An Earl's Queen (A Rogues and Rakehells Mystery Book 2)

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An Earl's Queen (A Rogues and Rakehells Mystery Book 2) Page 8

by Lindsay Downs

  She found it interesting that the horrible man had stayed to partake of the house party. Then Chelsea noticed a very dower older woman standing beside him. Could that be his mother who’d forced him to attend? Tapping Tony on his arm with her fan, she waited until he peered down. “If I’m not mistaken, Adolphus seems a bit too timid to attend a party such as the countess has planned?” she whispered.

  “It seems he’s not entirely the man my mother thought him to be. Besides helping Valerian push you in the river, he’s strongly governed by his mother, Countess of Reads. She’s also a close friend, and she made him come. She and my mother had a long discussion regarding his behavior from his youth, and from what I understand he’s been ordered to give his apologies to you. Also, he’s been directed to stay away from you,” Tony explained.

  From the fear she saw on Adolphus’s face something told her neither directive would take place which had her worried. Somehow she’d have to make sure she was never alone, even if it meant insinuating herself into a group of featherheaded young ladies. And from what she was able to see, there were several.

  As she continued to look around the room while Tony guided her further in to greet the guests, she spied Nash standing by himself. Now this she found interesting, considering what Tony had told her about the man. She noticed the man’s attention was focused on a lovely strawberry-blonde haired young lady. Sadly, the matronly woman at her side was sending dagger looks to Nash, which didn’t bode well for him.

  After being introduced to a young gentleman, and making sure he noticed the ring only moments ago bestowed upon her, whose name she immediately forgot, she turned to Tony.

  “What’s with Lord Nash? He seems to have all his attention on a young lady, whom I don’t know yet, but the woman with her isn’t pleased with his distant attention.”

  “Lady Chelsea, it’s very interesting but simple at the same time. As you are aware, Sinclair is a rakehell and the woman knows that. She’s The Duchess of Appleton and is overly familiar with his reputation. She and the duke are hoping for a more respectable marriage for Lady Amelia.”

  “Then I’d suggest you introduce me to Her Grace and Lady Amelia. Once the duchess sees what’s resting so elegantly on my left ring finger she might have a change of heart,” Chelsea acclaimed.

  “That I seriously doubt, but to save my friend from spending a lonely few weeks here I agree.”

  As she let him guide her up to the duchess, Chelsea repositioned her left hand on his arm ever so slightly. She did it so the Wyatt family ring would be prominently displayed.

  “Your Grace, Lady Amelia, may I present Lady Chelsea the daughter to the Earl and Countess of Braxton,” Tony pronounced.

  Still with her hand resting on Tony’s arm, Chelsea curtsied deeply making sure the ring was easily seen by both ladies.

  “Lady Chelsea, I’ve been wanting to meet you since our arrival as I’ve many questions which need answering,” Amelia declared.

  Chelsea found it interesting that the duchess only bobbed her head, almost as if she wished for her daughter and Nash to meet.

  “It would be my pleasure to assist you in any way I can.”

  “Thank you,” Amelia uttered.

  “Come, m’ lady, as we’ve several more to greet before Usher arrives to announce dinner.”

  As she let Tony guide her around to another group of the guests, Chelsea periodically glanced to Nash then to the duchess. She found it interesting the woman had softened her glare on him, but it was Adolphus who still had her worried.

  “Shouldn’t we meet the Countess of Reads?” she stated.

  “Are you sure you wish to?”

  “Yes. If anything else, it will make Adolphus squirm uncomfortably.”

  “Then, m’ lady, I shan’t refuse your request,” Tony said with a grin.

  Chelsea studied the man’s face as it went from relaxed to a more familiar panic as Tony brought her closer to the countess. At one point, when only a few feet away from him Chelsea thought the man might faint as she watched the color in his face drain away.

  “Countess of Reads, I’d like to introduce Lady Chelsea Parsons. If I’m not mistaken, your son is already familiar with her,” Tony declared.

  Rising from her curtsey to the woman, Chelsea didn’t acknowledge Adolphus with even a nod but kept her attention on the countess.

  “Lady Chelsea, it is a pleasure to finally meet you. I was hoping to see you earlier but all things considered it’s understandable,” the countess said.

  From the stiffening of his back, she knew the son was the subject of the last sentence. Over the elderly woman’s shoulder, Chelsea studied him and noticed he was wearing rouge and face powder. Never having seen this on a gentleman before, if he could be called that, Chelsea now partially understood Tony’s earlier statement. She wondered, if he didn’t prefer ladies, why was he here?

  “Countess, I had hoped to greet you, but I was fatigued and wished to rest as the past few days, with assisting the countess in preparing for the ball tomorrow, has been stressful for me. As you learned earlier, I’ve only been out in society for a little over a year and as such, have much to learn.”

  While she was talking, Chelsea kept an eye on the lady’s son to see what, if any, reaction her words would elicit. She wasn’t surprised on seeing the man grin. Alas, it did send a shiver of discomfort down her spine, but it was warmed by Tony’s hand on her back.

  “M’ lady, Usher has entered and signaled dinner is ready.”

  This announcement was a relief to her as she was growing more and more uncomfortable in the presence of Adolphus and prayed he’d be seated far away from her. Accepting Tony’s arm they followed his mother escorted by her father into the dining room.

  With the pleasant dinner finished, Chelsea and the two mothers led the ladies into the formal sitting room where they partook of tea. The gentlemen, save Adolphus who excused himself claiming to not feel well, gathered at the head of the table for port.

  Later, as she climbed between the bed sheets, Chelsea wondered what the morrow would bring. She knew there would be a luncheon picnic at the pavilion followed by a relaxing afternoon as everyone would be preparing for the ball. That had come as a surprise to the guests, but to the ladies, not so much the gentlemen, the news was greeted readily.

  Chapter Twelve

  Wearing a light-green day dress with roses embroidered around the collar and hem, Chelsea stood to the side of the terrace studying the goings on. She was happy to see several young ladies and gentlemen had already started to pair up. Last night in the music room and even before that, over dinner, she’d noticed them chatting together.

  On the far side of the veranda she watched as Tony instructed several of the more daring men in the finer points of fly fishing. What was even more amazing was that her father was one of them. As she continued to look around, she saw several of the ladies strolling about the garden, escorted by gentlemen. The girls’ mammas following closely but not too so the couples could talk easily. She wondered if arrangements for a clandestine meeting were being discussed.

  It was interesting that neither Adolphus nor Nash could be seen which made her wonder if something happened to one of them. She did see the Countess of Reads talking with her mother though. Could they be discussing when and how the man would make his apology, she wondered.

  Then she realized there was a young lady not with any of the groups. The duchess was sitting under a tree, reading. Chelsea was about to hunt down Lady Rosalind when she felt a delicate tap on her shoulder. Turning, she came face to face with Amelia.

  “M’ lady, you gave me a bit of a start,” she softly declared, holding her hand to her breast.

  “Oh, I’m so dreadfully sorry. I didn’t realize I was walking so quietly, but mother insisted on me wearing soft soled shoes, not the walking boots I would have preferred,” Amelia said in regret.

  “That’s quite all right. How may I be of assistance?”

  “To begin with, please
call me Amelia, at least when my mother’s not around as she’s a stickler for appropriateness.”

  “Then I insist on Chelsea.”

  “Yesterday eve before dinner I mentioned having a few questions to ask. Would now be a good time?” Amelia inquired.

  “Of course, it would be perfect. Let’s take a walk about the lawn so we won’t be disturbed,” Chelsea proposed.

  Chelsea linked an arm with Amelia and together they made their way down the granite steps then started for the garden. At least there she knew she’d be safe if any gentleman approached either one of them.

  “You’re wondering why we’ve not met before?”

  “I’m embarrassed to admit it, but yes. I do hope you don’t mind me prying,” Amelia pleaded.

  “It’s a very long story, but I was about ten when I got sick, and my parents kept me on the estate. Only last year was I well enough to make the journey to town and be presented to court. I tired quickly so we retreated back to the country after a few weeks. This year, stronger, we made the trip, and that’s when I met Lord Anthony. It turned out his mother and mine are old friends so the countess invited us here and decided to have this house party.”

  There was a great deal more to her story, but until she knew more about Amelia she’d keep that to herself.

  “Oh, I’m so sorry, my dear. I’m glad you’re feeling so much better. Now, the main reason I wished to speak with you. Lord Anthony. As we both, along with the entire ton, are aware, he is, or was, a rakehell. I only say was because of that fabulous ring you wore last night. How were you able to tame him?”

  Before Chelsea knew what happened she giggled on hearing “tame” for the second time in as many days. How could she tell Amelia they’d known each other for years, well years ago, and only recently met again? From her new friend’s questions, Chelsea suspected there might be something developing or hoping to mature between her and Nash, who still hadn’t made an appearance.

  “I don’t know if I did as you said or maybe Lord Anthony has found in me the perfect partner. Speaking of such, have you seen or heard from Lord Nash? I would have thought he would have desired to go fishing to prove he can catch more than any other.”

  The look of surprise she saw in Amelia’s eyes was interesting. Could it be her new friend might have found her one true love?

  “I did see him earlier, and he mentioned needing to ride into the village to the tailor. It would seem he arrived in such a rush, he only had one set of evening clothes. He did promise to return in time for the picnic luncheon at the pavilion. Speaking of such, have you had a chance to see it?” Amelia asked.

  At least for Chelsea that was partially wonderful news but it didn’t completely explain this line of questions. Taking a breath, she cocked her head so she could fully see Amelia’s face.

  “Let me ask you this, since you brought up the subject of bringing a rakehell to heel. Do you think there might possibly be a tender developing between you and the marquis? And yes, I know you’ve not formally been introduced but gazed at each other from afar,” Chelsea stated.

  “On both points you’re correct. Unbeknownst to my mother, we had informally met before, earlier this year at a ball. I’d stepped out onto the veranda, and he was there leaning against the balustrade. For a rogue, I’d never seen a man so lonely in my life. From the way he was tossing back glass after glass of champagne. I knew it was real, not an act to lure me in. Risking censure from my mother, if she ever found out, I approached him. Briefly we talked. and I found him to be a man of substance, not the rakehell he portrayed.”

  “Did you know he’d be here?”

  “No, seeing him in the formal drawing room came as a complete surprise to me. As you must have noted, my mother wasn’t pleased with him being in the same room as I, much less gazing in my direction.”

  “When during the season did this occur?”

  “After about the second month,” Amelia told her.

  “After that impromptu meeting had you heard anything untoward about him. A tryst with another lady? An angry husband challenging him to a duel? A father threatening to drag him to the altar for compromising his daughter?” Chelsea watched and waited, a faint smile on her lips, while Amelia thought back so she could answer.

  “Now that you mention it, no. From that evening on, he became the perfect gentleman.”

  This was the answer Chelsea was looking for, thus saving having to relate the events of her earlier life and what Valerian and Adolphus had done to her.

  “My dearest friend, then you have quelled the beast within him. Now you, nay we, need to show the duchess he’s as he now appears, a gentleman who will love and cherish you.”

  “But how did you in regards to Lord Anthony?”

  “Daughter, I’ve spoken with Lady Rosalind and she agrees our secret must come out so now’s the best time to start explaining what had happened to you.” From behind, Chelsea heard her mother say.

  Pivoting on her heel, she came face to face with her and Tony’s mother, who nodded her agreement. As it would take a while to explain, Chelsea knew they’d need to sit. In the distance she saw the pavilion and decided that would be the perfect place. For without having visited it a few days ago she’d never have totally remembered everything.

  “Ladies, shall we adjourn to the pavilion?” Chelsea suggested.

  “Yes, I believe that would be a wonderful idea, and before you panic Lady Amelia, the duchess already knows you’ll be chaperoned by myself and Lady Iris,” Tony’s mother said.

  As Chelsea guided them to the pond, she started thinking of where to begin, when she and Tony first met or that fateful day by the river. Finally, she decided the entire story needed to be told so those responsible could be brought to heel for their parts in trying to kill her.

  Taking seats at one of the many tables, Chelsea, with help at times from her mother, started when she and Tony first met and up to the Rucker ball.

  “And you’re sure it was Adolphus who aided Valerian in pushing you into the river?” Amelia said.

  “Yes, it was his blond, almost white hair which gave him away.”

  Chelsea was about to continue when the sounds of male, especially Tony’s, voices coming toward them distracted her. She suspected the fishing lessons were over, and it was time to put what they’d learned into practice. Since the path they’d be taking went directly past the pavilion, she pivoted so she could gaze on, if not talk to, him.

  She watched as they went past and was happy to see Nash had joined the group. From the squeal of excitement from Amelia she was more than ecstatic. Almost immediately Chelsea knew she’d have to instruct the girl not to show her happiness so strongly, then again she was more than likely in love with the man.

  What she did find interesting was that all the men were so deep in conversation placing small wagers on who’d catch the most and biggest fish, none of them looked to the pavilion. However, there still was one man missing from the group, Adolphus. Where was he? At this point though, she decided he wasn’t worth thinking about until Amelia turned to Lady Rosalind.

  “M’ lady, I still don’t understand why Adolphus was invited to the house party considering what he’d done years prior? Even though it’s not well known within the ton, he does have a preference for gentlemen rather than ladies.”

  “Lady Amelia, it wasn’t until a day ago I learned of his participation in trying to hurt Chelsea, and by then it was too late to uninvite him. Also, having him here with the countess, who is fully aware of what he’d done, Lady Iris and I decided this would be the perfect time for him to apologize for his actions. Then, as you said his companion preference is unique, that’s why he was invited to fill out the gentlemen since I know you have eyes for Lord Nash and he you.”

  Chelsea loved the look of disbelief in Amelia’s eyes.

  “My dearest friend, if these two marvelous ladies are aware, then so is the duchess. My guess, she’s making things difficult for him to make sure the affections are true.
Now, shall we return to the mansion as morning tea should be ready, then we have a ballroom in need of decorating,” Chelsea declared.

  While Chelsea followed the two mothers, with Amelia beside her, all in a comfortable silence, she wondered how many of the gentlemen were still at the mansion. Not only that, but what would they do when learning they’d be assisting in decorating the ballroom. Crossing the lawn from the garden, she was surprised several were still present, and from what she could tell, still in deep conversations with ladies while the mammas looked on.

  Climbing the granite steps, she glanced around and noticed a small table set for two. The perfect spot to continue talking with Amelia, away from a prying duchess.

  After putting several biscuits on a china plate and accepting a cup of tea from Lady Rosalind, she suggested to Amelia they retire to the table.

  Taking a seat, she took a sip of tea while studying Amelia, who kept looking across the lawn. Chelsea’s guess was that she was waiting to catch another glimpse of Nash. Of course, she was doing the same as she’d not spoken with Tony yet because he’d been involved with giving instructions to the ones joining in.

  Partway through the tea, the gentle tingle of a bell caught her attention. Turning toward the sound, she saw Lady Rosalind stand.

  “Ladies and what few gentlemen we have, I’ve an exciting announcement to make. Once tea is finished we’re all going to adjourn to the ballroom to assist in decorating it for the ball this evening. And before any of you put up a fuss, this has been discussed with your mothers, and they are all in agreement. As one said, “This will give my daughter the perfect opportunity to learn firsthand what goes into setting one up”. After which, we’ll have a picnic luncheon at the pavilion, were the other less fortunate gentlemen will be joining us.”


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