’t care if you were the size of a battleship. There is so much more to a woman’s beauty than her appearance and waist size. I was never just attracted to your looks and body. The most attractive thing about you has always been your heart and mind. I love seeing how you interact with people, how generous you are to everyone you meet, and how much you work to understand the things around you.” Alex leaned forward and placed a kiss over Kelly’s heart, feeling the steady thump beneath her lips. “Don’t get me wrong, I do genuinely adore exploring every inch of your body, and in my honest opinion, you have never been sexier than you are now. I think the most alluring thing a woman can be is pregnant. Watching your body change over the last few months has been the most libido awakening thing I’ve ever experienced. Callie used to tell me how beautiful I was when I was pregnant with the kids, and I always doubted her because I thought she was just trying to get laid. But now, seeing it myself, I have to agree with her. I wake up every day uncomfortable because the moment my eyes land on you, I’m instantly ready to strip you naked and have my way with you, over and over again.” She watched the blush creep its way over Kelly’s cheeks, neck, and chest. “Please don’t ever doubt me when I say how sexy you are or how much I adore your body. I would never compliment you like that if it wasn’t the God’s honest truth. That would just undermine everything I try to do.”

  Kelly’s eyes darkened and she leaned forward to catch Alex’s mouth in a powerful and needy kiss. With their lips still locked, she eased back, pulling Alex on top of her, until she was lying on her back. “Show me.” she said breathlessly, quickly removing Alex’s t-shirt. “Every chance I can.” Alex replied, sitting up on her knees and scooting Kelly up to the pillows. In moments, Kelly’s clothes were removed, and Alex gazed down at her lover’s need flushed body. “I love you.” she whispered, stripping off her pants and resting herself between Kelly’s thighs. She dipped her head to trail kisses along her wife’s collar bone, taking her time while she listened greedily to the little moans of pleasure that escaped each time her lips met flesh. Despite her own need for release, Alex took her time, showering Kelly’s breasts and abdomen with soft kisses and quick flicks of her tongue. Her center ached with arousal as Kelly’s breathing grew rapid and her moans grew louder. “Please baby, I need you.” Kelly whimpered, afraid that the tender touches would send her over the edge too soon. One of the things she enjoyed most about her pregnancy, was how sensitive she was now. The slightest touch on her breast or her center had her immediately aroused and close to release.

  “Do you believe me when I say you’re sexy?” Alex asked, trailing her kisses lower. Kelly moaned when Alex’s tongue flicked over her shallow navel, tipping her head back as she fought to stave off her impending orgasm. “Yes” she panted, wrapping her fingers in Alex’s hair. Alex grinned against Kelly’s stomach before placing a kiss below where the jewel normally rested and traveled lower still. When she reached the place that held Kelly’s sweetest desire, Alex sucked in a breath at how swollen and ready her wife was. Arching her brow, Alex looked up at her wife’s passion flushed face, meeting the woman’s eyes, before pressing her tongue lightly to the throbbing nub that awaited her. Kelly arched forward and rested herself on her elbows when Alex’s tongue made contact. Gasping and tipping her head back, she arched her hips into Alex’s mouth and moaned loudly. Alex felt Kelly twitch against her lips and, with a selfish eagerness, wrapped her lips around the bud and sucked gently. “Holy shit, Alex!” Kelly panted, a moment before her climax washed through her and a scream was torn from her lips. Alex’s own climax shot through her at the intensity of the scream that her efforts had produced, and unwilling to stop until her wife was fully sated, she let go of the spasming bud and used her tongue to coax Kelly fully over the edge of passion.

  When Kelly’s scream quieted, and her body went limp, Alex rolled onto her back to catch her breath. In all the years they had been together, and all the times they had made love, Alex couldn’t remember a single time that Kelly’s orgasm had been that powerful. Sure, there had been times when her wife’s climax had been intense, but this was the first time that Alex could recall being unable to breath during her careful oral ministrations. Turning onto her side, Alex slid up the bed and settled next to her wife. Resting her hand over the trembling bulge of Kelly’s abdomen, Alex watched silently for a moment as Kelly’s body recovered from her mind numbing release. “Wow, baby,” she whispered, awestruck by the beauty of Kelly’s flushed body, “that was, um… that was a first.” Kelly looked over to Alex, her eyes still glazed, “A first? What do you mean?” she asked, a yawn punctuating her question. Alex chuckled and kissed her gently, “You might want to go take a shower while I change the blankets.” Kelly looked confused for a moment, before realization hit her. “Oh my God, really? Wow, that is a first. And not just with you.” She said, shifting to her side. Alex smiled and shrugged, “What can I say? I’m just epic like that.” she said with a chuckle.


  “So, anything else you want to do today, love?” Alex asked a short time later. She was sitting on the couch, with Kelly’s freshly showered legs across her lap. They were watching a crime drama, and with the show nearly over, Alex was itching to get to the home improvement store to get some paint samples. The prospect of putting together the nursery excited her, and she was eager to get started. “No, I’ve done everything I wanted to do, I think I’m going to just veg out and read until the kids come home.” Kelly smiled sleepily at her wife and turned her attention back to the TV as the detectives began questioning the wrong suspect. Before Alex could say anything, her cell phone rang, the Star Wars theme indicating that Zane was calling. Alex and Kelly both frowned as they looked at the clock in unison. “I wonder why he’s calling now, they don’t get out of school for another hour and a half.” Kelly said as Alex answered the phone. “Hey, buddy, what’s up?” she asked casually, keeping the apprehension out of her voice. “Mom, you guys need to get down here, quick, there’s been an accident.”

  Chapter 12

  “An accident? Did he say what kind of accident?” Kelly asked as the couple scrambled into their jackets and out the door. “No, just that we need to get there quick.” Alex replied, her mind racing with the possibilities of what kind of “accident” they were about to be faced with. Her mind flashed on the memory of Callie being struck down by a car, and her heart leapt into her throat. She turned to look at Kelly, and saw her thoughts mirrored in her wife’s eyes. Kelly rested her hand on Alex’s thigh, hoping to reassure the woman, and Alex covered it with her own. When they turned onto the street leading toward the school, Alex pressed her foot to the accelerator and forced her busy mind to quiet down.

  “Alex, slow down!” Kelly squeaked, the color draining from her face as Alex made a sharp turn into the parking lot of Willowbrook Academy. Screeching to a halt, Alex didn’t even bother to turn off the ignition before she flew out of the car and hurried to Kelly’s door. With her wife by her side, Alex made her way through the throng of students that were blocking the sidewalk and front of the school. She took notice of the ambulance and two police cars parked in the drop off zone, and her composure faltered. Looking back at Kelly, she asked, “If Dej had been seriously injured, the school would have called before Zane, right?” Kelly tried to offer a reassuring smile, but was unsuccessful. “I would think so, honey.” Alex nodded and took a deep breath before hurrying through the front doors.

  Inside, the atmosphere was chaotic. The staff were doing their best to keep the lobby clear of students, while the principal and the receptionist were busily making phone calls. Alex dragged Kelly to the reception desk and locked eyes with Susan Klein. The principal and Alex had never really gotten along, since an incident with Dej and a bully a few years ago, but this time, the principal
spoke kindly to the women. “Dr. and Mrs. Walker, I was just trying to call you. I tried the facility, but they said you were out for the day.” Alex waved her off, too anxious to be snarky. “Zane called, he said there was an accident. Is Dej alright?” Principal Klein looked at her blankly for a moment, forgetting that the girl did not use her given name. “I’m honestly not sure, Mrs. Walker. The paramedics asked that everyone leave the gym, except for Mrs. Parker of course.” Alex sighed, grateful that Lauren was with Dej. “I want to see her.” Alex said, turning toward the hall that led to the gym.

  Principal Klein was about to object, but thought better of it, realizing that nothing she could say would stop the woman storming down the hallway. She didn’t much care for Alexis Walker, or her sinful lifestyle, but she was the daughter of the school’s founder, and Susan Klein was not about to get on Andrea Davis’ bad side. She actually kind of liked Dej, and despite her dislike of the child’s moniker, what kind of name is Dej anyways, she could see the fear in both women’s eyes. No parent should have that look in their eyes when it comes to their child, she decided as she watched the women hurry toward their daughter. When Alex and Kelly rounded the corner at the end of the hall, the principal went back to the phones and helped the receptionist field calls from other worried parents.


  Alex stopped short when she reached the closed door of the gymnasium. She took a deep breath, trying to prepare herself for what she might see. “Honey?” Kelly asked, taking her wife’s hand. Alex turned and offered a watery smile to the woman she loved. “I don’t know if my heart can take any more of the kids being hurt, babe.” Kelly sighed and pulled Alex into a tight embrace. “Don’t jump to conclusions, sweetheart. It could be something as simple as a broken bone or a bloody nose. Don’t assume the worst, please?” Alex chuckled, wiping the tears from her eyes before opening the doors in front of her.


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