Magical Acts: (Skeleton Key)

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Magical Acts: (Skeleton Key) Page 4

by Michele Bardsley

  “Why not?”

  For a long moment, he said nothing. Finally, he offered, “All will be revealed when the time comes.”

  She couldn’t see a damned thing. He sounded as though he was on the other side of the large bed. Nervous, she dawdled there, leaving one foot on the floor. “What do you want me to do?”

  “Lay down,” he said. “Close your eyes. Enjoy how I torment your lovely body.”

  She crawled to toward the headboard. Her hands came into contact with a plump pillow. She laid flat on her back and put her head on the pillow. Movement came from her right side.

  He undid the sash on her robe, and the cloth fell open. Cold air wafted across her bared skin. Her nipples tightened and her flesh goosepimpled.

  “You are luscious,” he murmured hoarsely. She felt a light touch on her crescent-shaped scar. “Does this imperfection worry you?”

  “No.” And then she added, “Not all scars can be seen.”

  “And not all wounds can be healed,” he agreed. “Let me worship you, Natalie. Let me show you how beautiful you are.”

  The bed dipped as he moved between her legs. He was unusually carefully not to touch her, though she felt the coarse texture of his palms as he pressed them on her inner thighs. His tongue flicked across her clit. Pleasure sparked instantly. Her hands descended toward him.

  “Don’t touch me,” he directed, moving out of her reach. “If you touch me, you will wake up, and our fun will be over.”

  “All right,” she said. “But I don’t like it.”

  He laughed. “I know.”

  The weird thing about having sex in her dreams was that in real life, she was a virgin. Yet, her dreams about Auron had given her experience with intimacy. And expectations for what made a good lover.

  She grabbed fistfuls of the cover and held on, lifting her hips toward his mouth.

  He blew on her agitated clit, and she gasped. He seemed pleased by her reaction, though she had no way to know for sure. She sensed how he felt. She could almost touch him that way – through his emotions. Or maybe the dream gave her that false impression.

  His tongue felt odd. It seemed almost triangular, and it was raspy. Who was she to complain? This was a dream, so why was she thinking so much about it?

  Sensations pulsed into an ever-tightening spiral as he lapped at her, teasing her, sucking her flesh, dipping down oh-so-briefly to penetrate her entrance.

  Auron was relentless. He stoked the fire building in her core until she could barely stand the pleasure thrumming. Rising, rising, rising … until it burst like a thousand bright stars. She cried out as pleasure washed over her, the covers twisting in her hands as her hips lifted off the bed.

  After a while, she floated down from the stars and lay limply against the covers. He had barely touched her, and she had already experienced bliss with him. She wanted to return the favor.

  He moved carefully to her side, lying near her, but not near enough for her to accidentally brush against him. “What if you could visit my world?”

  “Isn’t that what I’m doing now?”

  “No. We’re dreaming together. And when you wake, you always believe it’s your imagination creating our bond.”

  Affected by the sadness of his tone, she reached to comfort him. Her fingers brushed against scales, and then everything disappeared.

  Natalie awoke suddenly.

  That was a vivid dream. Her heart pounded erratically, and her breath caught in her throat. She sat up, her gaze settling on the tablet. For some reason, the suddenness of losing her connection to Auron overwhelmed her.

  What is wrong with you?

  He’s fictional.

  All the same, she wanted to reconnect with him. She grabbed the electronic device and opened it to Magical Acts.

  Gretta locked the door. Then she took the package to her bedroom. She opened it eagerly. She hadn’t received a present in a very long time. She saw a long, thin box and underneath it, a sheet of folded paper. Layers of pink paper covered the other contents. She took out the smaller box and put it aside, and then she picked up the note and read it.

  Dearest Gretta,

  I would like to invite you to dine with me this evening. If you do me the honor, a carriage will arrive to retrieve you and bring you to the castle. I took the liberty of choosing you an evening gown and slippers.

  Please bring the key to gain entrance.



  “Wait. What?” Natalie stared at the words. She’d read this book a thousand times, and she knew this letter by heart. Auron gave Gretta a necklace, not a key. She had never needed a key to enter the castle. Had the file been corrupted? Or received an update? She sat up, frowning, and scrolled down. Auron’s dream words came back to haunt her: What if you could visit my world? Swallowing hard, she continued to read.

  Gretta dug into the box and pulled out an evening gown made from the finest pink silk. Ankle-length, three-quarter sleeves, and V-necked, it was the most beautiful dress she’d ever owned. It was perfect. She hugged the frock and danced around. “Thank you, Auron!”

  Excited, Gretta picked up the small, thin box and opened it.

  A crystal skeleton key lay against dark fabric.

  “Holy shit.” She glanced at the coffee table, staring at her skeleton key. She reached over and picked it up.

  What was going on?

  You’ve embarked on the speed train to crazyville, that’s what.

  Natalie felt strange. Of course, you do because this is what insanity feels like. She looked down into her teacup and saw the liquid trembling. It tumbled to the floor, the golden liquid spilling across the carpet.

  Her right hand felt hot. Her tablet glowed a deep blue. Indigo sparks swirled as the tablet glided out of her hand and into the air. To her utter shock, the tablet stretched and widened and reshaped itself into a glittering sky-blue door. Beneath the crystal doorknob, she saw the keyhole. Swallowing hard, unable to believe her eyes, she stepped closer and touched the knob. It had the same smooth, warm feel like the key.

  Did she dare?


  Without another thought, she inserted the key and turned it.

  The door opened, and she stepped over the threshold.

  Chapter 4

  The bright blue light surrounding Natalie faded, leaving her blinking and disconcerted. When she was able to focus, she realized she’d stood on a pathway that led to an imposing black castle. The massive building nearly blended into the dark mountains behind it. The sky above her was dark purple and within it, the moon as shiny and white as a pearl.

  Her heart began to race. She whirled around and searched the area. No doors. And no key.

  I’m dreaming, right? If it was a dream, it was the most vivid one she’d ever had.

  She paced, trying to wrap her mind around how she walked through a magic door and ended up here.

  Wherever the hell here was.

  She looked down. Her robe had been exchanged for a pink evening gown and matching slippers. Gretta’s clothes.

  I’m Gretta?

  “Natalie.” The deep male voice startled her.

  She looked around but saw no one. “Hello?”

  “I’ve waited so long, Natalie. I’m glad you’re here. It’s me, Auron. You are at my castle in the Barrows Desert.”

  Her heart started to race. “That’s impossible. I can’t step into a fictional world or talk to a fictional man.”

  “Barrows is not fictional, and neither am I.”

  “Are you saying all my dreams about you were real?”

  “I will admit that I wooed you in your dreams. And yes, our fantasy selves have experienced intimacy. Sweet Natalie. I am real, and so is this world. You know me.” He spoke softly. “And I know you.”

  Sweet Natalie? The same term Mr. Mysterious had used at the café. Holy shitballs McGee! No way that had been Auron. She crossed her arms. “Prove it.”

  “You work too hard. You hide from the world
. You love books and green tea with honey. You cry at sad movies, and you put hot sauce on your spaghetti. Your laughter is amazing. I’ve waited so long to hold you and to comfort you. Your heart has been revealed to me.”

  Natalie began to tremble. “How can you know any of that?”

  “Magical Acts. Only the one meant to break my curse can read the book. That spell has been circulating for a hundred years. Every time you opened the novel, you allowed me to see into your world. I have learned much.”

  “Did you … did you visit my world?”

  “In a way. I managed to project myself into the café—a ghost of sorts—to connect with you. It was a desperate act.”

  She sucked in a steadying breath. “I think I’d like it better if I was talking to a person and not a voice. Otherwise, I’ll have to admit I’ve officially lost my mind.”

  “You are not crazy,” he said. “Tomorrow evening will be the night of the three blue moons. If you will have me, Natalie, I will be yours.”

  “Is it really the last year of your curse?”

  “Yes. I want so badly to touch you.” He paused. “That sounded a lot creepier than I intended.”

  Natalie couldn’t stop her smile. Okay, Nat. Time for suspension of disbelief. If she was passed out on the couch or doped up in a psych ward then so be it. “And you think I’m the one who will free you?”

  “Yes,” Auron said. “I’ve waited a century for you.”

  Her pulse jumped. “All right. I’ll go in the castle.” She walked on the winding path, her gaze flitting from the beautiful deep purple flowers and the tall, slender gray trees to the great black stones of the castle. When Natalie finally arrived at the huge wooden doors, the left one swung opened. She stared into the dank interior, hesitating.

  Then she stepped through.

  To the left, she saw a narrow hallway. In front of her was a large door. To the right was a long, grand staircase. If she walked another ten feet, she could go around the staircase and down a bigger, longer hall than the one on the left.


  She knew this book. Knew this world.

  Dream or not, she would be the heroine.

  She would save the mage.

  “Where are you?” Her voice echoed throughout the chamber. Anxiety curled in her belly. This was the part when Gretta thought that facing a cursed mage was better than trekking through the Barrows alone without food or water.

  You’re not reading the book anymore.

  “Go up the stairs.” His voice was liquid warmth, drawing her up the huge staircase. The burnished wood felt smooth and cold under her bare feet. A long, shadowed hallway stretched before her. There were several doors, but she saw a flicker of light beckon from the far end. She followed the light until she reached the door from which it had escaped. “Open the door.”

  Her heart turned over in her chest, and she hesitated. Her steps faltered just a few feet from the door. Are you seriously doing this?

  “Change your mind?” His question held disappointment.

  She walked forward and stopped again. “No. Have you?”


  Natalie gripped the handle. Some part of her wanted love, but she had stopped seeking it. She desired acceptance. Oh, to be the very heart of someone. To be their joy and sorrow. To know that she was meant for him and him for her.

  “What I want, I can’t have,” she said, echoing Gretta’s lament for love as she pushed open the door.

  “Welcome to my bedroom.” He laughed. “Again.”

  She grinned. Natalie was very familiar with this room. Natalie turned and faced the bed, examining the blue velvet curtains covering it. “Where are you?”

  “I’m still in statue form. But I will see you tomorrow eve.”

  “Okay. But until then, you want me to sleep in your bed?”

  “Yes. But only until you can sleep in my arms.”

  Natalie’s face warmed, and she felt her heart turn over in her chest. Wow.

  “Rest now, Natalie.”

  She parted the curtains and admired the beautiful bed. Exhaustion overwhelmed her. Traveling through otherworldly portals was tiring.

  “What if I go to sleep,” she asked, “and wake up on my couch? Or in the loony bin?”

  She heard his chuckle. “You’ll be in my world. And I will see you when the three moons rise.”

  With that promise echoing in her ears, she fell asleep.


  Natalie bolted straight up. She peered through the curtains and saw that the fire had burned low.

  I’m still here.

  “Hide, my love,” cried Auron. “Someone has broken into my home.” Natalie could hear his fury as well as his concern. “Hurry. He’s coming for you. The sun is rising, and I will be unable to speak to you. In this cursed form, my magic only works at night.”

  Heart pounding, she scurried around the room, and then realized she was a sitting duck in here. She crept out of the door and hurried down the stairs. She could hear another person in the great hall. She pressed against the wall and thought about what to do next.

  “Auron?” she whispered.

  He didn’t answer her. Shit.

  Then someone grabbed her arm and yanked her backward.

  Natalie tried to break the stranger’s hold, trying to twist out of the man’s grip and attempting to nail his shins with her feet.

  The next thing she knew a smelly cloth was pressed against her face.

  She passed out.

  Chapter 5

  When Natalie opened her eyes, she found herself lying prone in a tiny, windowless room. Ugh. It smelled musty. Dust coated everything; cobwebs hung from every corner. The only light in the place was a lantern that hung from a hook in the ceiling. Its flickering flame cast shadows around her. Every part of her ached fiercely. She got to her feet, and that’s when she noticed the door.

  She strode forward and grabbed the knob, twisting.


  The room only held a single wooden chair. Something about this place seemed familiar. Nervous, she ran her hands down her dress. The pink evening gown was torn and stained. Her hands were dirty and her nails broken. And her slippers were gone.

  She heard the stomp of boots and the rattle of the door. It swung open, revealing a large man with long hair, an ugly smile that revealed a missing front tooth, and a snarl that frightened her. He wore a black tunic and pants. His long hair hung in greasy strings and showcased a big, square face with small inset eyes, thin lips, and a single thick brow.

  I know him. Hane. This was the bounty hunter who’d captured Gretta for the people of Barrows Circle. This dude was way scarier in person than in her imagination. Gretta had fought for her freedom. But for Natalie, courage was in short supply.

  What was happening? Was she supposed to follow the story line in order to save Auron? Once again, she couldn’t help but think she’d gone batshit crazy.

  As he stepped further into the room, she stepped back. He grinned. His expression revealed his enjoyment of her obvious fear. Hane grabbed her arms and wound the rope around her wrists. He made damned sure the knots were tight.

  “It’s almost midday. Let’s go.”

  “What do you want?” she asked, her mind spinning.

  “Money.” His smile was not reassuring. And his breath smelled like rancid meat. “I might be persuaded to free you, but your new owners have made it clear you are not to be touched.” He leered at her. “They paid extra for that.” His hungry gaze roved her in a way that made her feel dirty. “Unless you have money? Double their offer and I’ll unbind you.”

  Even if she had the money, it would do her no good. This man would take payment and then hurt her. It was better to keep him leashed, even if the leash belonged to other enemies.


  She shook her head. Hot tears welled in her eyes. “No.” Then she found herself uttering Gretta’s words: “Better I die at the hands of my betrayers than be sullied by yours.

  The slap snapped her head back. Pain pulsed in her cheek as blood trickled from her mouth. All the breath left in her lungs and her knees nearly buckled. Only an iron will kept her standing, but no amount of will could give her the strength to look her abuser in the eyes. Hane grabbed her chin and pushed his face close to hers. His gaze looked as black as the evil that stained his soul.

  “If you use that barbed tongue again, I will cut it out of your mouth.” With the tip of his forefinger, he traced the jagged scar from her eye to her jaw.

  He grinned as he revealed a foul-smelling wet cloth. He pressed it hard over her mouth. Within moments, Natalie was unconscious.

  Natalie awoke the second time in the bright sun sitting on a wooden plank, her back pressed against a hard, rough surface. As the fog slowly lifted from her mind, she realized she was sitting in a moving cart. Her hands were still tied in front of her. Her roped wrists were attached to another rope, which threaded through a metal loop in the floor. She realized her torn gown had been traded for a diaphanous white dress. It had strategically placed gold stars that covered her nipples. She wore a tiny pair of gold panties. She felt clean, too, as if someone had washed her from head to toe. She even smelled good—obviously, someone had anointed her with perfume.

  What the hell was going on?

  She didn’t recall a scene in Magical Acts where Gretta woke up in a cart. No, she’d become the prisoner of Barrows Circle. Every year, the town bought a virgin as payment to the mage whose spells protected the town. The reason was obvious: they didn’t want to offer their own daughters. Gretta escapes from her bonds, steals a horse, and takes off to Barrows Flat. It seemed now that the only aspect she and Gretta shared at this point was their virginity.

  Panic burbled in her stomach. If she were merely dreaming the plot of Magical Acts—or, okay, in the book itself via the weird skeleton key, that would make sense. But if she was in the world itself, the story unfolding was no longer Gretta’s.


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