Glorious Companions

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Glorious Companions Page 40

by Summer Lee

  “They know as much as they need to know,” she answered. “Your job is to announce my arrival.”

  “I don’t recall Queen Kenana telling us that we had such a duty and anyway, we have no horn to blow to announce you,” said Saul. “Please know this, Princess: If we do not return, it will be assumed that we have abandoned our posts in your parents’ palace. The punishment would be grievous for us. We might even be put to death. And the horses must be returned. You cannot simply—”

  “You are with me. There will be no punishment and the horses are still under my ownership.”

  “But Princess Rachael, we have wives and families at home!” protested Abihu. “We must return or lose all that we have worked for, all of our lives. Our homes are there and our loved ones will grieve. People will assume we are dead or have run away, even stolen horses from King Asher or kidnapped you.”

  “Do not forget that I am your princess! Do as you are told and do not question my authority,” she said sharply before either guard could open his mouth again.

  The guards looked at each other in horror. Clearly, they understood the seriousness of her disappearance as it related to them. In fact, they were in far more trouble than she was.

  The evening sky was afire with the setting sun. Streaks of gold and crimson stretched across the horizon. A high wall made of whitewashed stone encircled the majestic property, which was meant to keep out invading armies.

  So far, they had passed through the public gates because of her beauty. They had spoken to no one within the outer palace walls of Babylon.

  Spellbound, Rachael shivered with excitement. She was about to marry an angel-prince. This had always been a dream of hers. From as early as she could remember, she had been enchanted by stories of angels finding young girls to love, and in her mind, such angels were always embedded in royalty.

  “We should not be here,” whispered Saul to Abihu.

  Abihu nodded. “We were long ago told by King Asher never to come to Babylon with Princess Rachael. How did she convince us to do this?”

  “I do not know,” said Saul. “But we are risking the king’s wrath and even worse, our wives’ wrath.”

  Pretending not to hear their conversation, Rachael said to the men, “I want you two to go to the head of the Babylon guard and report for duty.”

  “I don’t think we can do that, your majesty,” said Saul. “It is not that simple to just join their ranks.”

  “Yes, you can. Just go.” She pushed past them and walked alone up the pathway to the tall main doors of the palace.

  It had been just a few days’ since Prince Sammael had come to her while she had slept. When he had awakened her, Rachael had known immediately that he was an angel. The princess, after all, was no stranger to angels. Her personal angel was named Aurora. She had been with Rachael many times during her childhood and was probably Rachael’s best friend, in truth, her only friend. Visitations from the spirit world were common in her unusual family. Her mother, Queen Kenana, had had many encounters with a fallen angel named Malluch.

  Rachael believed the stories were true, although her mother would never discuss them. Her own father, King Asher, was revered as a Goel, one of those who protected the Earth from fallen angels.

  And so, it would not be impossible for Rachael, a descendant of Enoch, the revered prophet, to marry an angel, especially if the angel were madly in love with her. Her mother, Kenana, would understand Rachael falling in love with an angel, for she had loved Malluch almost twenty-five years earlier. Her father? Oh, no, he would be livid if he knew.

  Rachael’s eyes scanned the city. There was evidence that the city of Babylon was prosperous. The palatial yard had been recently trimmed. An spotless alabaster bench was nestled among the impatiens. Their fragrance was intoxicating as a gentle breeze blew through the heavy-laden olive trees. Peacocks and other fancy fowl strutted about the grounds. And the hanging gardens from rows of massive pergolas were just breathtaking and filled with flowers, fruit, butterflies and songbirds. Rachael sighed deeply and thought, yes, this place is a paradise—and I shall soon be a part of it.

  Rachael thought about her parents. She knew they would be deeply hurt by her actions. She had deceived them by sneaking off without a word about where she was going and what she planned to do. But she craved independence, and she had the right to love whomever she deemed worthy. How and why she loved this angel-prince so much, she was not sure.

  Rachael never suspected the possibility that she had been bewitched. She was content with her love for the angel-prince, and nothing would stop them from being together.


  In Babylon’s inner palace walls, when she told the door guards her name, Rachael was directed through the colossal front double doors of the royal palace into the large hall where Prince Sammael stood shining in radiance as only an angel could do.

  “Welcome, Princess Rachael!” he said happily. He reached out and took her hands, looking deeply into her eyes. His hands were so very warm. Supernaturally, pleasantly warm, his touch was penetrating.

  “You look more splendid now than when I first saw you,” he said. “I believe you are the most captivating woman in the world.” With a respectful nod to Rachael, he added, “I am pleased that you have come to me, my beauty.”

  “Thank you, my prince.” Rachael turned her head as she felt her face turn red. “That is such a sweet thing to say.”

  “It is true, my love.”

  Sammael projected a strong, almost overwhelming presence that astonished her. His broad shoulders and powerfully built body excited her. Knowing that he was a physically powerful man caused her to feel overwhelmed in his presence.

  He stepped close to her. “I know you will love your new home, my precious Rachael.” His voice was soft, reassuring and hypnotic.

  She smiled, lifting her face toward his. “Thank you, though I…” Her voice trailed off.

  “What is it, my love? Surely, there could not be a problem.”

  “I have a question, but perhaps it’s not my place—”

  “Nonsense! Your place is by my side, which means you can always speak your mind.”

  “Tell me, my prince, do others—those in your kingdom—know that you are an Angelo? Other than me?”

  The stunning man before her gave her a lopsided grin. “No. It is our secret for now. In time, we will tell them.”

  “What do they call you?”

  He bowed. “A Watcher, which is quite acceptable.”

  Their eyes met and Rachael said, “I shall respect that answer.”

  Showing a desire to change the subject, the prince smiled and said, “Truly you must be fatigued, my dear Rachael.”

  “Very much so.”

  “Please allow me to take you to your room.”

  When Rachael entered her dressing room, she gasped and said, “This is lovely. Lavender is my favorite color and aroma. Did you have a hand in the decorating?”

  “Yes.” He was still smiling as he reached for her hand and squeezed it.

  “I like that.”

  Rachael had grown up in a palace, and splendid royalty was a way of life for her. However, nothing had ever equaled this. The opulent room was furnished with a beautifully carved sitting table and chairs, and a lounge seat for reclining. Gold vases with cut flowers were scattered about the room.

  “Is my princess pleased?”

  “Oh, yes.” She showed exuberance. “You are very good to me, your majesty.” After hesitating, she mustered up enough courage to ask, “Would it be permitted for me to rest now? And I would like to bathe.”

  “Of course, please go and rest. The basin has warm water for you to cleanse yourself and I will have water and a tub brought in by some maids.” He walked away with his royal purple robe trailing on the floor behind him. He was truly very handsome. “You need your rest after the long trip to Babylon.”

  “Thank you.” Rachael followed him and sighed.

  “Good night,” he said,
kissing her hand. He turned and walked out, shutting the door behind him.

  She placed her hands in the bowl of warm water, which was scented with the petals of sweet-smelling wildflowers, and splashed the cool liquid on her face to soothe her hot skin.

  After a short time, some maids came with buckets of water and a tub and helped her wash away the dirt of the road.

  She slid between clean, scented linens and the last thing she remembered before she put her head on the pillow was a maid braiding her damp hair, so that it would be wavy in the morning.

  Chapter Two

  Morning came and Rachael slipped out of bed, undid the braid and marveled at the waves in her hair. Using a bit of cotton as a puff, she powdered her face, dotted berry juice on her lips and pinched her cheeks to give them just a hint of color. Once she was properly made up, she admired herself in the polished metal mirror. Now she was ready to spend time getting acquainted with the angel-prince. Her angel-prince. The thought of him gave her a thrilling twinge in her belly.

  She sniffed the air when she stepped out into the hallway. Cinnamon and apples. These aromas of the morning meal being prepared were in the air as she descended the stairs. A servant directed her to the dining room, and she bowed to the prince. “Rachael, dear, I would like you to meet Aaron,” said the prince.

  Rachael nodded as Aaron bowed.

  Sammael asked Aaron to direct the servants out of the room. “I need to get acquainted with my betrothed.”

  He rose and pulled the chair out for her. He clasped her arm and helped her be seated. As Sammael pushed in her chair, a maid set a plate of fresh bread and fruit before her.

  “This looks delicious.” She smiled at Sammael and he smiled back. They held the look for a moment, and she felt his love.

  “Is all satisfactory for the princess?” he asked as he returned to his seat.

  “Oh, yes.” She picked up an eating knife and used it to take a bite.

  “Did you sleep well, my dear?”

  “Yes, my love.”

  “Do you have any questions?”

  “Yes, I do have a question,” she said.

  “Ask it.”

  “Where have you been all of my life?” Rachael asked.

  He looked at her serenely, his handsome face impassive. Rachael almost detected a slight aura of light around the man. Her breath caught all over again. She thought he was going to laugh, but surely he would not mock her. He held back laughter as he spoke. “Actually, my princess, I have been around a long, long time, just not in Babylon.”

  “Oh, I see. I had never seen you before, so I wondered.” She bit into a fig. “This is delightful.” She continued to eat her meal, taking a bite of bread and sipped water from her cup.

  A servant boy brought her a dish of cooked apples in honey and cinnamon and it was delicious.

  “You do know that angels first live in Heaven, don’t you?” He was eating his bread, and flirting with her at the same time.

  “Yes, I know that, but the story gets blurry after that. I don’t understand the freedoms, or the rules and punishments of angels.” She finished eating and set her plate to one side.

  “We Watchers are free to do just about whatever we want. Personally, I enjoy a walk in a field of grain.” He stood and walked over to the open window. Once there, he leaned on the sill and looked out across the field, toward the distant hills. “Come see.”

  Rachael moved close to him. She searched the horizon to see what had his attention. All she could make out was a dusty landscape, interspersed with scraggly trees. What did he see that she could not?

  She felt his hand rub across her shoulders and down her back, which caused her to catch her breath. “Oh!”

  He faced her, grinning, looking otherworldly. “My life, as you may have guessed, is somewhat of a mystery.”

  Rachael batted her eyes. “I am beginning to see that, but I need to know more.”

  “I am different than the holy angels.”

  “I can see that as well.”

  “What do you think about me then?”

  “I like what I see, but I certainly do not understand you.”

  “I do not expect you to understand me.”

  “So, what is your view of God?”

  “I serve the high God, El,” he said.

  “So, you are a member of the heavenly host, are you not?” Rachael did not want to be deceived by one of Lucifer’s angels.

  “Yes.” He nodded gravely and looked steadfastly at her. From here, with the sunlight framing his face, Rachael very much believed he was an angel. He glowed like no human. “I do possess extraordinary powers given by El, the Creator. Yet, it does not end there.”

  “You are truly mysterious.” She touched his cheek. “Tell me more.”

  “I must admit that I have a dark side as well. I have as many evil feelings, as I have righteous ones. I have a personal planet in the universe where many perverse angels dwell.”

  “Oh, no! I do not even know what those words mean, my Sammael.”

  “Do not be alarmed. There is no need for you to fear the unknown.” He paused. “A planet is another world, like the evening star is actually a planet. And the universe is the entire body of the planets and stars and the moons.”

  “It sounds so magnificent and large.”

  “It is.”

  “You said perverse angels live on your planet.” Her chin trembled. “Will you be showing me both sides of your nature?”


  “Will I be in danger?”

  “Never. You are the love of my life.”

  Thank you,” said Rachael. “Tell me about Heaven and other pure angels.”

  He spoke of hunks of rock on fire and streaking through the sky, and of supernatural beings traveling as quickly as sunlight. He talked about star dwellers who stayed on other worlds. He told her about evil angels who fell from Heaven and married human women, and how evil spirits sometimes possessed humans. He told the stories as someone who knew firsthand—and they were stories that scared her.

  She shivered. “That is enough for now, Sammael. It is too much to understand at once.”

  “Don’t fear, my darling,” he said, lifting her hand to his lips and kissing it. Holding her hand gently, he led her back to the golden cushions and sat down, pulling her down beside him.

  She felt his breath on her face.

  “Can you trust me?” he asked.

  “I want to trust you.” She leaned into him.

  “You have a special task from God, don’t you? One that you cannot tell me.”

  “That is so, my love. I am forbidden to tell you that one task.”

  How can I tell this innocent girl that I am the angel of death? he thought.

  Kissing her hair, he said, “I not only rule here in Babylon, but I rule another place beyond this blue sky.”

  “I don’t understand. Will you deprive me when you are gone?”

  “Never. Just call my name and I will come back to you out of the darkness.”

  Sitting beside him, Rachael had a lot of questions swirling in her head. She said, “You said that you have a dark side. What did you mean by that?”

  “It is hard to explain,” he said. “Are you thirsty, my dear?”

  “Yes,” she said. “My throat is dry.”

  Sammael rang a small bell and a maid brought them each a glass of non-fermented wine. When the maid walked away, he said, “My serious problems began with Lucifer. He was the first angel to develop a dark side. Some angels flocked to him in support, but I guess I only considered the idea. I am something of an outcast from both the good angels and the evil angels because I am both good and…evil.”

  Rachael wrapped her arms about her knees and pulled them to her chest. She shivered. “That is frightening. I have no desire to be around evil angels.”

  “Surely, you have seen humans demonstrate an ugly side. Your father or your brother cannot possibly always be kind and good.”

  “I g
uess that is true. But angels…”

  “Don’t be frightened. I will never harm you.”

  “Do you promise?”

  “I promise.”

  “Why can’t you tell me this one thing about you that is so fearsome?”

  “Because it is too much knowledge for a human heart to bear. Only angels can know what God has bestowed on me. But it is not for you to worry about it. I have strong shoulders.”

  She nodded and looked at him with love and tears in her eyes.

  That trusting look made him sure that he would never, ever tell her that he was the angel of death.

  He set down his cup and picked up her hand, gently caressing it. “There are evil spirits out there that could be frightening for you, my dear. You need not fear me, though. I will always be with you, protecting you. I will never harm you. I truly want my good side to prevail.” He again lifted her hand to his lips and kissed it.

  “I want to believe you.” Her voice quivered.

  He placed his hands on each cheek. “If I am ever with you and become angry, I will slip out of the room until I return to a calm demeanor.”

  She touched his hand. “You’re certain?”

  He looked lovingly into her eyes. “I promise.”

  “All right.” Rachael had a lot to think about now. But as she saw the love in his eyes, she felt it would all work out for the best. “There is so much I don’t understand about the spirit world.”

  “Ask me anything you wish.” He rubbed her cheeks and neck.

  Enjoying his touch, she did not move. “I have heard stories about demonic powers, and I don’t want to encounter one. So, tell them to stay away from me.”

  “I will protect you. I will only bless you, never curse you.” They both laughed, and he gave her a hug. “Just trust me.”

  “I will try.”

  He held both of her hands in his and kissed them. He then lifted her to her feet and clasped her shoulders.

  “Does anything else bother you that we can discuss?”

  “Your visits to other worlds.” Her eyes moistened. “I am bothered by that idea, that you go into the sky, far away, so far away that I cannot see you.”


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