The Watche_And the Origins of Magic

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The Watche_And the Origins of Magic Page 4

by Luis Robles

  “If only I had a fish for every time I heard that, I wouldn't have to look for food anymore,” Pah said in a humorous way as he pointed his nose up to catch the incoming wind.

  Suddenly, as Pah took a big sniff of the breeze, he smelled something he was hoping never to smell again. He immediately got in a defensive position.

  “Bliss… Remember when we talked about the story of Harmony?” Pah asked as he crouched on the ground.

  “I remember,” Bliss said with a brave but tiny voice, no longer floating on Pah’s back but instead holding onto his neck.

  Crouching, Pah continued sniffing the incoming air to be more aware of his surroundings. He quickly determined that they were surrounded by the Rot in an almost unbelievable way. Hundreds upon hundreds of undead soldiers were making their way towards Bliss and Pah. The numbers were not in their favor, and Pah did not want to face off against the Rot as it would put Bliss in harm’s way. Thanks to the memories he inherited from the past Watchers, Pah knew that they had to leave the valley at once. He knew that the Rot were merely the pathfinders of Gavril’s plans; he knew that Gavril would stop at nothing to obtain Bliss’ magic.

  “Hold on tight! There are more of them than I ever thought there would be. Do not let them touch you. I know it is going to hurt but use your magic if you have to. Do not let go of me no matter what! You got that?” Pah said, looking back at Bliss and awaiting a response.

  “Yes, I’ll do my best, Pah!” Bliss said, looking ahead, with eyes wide opened.

  Without any hesitation, Pah began to run ferociously towards the valley’s nearest way out, next to a giant waterfall. His paws dug into the dirt as he pulled himself forward with every stride. The Rot quickly followed them. Although undead, the Rot were quick on their feet, and their vast numbers made it easy to corner Bliss and Pah. As Pah ran, a few seconds passed before they found themselves cornered by twenty or more Rot. It did not matter if Pah was twice as fast as the Rot or if he zigzagged or even chose a rough terrain; the number of the Rot was just too great. After getting themselves cornered four times, Pah noticed that the Rot seemed to have the ability to communicate with one another almost instantly, making it easy for the Rot to know their whereabouts. Pah knew that a more aggressive approach would be necessary in order to escape the valley.

  “I don’t want to do this, but it’s the only way. We are going to head straight to the waterfall—no more running around,” Pah said with frustration in his voice.

  “I’m with you, Pah!” Bliss yelled with her eyes closed.

  Pah began to run towards the almost thirty Rot standing in his way. The Rot looked confused as if they were adjusting their plans; nevertheless, they readied their weapons to receive the beast head on. As Pah got closer to the horde of Rot, Bliss’ hair began to puff up with static. Small specks of static current began to surround them in increasing numbers as they pressed on. They continued moving towards the horde with the same speed and no intention of stopping.

  “Lightning strike!” Pah yelled.

  An enormous explosion of lightning cleared the Rot from the foreseeable path. Pah knew that the path would not stay clear for very long. Pah increased his speed and ran as fast as he could, taking advantage of the cleared path. However, soon after, the Rot followed, closing in on them with every second that passed.

  “Pah! I have an idea!” Bliss yelled as she ducked and moved away from the Rot’s grabbing hands. “And I think I can do it!”

  “Do it! Do it! Do it!” Pah yelled, focusing on the path.

  “But I need your help. Clear the path one more time?” Bliss said with one eye closed, knowing that perhaps she asked a bit much of Pah.

  “I’ve only been able to do it twice in the past. Even though I don’t feel weakened by the first one, this isn’t the time to experiment Bliss,” Pah said. He continued running while eliminating the Rot that were blocking his way with one swift motion of his paw.

  “Do it! Do it! Do it!” Bliss yelled, copying Pah’s words as she closed her eyes.

  “Lightning strike!” Pah yelled, and bolts of lightning cleared the path once again.

  Once the path was cleared, Bliss got on her knees while maintaining balance on Pah’s back. She extended her arms in front of her and motioned them upwards. Roots and vines began to emerge rapidly from the ground alongside the path that Pah cleared. The roots and vines were of all shapes and sizes throughout the path, moving wildly as they grew towards the sky. Shortly after the roots appeared, Bliss yelled in pain.

  “My arms, my arms,” Bliss said, painfully holding her arms as she closed her eyes.

  “You used too much magic,” Pah said, his worry obvious from the frown on his forehead.

  “I’ll be fine, Pah. I’m already healing. The path is safe now; they will not be allowed to enter the path. Let’s go,” Bliss said, her voice breaking as she held on to Pah’s neck once again as Pah worked his way through the new path.

  The Rot was relentless and continued their attack. However, every time they tried to enter the path, one of the roots or vines grabbed and tossed them far away into the valley, away from Pah and Bliss. The Rot was indeed no match for Bliss’ powerful and absolute magic. Without any more obstacles in his way, Pah was able to increase his speed by almost double. As they pressed on, Pah and Bliss were able to see many of the Rot being picked up by the roots and vines and thrown away from them with great force and speed.

  “Well, I am impressed. I did not think you were this powerful,” Pah said as he ran and observed the Rot being tossed.

  “There’s more where that came from...Ouch!” Bliss said as she, too, admired her own work, although she had to cringe from the pain she felt when she used her magic.

  “Now, now, what have I told you about being humble? And I hope you are right, we are still in big mess,” Pah said as he focused back on the path.

  Thanks to Bliss’ powerful magic, they were able to make it out of the valley in no time; Pah was amazed at her power. Bliss was able to successfully clear a path for them all the way to the outskirts of the valley. As soon as they exited the valley, they heard four powerful roars coming from within.

  “Those were probably the monsters Gavril had in store for me,” Pah said as he looked back with the corner of his eye and ran away from the valley.

  “Why would Gavril go through all this trouble just for me?” Bliss asked as she went back to floating on Pah’s back.

  “I want to know the same thing. I guess it is time for us to get some answers and maybe get you some proper clothing for you along the way,” Pah added in a lighter tone of voice, knowing that they were leaving danger behind.

  “Proper clothing? What’s wrong with what I’m wearing?” Bliss asked with a confused look.

  “Well, I think it is best if you don’t look like a bird around the humans.”

  “But I like the way I dress. It’s very comfy and warm, and I made it myself,” Bliss said, defending her dress.

  Pah chuckled, “Well yes, but you mustn’t stand out. We’ll head towards the nearest village, and once there, we’ll get you proper clothes.”

  “Ahhh, fine… But is it going to be as pretty as what I’m wearing?” Bliss complained as she looked down at her dress.

  “Don’t worry, it will suffice,” Pah said with a grin on his face.



  “Where do we go now, Pah?”

  “We are going to a place that I'm not sure exists.”

  “And why would we go to a place like that? What if it really doesn’t exist?”

  “Then we would know for sure it doesn’t. But right now, we need answers, and that's the best thing I can think of,” Pah said as he ran away from the valley.

  After half a day of running, Pah and Bliss were far away from danger. Pah was sure of it. He had always been a fast runner, faster even than any animal or Nulian he had ever met, and having Bliss floating on his back made him much faster. With Bliss on his back, Pah never tired; she eman
ated life from her being. Slowing to a walk after they reached a clearing, Pah decided to visit the nearest village to find a proper human clothing for Bliss. Once near the village, Pah asked Bliss to get off his back to try to blend in as much as possible.

  “But I don’t feel like walking, Pah. I don’t think anyone will notice me. I’ll be like the wind, silent and invisible,” Bliss complained as she got off his back.

  Pah chuckled slowly, “Never underestimate the eye of someone else. And besides, if you were the wind, you would be a loud wind, the kind of wind everyone will notice,” Pah said as Bliss got next to him, matching his walking pace.

  As they entered the village, they noticed that it was alive. Small fires burned throughout, lighting it up the warmest of ways. Humans and Nulians intermingled throughout the village. They told jokes to one another or waved as they passed by. The sight of humans getting along with Nulians was completely new to Pah. He had always known that Nulians and Humans did not get along ever since the first violet moon. But he liked what he saw, and he welcomed it.

  “Things have changed, and this time it might be for the greater good,” Pah said as he looked about.

  “Pah! You walk too fast! How am I supposed to keep up? Each one of your step is like four, maybe six of mine,” Bliss complained as she tried to match his speed.

  “No, it is not that I walk fast. You are simply not used to walking anymore, a habit that you must change,” Pah said, turning his head everywhere, admiring the warmth of the village.

  To Bliss, being in a village for the first time did not have any effect of her. She thought it was a perfectly normal thing. She was ten times more concerned about losing her beautifully handcrafted dress—the dress she had painstakingly made by gathering feathers from the brightest of birds. She was not curious about other humans one bit. She only saw what they were wearing and did not like it.

  “Pah, do I really, really, really have to dress like that? Their clothes have no color and look so simple. They also do not look comfortable at all,” Bliss said, feeling dejected.

  “Don’t worry, that’s how grown humans dress. We’ll get something perfect for you,” Pah reassured Bliss.

  As Pah and Bliss walked about the village in search of human-looking clothes, a small boy with horns followed them. Pah did not grow alarmed at the situation, as he did not feel any bad intent in the boy. Even Bliss noticed the would-be shadow in the crowd of people around the marketplace.

  “Pah, I think someone is following us,” Bliss whispered, holding one hand up to her mouth.

  “Maybe you should talk to him, he is obviously following you. Do you see now how the feathered dress makes you stand out?”

  Bliss turned around without a single shred of fear, ready to confront anything. When the horned boy saw that Bliss turned around to face him, he froze completely. The boy converted from a would-be shadow into a blushing statue, unable to move. However, the reason he was not able to move was because of Bliss’ magic. Unknowingly, she made him freeze his movements just by thinking about it. Bliss was far more powerful than Pah taught her to be. When the boy did not move, she walked up to the statue-like horned boy, stopping a few meters away from him.

  “Why aren’t you moving? Is it because I caught you following me?”

  The horned boy did not move a centimeter, not even to breathe.

  “Well say something, don’t just stand there all frozen looking like you can’t breathe or talk,” Bliss said as she crossed her arms and raised her right brow.

  As soon as Bliss said that, the horned boy let out a loud gasp for air. Still unaware of her power, Bliss had set the boy free from her absolute control. The horned boy started coughing but with a smile on his face. He realized that it was his own fault—that he got himself in the sticky situation in the first place.

  “That was terrifying. I couldn’t move at all. I just froze—I don’t know what happened to me. Are you some kind of Mage or Wizard? If you are, be careful. I heard that there’s a thing called vamspire that is hunting them,” the horned boy said as he was adjusting his posture.

  Bliss did not think much of what the horned boy said. Instead, she wanted answers to other questions.

  “I have no idea what you're talking about. I have no knowledge of that vamspire thing you are talking about. But, horned boy, why were you following us?” Bliss said in a warmer way, now assuming that the boy had no bad intentions.

  “Well, it’s just the first time I’ve seen a girl like you. You aren’t from around here, right? That’s why I thought I should try talking with you and warn you from that danger. I thought that you were a Mage or a Wizard.”


  “I can tell by the way you are dressed and especially by your hair,” the horned boy said, smiling.

  All the while, Pah was watching them interact inconspicuously from across the way. He laughed when the boy mentioned the way Bliss was dressed. Bliss herself blushed hearing those words from someone other than Pah.

  “So what brings you to this village? This place is in the middle of nowhere, and there is nothing special about it. Are you a traveler?”

  “We are looking for a dress,” Bliss said, feeling a little self-conscious.

  “Ah, if that’s the case, I know of a great place! You’ll find it just before you exit the village. It’s that way,” the horned boy said as he gestured towards a not so busy part of the village.

  “Okay, I’ll let my guardian know,” Bliss said as she gestured towards Pah.

  The horned boy followed Bliss’ hand closely and could not help but to notice Pah staring straight at them. When Pah saw that the boy was staring at him, he smiled. He thought that by smiling he would seem friendlier to the boy. However, Pah’s good deed had exactly the opposite effect on the boy. The boy could not help but to feel terrified.

  “Your guardian has a lot of sharp teeth; I think I’ll get going now.”

  “Wait, wait I have a question. Why do you have horns? Are you half Nulian? And what is your name? Bliss asked, thinking that maybe she had asked a bit too much.

  “Well it’s more complicated than that. I’m being raised by earthly dragons. Being around them as much as I am, is making me this way. Every day, something in me changes that make me look like them, and it becomes a part of who I am. But I don’t mind my horns. I think they give me good looks. And far as my name goes, well I have no name; the dragons haven’t named me yet, and I don’t think they will anytime soon,” the horned boy snickered with a smile.

  “Ooh,” Bliss smiled, bemused. “Well, I have to go now. My guardian is waiting for me! Hope to see you in the near future, Nameless Horned Boy,” Bliss said as she motioned once again towards Pah, still smiling.

  The horned boy did not follow Bliss’ movements; instead he looked down. He was too scared to look towards Pah. Soon after, the horned boy turned around and walked away from Bliss, waving goodbye with an almost shameful smile. Bliss then turned to Pah and realized right away why the horned boy left in such a hurry. Although it was not his intention, Pah looked of a fierce beast when he smiled, showing his razor-sharp teeth.

  “Well thanks, you scared away my only friend,” Bliss said as she walked towards Pah, disappointed in him.

  “I was just trying to be friendly,” Pah said as they got back on track to look for Bliss’ new dress.

  “Well, the horned boy said that there is a place over there,” Bliss said as she gestured towards the not-so-busy part of the village.

  Once they got to the suggested store, Bliss’ eyes could not get any wider. She marveled at all the pretty dresses the store had on display. Excitement overtook Bliss as she went inside, gliding her hand dress by dress, wanting to try them all on. Then, throwing each dress on top of her own, she fondly imagined how it would look on her.

  “Well, which are you going to want?” Pah asked impatiently.

  “Uh…oh, I don’t know. There are so many of them, and all so very pretty. I just can’t decide. Can I have mor
e than one? I think I have it narrowed down to three picks,” Bliss said, shaking with excitement.

  “Well if you don’t decide soon, then you might end up with none. They are going to close the store anytime now,” Pah said as he looked towards the store owner.

  The store owner was an old lady with white, long hair and was wearing a dark black cloak. Although her age was obvious by the way she spoke, it looked as if the years had been kind to her. She was leaning on the counter with one hand on her cheek and the other thumping the counter, showing impatience with Bliss.

  “I’ll take this one. Yes, this is the one for me!” Bliss finally said with a grin on her face.

  The store owner rolled her eyes and sighed in relief. Her small torment had finally ended.

  “That will be two small gold coins,” the store owner said as she extended her hand out towards Pah.

  Pah’s eyes widened, knowing that he did not have that kind of gold. Paying for the dress was the last thing on his mind. He utterly forgot that precious metals were necessary when buying from the humans. Pah thought to himself for a few seconds as the old lady kept her hand stretched in front of him. Bliss was completely oblivious to the occurrence, she was too happy with her new dress.

  “One moment, allow me to see what I have,” Pah said as part of his paw disappeared to the side of him.

  Pah was reaching in and through a portal inside his safe place. Pah’s portal was able to open a momentary window back to his cave. Some magical creatures were able to keep a safe place no matter where they went, thanks to magic. The old lady’s face turned from bored to excited at the promise of a good payoff for one of her dresses. Only higher class magical creatures had such a place, and usually they all kept a lot of gold stored in their safe place.

  However, the old lady’s face quickly turned into disappointment and boredom, once again, when half of Pah’s body was inside the portal, as this she knew that he would surely come out, empty-handed. Not being able to find something almost always meant lack of abundance.


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