by LJ Baker
Toby had texted him a few times to find out what happened. Apparently, Amanda wasn’t telling him anything either. She’d met with some of the contacts he’d set up for her and was working on her business. She made her scheduled deliveries, but went out of her way to miss seeing Luc.
But now she had no choice.
They’d agreed to meet weekly to discuss orders and new possibilities for products. Today was that day. He saw her from across the room and his chest tightened. He wasn’t sure how he felt about her still, but he knew there was something there between them. The part of him that knew she wasn’t ready for it battled with the part that needed to know if she was the one.
Before Luc could make his way over to her, he was intercepted by the cop that tried to lock up Ronnie Falcon.
“Mr. Morningstar, great, you’ve got a minute to talk.” She put her arm around him and led him over to a quiet table as if they were old friends. They weren’t.
“What can I do for you Detective Ward?” Luc glanced back over to Amanda and saw her watching them with a straight face. He didn’t care what the cop wanted, but he had to deal with her. Keeping a solid standing in the community and not having cops harassing his club patrons was important for the longevity of his business.
“I wanted to talk to you about a series of break ins that have been going on around here. There’s been a number of wealthy business owners and tenants in this area who have been broken into and had expensive art work and items taken.”
“I have had no such violation. All is good here, detective. So are we done?” Luc tried to get past her and she grabbed his wrist to keep him there.
“Not quite yet, Mr. Morningstar. I’ve had some reports of some of the stolen items being pawned close by and even some reports that things are being sold out of the back of a van in the alley that runs behind your club.”
“I don’t know anything about it.”
“But you have security cameras. Surely you can share that footage so we can see if there’s anything important on there.” She smiled, but it wasn’t a genuine smile. It was one of those smiles that were forced, more like obligated, to get something from the recipient.
“I don’t think that is going to be possible. My customers enjoy knowing that their privacy is held to a strict standard around here. What kind of message would I be sending if I just handed over my security footage to anyone?”
“Mr. Morningstar—”
“Listen, this is what I can offer you. I’ll go through the footage myself and check if there is anything suspicious, or anything you might need to know. If that happens, I will share those portions with you. Anything more and you’ll need a warrant. I’m sorry.” He turned, despite her further protests, and attempted to walk away.
“I’d like you to reconsider.”
Harley noticed the interaction and started to come over. Luc signaled her that he didn’t need the assistance and she stopped, midway to him.
“There is nothing to reconsider. This club is my livelihood and I need to do what is necessary to protect it. I’m sure you can understand that, Detective. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a meeting I need to get to.”
“Hold on.” She shoved her card into his palm before he could stop her. “If you change your mind, or come across any information that might help, please call me.”
Luc was used to getting unsolicited numbers from women, but this was one he would rather not have. He nodded politely and headed toward Amanda. Unfortunately, Harley stepped in his way before he could make it to her.
“What was that all about?”
“There’s been some break-ins and apparently the detective thought I would just hand over our security footage to help her out.”
“Yeah, like that’s gonna happen. Especially after the way she tried to screw over Ronnie.”
“You do know that Ronnie was guilty of the crime, right?”
“So? She still didn’t deserve to go to jail and you know it.”
“You’ve really taken a liking to her, haven’t you?”
“Maybe.” Harley shrugged. “She likes to punch people for fun. What’s not to like?”
Harley wasn’t the friend making sort, but Luc was happy to see she was giving some of the more human activities a try.
“You hear anything about what the detective was interested in?”
“I might have picked up a few bits around the club. Mostly artwork, paintings and sculptures and shit. Kind of like that ugly junk you have in your apartment. Maybe you should be more careful.”
“I have a good security system.”
“And your idiot brother leaves it off all the time when he leaves your place. Not that it even makes sense. The moron zaps in and out all the time, yet he uses the door for your apartment?”
“Very true. I guess I’ll have to have a talk with him about that, because I like my ugly junk. Besides, I don’t like the idea of anyone rooting around in my apartment.”
“You mean besides Azrael?”
“It’s not worth stopping him, and as far as why he uses the door, well that’s a strict rule to avoid some rather awkward situations.” Harley nodded that she understood and Luc continued. “Anyway, I think something is up with him. He’s been spending a lot of time down here. And for an angel who supposedly thinks heaven is the one great paradise, it’s a bit strange.”
“Maybe he got in a fight with your father.”
“Nah, he would have told me about that straight away. It’s one thing we could certainly commiserate over.”
“True. Want me to check up on him?” Harley should have been a detective herself instead of a bartender, but bartending was what she loved.
“I’ll let you know if I do. For now, I’ll just keep an eye on him. Maybe it’s nothing, but he is my brother and I love the moron.” Luc glanced over at Amanda, who was still watching him, and looking a bit impatient. “Now I need to get to this meeting before she finds a way to disappear again.”
Harley shook her head. “This one is certainly a challenge, huh?”
“You have no idea.” Luc headed in Amanda’s direction, fending off several more people who wanted his attention. There was only one person he wanted to talk to and she was waiting for him in the back corner.
“Sorry about all that. So many business things to attend to.”
“We can reschedule this if you’re too busy.” Amanda started to stand, but Luc took her wrist and guided her back into her seat as he sat across from her.
“Certainly not. I am exactly where I want to be.”
She started to blush a bit and immediately went into her papers, lists, and whole business persona. It wasn’t that Luc didn’t like that aspect of her. He did. Professional Amanda was a definite turn on, but Luc wanted to talk about last week. He wanted to know why she’d disappeared so fast and why she’d avoided him since. He wanted to ask her if she’d had as much fun with him as he’d had with her, and if so, why she was staying away. Instead, he sat and listened to her talk about whiskeys and IPA’s and this place that sells a drink that has a severed toe in it.
That last part was what made him start to focus on what she was saying. The last thing he needed was to accidentally agree to sell body parts in his drinks. Now wouldn’t that bring the nosy detective back in a hurry.
“I’m sorry, are you suggesting we sell drinks with severed digits in them?” Luc’s nose scrunched up. He didn’t want to discuss drinks, or toes, or anything but what went on between him and Amanda, but there he was, trying not to push her.
She laughed. It was the more restrained laugh that she saved for professional situations, but there was only so far she could restrain it. Luc could pick up the hint of her normal belly laugh that he’d grown to love so much, even if he only rarely got to hear it.
“Uh, no. I most definitely don’t think you should sell those. I did hear that the guy who invented them wants to donate a certain other body part when he dies to be added to a different cocktail, if you get my drift.”
She let her guard down for a moment and relaxed for the first time since she’d arrived.
“Ouch.” Luc fought the urge to grab his own in protection. What was it about males that made them do that, Luc wondered.
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine. It’s not my parts that are being hacked off to sell alcohol.”
“No, not that. I mean about last week. I’m sorry I ran out like that. I just needed some time.”
“And have you had enough? Time that is?” Luc didn’t want to push her, but he needed to know where this was headed. He was running out of days for his month with Amanda and he needed to know if this was about to be wrapped up, or if he would halt the game to figure things out.
“I don’t know, to be honest. I had a great time with you. Maybe that was the problem. It felt too good.”
“That’s not a thing.”
“It is. Or it feels like it is. Either way, it was too much at once.”
Just as Luc expected. He’d pushed her and it was the wrong move.
“That’s my fault. I’m the one who should be sorry.” And part of him was, but mostly, he enjoyed being with her and didn’t want to take it back. Although he probably shouldn’t tell her that.
“No.” She shook her head. “It’s not your fault at all, really. It’s mine. I’ve shut myself off for so long that nothing else feels right anymore. Toby says I need therapy. Maybe he’s right. I shouldn’t have dragged you into my mess, so I really am sorry about that. I hope we can still work together, because this business is the one thing I know how to do right now.”
“Amanda, you shouldn’t apologize for taking care of yourself. You went through something traumatic. That’s not the kind of thing you just get over. And I don’t feel like I was dragged anywhere. I was definitely a willing participant and it was wonderful. I loved spending time with you, getting to know you better, and everything else that went on that night.”
Her cheeks pinked and she nodded.
“Maybe it’s not my place to say, but if you need some recommendations for a good therapist, I do know a few.”
“You’ve been to therapy?”
“No, but I have several friends who have, and the names I can give you come highly recommended. But hey, even if you don’t go that route, you need to put yourself first. You need to do whatever it is that helps you through a difficult time. If that’s spending time with me, great. If it’s staying away from me, then I understand that too.”
Luc didn’t want to understand. He wanted more time with her. He wanted to figure out what it was between them that made him feel so different, but what he said to her was the right thing. It wasn’t his place to be selfish. He wouldn’t admit it out loud, but this game was definitely changing him.
Maybe it was even for the better.
“I don’t know what I need.” She slumped back in her seat. “If I listen to Toby, the cure to everything is non-stop sex.”
“It might not cure everything, but it sure is a good way to spend the time.” Luc tried not to smile, but he was failing miserably. Lucky for him, it was contagious, and Amanda fought back her own smile.
“I don’t regret spending the night with you.”
“Uh, that’s good to know.”
“I just don’t want you to think I regretted it. I mean, avoiding you for a week kind of gives that impression.”
“You were avoiding me? I hadn’t even noticed.”
She rolled her eyes. “Yes you did.”
“Fine, I noticed. I was trying to give you space. I might not always be good at that sort of thing. Harley told me I should just wait for you to come to me. I have to admit though, I was starting to think that wasn’t going to happen.”
“Continuing with the honesty, I wasn’t sure if it was or not either. I got home and instantly felt like I’d betrayed Greg. I liked being with you. It was amazing, and for the first time since he died, I didn’t feel so guilty. Until I got home. Or right before I snuck out, honestly.”
“I hope I didn’t push you into anything you weren’t ready for. That was never my intention at all.”
“I don’t think that. I wanted what happened between us. In fact, it was my idea, if I remember correctly.”
“Yes, it was all you. You practically attacked me. I should be filing charges.” Luc motioned for the server to come over and ordered two bourbons.
“Just water for me, please,” Amanda said, not making eye contact with Luc until after the server had walked away. “I think it’s probably best if I cut back a bit, at least until I get my life figured out.”
Luc didn’t disagree, but it was her choice to make.
“Is there anything I can do to help?” Luc meant it. If there was any way he could help her get things straightened out, even outside the parameters of the game, he would.
“I think I’m going to have to figure this one out on my own.”
There was still almost a week left in the game, but for some reason, this felt like a goodbye. He wasn’t sure if he’d see her again outside the confines of their business relationship, but more than anything, he wanted her to be okay. As foreign as that feeling was for Luc, he knew it was right. If he had to give up what might have been his soul mate for the sake of her well-being, he knew right then and there, he would.
After they finalized the business stuff, Amanda finished her water, thanked Luc for his time, and left. He sat there for a long time staring at his untouched drink. Luc had never been in love, so he wasn’t quite sure what it felt like to have it, or lose it. He didn’t think he was in love with Amanda, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t be with time. Just like with Ronnie Falcon though, the timing was all wrong.
“You look like your puppy just died. What happened?” Harley sat down and took a gulp off Luc’s bourbon. Luc wasn’t sure how long he’d been sitting there before Harley sat down, but he could have sworn Amanda was just there in front of him.
“She tell you to get lost?” She gulped down the rest of Luc’s drink and motioned for another one.
“Look at you with the one word answers. What’s going on in that devil head of yours?”
Luc shook his head. “Nothing. I think this month is over. Take your time finding the next one. I’m in no rush.” Luc got up and left her there staring after him. He wasn’t in the mood to talk about his feelings. He wasn’t even sure what they were.
“What happened with them?” Azrael flopped down on Harley’s sofa and put his feet up on the coffee table. She kicked his legs down and settled down next to him.
“He won’t talk about it. There wasn’t any screaming, crying, or storming off, so I’m not sure, but he just sat there, brooding, for a good half hour before I went over there and broke him out of his head. Maybe he’ll talk to you?”
Az choked back a laugh. “That’s never going to happen. Luc doesn’t exactly open up to me. I’m lucky he tolerates me in his company half the time. It’s like he considers it a favor to me.”
“That’s a fair assessment, and probably, true.” Harley turned to face Az. “Do you think he fell in love with her?”
“In less than a month? This isn’t a romance novel, Harley. He’s not going to fall for anyone that fast.”
“Then why are we even doing this thing? He’s supposed to take a month to figure out if any of these girls are his soul mate. If you really didn’t think he could do it in a month, why didn’t you say something before we set everything up?”
Harley knew Luc, but human love was a bit trickier. Even if she had been one at some point, it was so long ago that she’d forgotten anything she might have known. Maybe a month wasn’t reasonable. Maybe he needed more time.
“I actually think I might have said something like that. And honestly, I do think a month is enough time to get an idea, but I can’t see him just knowing. I mean, maybe if there is some super special girl out there and it’s like love at first sight, if the
re is such a thing. Cupid seems to think there is.”
“Have you been talking to that fool again?”
“He keeps showing up at the park where I meditate.”
“What the hell does he want?”
“Does anyone ever really know what Cupid’s motivations are?”
“I guess not, but what was your sense?”
“He tried really hard to convince me that he was just looking out for Luc’s best interest. It was strange that he cared so much, but it was like he was more insulted that no one wanted his help.”
“That does sound like Cupid. The last part, not the helping part.” Harley kicked her boots off and put her feet up on the coffee table, despite the looks she got from Az. Hey, it was her house. If anyone’s smelly feet were going on her table, it would be hers.
“There is a part of me that wants to suggest we let him help. I mean, I don’t quite trust him, but after the way Luc has been moping around, I want to get this thing finished. Let’s just do what we have to do to find his soul mate and be done with it.”
“I don’t think it’s quite that easy. I can’t just type in Lucifer’s perfect girl into a computer and find her location. And anyway, there are a number of potential matches in this area alone, much less the whole world. He has to get to know them and make up his own mind.”
“Why does Cupid have such an easy time then? What does he have that we don’t?”
“Uh, skills that your father gave him?” Harley raised an eyebrow and looked over Az. He was a good guy, but he could be kind of stupid at times. Okay, a lot of the time. Maybe his father didn’t give him enough intelligence when he was handing out skills.
“Maybe, but Dad didn’t really care for the higher humans like Cupid as much. I don’t see why he’d give him abilities that he didn’t give to the archangels or angels. I mean, we’re his favorites.”