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Belonging to the Steer Brothers

Page 7

by Sam Crescent

  “Kiss me,” she said.

  He blinked, his eyes moving from her lips back to her eyes.

  “Excuse me?” He was always so polite even when she wanted him to grab hold of her and kiss the living daylights out of her.

  “Kiss me. David has kissed me. I want to feel your lips against mine,” she said, honestly. Paul glanced at David, but Anna was having none of it. “No, Paul. I want you to kiss me and mean it.”

  Anna knew the challenge she was setting down, and she didn’t care. She’d had enough of the cryptic. She wanted these two men, more than anything she’d ever wanted in her short life. Now was the moment to take what she wanted and to show them she could be their woman. Three years had been lost. She wasn’t prepared to lose another second. Forgiving Paul wouldn’t be a problem.

  She loved the idea of being possessed by them, of belonging to two men. After the death of her parents she’d never felt safer and more protected than when she’d been with David and Paul. To have two men and to know there would never be another day where she’d be alone was amazing. While at college she’d lived alone. When the weather changed and thunder and lightening struck, she couldn’t go to any bed but her own. Anna didn’t want to be alone anymore. Her heart lay with these two men. Whether they were brothers or not she knew in her heart this is where she wanted to stay. With that thought in mind, it drove her to take his hands in hers to cup her cheeks. To move within the comfort of Paul’s arms.

  “Are you sure about this?” Paul asked her one final time as his thumb ran across her full bottom lip. Flicking her tongue out, she licked the tip of his thumb. Her eyes dilated as the taste of him erupted on her tongue.

  “I’ve never been more sure of anything. Kiss me, Paul. Touch me,” she begged.

  He tilted her head back and swooped down taking her lips under his. The touch was not calm or gentle. It was a full onslaught of passion invading her mouth and her senses. Anna opened up to his kisses and his tongue as it thrust inside her mouth. Moaning as he took charge, holding her as his lust took over, she was nothing but a slave to his passion.

  Their moans mingled in the air as Anna froze when a pair of hands moved her hair out of the way and lips grazed the column of her neck. Opening her eyes she stared at Paul, asking him the questions her lips couldn’t form.

  “This is what we want Anna, both of us, together,” he said as his palm moved from her face down her clothing until his large hand was stroking her breast. Anna cried out. David bit down on her shoulder. The sensation echoed through her body like lightening going from her neck to her nipple, shooting through to her clit between her legs.

  She moaned but didn’t pull away. Her hand curved behind her holding David in place touching her while her fingers curled in Paul’s shirt. She pulled him against her taking the kiss she craved.

  Anna cried out when the strap of her dress was moved down past her shoulder along her arm until her left breast was exposed to their viewing pleasure and the warm air.

  “You look so beautiful,” Paul whispered moments before his lips went on the move. He went from her cheek down past her neck where he hovered above her budding breast.

  “Now or never, Anna. Your choice.” Paul gave her the option to retreat. How could she deny these men, her men, everything she’d only ever wanted herself? She loved these two who’d taken her in when her parents had died. They might care for her and never feel love for her, but she could love the two men and that would be enough.

  “Now, please, suck my nipple,” she said. David moved the other strap off her shoulder.

  Paul placed his hands on her waist. His tongue circled the tight red bud, sucking the tip into his mouth. Without her two men holding her she would have sunk to the floor as her knees turned to jelly, and her nipple was the epicentre of all her pleasure. She was a burning mass of heat, a roller coaster ride of pure unadulterated bliss.

  “Oh my God.” She gasped as David teased her other nipple with his fingers. Everywhere on her body, their hands seemed to be wreaking havoc with her mind and body.

  “You taste like vanilla,” Paul told her when he came up, and the next moment hands were on her thighs pulling up her short dress. Anna held her breath. She waited to see what would happen next as a hand moved to her simple cotton panties covering her mound. With four hands on her she didn’t know who was where. She gasped when a male finger traced the outline of her slit. She knew how wet she was. She could feel her juice wetting the fabric of her panties. Never before in her life had she been so turned on. They hadn’t properly touched her, and she was close to climaxing.

  “You’re already lovely and wet, sweet Anna,” Paul said, nibbling her neck where her pulse was threatening to escape her throat. “Do you want us, Anna?”

  She loved how he referred to both men. She wanted both men, and every time he talked about them together it made these feelings she had, easier to handle.

  Nothing like thinking she was a whore or a slut in this moment and ruining the mood. She wouldn’t be able to do this for any other man. This was David and Paul, and she’d loved them for the longest time.

  “Yes, I’ve always wanted you,” she admitted as the finger went from pressing against her to moving the panties out of the way. For the first time she had skin to skin contact on her pussy. Not her own touch but the touch of the men she loved. She cried out. The invading finger made direct contact on her swollen unused clit.

  “Easy, baby,” David muttered at her ear. His hands holding her with her back pressed to the front of his body, his arousal was hard to ignore as it pulsed at the base of her back where his cock lay.

  “So hot and wet. She’s burning my fingers, David.” She heard the wonder in Paul’s voice, and pride went through her as he enjoyed her body.

  “Anna, honey, are you a virgin?” Paul asked her pulling her out of her arousal as the question permeated her brain.

  “What?” she asked.

  “Have you had a man before?”

  Would he stop if she hadn’t? No other man had appealed to her, not like these two. Should she lie? Anna couldn’t bear the thought of them stopping. Her body was alight and all because of the magic they wielded.

  She shook her head. “No, I’ve never had a man before,” she told him honestly. She would go into this relationship with trust and absolute honesty.

  Anna watched as Paul gazed at David and then back at her.

  Was this the moment where they left her alone and unsatisfied? Kick her out of their home for good?

  “Bedroom,” Paul growled moving away to follow.

  “What? Why?” Anna asked confused.

  “I’m not taking you on your first time in the sitting room. Your first time should be in bed. My bed,” he said.

  Anna wasn’t going to argue.

  Chapter Eight

  David carried the love of his life up the long flight of stairs. At times like these he cursed the large house and his family’s wealth. Without the money they’d be in a simple house, and he wouldn’t have to be impatient to get her to bed. He’d be in a bedroom already with a flat surface. Her arm held onto his neck as he carried her up the two flights of stairs. He kicked the door open at Paul’s room. The master bedroom had housed so many generations of mothers and fathers that David felt a great wave of peace overcome him.

  Anna was their woman. The one they could share and love for the rest of their lives. Placing her on the floor and only letting go when he was sure she was safe and could hold herself up. He began to remove the little amount of clothings she still had on, the small white panties and the dress resting on her full hips. He liked the weight she’d put on. No longer did she have the body of a young girl. The woman in his bed was pure woman. David couldn’t wait to sink his cock so deep inside her. To show her with his body how he intended to care for her for the rest of his life.

  Her eyes widened. Paul and David joined her. As Paul entered he was kicking off his trousers. Following his brother, David removed his own clothes a
nd joined Paul and Anna on the bed. Paul was on her left, and David lay across along her right side.

  “You’re so big,” she said. David kissed the top of her head, knowing the little minx had looked down. Knowing he and Paul would be her first and only lovers was exciting and terrifying. David didn’t know about Paul, but he’d never taken a woman’s virginity. He’d heard a woman’s first time could be painful. How could they give Anna pleasure when they had to cause her pain to begin with?

  Seeing pain on Anna’s face would be worse than death, especially knowing they would be the cause of her pain.

  The only way to get through this first joining would be to take her really slow and introduce her to the art of lovemaking for the first time.

  “You’re so beautiful,” David told her as he kissed her, his hand cupping a naked breast. She moaned at his touch.

  “You’re both beautiful to me.” She moaned again. His lips replaced his hand.

  Her nails sank into the thick hair on his head.

  “I’m going to touch you everywhere,” David said. Paul would know what to do. His brother held both of her hands in one of his as David moved down her body. Kissing her lips and along her neck. Down her chest. A tight red nipple pointed toward the ceiling. His mouth watered, and he nipped the tip. Anna went wild beneath his hand.

  “What are you doing to me?” she asked. Her eyes seemed not to know whether to open or close. David chuckled and attended to her other nipple before moving down her body, kissing every inch of skin he could find. At her belly, he nuzzled her flesh, loving the rounded curves. No bones protruded, and his cock leaked more pre-cum. Her body was perfect. His hands spanned her waist as he moved her to the edge of the bed, pushing her down to sit on the edge.

  “You’re our woman,” Paul said to her.

  David’s cock responded to the words. It went from his heart to his dick. To be one of her men and to be loved by her would be the greatest gift he’d ever received.

  David didn’t know if Anna loved them, and he guessed in the morning and with time she’d either hate them or see them as friends. In his heart he craved her love as he knew Paul felt the same. Even if the older man had a strange way of showing it.


  Pressing a hand to her chest, lightly pushing her back on the bed. “Relax, trust us,” David said. When she was fully laid on the bed, he opened her legs wide looking at her sweet slit.

  He moaned as he saw how aroused she was at being with them. He ran his hands up the inside of her thighs, getting her accustomed to his touch and calming her tightened nerves. He waited until she slowly began to loosen up. Opening wide, her legs relaxed against him. Starting at her knee he kissed, lathered and sucked at her flesh, moving from one leg up before starting on the second leg and moving up. He saw Paul move on the bed and caress her breasts and nipples. David gave her attention down below. Only when she was shaking and quivering with need did David touch her sweet place at the apex of her thighs. His tongue pressed on her swollen clit, peeking out of its hood. Her womanly scent invaded his senses. He groaned, becoming instantly addicted to her sweet taste.

  David still ran his hands up and down her legs as he tasted her. She screamed when he made a rhythm moving up and down her slit using her juice as lubricant. He teased her entrance with the brush of his tongue. The warm channel they would own all for themselves. Her legs shook. He rested them over his shoulders, teasing her with his lips and tongue, never penetrating but drawing out her release. Bringing her to the point of release before moving away and denying her. Using the pressure of his teeth, he grazed the swollen nub.

  “Please, please,” she begged over and over again. Paul sucked her nipples, teasing the tips the same way David was teasing her womanhood.

  “Let her come,” Paul said, and David assaulted her clit, flicking, licking and sucking until she bulked off the bed. Paul kept her in one place, absorbing her screams by kissing the hell out of her. David licked her clean as she moaned and shuddered underneath him. He went to the bed and lay on the opposite side of Paul once he’d brought her down from her peak slowly. A nice rosy flush covered her skin giving her a radiant glow.

  “Hey,” she whispered. A shaking hand brushed his face.

  “You taste beautiful,” he said. His tongue licked his lips where her taste lingered.

  Anna chuckled. “I bet you say that to all the girls.”

  Paul stopped his ministrations, and David saw the anger on his face.

  “Never. We don’t tell women false facts.”

  David couldn’t have agreed more.

  “But surely you’ve said the words before?” Anna said.

  David took her face in his hands and kissed her on the lips, swiping his tongue inside her mouth. “No woman was meant to be ours. You’re our woman, Anna, and that makes you special to us.”

  He distracted her with his kisses. Paul kissed down her body. Both men loving her the only way they could.

  “I won’t survive this night,” she gasped.

  David laughed, biting the side of her breast. “You’ll survive and crave more.” He promised her.


  Anna didn’t know which way was up or down. Paul and David were invading her senses with every touch. Hands, tongues were everywhere. No part of her body was left untouched.

  She was their woman. Anna couldn’t help but be giddy at the thought. It was not a confession of love, but belonging to them was just as good. A stamp of ownership.

  “Mark me,” she asked David where he was kissing her neck. She would wear his mark with pride.

  David didn’t question her, and his mouth sucked in her skin. Anna arched up while Paul ran a finger through her dripping slit.

  “I want to fuck you, Anna,” he said.

  David came up for breath and looked in her eyes. “Are you ready for this? We can wait.” Her heart melted at his concern.

  “I want to. I’ll always want you.” She kissed David trying to reassure him of her intentions.

  “I’m warning you now, Anna. I’m not wearing a condom. I want to feel you bare against my cock,” Paul said. He stood at the end of the bed palming his stiff cock.

  “What about pregnancy? I’m not on the pill. I’ll get pregnant.” Anna loved children and bearing their child would be amazing, but she couldn’t do it alone. The thought of raising a child scared the hell out of her.

  “Would that be a bad thing?” Paul asked.

  Anna retreated from them, pulling out of their touch and lying at the top of the bed. She folded her arms over her exposed breasts, stopping them from seeing her.

  “Baby, what’s the matter?” David approached, but she held him off with a hand in the air.

  “I’m not some breeding machine or a one-night stand. I don’t want to be used and flung aside for the next woman you want,” Anna said.

  Paul took the other side of her but stayed back giving her some room.

  “You’re our woman, Anna. We’d never leave you alone. When you’re pregnant with our baby, we’ll raise our son or daughter together as the family we are,” Paul said.

  Tears welled in her eyes as hope bloomed in her chest.

  Now was the best time. “I love both of you,” she whispered the words, but she knew they heard her. The frozen stillness of the room could hear a pin drop.

  They were like statues. Naked and beautiful for her to see.

  The silence seemed to go on forever until they fell on her. Each one trapped her against their body until she was sandwiched between two hard masculine chests.

  They weren’t screaming or running in the opposite direction, which must be a good thing.

  “We love you, too, baby,” the words were whispered in each ear. Paul on one side and David on the other. Anna couldn’t believe her ears. She refused to believe something so wonderful could happen to her.

  “Are you sure?” she asked. There was no way these two men could want and love her. Paul with his dark masculinity and almost fierc
e persona and David with his happy-go-lucky attitude but still with the essence of seriousness underneath.

  “I’ve loved you my whole life, and that love has changed and developed over the years. Anna, you mean everything to me.” David confessed his true feelings.

  Without any problem she circled her arms round his neck and attacked his mouth with her hungry lips. For once in her life she didn’t know what to say or what to do. She acted instead and poured all of her feelings into her kiss.

  Saying what words couldn’t say.

  Paul took her hand and turned her on the bed until she faced him. “I know I’ve been a bastard to you, but I’ve wanted you since you turned eighteen. I know it was wrong, but I’ve loved you every day, and that is never going to stop.” Paul brushed his lips against hers but didn’t take over. She knew he had more to say, and she was going to listen. Her heart pounded in her chest, and her eyes danced with tears. But this was important to hear. “I’m sorry I treated you the way I did, but I felt if I didn’t push you away I would get on my knees and beg you to be our woman; and I know this is hard to deal with. I’ve read the diaries of one of the Steer women, and their words spoke the fears and concerns of being a woman of many men. I wanted you to chose, to decide to be with us, but I’ve always loved you.”

  The tears were flowing, and Anna circled her hands around his neck and loved him. She was the luckiest woman in the world. Not just one but two men wanted her, loved and desired her.

  “Make love to me,” she whispered. “Everything else can wait, but both of you make love to me.” Anna reached behind her and pulled David close.

  They laid her down on the bed, David free to touch and help her through the next few minutes. Paul settled between her legs. Anna looked down and watched as he tunnelled his large cock through her juice coating himself.

  “Why are you doing that?” she asked.

  “I’m making sure I’m well lubricated. I don’t want to hurt you.” He came over her and gazed into her eyes. Anna saw love reflecting back at her.


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