An Earl's Queen (A Rogues and Rakehells Mystery Book 2)

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An Earl's Queen (A Rogues and Rakehells Mystery Book 2) Page 6

by Lindsay Downs

  Of course the question he wanted to ask would have to wait for the arrival of the earl.

  After over an hour they made their way to the back of the garden which allowed the pavilion to come into full view. As they got closer, Tony could feel Chelsea grip his hand and slow to barely a walk. Could she be afraid of the pond just beyond it, which was easily seen from where they were standing? Was it possible this fear stemmed from when she was pushed into the river years ago?

  Tony had to try to break through her panic then recalled what she’d said earlier about him. Gently he slipped his hand from hers then brought her around to face him. Cupping her face he gazed into her eyes, noting worry in them.

  “My darling Chelsea, earlier you said as long as you’re with me you’d be safe. This is one of those moments. If you don’t wish to continue to the pavilion I completely understand, we don’t have to,” he whispered into her ear.

  As much as he desired to tease the swirl of her ear with the tip of his tongue, Tony knew it would destroy his words. That pleasure would have to wait until much later.

  “Yes, I know, but sometimes words are easier to say, than do the action,” she said softly.

  He could hear fear in her voice but confidence in her words.

  “Then, you and I will proceed at your pace. If our mothers wish to go ahead then we’ll let them,” he told her, keeping his voice gentle.

  Tony looked around. Between them and the pavilion the land was wide open, thusly no place to hide and steal a kiss not that he would have, considering her worried expression. Turning to look at his mother, he smiled.

  He released his hand from Chelsea, earning another sweet smile from her.

  “M’ ladies, why don’t you go ahead, and we’ll be along at Lady Chelsea’s pace?”

  “Yes, as you both are safe from hidden spots, we will. Take your time,” Iris told him.

  With a nod he stepped aside so they could pass easily then offered Chelsea his hand which she took. Now, he had to send her through this simple contact all the assurance and strength he could muster.

  He studied her body as it started to relax then take a step forward, which became three then four before she stopped.

  “That’s wonderful. Trust me, once you see the view, your fears will be put to rest,” he said, to help give her encouragement.

  Slowly, he let her direct him forward until they were standing at the base of the steps leading up to the pavilion’s flooring.

  The whole time had been a different and new experience for him. In the past he’d been the one guiding a lady, usually into a darkened corner for a tryst, even a short one, but now he was allowing himself to be directed.

  “You’re doing marvelously. Only a few steps more, and you’ll see a view which will take your breath away,” Tony calmly said.

  “Yes, I’m sure, but part of me wants to run away while another needs to go forward and face my fears,” she answered.

  “Is there anything I can do to assist you, besides being with you?”

  “Put your arm around my waist to prevent me from running away if I can’t take the last few steps,” she tried to order.

  Never in all his years as a rakehell had a lady all but demanded him to hold her. In the past when it occurred, they usually ended up in bed together or hidden in a dark corner, but now he knew it was wrong.

  “My dear, if I did that you’d not overcome your fear. I’ll continue to hold your hand but that’s all. These final steps you need to do on your own.”

  Before he knew what happened he was pulled up the stairs then her arms were wrapped around his neck. At first he worried she’d try to kiss him, but all she did was rest her head on his chest. He could feel her shoulders shake gently against him which told him she was crying. Looking over to his mother, he frowned when she and Iris turned their collective backs to him.

  Oh wonderful, I have to deal with a weeping lady, he thought but let Chelsea continue until she was ready to compose herself. Tears be damned, Tony could care less if his shirt or cravat might be ruined as it felt wonderful he’d helped her face her greatest fear.

  After several minutes, he felt her starting to relax then she lifted her head from him. Reaching into his jacket, he brought out a handkerchief and passed it to her. Once she’d dried her eyes he peered down to her upturned angelic face.

  “You see, you can do it or anything you set your mind to. Do you feel up to looking out over the pond to see what wildlife is in residence?”

  “As long as nothing ends up on our dinner plates tonight, then yes.”

  Tony was happy she now was able to relax and wanted to look around. Did that mean her fear of large bodies of water was over or just in hiding and could resurface at any time without warning?

  “Lady Chelsea, I can assure you that will never happen as I don’t allow hunting on my lands,” Tony stated.

  “I don’t understand?”

  “The estate extends past the river which this pond dumps into. There, hunting for game is allowed as the sound of gun fire doesn’t disturb guests,” his mother explained coming up behind Tony and Chelsea.

  “It was started by my grandfather so the wildlife may live in peace and safety,” he added.

  “Then I’d love to see what is out there,” Chelsea told him.

  Tony carefully guided her to the far side of the building so she could overlook the pond. There they all looked out to see ducks and ducklings swimming, and on the far side several stags were drinking from the water.

  “Oh this is so beautiful. Are you planning to hold any events here?” she asked.

  What surprised him was the excitement in her voice. Could she have the strength to help host teas or simple luncheons here? Something told him after today she’d find the strength to do so. Of course, he’d be with her the entire time, but right now Tony didn’t want to push his luck.

  “Ladies, as it’s getting on, might I suggest we return to the mansion and have tea? And yes, I’ll even join you,” Tony recommended.

  “Yes, and I’ve already arranged for the table to be set on the veranda as it’s such a lovely afternoon,” the countess stated.

  With Chelsea on his arm, Tony led the party back and up the granite steps. He wondered what the rest of the afternoon would bring and hoped it would be relaxing, for he’d had enough stress to last a lifetime.

  Chapter Nine

  Chelsea tossed the bed covers off, having suffered through another troubled night sleep. This had been the worst yet. In her dreams, nightmares to be more accurate, she relived what had occurred that fateful day when she had fallen into the river. Unlike past times, now she was able to recall exactly what had happened when Lord Valerian had pushed her. He hadn’t been alone but had help from Lord Adolphus, the second son to the Earl of Reads.

  In a panic to tell someone what she remembered, Chelsea rushed over to the bell cord and rang for Katy then stepped into her private room. Hearing her maid enter, she called out. “I’ll wear the dark-green day dress and have only tea and toast here. Then, if they are awake, I must speak with my mother and the countess.”

  “Yes, m’ lady,” Katy exclaimed.

  With her morning needs taken care of and her face and hands washed she returned to her suite to a horrified Katy.

  “Yes, I know. I look as terrible as I feel. My sleep was filled with visions of what happened when I was pushed into the river. Yesterday seeing the pond and what it represented helped cause the dreams of last night. I now know what occurred and who was involved.”

  “Let me get your tray, then while you’re eating I’ll get the dress ironed if needed.”

  “Thank you.”

  While she waited for Katy to return with her food Chelsea started nervously pacing around her suite. As she passed the door it slowly opened and in stepped her mother, a worried look on her face.

  “Darling, Katy told me you wished to speak with me so instead of waiting until later I thought it best we talk now. I can tell from your expression it
isn’t good news either. Did Lord Anthony act inappropriately last eve?”

  “Heavens no. He was the perfect gentleman all evening as you well know. Granted when we stepped out onto the veranda I could tell he wanted to sneak a kiss, but he didn’t. Last night while sleeping I had another of my nightmares and recalled everything about the day I was pushed into the river.”

  “I don’t understand. From what the doctors told us about amnesia they said it was rare for someone to remember the event, but I’m glad you finally did. Can you tell me now or do you wish to wait so the countess and Lord Anthony can hear?”

  He was the only one Chelsea didn’t wish to learn the truth, but something told her he’d have to under certain conditions.

  Seeing her maid enter with a tray she knew she needed to bring this to a swift, but polite, conclusion so she could eat then dress.

  “If I must, but His Lordship must promise not to thrash the man. Let me break my fast and dress, then I’ll meet you, the countess, and Lord Anthony where?”

  “The countess’ parlor.”

  “Perfect. If you’ll give me thirty minutes I’ll meet you there,” Chelsea said.

  She waited until her mother swept from the room then took a seat near the fireplace where Katy had set the tray on a table. While she ate, Chelsea watched while her maid collected the dress from the armoire and examined it then smiled.

  “M’ lady, as soon as you finish you can start dressing. Do you know if you’ll be taking a walk later? I only ask because it will decide if you’ll wish your boots or slippers.”

  Taking a sip of tea, she wondered if Tony would take her back to the pavilion later. As there were going to be different functions being held there she needed to get accustomed to the walk out and the view.

  “My boots.”

  “If you go to the pavilion just be careful and remember your nightmare last eve. You could have them again.”

  “I know, but it’s something I need to do, for myself and Lord Anthony.”

  From the smile she got from Katy, Chelsea knew the woman who’d been with her from the beginning understood. Taking a final sip of tea, she stood and slipped off her bath robe and nightrail.

  With her maid’s assistance she dressed then sat at her dressing table so her hair could be simply put up. Just before the appointed time she took a final look in the mirror, stood, then swept for the door.

  “I’m not sure what the day will bring me.”

  “Be safe, m’ lady. You’ve made more progress in the past day than the last ten years. I’d hate to see everything fall apart,” Katy said.

  “You and me both.”

  With that Chelsea swept from her suite, down to the first floor and the countess’ parlor. Making her way down the corridor, she glanced in Tony’s office but didn’t see him, which had her thinking he could be with the ladies. Just before the door to the room she halted, took in a deep breath, then let it out slowly, entered, and curtsied. She accepted Tony’s arm and let him guide her to a chair beside the settee where both mothers were seated.

  “M’ lord and ladies, thank you for meeting with me so hastily. I know what I’m about to tell you may sound strange, but you must believe me. But, before I start I’d like to thank you again, m’ lord, for being so patient with me yesterday at the pavilion.”

  “I’m glad everything, so to speak, worked out for you but more on that later. We’re here for you, so pray continue.”

  “Thank you, m’ lord. All along everyone, from what I know, we believed Lord Valerian acted alone in pushing me into the river. That’s incorrect. After the trip to the pavilion yesterday I had a dream, correction nightmare, and recalled the entire event. He had the assistance of Lord Adolphus who knelt down behind me so when Valerian pushed me I wouldn’t be able to regain my balance.”

  “Wait my dear. I know the man, and he’s well liked within the ton. He’s never, to the best of my knowledge, done anything untoward to a lady. So, I must ask are you sure it was him?” Tony’s mother asked.

  “I’m sorry to say so, but yes I am. I’ll never forget his blonde, almost white, hair as I fell backwards over him.”

  Having pointed out the one distinguishing characteristic about the man, Chelsea saw panic in the eyes of her hostess.

  “He’s one of the gentlemen attending the house party. I’ll immediately send a letter to him, telling him he’s no longer invited,” Rosalind declared.

  “And with your permission, Mother, I’ll personally deliver it then give him the thrashing of his life for what he did,” Tony responded.

  “No, m’ lady, I beg you not to send the letter. And as for the beating you’re desirous of giving him, m’ lord, wait until he confesses what he was part of,” Chelsea demanded.

  “But why? Look at all the pain he’s created?” her mother said.

  “I know. Mother, since my return to London, had Valerian and I met except for that one time when Lord Anthony intervened?”

  “No, you haven’t been formally introduced to him. Why?”

  Chelsea glanced over to Tony and smiled, which was returned telling her he understood her reasoning without being told. Turning in her seat, from the corner of her eye she saw Usher step into the doorway.

  “M’ lord and ladies, please accept my apology for this untimely interruption. Nash, Marquis of Renfield, has only now arrived and requests to speak with His Lordship.”

  Chelsea gasped on hearing who was here. She didn’t know Lord Nash except by reputation, another rakehell. Maybe not as notorious as Tony but still dangerous to any young lady he set his eyes on. He was also the senior son to The Duke and Duchess of Fenwick, Lord Valerian’s parents.

  “Allow him to enter under the condition he behaves,” Tony told the butler.

  As much as she didn’t want to, Chelsea couldn’t hold the giggle back considering Tony’s last words. She was interested in seeing what he’d do, not only in front of his friend, Tony, but on seeing her.

  In seconds she had her answer as Lord Nash stepped in, bowed, and then stepped over to her.

  “And who might you be? Last I knew Aphrodite was cast in marble and residing in Greece.”

  “Sinclair, don’t even think of trying to claim her, for someone else already has affections for her. Now, out with it. What brings you to my estate and in such a disheveled state?” Tony demanded.

  When she heard someone was interested in asking for her hand Chelsea knew it was her love of years ago and still now. Tony. Not if, but when, he offered for her she’d readily accept as she loved him more now than ever.

  “Under the direction of The Duke of Fenwick I am sorry, but I bare disappointing news. Shortly, after the ship transporting my younger brother to India entered the channel it was set upon by a privateer, and they freed him. I’ve learned through contacts that Lord Adolphus was involved in his new found freedom.”

  Chelsea could feel the air ripped from her lungs on hearing her nemesis was free and could attack her again. Not sure what to do or say she turned to Tony.

  “What do we do for I fear he will appear here?” she pleaded.

  She wasn’t surprised when Nash turned to Tony’s mother.

  “I’m not sure if it’s my place to speak, but as I know Lord Anthony he’s already set guards both inside and out. Also, as you’ve a house party starting this afternoon, do nothing. Let my brother and his friend come to you.”

  Not sure if she liked his suggestion or not, Chelsea turned to her mother and at the same time was able to see Tony’s mother’s reaction. Much to her astonishment they both nodded.

  “And you will of course stay for the house party,” Rosalind told him.

  “It would be my honor to join in the festivities, my dear lady,” Nash uttered.

  Chelsea couldn’t help but notice a sweeping bow.

  But what happened next was even more humorous.

  “Lord Nash, I’m old enough to be your mother so don’t you dare try your smooth glib ways with me or I’ll happily box your
ears. Of course the duchess will love to hear that,” Tony’s mother declared.

  “Then, my dear lady, I’ll beat a hasty retreat until called upon.”

  At first Chelsea wondered what he meant until she saw Mrs. Durrant slip into the parlor and right behind Nash.

  “Then if you’ll follow me, m’ lord, your suite awaits you. In the basement, I might add, as your reputation precedes you, and I also remember when you were in diapers so you’d best behave,” the woman stated much to everyone’s enjoyment.

  Once Nash skulked from the room Chelsea glanced over to Tony. “M’ lord, even considering what we’ve just learned about Lord Valerian, would you accompany me to the pavilion this afternoon. I need to completely overcome my fears.”

  “I was hoping you’d wish to return as I’ve already arranged for us to have luncheon there. Of course with Lord Nash now here that will make the party more interesting,” Tony told everyone.

  Chapter Ten

  With Chelsea’s hand resting gently in his, Tony led the party back from the pavilion. Glancing down to the upturned face of Chelsea smiling back at him he saw a lightness in her eyes he’d not seen before.

  From her reaction earlier when he’d announced someone was interested in her, Tony kept waiting for her to ask who. He was surprised at her silence on the subject, but now he knew something had to be done, considering the sweet expression from her.

  “Yes, my dear, yesterday when I returned from my ride I sent a letter to your father requesting permission to formally make my addresses to you. I’m hoping to receive a response back within the next few days,” he whispered, so none except she could hear his words.

  “That’s what I’d suspected but wasn’t sure how or if it was even appropriate for me to mention the subject. Don’t forget, I’ve been out of society for quite some time. In some instances I do have a great deal of catching up to do,” she replied softly.

  He was about to respond when he spied Usher marching toward him. Earlier, Tony had directed the man to send several footboys to the parapet to keep an eye out for the guests. This way he and his mother would be able to meet them when they stepped from their carriages.


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