Tupelo Gold: Sweeter Than Honey

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Tupelo Gold: Sweeter Than Honey Page 4

by Gem Sivad

  “I try not to think about Comfort married to Bailey at all.” The idea of something or someone being worse than Bailey, left him appalled.

  “Well think about it. A beautiful woman like your wife, married to an ugly, mean, sonofabitch like Owen Bailey. I never considered it, but the first time Lucy set eyes on them together, she wondered the why of it.”

  Hamilton frowned at his brother. “She’s married to me now, and she knows I’m not like Owen Bailey.”

  “Does she? Seems like he must have fooled her pretty well to get her to marry him. Might seem to her, like you did the same.”

  “I didn’t know I had a son when I married Comfort, so I sure as hell couldn’t tell her about Jacob.” Hamilton’s temper threatened to take over. “I don’t want to choose between Comfort and the kids. I won’t do it, Quincy. I need Comfort to forgive me, but, the truth is, I’m not sorry it happened since Jacob is the outcome.”

  “Brother, I’m not seeing why you have to choose. Your wife wanted kids and couldn’t have them and you’ve given her a son and a daughter she’s already taken into her home, and it sounds like her heart.”

  “It’s me she’s cut out,” Hamilton admitted miserably, deflated by the truth.

  “I can’t speak for your woman, but I know you love her, and I’d bet our last cow she loves you too. Might want to change your perspective, brother. Seems to me Comfort’s taking this pretty well. Was it me, Lucy would have shot me in the ass with the carbine.”

  Evidently finished doling out advice, Quincy stood and walked out the door.

  Chapter Four

  Change my perspective? Hamilton pondered Quincy’s advice as he watched his brother walk out the door. At the time, seven years before, he’d wanted to believe the one night spent with a prostitute, harmless. But, he’d felt guilty then, and he still did, even though he was still trying to pass off the event as meaningless.

  But that night had changed his entire future. Even after gaining a son who made Hamilton swell with pride, he couldn’t accept losing his wife’s love and respect as a fair trade-off.

  But, Quincy was right. Hamilton had been struggling with the wrong problem. Comfort had rejected him, not his son by another woman.

  He’d known that all along. He just hadn’t wanted to admit that Jacob’s presence wasn’t causing the rift between them. Comfort had taken to mothering both kids as soon as they’d arrived.

  She’d also quickly made Hamilton an outsider in her life. Every day she worked at the store, took the children there with her, indulged the kids while they were there, and, after the store closed, came home to spend a pleasant evening—with the children.

  Hamilton understood he needed to prove to Comfort that she could trust him. But when his son stood as evidence of Hamilton’s misstep, he didn’t know how to get past the addition to his family and regain the affection of his wife.

  Hell, it was a mess. Comfort and he had been lovers when they shouldn’t have been. He’d been faithful to her while she’d been married to another man. He’d strayed just once in all the time they’d been together and Jacob was the result.

  Hamilton’s breath caught in his chest painfully, just thinking about the possibility of losing his wife. Never had he dreamed he’d need a woman. And not any woman. Just her. Comfort. And he’d put his life with her in jeopardy, by bedding a woman he couldn’t even remember.

  Comfort’s manner to him had become cold as ice and it didn’t look like a thaw was coming soon. After considering things from every angle, Hamilton decided bold action was required. He’d been looking for a way to pry Comfort from her Eclipse empire. He wanted his wife pouring her love and care into their place, a house where no memories existed but the ones they’d make together.

  God knows Comfort had accumulated wealth of her own, and financially she could match him any day. She seemed determined to keep them living in town, a place Hamilton tolerated but not a place he’d raise his son.

  “She’s moving to the ranch with me, damn it. I’ll persuade her.” He’d been patient, but his patience was getting pretty thin. Hamilton decided to put his plan in motion later that day.

  Unfortunately, that evening, when he came in, she wasn’t home from the store yet. She’d begun staying later and later. That was something that was going to change, even if they stayed in town, which they weren’t.

  When she and the kids finally arrived, he had to chase her from room to room just to get her to listen to his words, so his message wasn’t as smooth as he intended.

  “I’ve decided we’re moving out to my ranch house. We can’t be a family with me out there and you and the kids in here. We’re moving.”

  “Lovely of you to discuss this with me. But, since you have, I’ll consider it.” She paused, looked around the room, then back at him. “I’ve considered it. No. I’m not moving to the ranch.”

  He’d begun the conversation in the dining room after they’d eaten. When he started talking, the children disappeared leaving them alone. But Comfort whisked out of that room and into the kitchen before he could get much said.

  “You wouldn’t talk before. Now you’re going to listen. I did wrong, Comfort, no question about it. Now I’m setting that right.” Hamilton’s doubts that Comfort could be anything but serene, were answered. She faced him, back braced against the kitchen sink, spitting mad.

  “I told you I’m not moving to the ranch. I’ve proven that I can run a business and take care of myself. If you choose to live on the ranch, so be it. I intend to stay right here.”

  “I don’t care what you think you’re doing or intend to do.” His voice was grim when he continued. “I’m taking the kids to the Double-Q and you’re coming too. Load up what you’re bringing or don’t. But, if you plan on sleeping on more than bare floor, you’d better get busy. The wagon will be here tomorrow morning. We’re moving.”

  “I wish you well on the Double-Q. I will not be joining you there.” She brushed past him and left him fuming in the kitchen.

  “Guess you won’t be having supper with us from now on,” Mrs. Carmichael muttered, cackling like a witch as he followed Comfort from the room. He found his wife holed-up in the sitting room with Jacob and Sally.

  Hamilton could see she’d been busy. She’d already made them her allies. Now he had three people to convince instead of one.

  “You want to stay here, don’t you children?” Comfort looked at the two kids expectantly. Hell, Hamilton figured she’d already rehearsed the scene.

  Jacob scratched his arm and looked at Hamilton thoughtfully. “Do I get a horse of my own to ride?”

  Hamilton answered the boy quickly. “Already cut one from the herd for you, son. You wouldn’t be able to ride with me over our spread without a horse.”

  In spite of her hurt look, Hamilton was proud of the way the boy met Comfort’s gaze and said, “Reckon I’ll be going to the ranch with my pa, then.”

  Comfort looked stunned at Jacob’s defection, but her words to him were sweet and sincere.

  “I’m sorry you won’t be staying Jacob. Sally and I will have to visit with you on the weekends. I’m sure your father will bring you to town to see us.”

  Hamilton was proud of her, too. He felt lower than a snake’s belly watching her fight tears. He couldn’t do it. It wouldn’t work, him and Jacob roughing it in the ranch house alone while Comfort and Sally stayed in Eclipse. He opened his mouth, ready to call the whole idea off.

  But Sally, lips trembling and lashes already coated in tears, reached out and grasped her brother’s hand.

  “I couldn’t leave Jacob, ma’am.”


  Comfort’s planned defense crumbled before her eyes. The children switched allegiance so quickly she was left with no alternate suggestion.

  She had no intentions of leaving Sally to the ministrations of the two males in the room. The little girl was a precious gift Comfort had never believed she would receive.

  I will stall until I see a way out of this t
angle. “Then we’ll all go. But, Hamilton, what you ask is impossible. I can’t gather my things by tomorrow.”

  “Leave ‘em then,” he growled. “If you don’t want to empty the stuff out of here, go down to the Mercantile and buy what we need. Put it on my bill; I’ll pay for furnishing the ranch, and you and Sally can have fun filling our place with new gewgaws.”

  He’d decided to be stubborn. Comfort resisted the urge to stamp her foot. She’d always been able to get around the hard-headed streak in him. But her best weapon—seduction—was a thing of the past.

  “Hamilton Quince, I will never forgive you if you continue this nonsense.” Once, that would have been enough to bring him around.

  “Add it to the rest of my sins. Forgive me or not, sounds to me like we’re all moving to the house I built for you on the Double-Q. And maybe I’ll get some furniture in there now.”

  He had the nerve to remind her she’d never decorated his cabin. She had made the promise, but had been afraid if she made it comfortable, he’d stay out there instead of coming home.

  Panic filled her. In town, she had a housekeeper, a store down the street, friends to visit, and a cook. On the Double-Q ranch she had nothing, not even beds for the children to sleep in.

  She felt like a fraud. Hamilton would soon know how ignorant of domestic ability she was. Comfort had spent her life surviving, making money, and perfecting her charm. She’d be forced to expose her woefully deficient womanly skills.

  “I’ve changed my mind. I'm not going. Your ranch house is primitive,” she said flatly.

  “Guess you’ll have to civilize it and me, Comfort. Sounds like a big task; best get started.”

  “Hamilton Quince how can you do this? I refuse to give into this coercion.”

  “I do this because you love me as much as I love you. And that's a hell of a lot of loving considering I haven't had any in recent memory. ”

  He crossed the floor, took her into his arms, and kissed any further protest away. When he’d rendered her both breathless and speechless, he stepped back. Cupping her chin, Hamilton tilted her head until her gaze met his.

  “Pack or not, argue or not, you’re moving to the ranch.”

  Chapter Five

  Had the children not been gawking at them, Hamilton would have tossed Comfort’s skirts and taken her on her fancy settee. The passion she’d been denying between them for months, sparked between them now.

  He felt it. He knew she felt it. Her breasts, lovely round handfuls if he remembered correctly, now heaved under her ruffled blouse. Her eyes shot fire at him, and her hands clenched as if she wanted to grab onto something.

  Me, me, Comfort. Grab hold of me. By his count, he’d been putting up with her frost and sarcasm for over eight lonely weeks.

  No doubt she had just cause, him bringing a set of young’uns home unexpectedly. Nevertheless, her lips had gone soft under his, her hands had come up to press against his shoulders, and she’d opened her mouth for his tongue.

  Comfort wants me as much as I want her. Hamilton was determined to rekindle the fire that had always blazed between them.

  “Guess we better make ourselves scarce while the two of ’em are doin’ their lollygagging.” Jacob’s disapproving words reached the two adults at the same time.

  Comfort stepped away hurriedly and straightened her dress. “I beg your pardon, children. Your father sometimes lacks decorum.”

  “Well I don’t beg anyone’s pardon.” Hamilton bristled at his son’s reprimand. “Jacob, there’s no sin in a man showing his kids how much he loves their mother. I expect you’ll see a lot of lollygagging in the future. Get used to it.”

  Comfort tried to shush him.

  “Our mother’s dead,” Jacob muttered and headed out the door. Sally, still holding his hand, trailed behind.

  Hamilton swept Comfort along as he followed the youngsters to the porch. “Jacob, what did you and Sally call your mother? She was a woman I barely knew.” He figured this was something he should have said at the beginning and long overdue.

  “Ma,” both kids answered.

  “Then think about this. God gave you to your first ma. When she couldn’t finish the job, she somehow guided you to me, and through me, delivered you to Comfort to do the rest of your mothering. Sleep on that. It’s time for you to get to bed, and get ready to begin the Quince way of life. Your new mama assures me we need more than beds to make the place livable.”

  “That would certainly be the truth.” Comfort stared indecisively at him. He could almost see the thoughts bouncing around in her mind.

  Would she continue to shun him or…

  “Hamilton, if you insist on this lunacy, I swear I’ll furnish the whole house and not discount a dime.”


  Comfort stood tense and exhausted peering out her front window. Earlier Hamilton had destroyed her resistance via his divide and conquer strategy. Then, Alex Quince had arrived, delivering the wagon that now stood outside the boardinghouse, an ugly reminder of what tomorrow morning would bring.

  Alex had left a tarp on the seat to cover the loaded wagon for its trip to the ranch and told Hamilton he’d be back early to help move furniture. He’d also assured the kids he’d get them up at first light to help him.

  The children’s older Quince cousin had teased Sally and treated Jacob to a man-to-man conversation about a common interest—horses. The addition of Alex to Hamilton’s plan, had made it glaringly apparent they were moving to the ranch house. Comfort had no bribe amazing enough to stop the inevitable.

  For once, Hamilton had preceded her upstairs. No doubt he planned to guard Jacob from any temptation she might offer yet tonight. When she’d stalled all that she could, Comfort climbed the steps and followed the hallway to the children’s bedrooms.

  In the first room, Sally slept. In her arms, she held more evidence of Hamilton’s insightful gifts. He’d obviously noticed the little girl’s wishful gaze when he’d been with her at the store. She now cuddled the blonde-haired baby doll Comfort had planned to give her daughter for Christmas.

  Comfort moved quietly from Sally’s bedroom down the hall to peer into Jacob’s room. The boy lay drowsily fingering a bridle. Comfort could see Hamilton had chosen fine quality soft leather for this bribe.

  While she watched, Jacob roused enough to ask his father, “What color is the horse you cut from the herd for me?”

  Jacob’s question gave Comfort time to withdraw. She left Hamilton explaining the difference between sorrel and bay, and escaped to the privacy of their bathing room.

  Unfortunately, the combination of warm water and her exotically scented bathing oil did nothing to relax her. When she licked her lips and tasted Hamilton there, liquid heat pooled between her thighs. She ached for him. She splashed the water in angry frustration.

  I’m not allowing carnal desires to rule my head. Comfort eased out of the porcelain tub and picked up a drying cloth, using it to blot drops of water from her skin. Behind her, Hamilton walked in, locking the door behind him.

  The unannounced visit from her husband more than startled her. It was something he’d never done in five years of marriage.

  “So now you simply invade my privacy when you want?” Unfortunately it was difficult to sustain her anger when after the earlier kiss, his very presence sent a thrill of arousal pulsing through her.

  “Let me help you.” Without explanation he picked up another towel and knelt at her feet. But his lips, not the towel, brushed a spot above her knee, moved to the inside of her leg, and delivered butterfly kisses up her limb to the juncture of her thighs.

  She blushed, and a wash of red heated her cheeks, as his heavy-lidded gaze met hers. The scent of her arousal drifted in the steamy air and her nipples puckered, the tips posing for his attention.

  His hands circled her waist and he leaned in, rubbing his face against her mound. “Dear God you’re beautiful,” he growled.

  “I hardly think a woman’s intimate details are a lo
vely sight.” Comfort intended a tart message, words meant to discourage her husband’s amorous advance.

  She needed to rest. Morning would come quickly and she had a lot to do at the store the next day before the trek to the wilderness even began. But her tone, husky with desire, betrayed her.

  “It’s not any intimate details I’m admiring. Just yours.” Hamilton’s breath riffled her lower curls as he disagreed. “And yours,” he leaned even closer, tracing the lips of her sex with his tongue, before he growled, “are quite lovely.”

  “Do you love me?” he asked, then stabbed her swollen clit with his tongue.

  “A silly infatuation I would quit if possible,” she gasped, clutching his shoulder as she fought her climax.

  One touch and he has me on the edge of ecstasy. Comfort blushed, embarrassed by the way her body quickened for him.

  He smiled as if he knew, which of course he did. Hamilton had made it his purpose to understand how to please her. When he made love to her, he always left her satiated, drifting in exquisite pleasure.

  He bribed the other two, I see what he thinks is my temptation. He’d evidently decided he could seduce her into moving to the Double-Q. She tried to muster disdain.

  But her body pulsed with need for him. Hastily, she moved from where he crouched on the floor, and pulled her filmy peignoir over her bare skin. When he stood, she ignored his presence and brushed past him.

  He followed her to the bedroom she’d furnished with a luxurious bed that accommodated his big size. She hurried to the far side and faced Hamilton, watching him disrobe.

  In nothing but his pants, he walked barefoot around the bed to where she stood, still wearing her filmy peignoir. He brushed the thin straps from her shoulders. Comfort felt her nipples pebble as the soft material brushed across her skin before pooling at her feet.

  Hamilton ignored her stiffened spine as he pulled her into his embrace.

  “God I love you, woman, and I intend to spend all night showing you how much.”


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