Scandalous Scoundrels

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Scandalous Scoundrels Page 57

by Aileen Fish

  He nodded his head to confirm his identity and then she tried to focus back on the issue. “I am sorry to come uninvited…” She hesitated. She had practiced this a hundred times but the damn man was breaking her concentration. “I just, we just, needed employment and…”

  He did not seem the least moved and a look of annoyance flitted across his face. “Ms. Walsh, you have no employment experience and I am not interested in having another mouth to feed besides the woman I hire. I am not even sure you will be worth the extra food I will need to supply.”

  “Have you hired another woman?” Jessie could see that he was a man that usually got his way and trying to convince him of her attributes was not going to work. If there was one thing Jessie knew how to do, it was read a man.

  “As a matter of fact, I have not.” He shifted slightly, seeming surprised by her immediate change of tact.

  “Perhaps then I could stay for a bit on a trial basis. At least until you can find someone else? If I am not working out, you can always send me on my way but…”

  He waved his hand and she stopped. It would not do to press her hand too hard and annoy him now. Jake seemed to stare intently at her and she shifted uncomfortably under his gaze. He was clearly assessing her and she felt like he was seeing right through her disguise.

  “I’ll give you this, you’re smart.” He looked at her again and then his gaze turned to Liz. She immediately dropped her head and shrunk into her mother.

  “What’s your name?” His voice was considerably gentler and Liz raised her head slightly. “Liz, sir.” The girl’s voice was just loud enough to be heard.

  “How old are you?” Jake continued.

  Jessie felt Liz’s hesitation. Liz was small for her age so they had been lying to everyone that she was six instead of eight.

  “She is eight,” Jessie interjected. There was no way Liz, smart for her age, was going to seem six to anyone she spent any length of time with.

  Liz nodded, clearly relieved. She took a breath and then tentatively asked, “How old is your daughter?”

  Jake’s appearance softened considerably. A small smile touched his lips and Jessie felt her breath catch in her throat. He was even more handsome now, if that was possible. “Casey is seven.”

  Liz beamed back at him. “We could be friends!” Jessie stared at her daughter in astonishment. Her dark hair was braided down her back and her green eyes danced in the sun. She looked exactly like her mother and she said the exact words that were penetrating Jake Tate’s resolve.

  “There is a room off the kitchen that the two of you will have to share. I have one crew boss and seven hands as well as myself and my daughter. You will have to feed all of us.” He turned his horse and was already heading back.

  “Mr. Tate,” Jessie said, suddenly curious. “How did you know to meet us?”

  “I didn’t. There are less than a hundred and fifty residents in Sherman. Anyone new sticks out. We are actually on the border of my property. I was doing the rounds.” He shrugged.

  Jessie nodded but her insides tightened. She had to hope that no one could track here because if they did, they would know exactly where to look for the new widow and her daughter.

  A Hidden Ruby

  Dawn Brower


  A huge thanks to those that helped me make this all sparkly; Victoria for helping with the fine tuning, Liz for reading my rough draft, and Christina for cleaning it up. Without you this book would be riddled with errors. Thanks for all that you did to make it even better.


  This one is for all those readers that begged me for Noah’s story. I hope it lives up to your expectations.


  “I no longer wish to live… Without my love, I have nothing.”

  Rubina Leone St. John, the Duchess of Huntly meant those words. Without Noah… Her head fell forward hitting the palm of her hands. Tears streamed down her face. How could she go on without the only man she’d ever loved? If Paolo Fonte, Duca d’Sordillo, told the truth, her husband was dead.

  “Don’t be dramatic, Rubina.” He held his hand over his heart. “On my honor, I will always take care of you.”

  She lifted her head and stared at him through hooded eyes. What a fool. Did he honestly believe she’d willingly stay with him? Her heart would always belong to Noah. No other man would fill the empty void his loss left behind. Slowly, she stood and faced him. With all the strength she had left, she spit in his face.

  “You’ll never take the place of my Noah.” She returned to her seat. Rubina had better things to do with her time than deal with Paolo. He proclaimed to love her, but he’d kept her a prisoner for months in a tiny room. Only coming to visit her so he could stare at her while declaring his love. You don’t imprison someone you supposedly love.

  Paolo pulled out a handkerchief and wiped his face. “You’ll regret that.”

  “No, I only wish I’d have done it sooner.”

  He stormed over to her side and lifted her chin, forcing her to look at him.

  “La mia bellezza…” He stroked his fingers through her hair. “Such beautiful golden-blonde hair—so silky to touch.”

  Chills ran down her spine and her stomach rolled with queasiness as he touched her. Rubina was not his beauty… She never would be his in any way.

  “I don’t belong to you. I never have. When will you accept that?” She stared up at him in defiance.

  “Never?” He raised an eyebrow. “It is such a very long time, my love. You will learn to love me.”

  Rubina choked back tears. If Noah was truly dead—it didn’t matter. Paolo could do his worst. No matter how hard she tried, her feelings would remain the same. Her heart remained untouched by his false charms...

  “Ti odio.” She let every ounce of hatred pour out of her. Rubina didn’t want there to be any doubt how much she loathed Paolo.

  “No, you don’t.” His sinister laugh filled the tiny room. “My dear, you don’t really know what hate is—but you will.”

  “How did Noah die?”

  Rubina needed details to understand how he could really be gone. Her husband was a strong virile man, so full of life. She couldn’t truly believe he was—she gulped down a lump in her throat—dead.

  “If you must know, someone helped him along to his untimely demise.”

  “No…” Rubina gasped. “Please—tell me you didn’t murder him.”

  “I’ll tell you no such thing. I’m not about to start lying to you my dear.” He shoved his hands into his pockets and rocked back on his heels. “It’s best you get acclimated to our long life together.”

  Rubina wanted to die. That would remain true as long as Noah was gone. She had something to take care of before she joined him again. Paolo Fonte’s life must end. He would pay for his sins—for hurting Noah. She would live long enough to see it happen. Once she sent him to hell, she’d allow herself to breathe her last breath. She could once again be with her husband. They could spend eternity in each other’s arms.

  “Sei un bastardo malvagio,” she exclaimed. Duca d’Sordillo was an evil bastard. “One day your cruelty will leave this world. On that day I will rejoice.”

  “Say what you want. Your words mean nothing, but you will come around.” He grinned. “Until then, please enjoy the accommodations.

  He turned to leave. The door shut with a loud thud. Paolo turned the key, locking her once again in her tiny hovel. Such love he showed her. Rubina stared at the door with disgust. It didn’t matter. She had a reason to continue living. Once she found a way to end Paolo’s life her mission would be complete. He must pay for the atrocity he caused.


  Rubina grew weak. She barely sustained enough strength to lift up her head. Paolo limited her food to bread and water—barely enough to survive. He was trying to get her to cave—give in to his demands. The evil bastard wanted her to willingly join him in his bed. It would never happen. To betray Noah in such a manner… No,
she’d rather die. If she didn’t gain strength soon, she’d get her wish.


  Her body rocked back and forth, shaking from an unseen force, but she didn’t want to open her eyes.

  “Please wake up, Duchessa.”

  Rubina’s eyelids fluttered open to gaze into the dark brown eyes of a man she’d never seen before.

  “Who are you?” She stared at him, puzzled. Maybe he was a new guard Paolo sent to watch over her.

  “I’m here to save you.”

  Rubina shook and tears streamed down her face. She didn’t want to believe it was true. She didn’t know how long she’d been a captive in Paolo’s home. All she wanted to do was go home—see her father and brother again. They were all she had left in the world. If only Noah…

  Rubina cried harder.

  “Duchessa, we must hurry.”

  She tried to swallow a lump in her throat, but it was too dry. She let her gaze meet his again and voiced her fear. “Are you real?”

  He nodded. “I assure you, I am. Can you walk?”

  “I’m so weak…”

  “We will go slowly. I will carry you if I must.”

  He helped Rubina to her feet and led her to the open door. She was about to leave her prison. How long had she been locked away from the world?

  “Why are you helping me?”

  “I work for your brother, Conte Leone.” They made their way down the long hallway. He stopped at the top of the stone stairway. “My name is Arturo.”

  “Damian sent you?”

  Her family still believed she lived? Why had it taken them so long to find her? Paolo insisted the world believed her dead—as dead as her husband. No more Duke and Duchess of Huntly—no more beautiful love story.

  “I’m afraid not.” He lifted her up into his arms. “Everyone believes you are dead. I’m here on a different mission. It’s a miracle I learned of your existence.”

  “Grazie.” Rubina hugged him. Her whole body shook with the weight of her emotions. “I feared I’d die locked in that room.”

  “No need for thanks. I’d do it for anyone.” His mouth formed a firm straight line. “What the Duca d’Sordillo was doing to you was wrong.”

  Rubina didn’t want to think about Paolo. She just wanted to get as far away from him as possible. Maybe she’d return to England… She loved her home. Italy still held a special place in her heart, but it also filled her with terror. If she had never argued with Noah, Paolo wouldn’t have been able to hold her captive. Her only intent had been to return to Naples and visit her father. As soon as she stepped onto the ship heading toward Italy, Paolo’s men had seized her. They took her to his ship and locked her inside. Somehow, he arranged to have the ship she’d been on to sink into the ocean’s blue depths—sealing the belief of her death.

  “If you’re not here to rescue me, then what are you doing in Duca di’Sordillo’s home?”

  “He is believed to have ties to the Mafioso.”

  Arturo set her down and scanned the room. He pulled her hand into his and led her outside. They stopped in front of a carriage, and he helped her inside. Once Rubina was safely seated, he flicked the reigns to get the horses moving.

  “Somehow it doesn’t surprise me. He’s an evil man—and evidently a mastermind in the criminal underworld.”

  Arturo nodded. “That’s what we believed. We had no idea the extent of his criminal activities. Conte Leone sent me to investigate. If he’d known you were here, he would have come himself and ripped Duca d’Sordillo apart.”

  Rubina didn’t doubt it for a minute. Damian was ruthless when he needed to be. He had a high power seat in the government. He hated the Mafioso and sought to eradicate them from Italy. It was turning out to be a daunting task. The Mafioso themselves were shrouded in secrecy.

  “Where are we going?”

  “Do you know where you are, Duchessa?”

  “Please, call me Rubina,” she offered. “I owe you my life. To answer your question—I have no idea where I am or how long I’ve been here.”

  Arturo frowned. “This is not good, Your Grace.” He shook his head. “You are in Sicily near Palermo. It’s been three years since the Conte and your father believed you drowned aboard that ship.”

  Rubina gasped. “No, so long...”

  “Your family—they will be so relieved to find you still live. Thankfully, your brother awaits me in a nearby port. We can escape with him and travel to Naples.”

  Damian was near? The fates had finally decided to step in and help her. If only they’d done so sooner—she might have been able to save Noah. Pinpricks of pain shot through her heart as a vision of her beloved floated before her. She missed him so much.

  Arturo urged the horses to go faster. The wind blew through Rubina’s hair. Soon she’d be with her brother again, and she could plot Duca d’Sordillo’s death. He would pay for his sins. First she’d need to regain her strength. She would not be able to defeat him being so weak.

  “We’ll be to your brother’s ship soon, Your Grace.”

  “Thank you. I’m so tired… Maybe I should sleep a little bit.” Her head fell forward, eyes drifting closed. They flew open as she gazed over at him. “I thought I told you to call me Rubina.”

  “Yes, Your Grace, but I cannot. Please, stay awake. We will be there soon.”

  Rubina fought her body’s need for sleep. Once they got to the ship and reunited with her brother she could give in. Arturo assured her it was near. Deep breath in, exhale, if she kept reminding herself, it all would still be true. If this was a dream, Rubina never wanted to wake up. Only one thing would make it perfect: Noah—alive and well.

  The carriage came to a halt near a small pier. The night sky was dark as pitch with tiny white stars dotting the black canvas.

  “Duchessa, we are here.” He nudged her forward. “Come, I’ll help you board the ship.”

  “I don’t think I can move, Arturo.” Her eyes rolled backward, and her eyelids fluttered shut. “I don’t have much strength left.”

  “I will carry you.” Arturo lifted her into his brawny arms.

  The warmth engulfing her spread throughout her whole body. She’d been cold for so long. He nestled her, letting her head rest on his broad shoulder. It was so nice to be taken care of.

  “I don’t know if I can ever thank you enough,” she muttered.

  “Quit thanking me, Your Grace.”

  Rubina never would. He saved her from a living hell.

  “What do you have there, Arturo?”

  Damian! His voice was music to Rubina’s ears. Arturo hadn’t lied. He’d brought her to her brother. Rubina wanted to cry again, but she held it inside.

  “I found your sister, Conte.”

  “What?” Disbelief etched through Damian’s voice. “You lie, my sister drowned aboard a ship several years ago.”

  “No, Conte.” Arturo shook his head, jostling Rubina’s head forward. “She lives. Duca d’Sordillo has kept her locked in a room for years.”

  Rubina lifted her head and met eyes that matched her own. In the moonlight, his silver-gray irises glowed in front of her. Damian gasped. “Dio mio, it’s true...”

  “Hello, brother.”

  Damian rushed forward and pulled Rubina out of Arturo’s arms. His hug so tight breathing became difficult. “I can’t believe you’re here. If I’d known...”

  “I know, please, I can’t breathe.”

  Damian let her go, never once taking his gaze off of her. She understood because it all seemed like a dream to her too.

  “Rue, oh God—Noah. How are we going to tell him?” Damian rubbed his hands over his face. “He is about to get the shock of his life. We must get to him fast.”

  “What?” Rubina gasped. “Noah lives? Paolo told me he murdered him.”

  “I assure you, your husband is alive and well.” Damian nodded. He paced back and forth in front of her. His agitation making her nervous. “There’s something you should know… He’s set
to remarry.”


  Noah was hers. No other woman would lay claim to him. She had to get to London and reclaim her husband. How dare he move on when she suffered so much? She’d believed he was dead, and still she didn’t give in to Paolo. When she got there, Noah would rue the day he’d ever thought to replace her.

  Chapter One

  Noah St. James, the Duke of Huntly took a deep breath and set aside the financial documents he’d been perusing. He rubbed his hands over his face to wipe the exhaustion away. It was already a difficult day, and the sun barely rose in the sky. He’d had trouble sleeping the night before and left his bed while it was still dark outside. Since sleep evaded him, he might as well get some work done.

  “You look like hell.”

  Noah glanced up at his best friend, Liam Marsden, as he strolled into his study.

  “I feel like it.”

  Liam tilted his head to the side. “You’re not having second thoughts are you?”

  “Of course not. It’s the right decision.”

  It was. Even if it made his insides tighten with dread.

  “You don’t have to remarry,” Liam said softly. “No one knows more than I how much you loved Rubina.”

  Noah shook his head. “No, it’s time. If I want to have children, I need a wife.”

  He just hoped Pearla knew what she was getting into by marrying him. She said she did, but he doubted she truly understood. Noah had tried being a husband once, and look how it had turned out. Not married a year and his wife fled him in anger, and to her death. If only he’d handled the situation differently...Rubina might still be alive.


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