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Fool's Errand Page 33

by David G. Johnson

  Mitsar, sometimes referred to by the slang term halflings, were a race of diminutive humans. They generally ranged from two-and-a-half feet to three-and-a-half feet in height. Pernicious was average for a Mitsar, but Felonious was one of the tallest Xiao Hong had seen, pushing three feet nine inches.

  Mitsar were common in Xiao Hong’s home, the western Timur province of Pingyuan. Mitsaria, the homeland of the Mitsar, bordered the Whispering Woods on the north, while the Great Timur Empire bordered them on the south. Trade between Mitsaria and the Empire was common and relations friendly. The Great Timur Empire, in fact, was a large and integrated nation. Mitsar, including the governor himself, were the majority inhabitants of the west-central Timurian province of Qiuling.

  These two particular Mitsar, Felonious and Pernicious, had chatted with Xiao Hong at length during their voyage, about seeking their fortunes away from Mitsaria. Their homeland was currently, along with their allied nation of Soland, locked in a prolonged war with Sorenheim. Many Mitsar had recently left their war-torn homeland, seeking refuge with long-lost relatives in Timur or seeking new lives across the sea in the relatively peaceful nations of the northwest.

  Xiao Hong, having spotted their dark-leather armor, fast and deadly blades, somewhat suggestive nicknames, and generally observant and cautious demeanor, recognized right away that these two were of a more grim profession than simple adventurers. Being a thief herself, they became fast friends during the journey and she shared the nature of her own profession with them. She also agreed to let them know if her adventures led to any prospective clients in need of the specialized services the Mitsar couple could provide, and they promised likewise.

  It was not long after joining the alliance council of Cyria as a security advisor that Tarynna approached Xiao Hong with just such a need. After contacting the couple in Aton-Ri, she brought the Mitsar to the princess. Upon seeing some demonstration of their specialized abilities, Tarynna put them on retainer indefinitely. Now the money Tarynna paid them for minor cleanups and just being generally available would finally pay off. Xiao Hong knew the princess finally had a task worthy of their rather steep cost.

  The Mitsar warmly greeted their former shipmate with smiles and friendly embraces. They had just begun to catch up on recent events when a shimmering circle of light appeared at the rear of the war room. Dadao and his allies had arrived.

  Dadao was first through the portal. Immediately behind him stepped a tall and athletically muscled man, apparently Adami, wearing bore a turban and face wrap loosly resembling Xiao Hong’s, not so much in style but rather in its blood-red color. The man was dressed in a sleeveless, black tunic showing off his sun-bronzed skin and well-toned muscles. He wore dark pants and high, soft boots made of supple, highly-flexible leather. Around his waist hung a long cloth sash the same color and material as his turban. On his back were two large, wide, scimitar-type blades with barbed counterhooks on the backsides. The blades were not in traditional scabbards, but were secured in some type of intricate frame secured to his back. On his wrists were two metal-studded bracelets of overlapping layers of thick leather.

  Next through the portal, behind the impressive swordsman, stepped a truly horrifying reptiloid. While she appeared in form as a mostly normal-looking Adami female about five-and-a-half feet tall, her skin was a rich green covered in scales and a spotted pattern like a large snake. She wore lightweight white pants that hung loosely about her legs but which were tied closely at her ankles. They were secured at the top by a wide, bejeweled cloth belt.

  Her upper arms each bore a wide gold band, but more shockingly, each forearm arm also bore a hissing green asp wound around her arms. They might have appeared adornments were it not for their writhing and hissing menacingly. Her long, greenish-black hair was braided into dreadlocks hanging to her waist and tossing to and fro as she moved. The shape and movement of her hair in many ways resembled the living vipers twirled about her arms. Her eyes were perhaps the most disturbing feature of all, for in the middle of their deep emerald color were pupils that ran vertically in slits, thus resembling the eyes of the two serpent pets she carried with her. Xiao Hong shuddered as she observed the reptiloid woman had some type of inner eyelids that blinked horizontally rather than vertically.

  Xiao Hong had heard rumors of the Draconi, a widely-varied race of reptiloid chats-enash from a joining of one human parent and one Schazhari parent. The Schazhari were followers of the Ayabim known as Zahrah, who was also the patron of the amphiboid races. This was the first time she had ever actually seen one. Judging by the terror-widened eyes of the princess, she expected this was Tarynna’s first meeting with a Draconi as well.

  Finally Daemius stepped through the portal, and the shimmering circle of power collapsed behind him. As usual, Dadao seized the opportunity to speak his mind first.

  “I thought we were to gather our forces for the task of disposing of your troublesome guests. I have brought mine. Where are yours?”

  “I intend to send Field Marshal Arian,” Tarynna replied, “my counselor Daemius, our security advisor Xiao Hong as you requested, and these two Mitsar assassins, Felonious and Pernicious. I have more than provided for the Cyrian side of the bargain.”

  “So,” Dadao scowled, his voice dripping with contempt. “We are planning to attack and kill the heroes who destroyed the bandits of Dragon Pass and killed the best swordsman in all of Cyria, Xyer Garan. In response, I bring you Al-Kali, one of the deadliest warriors in the entire Great Southern Desert, and Saryssa, a deadly Draconi monk of the Venom-Fist sect. Meanwhile your contribution to this effort consists of two decrepit codgers, a child who, by her own admission, has no stomach for battle, and two slant-eyed midgets. Why not save ourselves the wait and just slit our own throats now?”

  Dadao’s winning personality drew bared teeth and bared blades from the two Mitsar. Tarynna again spoke up as Xiao Hong laid a hand on the shoulders of Felonious and Pernicious, silently urging them to let the princess handle the response.

  “If you think that summoning far portals to ferry your blue hide all over Ya-Erets is the extent of Daemius’s kashaph, you would be unpleasantly surprised should you face him one-on-one. The portals are but a minor ability with common utility so I keep him well in stock of the components needed for that spell. He is predominantly, however, a master pyromancer, whose exploits during the war were responsible for claiming the lives of more Parynlanders and V’rassi than any blade-wielding soldier.

  “As for Field Marshal Arian, his battle record is unmatched. In his prime, he was easily as good a swordsman as Lord Garan, and while age may have slowed his blade somewhat, he is still more than a match in skill and experience for any paladin captain from Parynland.”

  “Yes, but—” Dadao started to respond but Tarynna, uncharacteristically bold, cut him off.

  “I am not finished. You have said your piece, now shut up and listen to the answer to your rudely presented inquiry.”

  Xiao Hong smiled beneath her mask to see the half-Piqa bully put in his place. Tarynna’s admonishment of Dadao and her refusal to back down until she had finished her say relaxed the two Mitsar enough for them to sheath their blades and watch the princess continue her monologue.

  “It is you who insisted Xiao Hong come along on this mission, but I have no doubt she will perform her duties admirably. She always has. As for these Mitsar, they are two highly-skilled assassins, recommended by Xiao Hong. They have already proven themselves through admirable performance of their duties in my employ. I have no doubt they are as much a contribution to this team as either of your allies.”

  When Tarynna paused signaling a possible break in her tirade, Dadao wasted no time in delivering his response.

  “I have no doubt that there is not a rat left alive in any grain silo in all Varynia with two such obviously well-suited vermin hunters on your payroll, but we are not rounding up stray rodents or intimidating playground bullies. These enemies have already proven their worth in eliminating
a threat that no armed caravans have managed to best in many months. It is clear if we are to be successful that I personally will need to be a part of protecting my interests as well as the secrecy of our alliance.”

  “It may be of some additional consolation to know, Dadao,” Daemius added, “I have news from another colleague of mine. The Blue Mystic, after wrapping up some other business, will join us en route tomorrow.”

  “So if that is settled,” continued Tarynna not giving any pause for someone to speak to the contrary, “on to strategy. There are five visitors, a mage, a Parynland paladin, a Qarahni warrior, and two children even younger than Xiao Hong. With you going personally and the addition of the Blue Mystic, that will make it nine against five. I have no doubt my team would prevail even if you and your two allies were to decide to return to your home with your tails between your legs.”

  Xiao Hong and the two Mitsar smiled appreciatively. Tarynna was determined to prove Dadao was not the only one who could talk tough and address the assembled forces with an air of superiority as she continued.

  “Unless there are any other questions, I will have a large company of soldiers escort our guests to the delta first thing in the morning, amid great fanfare in the city, leaving no shortage of witnesses to them safely leave the borders of Cyria. From where the delta cross the Westbrook River, it is at least two full days ride along the coast to Paryn’s gate. There are no formal roads along that route, so they will be traveling cross-country.

  “No doubt the Parynlander will be familiar enough with the terrain, but they will not know they are being pursued. Between Xiao Hong and the Mitsar assassins, you will be able to track them and overtake their camp during the night. With superior numbers and the element of surprise, you will doubtless make quick work of them. The rest of you will return immediately to Cyria while Felonious and Pernicious make certain that any trace of your presence and trail is masked before they themselves return.”

  “Well,” Arian said through a grin, “any trace other than five dead heroes.” Only Dadao smiled at the jest. “In the meantime, however, you all can stay in the palace guest rooms tonight so that everyone is refreshed and ready to move out quickly once our foreign guests have departed. I will have my guardsman wake them a little after dawn so plenty of the city’s inhabitants will be up and around to see them leave safely. My men will then alert us they have departed, and we can be about our business. Dadao, you and your friends follow me. I will show you to your quarters and make sure the royal chefs deliver dinner to your rooms.”

  Arian left the war room followed by Dadao and his two companions. The only sound that broke their stoic silence was the hissing of the serpents still writhing and twisting around the forearms of the Draconi she-monk. Once they had departed, Xiao Hong saw Tarynna collapse in a chair, apparently exhausted from maintaining control and composure in the face of Dadao and his intimidating allies. Her hands were subtly shaking as she turned to Xiao Hong.

  “I am sorry that you are in this position. I know this is above and beyond what you were hired to do, but please understand if I had any choice in the matter, I would release you from this responsibility. Unfortunately, I still need Dadao’s cooperation, and I fear you not being on this mission might give him an excuse to fracture our alliance or possibly even move against me himself.”

  “I understand, Tarynna.”

  “Don’t worry though. Between your Mitsar friends, Daemius, and Arian, as well as Dadao and his formidable allies, I sincerely doubt you will even need to draw blade in the battle. Just be there to remove any opportunity or excuse for Dadao to question the solidarity of the alliance council. I promise once we have strengthened Cyria’s position and secured the cooperation of other factions, thus lessening our dependence on Dadao, you will never be put in this position again.”

  Felonious also addressed Xiao Hong.

  “Don’t worry, sister, my old lady and I will look out for you. You kept your word and brought us to our current comfortable situation. I will see to it nothing harms you even if I have to shove my short sword up that big, blue bully’s backside to do it. Don’t let our size fool you, kid. It wouldn’t worry me in the least for Perni and I to face down that blue bullock, his sand-digging swordsman, and his pet snake two-on-three.”

  While it was hard to imagine the truth in such bravado coming from such a small package, Xiao Hong believed that at least in Felonious’s mind, he was not boasting but speaking the truth as he saw it.

  “It would not be two-on-three,” Daemius added, “but rather five-on-three. Remember, young one, you will have the Blue Mystic and I as well as Field Marshal Arian behind you as well.”

  The thought of the lecherous Arian anywhere but plainly in her sight or on the other side of a locked door, gave Xiao Hong little comfort. Knowing, however, that Daemius as well as her Mitsar friends would be there did set her mind at ease.

  Daemius led Xiao Hong and the two Mitsar to their guest rooms and told them where they might find the kitchen. They thanked the chief counselor, and he departed for wherever he would pass the evening. The young rogue and her two friends enjoyed a meal together discussing their tasks since Xiao Hong brought them to their current service to the Cyrian princess.

  Xiao Hong brought them up to speed on the content of the conversation that had taken place at the alliance council prior to Tarynna sending for them. With all the paranoia and secrets, the situation now seemed to require murdering a group of innocent strangers. Xiao Hong could not help but wonder if she had embroiled herself and her new Mitsar companions into a deadly situation, which might find them on the losing side if half the fears expressed in the council meeting came to fruition.

  “You know,” she said to her two companions, “if the very heroes who managed to bust the blockade suddenly wind up dead immediately after a visit to Cyria, I am not sure the suspicions the council fears so deeply won’t come about anyway. With such a major tragedy as is planned for tomorrow, I wouldn’t be surprised if this didn’t serve to accelerate and amplify such suspicions.”

  “Heh,” Pernicious replied, “I was thinking that myself, sister. Not only that, there is no guarantee they didn’t already tell others about Xyer Garan before they came here. Of course, with that collection of hotheads, I wouldn’t mention that for the world. Let ‘em find out the hard way. Just more work for us, and when the ’farts are in the wind’ so to speak, the price for Fel’s and my air-clearing services might just have to go up.”

  The two Mitsar snickered and snorted to themselves as though Pernicious had just told the world’s funniest joke. Xiao Hong failed to see the humor in the situation. She was a simple rogue who thought she had landed the world’s dreamiest situation. She didn’t have to risk her neck, sneaking around picking pockets or navigating trap-filled treasuries, looking for the next great score. She just had to sit around telling a spoiled princess about the holes in her plans and providing the way I would do it advice while others risked their hides to bring her plans to life. She even thought she was sharing her good fortune with the two Mitsar, who she felt would make powerful friends in the future. Now it looked like her dream world was about to come apart at the seams in the midst of murder, treachery, and war.

  Her mind was made up. She would have to look for the right opportunity to make her exit and seek her fortune elsewhere. This situation had become far too dangerous for her to just stick around and hope for the best. The question was, could she trust the Mitsar with her plans to leave? If they felt her departure would unsettle their future, they might turn on her just as quickly as Dadao had. No, she would not tell them yet, but she hoped the situation would change in the future before her opportunity to escape manifested so that she might depart in such a way as to keep the Mitsar on her side.

  After dinner, the friends talked a bit more and then retired to their separate rooms for the evening. Xiao Hong carefully locked the door to her room, but she knew that the perverted Field Marshal Arian might still be lurking around the
palace somewhere. Doubting that she had the only key to this room, she took a chair from the writing desk in her room and secured it snugly under the doorknob, thus, effectively proving an additional barrier to any potential unwanted visitors.

  Her room was on the second floor, and the windows bolted securely from the inside, so she felt she had adequately secured all possible entrances. After a thorough search for any secret or hidden doors, she was satisfied that the main door and the window were the only two access points to the room. If she needed a hasty escape, the window would provide the sure-footed and nimble thief adequate access to either the ground outside or the roof above. She settled into the comfortable bed and drifted off to uneasy slumber.

  Night Flight

  As the heroes of Dragon Pass prepared to head downstairs for their evening meal, Melizar approached them with a handful of dried moss.

  “This is a moss called trezen. It grows in Shadowdeep. Chew it well and mix it with your saliva before swallowing it. This will counteract the intoxicating effects of any alcohol you consume for the next two hours or so.”

  Puzzled looks graced the faces of his companions, other than Thatcher who was already in on the plan. Clearly further explanation was required.

  “This will allow us to put on quite a show for the watching eyes, consuming copious amounts of wine and ale. The expectation we will be about anything but sleeping off a serious bout of drunkenness will be the furthest thing from the minds of our caretakers. This should hopefully get them all to relax their watchfulness this evening, although it may require a bit of dramatization on our parts to sell the illusion.”

  Goldain smiled at the well-conceived setup.

  “From our time in Stonehold, Thatcher and I have had enough practice really reeling from a mug or two too many. I am not sure our straight-arrow captain or our little princess may have much experience to prepare them for the role. Perhaps, princess, you could play the part of our designated nurse to usher us to our rooms and tuck us in for the night.”


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