by Megan Kelly
“This is a symbol.” Dylan slipped the ring from the box and held it by the sides, ready to place it on her finger. “Wearing this is your promise to love me and stay with me forever. I give it to you, promising I’ll love you and stay with you forever.”
He gazed into her eyes. “I want it all. You, the kids, everything. Will you wear it?”
She nodded, tears in her eyes as he slid it onto her finger, securing it against her wedding ring. “I’ll take it all.”
“Now there’s just one more problem to take care of.”
“What’s that?” she asked.
Dylan grinned. “I’m getting a little cramped sleeping on the couch.”
Tara’s heartbeat raced in anticipation. She stood and extended a hand. “Come on, husband. I’ll show you where your bed is.”
ISBN: 978-1-4592-0236-8
Copyright © 2011 by Peggy Hillmer
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