Unfair Game: A Gay Sports Romance Novel

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Unfair Game: A Gay Sports Romance Novel Page 17

by Cecelia Storm

  Kyle was a mess now. He’d been reduced to a sobbing mass of sensation. It was coming from all sides and the pleasure was only increasing, rising in him like a wave, cresting and peaking and crescendoing until finally Kyle came.

  His ass clenched hard around Cade’s cock as hot white cum shot from the tip of his cock, coating his chest, abs, and Cade’s gripping hand. The constriction inside him was the final push over the edge for Cade, too. He buried his face in Kyle’s neck moaning and panting, their chests wet and slippery with Kyle’s cum.

  “Fuck, fuck, so good,” Cade moaned into Kyle’s ear. His breath was hot on Kyle’s neck, and he felt his cock swell and throb inside him. “Ah, Kyle, ahhh!” Cade screamed with every pump of semen filling Kyle’s ass.

  His thrusting slowed as their mutual orgasms began to wane, and their bodies began to relax as the intensity in their muscles softened.

  When Cade finally pulled out, rolling off of Kyle and pulling him close, Kyle felt as if someone had given him a sleeping pill. He was filled with warm drowsiness, a feeling of intense and complete lethargy and languor. Unable to help himself, he closed his eyes, luxuriating in the feeling of Cade’s body against him.

  They both slept peacefully for the first time in weeks.


  Kyle slipped out of bed with a throbbing headache. Luckily, Cade was sprawled on his stomach on the far side of the bed and didn’t stir. Kyle glanced back at him and sighed regretfully at the fact that the sheet was covering almost his entire body.

  He moved out of the bedroom as noiselessly as he could, rubbing his forehead. God, he needed some coffee. Unbidden, some of the memories of the previous night hit him and he felt his face heat. He couldn’t help smiling, touching his lips in a half-hearted attempt to control himself.

  He descended the stairs still grinning and had to give himself a sternly worded lecture about controlling himself. Because it had been a special thing. Granted, it had been the best fucking night of his life - emphasis on fucking - but that didn’t change the fact that he didn’t want to get back with Cade… yet. He needed space and time.

  The idea of a long distance relationship had always stressed him out and he didn’t want to do it with someone who was entering into this relationship as something of a virgin. Sure, Cade had been with other people before, but he hadn’t been in a gay relationship and it came with its own set of rules. How could a footballer - especially one as famous as Cade - ever be open about it?

  The media would tear them apart.

  Besides, maybe Cade wasn’t really into guys. Maybe his feelings for Kyle stemmed from love and that had spilled over into sexual feelings. Kyle truly didn’t know if that was possible. It was too confusing. There were too many moving parts, and he didn’t want any part of it anymore.

  But he had wanted that one night. And, damn, it had been worth it. It had been so good to have Cade exactly the way he’d always pictured, so good to have Cade all his, in every way.

  He was just perching on one of his kitchen stools, a cup of a steaming hot coffee in his hand, when Cade walked into the kitchen. Cade gave him one of those special smiles, reserved for only a very few people. He came around the kitchen counter directly to Kyle, his eyes warm and dancing.

  “Hi, baby,” he murmured. And before Kyle could really do anything, he kissed him.

  It was supposed to be a morning peck, Kyle guessed. But after a few moments, it became very clear that yesterday had only stoked the fire, not put it out. Because Cade’s head would not lift and Kyle wasn’t exactly pushing him away, either. They were kissing and kissing, Cade’s mouth tasting like toothpaste, minty and cool and hot all at once.

  It was astonishing how quickly the kiss heated. It had never happened this swiftly between them before and Kyle realized, belatedly, what a terrible idea sleeping with Cade had been. Because there was no way he was going to ever be able to say no again.

  But surely he had to try?

  He finally broke the kiss and immediately scrambled off the stool, rounding the counter and putting some much-needed space between.

  Cade was frowning, looking a little confused. “What’re you doing? Come here,” he said, making to follow Kyle.

  “Wait, stop!” Kyle said, holding up a hand, still backing up.

  Cade froze, eyes widening now. “Oh my god, are you still saying no?”

  Kyle flushed. “Listen, it was just one night-”

  “I cannot believe you!” Cade said, his hands coming to grasp his hair. He was staring at Kyle with so much disbelief it was almost comical.

  Kyle kept backing up. And, to his astonishment, Cade started advancing on him, face grim and determined.

  “Listen, listen, just relax a little.”

  “I’m very relaxed,” Cade said casually, his mouth set. His eyes were fixed on Kyle’s, narrowed, fierce.

  Kyle wondered why his pants were tightening in a very humiliating way. Concentrate. He shook his head, trying to focus. Instantly, he realized his momentary lapse had resulted in him backing himself against the kitchen wall. He had cornered himself. How clever.

  He looked at Cade who was still advancing, stopping only when he was just an inch away, just a breath away from touching Kyle. Cade’s eyes were so furious, so angry, Kyle almost felt the force of it burning his skin.

  “So. What’s the trouble? I didn’t fuck you good enough?”

  The words were so casually said that Kyle almost didn’t realize how cruel they were until a moment passed. “Fuck you,” Kyle spat. “You think this is about sex? Well, then, fuck you, man.”

  But Kyle could detect a slight note of relief in Cade’s eyes and felt a little bad. Maybe it hadn’t been the most sensitive thing for him to break up with Cade right after Cade's first time. It had been Cade’s first time with a man - and Cade had clearly been very insecure about the whole thing. He softened a little. “It was good. Amazing. But it’s not about that.”

  But Cade looked distracted. “It was good, huh?” He was smiling. He leaned in for a kiss and Kyle turned his head, exasperated, amused and aroused. Not the best combination when a man was hungover too.

  “Stop, Cade,” Kyle said, but he was smiling too.

  Cade sighed, his mouth close to Kyle’s cheek. He leaned back a little, but didn’t bother stepping back, preferring to crowd Kyle and give him no breathing or thinking space.

  Kyle dragged in a breath, trying not to be distracted by his arousal. He looked at Cade. “Listen, it was just a date. I don’t-”


  Kyle stopped. “What do you mean, no?”

  Cade’s face was stony. “It’s not a one-time date thing. I don’t accept.”

  Kyle suddenly felt a laugh bubbling inside him and had to chew the inside of his mouth to keep from letting it out. Cade was such a child sometimes. So stubborn. “Well, it’s not your choice alone-”

  “And it’s not your choice alone, either.”

  They glared at each other. “I don’t want to be in a relationship with you,” Kyle said, gritting his teeth.

  Cade eyed him for a few seconds. “Deal.”

  That made Kyle snap his head back in shock. “What?” he said, dumbfounded.

  “I agree,” Cade said cheerfully. “Let’s not do the boyfriend thing.” But Cade was inching closer, Kyle noticed. He placed his hands very decidedly on either side of Kyle’s head, leaning in, voice dropping.

  Kyle pressed himself against the wall. He fought to keep his head. “And you’re okay with that?”

  Cade was so close now, his breath was puffing against Kyle’s lips. “A-okay.”

  Kyle frowned. “What are you up to, Grayson?”

  Cade laughed, but his eyes were still sharp. “I have an alternate proposition.”

  “What’s that?” Kyle asked warily.

  Cade grinned. He paused, drawing out the moment, then said, voice low, “Friends with benefits.”

  Never had three words made Kyle so hard before. “No,” Kyle
said emphatically, shaking his head. "No, no, no."

  “Did you like it when I fucked you?” Cade asked bluntly.

  Kyle was starting to get a little breathless. This conversation wasn’t good for him. He wished Cade would just ease back, just a tiny bit so he could calm down. But Cade was one clever bastard. He was deliberately doing this, forcing Kyle to think while he was aroused. “Fuck you, you know I did,” he ground out.

  Cade didn’t smile but he looked so smug that Kyle wanted to kick him.

  “So don’t you want that, then? Don’t you want me to fuck you?” He leaned in, resting his body weight against Kyle for just one delicious second, letting him feel his erection. “Over… and over… and over?” he said slowly, voice dropping with each word.

  Kyle finally realized what seduction meant. This was it. This was what it meant when someone tried to arouse you, when someone made you so hot that you felt you’d die if you didn’t have them.

  Kyle closed his eyes in some desperate attempt to calm himself down. “No. Cade, no. I made up my mind.”

  Cade’s voice suddenly sounded next to Kyle’s left ear and Kyle jumped, realizing Cade had moved. “Did you now? So you don’t want me to ever fuck you again? Or… suck your cock?”

  Kyle’s eyes flew open and he snapped his eyes to Cade. He was throbbing so hard in his pants he felt like he’d come right here and now. Speechless, he stared at Cade.

  All amusement had vanished from Cade’s face. He met Kyle’s eyes firmly, unwaveringly. “Tell me you don’t want it.”

  Kyle couldn’t get one word out. He was almost panting now, so aroused he wished he’d never made the stupid decision in the first place.

  But he knew where this would end if he said yes, even once.

  “I don’t want it,” he said hoarsely.

  “I don’t believe you,” Cade said. “You want me. You want me fucking you. You want it right now. And you know what, Kyle? I want to fuck you.”

  Kyle moaned. He couldn’t help it. He’d never thought Cade would have such a filthy mouth. Was this the same guy who’d blushed when talking about blowjobs?

  “Say it,” Cade said, voice low, his eyes intense. “Say you want me to fuck you.”

  Kyle swallowed. “No.”

  Cade smiled a little. “Do you want me to… make you say it?”

  Kyle’s eyes widened. Was this Cadence Grayson?

  But it was. And, truth be told, it wasn’t that hard to believe. This was the determination that had made Cade what he was today.

  “Cade, stop. Just listen to me,” Kyle said quickly. His heart was thrumming.

  “First, say it.”

  “Listen. I don’t think this could work between us. There are too many complicated factors. There are too many things fucking it up. I don’t want to deal with it.”

  Cade was silent, listening. “You’re still talking about a relationship.”

  Kyle frowned. “Yes.”

  Cade shook his head slowly, eyes intent. “I’m just talking about fucking. What’s your issue there?”

  Kyle wished Cade would stop using that word. It was… arousing. “You know it would complicate things.”

  “How?” Cade asked simply.

  Kyle gaped at him. Flustered, he pushed at Cade’s chest. “Can you please give me some room to breathe?”

  Cade eased back at that, but he didn’t back up too much. He waited, jamming his hands into his pockets. His eyes, black, looked unwaveringly at Kyle’s.

  Kyle took a deep breath, both missing Cade crowding him and also a little relieved. “Cade, things would get fucked up if we… did that. Feelings would be hurt.”

  “You think I’d ever hurt your feelings?” Cade asked quietly.

  Kyle swallowed. It had to be said. “Yes.”

  Cade’s eyes flickered, but he didn’t back away. Kyle admired that.

  “I’m sorry,” he said. “I never meant to do that. I would never hurt you like that again. I would never, Kyle.”

  Kyle shook his head. “How do you know?”

  Cade rubbed a hand over his mouth, suddenly looking exhausted. “I just know. But you’re the one who doesn’t.”

  That struck Kyle silent. He dropped his eyes, away from Cade. He felt suddenly tired and sad. What had happened to them? He wished he could forgive Cade. No, not forgive him. He had already forgiven him. But he couldn’t forget.

  “So you won’t even let me fuck you?”

  Kyle looked up at that. Irritated, he snapped, “Stop using that word.”

  Cade searched his face quickly, then smiled a little. He approached Kyle slowly. “Which word?”

  Kyle flushed. He had lost his erection at their conversation, but it was twitching back to life. “Cade, no. Stop.”

  “But I’m confused, Kyle. You don’t want me to fuck you?”

  Kyle gritted his teeth. “Fuck you!” he snapped, utterly fed up.

  “No,” Cade said, smiling fully now. “Fuck you.”

  Kyle glared at him. “That was the worst thing I’ve ever heard.”

  Cade flashed a quick mischievous smile. He was standing very close to Kyle now. “Tell me this is okay, Kyle. Tell me that. Tell me fucking you is okay,” he said, very serious now.

  “I’m scared, Cade,” Kyle said suddenly. He regretted it immediately, closing his eyes.

  Cade’s lips were brushing his ear. “I know, baby. I’m scared too. But you want me. And I want you. Isn’t that enough?”

  Was it? Kyle’s head was swimming. Cade made it sound so easy, so uncomplicated. Cade made it sound like there weren’t any feelings involved. But there were.

  Kyle’s. He loved Cade. He was in love with Cade. He closed his eyes. The sight of Cade above him flashed behind his eyelids, sweating, panting, fucking him deep. He never wanted that to end, and he was so close to jumping over the edge, of walking that fine, dangerous line that could lead to the end of everything for them.

  “I don’t want you,” Kyle said so weakly it was embarrassing.

  “You do.”

  And then, suddenly, Kyle gave in. He couldn’t deny himself this anymore.

  “I- I do,” he sighed.

  Cade snapped back, his face full of fierce pleasure. “Tell me what you want.”

  Kyle shook his head. “Wait. I don’t want any commitments. I’ll go back to my usual activities,” he said, lifting his chin. Kyle could see that that bothered Cade.

  A muscle was ticking in his cheek. “Fine,” he ground out. “So we’re friends with benefits.”

  Kyle eyed Cade. “No. We’re nothing. We’re just friends. If I’m in the mood, then… well. Otherwise, no.”

  Cade smiled suddenly. “Oh, if you’re in the mood, huh? And what if I am?”

  Kyle shrugged carelessly. “Jack off.”

  Cade grinned. “Deal.”

  Kyle kept his face impassive. “Deal.”

  “So, Kyle,” Cade said mischievously, leaning in, “What word did you not want me to use?”


  Kyle seriously wondered whether this much sex within a 24 hour period could be good for anyone. They were insatiable. If it wasn’t Cade initiating, it was Kyle. It was a wonder their dicks hadn’t fallen off. Kyle’s ass did get sore after a while and they did other things, which, Kyle had to admit, was equally delightful.

  But they didn’t leave the bed. It was only when evening struck that Kyle began to get nervous. He didn’t want to spend the night with Cade again. It made things complicated.

  So after they ate the sushi Cade had ordered, Kyle cleared his throat. “So, Cade, you probably should go.”

  It was blunter that it needed to be, but they had never danced around each other and damned if he was going to start now.

  Cade looked surprised. “Why? You don’t want me to sleep here?” Grinning suddenly, he rolled to Kyle, brushing his lips against Kyle’s neck. “I promise we won’t sleep.”

  Kyle was disgusted to find that his cock actually twitched at that. “No, get lost. I
need to sleep.”

  Cade sighed against Kyle’s neck. He came up and kissed Kyle slowly, nibbling on his lips. “Once more. And then I’ll go.”

  Kyle sighed too. “You’ll be the death of me.” But his arms were already coming around Cade’s neck, his legs already spreading a little.

  “Are you still sore?” Cade murmured against Kyle’s mouth.

  “A little, but I want you inside me.”

  Cade kissed him hard in reply, tongues tangling. They were both wearing bathrobes and it was easy to toss them aside. Cade reached for the lube without looking, knowing exactly where it was. Kyle smiled at that. But when Cade slicked up his fingers, Kyle’s amusement vanished. He was panting now in anticipation. Cade leaned in for a kiss, bending over Kyle. They kissed for a long while, mouths open, sloppily.

  Cade broke the kiss first, leaning back. He caressed Kyle’s cock, rubbing the head with his thumb. Kyle jerked upwards, but Cade withdrew his hand.

  He spread Kyle’s thighs widely. “Fuck,” Cade breathed, resting on his haunches. “You look so hot.”

  Kyle felt himself flush with embarrassment and heat. “Fuck me Cade.”

  Cade’s finger slipped inside him at that, knuckle deep, and Kyle arched, making a soft sound. It ached a little but he was greedy for more. Cade added another finger almost instantly, scissoring inside Kyle. Kyle made little needy sounds, moaning, hips rocking.

  Cade’s fingers found Kyle’s prostate and his eyes rolled up into his head. Cade was getting so good at this. Cade’s fingers moved in and out slowly, lingeringly. Kyle rocked his hips in response, riding Cade’s fingers, moaning.

  When Cade added a third finger, Kyle hissed in pain, eyes flying open. Cade stilled.

  “What? Are you okay?”

  Kyle gestured for Cade to kiss him and Cade leaned down. They kissed slowly and Kyle whispered, “Keep moving your hand.”

  So Cade thrust his fingers in and out slowly, all the while kissing Kyle. And Cade’s mouth was always so distractingly good, it made Kyle relax, made Cade’s fingers ache less inside him and when Cade started brushing the prostate again in slow gentle strokes, Kyle moaned long and low.


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