Dragon's Lair

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Dragon's Lair Page 8

by Chantal Fernando

  My eyes flare as I take in this information. Instead of feeling scared all I can feel is anger.

  “And you want to bring my kid up in all this?” I yell, standing up. “What the fuck do you want from me Dex?”

  His face goes blank. “I don’t want anything from you Faye, except my kid. Now I’m going to go fuck someone, while you stay here and think about what a bitch you are.”

  My face falls as he slams the door shut.

  Fuck him!

  I’m so done.

  Chapter Thirteen

  He doesn’t come back to the room that night.

  I wake up early, have breakfast, and write Dex a note.

  After I’m showered and dressed, I’m about to leave the clubhouse when I see the girls. Jess, Mary, Allie and a couple I’ve never met before. A beautiful woman who looks to be in her forties stares at me, and I have a feeling that this is Jim’s wife. The Queen Bee of Wind Dragons. She walks over to me, and I muster up a smile.

  “You’ve been causing quite a commotion around here, I see,” she says giving me a once over. She has very light hair, and very dark eyes, the contrast quite attractive.

  “Faye,” I introduce, offering her my hand.

  “Cindy,” she says, shaking my hand with a tight grip. “Don’t hurt him.”

  “Nice to meet you,” I tell her, thinking I’m pretty sure it’s the other way around, but whatever. I nod and smile, saying hello to the other girls then getting the hell out of there.

  I don’t belong here.

  I smile when I see the fence opened and no one else around. As I drive off in my little car, I feel something.


  I ignore the shit out of it.

  When I turn and see a bike riding next to me I curse. It’s Vinnie—the poor guy must have being told to babysit me once again. I try to lose him to no avail. Sighing, I turn into shopping center car park. I get out and wave at him before walking to into a store that sells baby items. I look over the little baby clothes, so tiny and cute. Buying a few unisex outfits, I leave the store and head into another one. I buy some clothes I can wear as I get bigger, loose tops and stretchy dresses and pants. My phone starts to ring.


  I hit ignore and continue on my shopping expedition. After my phone rings for the fifth time, I put it on silent. There is nothing I want to say to him right now. When I walk past the cinema, I decide to go in and watch a movie. Anything to take my mind off the fact that at some point today, I’m going to have to return to the compound. Whether I want to or not. Dex will bring me back if Vinnie doesn’t. Choosing a vampire movie, I get some popcorn and water and choose a seat in the middle of the cinema. Halfway through the movie, someone sits next to me. I don’t need to turn to know who it is. His cologne is a dead giveaway, along with the way my body responds by merely being in his presence. He doesn’t say anything, and I don’t feel his gaze on me. He just sits there in silence, watching the second half of the movie. I try to concentrate on the screen in front of me, but my mind is now solely on Dexter Black. What is going to come out of that mouth of his now? Did he sleep with someone last night? Allie? Do I have the right to be upset? Probably not. He made me no promises.

  What seems like hours later, the credits run and the lights turn back on. I peek a look at him, to find him staring back at me with a gentle look on his handsome face. Running a hand along the stubble on his jaw, he flashes me an apologetic smile.

  But he isn’t going to charm his way out of this one.

  “What are you doing here?” I ask, breaking the silence. Everyone else stands to leave the cinema, shuffling around us.

  “You were gone when I woke up,” is all he says.

  I grit my teeth. “I’m allowed to go wherever I want Dex.”

  “Look, Faye,” he says, looking back at the screen. “There’s some shit going on right now with another MC. I just want to make sure you’re safe, that’s all.”

  “I get that. I do. But you don’t need to be an asshole too,” I reply in a voice devoid of emotion.

  “Babe everyone knows you’re mine. You’re mine to take care of. I brought you here,” he says, cupping my chin in his hand. “Tracker should have known better than to touch you.”

  “So you don’t want me but no one else can have me either?” I ask, our eyes connected.

  His swim with indecision.

  Mine swim with hope.

  “Wanting you isn’t the issue, trust me on that,” he finally says, giving me a sad smile.

  “Then what is it?” I dare to ask.

  I squeeze my eyes shut as his lips touch my forehead. “You know what you want, and you won’t accept any less. Truth?”

  I nod my head.

  He pulls back and his eyes cloud over. “When I come to you, I need to know that I can give you everything you deserve.”

  “It didn’t stop you from having me before,” I point out.

  He grins crookedly. “That was one night, this is a little more permanent.”

  “How permanent?” I ask, drawing each word out.

  Now he smiles. “Ball and chain permanent.”

  Wait, what?

  He stands and offers me his hand, pulling me up when I place it in his. “Let’s get you home.”

  “I’m still pissed at you,” I tell him as he picks up my shopping bags from the seat next to me.

  “I wouldn’t expect any less,” he replies, sounding amused as hell.

  “Where did you go last night?” I ask him as he walks to his car. “Where’s your bike?”

  “You’re pregnant, no bike for you. And I went out, but I didn’t fuck anyone,” he says bluntly, opening the car door with a press of a button.

  “Where did you go then?” I ask when we’re seated.

  “Babe,” he says, lip twitching.

  “Don’t you babe me, you jerk,” I growl, narrowing my eyes on him.

  “You know I don’t think anyone’s ever spoken to me this way,” he muses, not sounding like it’s a bad thing.

  “Well you better get used to it,” I add, flashing him a fake smile.

  “You were always a feisty one, even as a kid,” he says. “Even your crazy mum wouldn’t break your spirit.”

  I think about defending my mum, but then don’t bother. What he says is true. “I used to try to follow you around.”

  He huffs. “I remember. You tried to make me eat a cupcake you’d made. It was all squashed, and I’m pretty sure you’d dropped it on the floor!”

  My shoulders shake with my laughter. “What do you mean tried? You ate that damn cupcake and loved it!”

  He scoffs. “What was I supposed to say? No? You with your huge hazel eyes and auburn ringlets, I don’t think anyone could say no to you.”

  “Big bad biker afraid of some puppy dog eyes?”

  “Yours,” I think I hear him mutter under his breath.


  “Then you started dating Eric…” he says, looking straight ahead at the road. He drums his fingers on the steering wheel in beat with a made up rhythm.

  “Yeah, and that ended well. How did you know I was pissed at him when we slept together?” I ask him, remembering the comment he made about wanting a taste of wild.

  “My mum rings me all the time,” is all he says. His mum is a gossip, I’d always known that. “She said Eric was upset.”

  I scoff. “I’ll bet. Eric and I were just together because it was convenient. I guess he just realized it before me since he started screwing around.”

  “And I’m sure he will regret it when he realises what a great woman he lost,” he says simply. “But it’s too late for him.”

  “Does he know?” I ask, wringing my hands.

  “Yeah, I told him. I also told him to leave you the hell alone. I got you the new sim card and phone too, it has my number programmed. And all the brother’s too. Just in case.”

  “God, you’re bossy.”

  “You love it,” he replies. “I probably should
warn you.”

  “What?” I ask warily, my head snapping to him.

  “Brothers are having a party tonight,” he says, looking at me with a grin.

  “How is that different from every other night?” I ask, thinking about how they all hang out, drink, and hook up every night.

  “Doesn’t matter, you and I are staying in the room. I bought a few things for us to check out,” he says.

  “Like what?” I ask, getting excited.

  “Be patient.”

  “Fine. Oh and one more thing Dex,” I say.

  “What’s that?”

  “Talk to me like you did last night again, and I’m gone.”

  He nods once, slowly. His eyes harden at my threat, but he manages to hide his anger. “Noted. I lose my temper sometimes, but I’ll always make it up to you.”

  “Is that your apology?” I ask. It might need a little work.

  He grins and says, “I guess it was.”

  “Now take me home and feed me,” I demand.

  He laughs and does as he’s told.

  Chapter Fourteen

  When Dex and I walk back into the clubhouse, there are people everywhere. He wasn’t joking about the party. The place is filled with bikers I haven’t met before, and Dex explains to me that they are Wind Dragons from other chapters. He stops to greet a tall, burly-looking man.

  “Long time no see,” the man says, slapping Dex on the shoulder.

  “I know, how you been?” Dex asks him.

  “All good,” the man replies, staring at a woman who walks by.

  Dex laughs. “You enjoy yourself, you hear?”

  “You not sticking around?” the man asks, looking down at me as if finally noticing me. “Maybe we could share this fine little thing.”

  Dex stiffens. “No can do, bro, she’s mine.”

  The man doesn’t look pleased. “When you come my way, I let you have any bitch you want.”

  Dex nods. “This one’s different. No disrespect, but no one touches her but me.”

  The man nods in acceptance but still doesn’t look happy. I keep my mouth shut, knowing this is not the time for me to speak.

  Dex says bye, and we continue on. The place is swarming with beautiful women, and I don’t miss the looks they shoot Dex. My fist clenches as I see one in particular, staring at him as though she’s already had him. When Dex steers me away from her, I assume she has. Before we can walk down the hall that leads to our room, a stunning redhead stops in front of Dex and puts her hand on his chest.

  Oh, hell no!

  “Sin, long time no see,” she purrs.

  Dex pushes her hand off, which I appreciate. “Not interested.”

  “That’s not what you said last time,” she replies, licking her lips. She has wide green eyes and hardly any clothes on. I can’t even lie—she’s a knockout. If I swung that way…

  “It’s what I’m saying now. Now get the fuck out of my way,” he says in a voice so cold, even I cringe.

  “You’ve never turned me down before,” she says, now frowning and finally looking to me. “Sin…”

  “He said no. Have some fucking self-respect,” I say before she can start begging.

  She opens her mouth to say something when Dex eventually grabs my arm and walks around her, leaving her standing there with her mouth hanging open. He locks the door behind us as we enter the room and puts all the shopping bags on the bed.

  “Well that was interesting,” I say slowly. “An old friend of yours?”

  “Babe,” is all he says. Like that’s an answer!

  “And who was that man?” I ask.

  Dex grins. “Good thing he backed down or we would have had a problem. And you stayed quiet, good girl.”

  “I’m learning,” I say dryly. “At least with the men.”

  He laughs at me. “Good to see.”

  “What did you want to show me?” I ask, sliding my shoes off and sitting on the bed.

  “Oh, right,” he says, opening a drawer and pulling out four books.

  “Books?” I ask, my eyebrows reaching my hairline.

  He sits down next to me on the bed and spreads them out. Two are baby name books, one is a book about pregnancy, and the other is about labor. My throat starts to burn at the thoughtful gesture and the proof that he’s serious about this. “This is really nice.”

  He shrugs it off. “I want to be prepared. Soon we can move into my house, and the baby will have his own room we can fix up.”

  “Your house?” I ask, feeling confused.

  He winces. “I have a house babe, it’s getting renovated right now. It will be ready in a month. I don’t expect you to stay here forever, especially not with the little one.”

  Well thank fuck for that.

  I open one of the baby books. “I like this name.”

  “What is it?”

  I point to the name and show it to him.

  “Gertrude?” he asks, snatching the book from me. “Nice try Faye.”

  I giggle. “Fine, what names do you like? Since you’ve now said no to Sirius and Gertrude, which were both excellent ideas I might add.”

  “Maybe we should make a list,” he surmises.

  “I’ll find out the sex at the appointment on Thursday,” I tell him, lying back on the bed.

  “Really?” he asks. “I think it’s going to be a boy.”

  “Think you’re that lucky, do you?”

  “Well if I have a girl who looks like you, I’m going to be screwed, don’t you think?”

  I blush, looking away from his intense gaze.

  “Can I?” he asks, touching the hem of my top.

  “Yeah,” I whisper as he lifts up my top and runs his hands over my small belly. When he places a kiss right below my belly button, I stop breathing.

  “I’m gonna see you soon little one,” he murmurs to my stomach, placing one more kiss before pulling my top back down. I look away so he doesn’t see the tears gathering in my eyes.

  He clears this throat. “I got us Supernatural to watch.”

  I love Supernatural. “How did you know?”

  He shakes his head in amusement. “Your phone background.”

  A practically naked Jensen Ackles picture. Right, that would do it. “Of course.”

  He puts the DVD on and turns the volume up high to block out the music from the other side of the house. “So what’s with you and Allie?” I find the courage to ask.

  He shrugs. “She’s always around.”

  I really don’t think that’s an answer. “No emotional connection?”

  “You always this nosy?” he asks.


  “I thought so,” he replies, his tone of voice letting me know that he’s amused rather than annoyed. Eric used to always get annoyed with me when I asked questions, which now makes sense because he had a whole lot to hide. Dex, on the other hand, is rather patient with me, which I appreciate. “And to answer your question, it sounds bad, but no there aren’t any emotional ties to her. It was just sex. She knew it, and I knew it.”

  I like the fact that he used past tense. I really do.

  “Good,” I reply, trying not to sound happy and failing.

  His deep chuckle fills the room. “Come here babe.”

  I slide over to him and rest my head on his chest. His fingers gently comb through my hair, and he kisses the top of my head. “Do you care that you’re missing the party?”

  “No, not at all. That’s been my life for years now; I’m ready to move onto something better. That’s not to say we can’t go out and have some fun though,” he replies after a moment. Feeling bold, my arm reaches out and over his hard abs. I risk a glance at him to see him watching me, amusement glistening in his eyes.

  “That was a pretty smooth move there Faye,” he teases, and I hide my face in his shirt.

  “It’s not my fault. You’re hot,” I grumble, breathing him in.

  “I thought I was a jerk,” he replies, stroking my hair once more.
  “You’re a hot jerk.”

  His chest shakes under my head. “You’re making my pillow shake!”

  “Your pillow is my chest,” he decides to point out.

  “Exactly,” I huff, lifting my head up and staring at him. God, his face is so close to mine, if I leant a little closer, my lips would be on his.

  “Don’t look at me like that,” he growls, hand cupping my jaw.

  “Like what?” I ask breathlessly.

  “Like you want me more than anything else in the world,” he says, his eyes on my lips.

  “Right now I do,” I say, slightly leaning forward until our lips touch.

  We stare at each other for a few tense seconds.

  “Fuck it,” he says, capturing my lips with his. He licks at my mouth until I open for him, then he delves inside—tasting me.

  Owning me.

  The kiss is possessive, filled with raging want and need. All rational thought disappears, and there is no one else in the world.

  I want Dex, and he wants me.

  It’s simple. Basic.

  And the only thing that matters.

  He sucks on my bottom lip then trails open-mouth kisses down my jawline and my neck. Rolling me over onto my back he lifts up my top over my bra, kissing up my stomach. Pushing up the cups of my bra, he licks around my breasts, teasing me. After a few moments’ torture he finally pays attention to my nipples, licking and sucking them just the way I like it, a little bit hard. He pulls back to pull down my shorts, ogling my red boyleg panties in appreciation for a second before he wrenches them down as well. He kisses around my inner thighs then places his mouth at my center.

  “Dex,” I moan as his tongue hits the spot. My hands tangle in my hair as my head tilts back against the pillow. His tongue is magic and is giving me just what I need. A curse leaves my lips and my thighs quiver as he inserts a finger, pushing me over the edge.

  I scream his name as I’m lost in the throes of pleasure, wave after wave breaking over me. He doesn’t remove his mouth, prolonging my release. It’s not long before I’m begging him to stop, feeling too sensitive. He gives me one last lick before he pulls back, staring at me with a possessive look on his handsome face. Heavy lidded blue eyes study me, watching as I try to regain my breath. I reach for him but he shakes his head slightly.


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