39. “Little Cash in Safe, Court Told,” Globe and Mail, May 11, 1984.
40. Caryl McBride, “Joe Will Be Missed Because He Was Always So Helpful,” Province, September 21, 1985.
41. Rick Ouston, “Death of a Friend Shocks Entertainers,” Vancouver Sun, September 20, 1983.
42. Denny Boyd, “Legend Larger Than The Man,” Vancouver Sun September 20, 1983.
43. “Philliponi’s Favors,” Westender, September 22, 1983.
44. Neal Hall, “1980s Killer Always Said He Was Wrongly Convicted,” Vancouver Sun, December 10, 2010.
IX. Changing of the Guard
45. “When Marilyn Manson …” The author was playing at the Penthouse that night in the band The Town Pants as part of a New Music West Festival showcase, and remembers this incident as well.
46. Jimmy’s boxing legacy is today remembered by Griffins Boxing and Fitness in North Vancouver; they established the “Jimmy Filippone Belt” in his honour, annually presented at their competitions.
47. Within seconds, friends and associates in attendance filled Danny Filippone’s phone with messages to inform him of Jones’s remarks.
1945–46 Diamond Cabs Bowling Champions.
Books and Articles
Ackery, Ivan. Fifty Years on Theatre Row. North Vancouver, BC: Hancock House Publishers Ltd., 1980.
Barrett, Tom. “Cabaret Boss Philipponi Felt Persecuted by Police.” Vancouver Province, April 19, 1977.
Boyd, Denny. “Joe Draws His Last Crow— and It’s a Full House.” Vancouver Sun, September 23, 1983.
———. [untitled]. Vancouver Sun, September 14, 1978.
———“Legend Larger Than the Man.” Vancouver Sun, September 20, 1983.
———“Joe Survived His First Showdown with a Gun.” Vancouver Sun, September 21, 1983.
———“The Death of this Tough Guy is Curve Ball for the Celestial Jury.” Vancouver Sun, August 11, 1983.
Brooks, Jack. “800 Mourners Gather to Remember Slain Joe.” Vancouver Sun, September 22, 1983.
Canada. Dominion Bureau of Statistics.
Canada Year Book Section. Information Services Division. “Population.” Canada Year Book 1955. Ottawa: Canada Year Book, 1955.
Canada. Statistics Canada. “Focus on Geography Series, 2011 Census.” Statistics Canada Catalogue No. 98-310-XWE2011004. Ottawa: Statistics Canada, 2011.
Chapman, Aaron. “Strip off the Old Block.” Vancouver Courier, February 6, 2008.
Conner, Shawn. “Big Italy.” Westender, June 21, 2012.
Davis, Chuck, ed. The Greater Vancouver Book: An Urban Encyclopedia. Surrey, BC: Linkman Press, 1997.
Didon, Pino. “Philliponi Disappoves of Nudity.” L’Eco Italia, January 20, 1978.
Dylan, Thomas. The Love Letters of Dylan Thomas. Napierville, Ill: Sourcebooks, 2001.
Fairley, Jim. “Penthouse Operators Guilty in Cabaret Vice Conspiracy.” Vancouver Province, April 23, 1977.
———. “FBI Agent Had Heard of Penthouse.” Vancouver Province, April 29, 1977.
“Fast Growing Delivery Service and Cab Business in Modern Building.” Vancouver Sun, February 14, 1942.
Faustman, John. “Joe Philliponi’s World.” Vancouver Courier, August 12, 1979.
Fotheringham, Allan. [untitled.] Vancouver Sun, December 22, 1977.
Francis, Daniel. Red Light Neon: A History of Vancouver’s Sex Trade. Vancouver: Subway Books, 2006.
Hall, Neal. “1980s Killer Always Said He Was Wrongly Convicted.” Vancouver Sun, December 10, 2010.
Hill, Mary Frances. “Penthouse Bumps, Grinds in New Era.” Westender, January 17, 2002.
Jiwa, Salim, and Suzanne Fournier. “He Beat All the Raps.” Vancouver Province, September 20, 1983.
———. “Joe’s Mom Will Be Absent.” Vancouver Province, September 22, 1983.
Johnstone, James. “History of the House at 1033 Seymour.” Home History Research. 2008.
King, Paul. “He Picked It Out Himself—A Wonderful Place to Die.” Vancouver Sun, October 16, 1959.
“Little Cash in Safe, Court Told.” Globe and Mail, May 11, 1984.
Loranger, Clancy. “It Says Here.” Vancouver Province, February 2, 1943.
Lytle, Andy. “Now He’s Uncle Joe to Hundreds.” Vancouver Sun, December 8, 1949.
Mackie, John. “Set ’Em Up, Ross.” Vancouver Sun, March 10, 2001.
———. “Surviving on the Strip: Penthouse Reaches 60.” Vancouver Sun, September 29, 2007.
McBride, Caryl. “Joe Will Be Missed Because He Was Always So Helpful.” Vancouver Province, September 21, 1983.
McGillivray, Alex. [title unknown.] Leisure Section. Vancouver Sun, December 20, 1968.
McRae, Scott. “Tints and Tones of The Penthouse Trial.” Vancouver Sun, October 22, 1976.
Moore, Vincent. Angelo Branca, Gladiator of the Courts. Vancouver: Douglas & McIntyre, 1981.
Odam, Jes. “Death of a Friend Shocks Entertainers.” Vancouver Sun, September 20, 1983.
Ouston, Rick. “The Show Goes On.” Vancouver Sun, September 20, 1983.
———.“IOUs Said Missing from Victim’s Safe.” Vancouver Sun, September 21, 1983.
———. “Grandmothers, Strippers Mingle as Penthouse Hosts Wake for Joe.” Vancouver Sun, September 23, 1983.
“Police Raids Gather in 9 Bottles.” Vancouver Province, December 4, 1950.
Parton, Lorne. “Old Days and Nights Were Long Ago.” Vancouver Province, September 20, 1983.
“‘Penthouse’ Visited by Police Dry Squad— Officers Swoop Down on Second Day of Operation of New Cabaret.” Vancouver Sun, December 4, 1950.
“Philliponi’s Favors.” Westender, September 22, 1983.
“Philliponi Will Face New Charges—Soft Drink Sale Without License; Drinking in Public.” Vancouver Sun, July 23, 1949.
Potter, Greg, and Red Robinson. Backstage Vancouver: A Century of Entertainment Legends. Madeira Park, BC: Harbour Publishing, 2004.
Poulsen, Chuck. “Penthouse Hangout for Local Mafia.” Vancouver Province. September 11, 1976.
Ross, Becki L. Burlesque West: Showgirls, Sex and Sin in Postwar Vancouver. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2009.
Rossi, Cheryl. “Friend and Foe.” Vancouver Courier, March 2, 2012.
Salmi, Brian: “Hooker History: 125 Years of Illegal Sex and the City.” Georgia Straight, November 2–9, 2000.
Smith, Dave. “Freed Philliponi Suspect: A Contract Out On Me.” Vancouver Sun, September 21, 1983.
Still, Larry. “Penthouse Initiation Began on First Night, Prostitute Testifies.” Vancouver Sun, September 2, 1976.
———. “Penthouse Trail Told Local Mafia Tried Takeover.” Vancouver Sun, September 11, 1976.
———. “Kind of a Union Shop for Hookers.” Vancouver Sun, September 18, 1976.
———. “Tape Recording Made in Penthouse Covers Politics, Sex.” Vancouver Sun, September 21, 1976.
———. “Prostitute Witness Tells Penthouse Trial, ‘I Cherish My Life.’” Vancouver Sun, September 22, 1976.
———. “Prostitute was Police Woman.” Vancouver Sun, September 23, 1976.
———. “Penthouse Prostitute Accused of ‘Concocting’ Evidence.” Vancouver Sun, September 28, 1976.
———. “Penthouse Probe Officer Led Champagne Existence.” Vancouver Sun, September 30, 1976.
———. “Judge in Penthouse Spotlight.” Vancouver Sun, October 9, 1976.
———. “Penthouse Defence Lawyer to Call Witnesses Concerning Perjury Allegation.” Vancouver Sun, October 13, 1976.
———. “Names Drop Like Rain in Filippone Testimony.” Vancouver Sun, December 18, 1976.
———. “Crown Calls the Penthouse ‘A Scandal in This Community.’” Vancouver Sun, February 25, 1977.
———. “Cabaret 5 Cleared.” Vancouver Sun, December 20, 1977.
———. “Penthouse Drama $2 Million Morality Play.” Vancouver Sun, December 21,
———. “Penthouse Cabaret Will Reopen.” Vancouver Sun, September 14, 1978.
———. “Voice on Tape Details Death of Philliponi.” Vancouver Sun, June 1, 1984.
———. “Philliponi Pleaded for Life, Court Told.” Vancouver Sun, June 6, 1984.
———. “Philliponi Calm at Gunpoint Accused Says.” Vancouver Sun, June 7, 1984.
———. “At Least 25 Years Behind Bars Facing Two Killers of Philliponi.” June 14, 1984.
Straight, Hal. “From the Sun Tower.” Vancouver Sun, July 28, 1947.
Sturino, Franc. “Italians: Migration.” Multicultural Canada. [n.d.] http://www. multiculturalcanada.ca/Encyclopedia/A-Z/i11/2.
Wasserman, Jack. “Quickniks.” Vancouver Sun, December 22, 1975.
———. “Notes to Me.” Vancouver Sun, September 15, 1976.
Wiseman, Les. “Not Your Average Joe.” Vancouver (April 1982): 60–64, 68, 84.
———. “Young, Sexy and Well-Heeled.” Vancouver (March 1982): 29–31, 33–35, 145.
Yeager, Sherryl: “The Penthouse that Joe Built.” Vancouver Courier, January 21, 1996.
Unpublished Documents
National Parole Board Pre-Release Decision Sheet for Scott Ogilvie Forsyth. Panel Review. NPD 82 (99–05), April 30, 2004.
Vancouver Police Department: Investigation Division, Penthouse Cabaret, 1019 Seymour Street. To: Inspector J.S.V. Lake, i/c Vice Section, from Sergeant M. Beattie. July 18, 1975.
Her Majesty The Queen against Celebrity Enterprises Ltd., Joseph Philliponi, Ross Filippone, Domenick Filippone, Jan Sedlak, Minerva Kelly, Rose Filippone. County Court Case No. 760706.
Freedom of Information Request to VPD. Information & Privacy Unit Reference 12–1058A, with cover letter dated July 25, 2012 to author from Civilian Analyst VA9426.
Joe Philliponi and Jack Wasserman, Hourglass, CBC Television, 53:03. Broadcast June 27, 1977.
Al Abraham, interviewed in Vancouver, May 14, 2012.
Bruce Allen, telephone interview, May 1, 2012.
Cst. George Barclay, Ret., telephone interview, July 12, 2012.
Bob Burrows, interviewed in Vancouver, March 9, 2012.
Robert Campell, PhD, interviewed in Vancouver, May 11, 2012.
Cst. Vern Campbell, Ret., interviewed in Vancouver, March 23, 2012.
Russ Chamberlain, interviewed in Richmond, BC, May 26, 2012.
RCMP Kelowna Cst. Chris Clark, telephone interview, July 12, 2012.
Rose Fabbiano, telephone interview, April 25, 2012.
Danny Filippone, interviewed in Vancouver, January 26, 2007.
Danny Filippone, interviewed in Vancouver, July 14, 2012.
JoAnne Filippone, telephone interview, April 18, 2012.
Ross Filippone, interviewed in Vancouver, February 6, 2007.
Ross Filippone, telephone interview, March, 2007.
Cst. Bill Harkema, Ret., interviewed in Vancouver, April 30, 2012.
Sandy King, interviewed in Vancouver, May 17, 2012.
Penny Marks, interviewed in Vancouver, June 13, 2012.
Mike McCardell, interviewed in Vancouver, April 2, 2012.
Cst. Grant MacDonald, Ret., interviewed in Vancouver, March 28, 2012.
Cst. Jana McGuinness, email interview, May 1, 2012.
Tony Pisani, interviewed in Vancouver, March 11, 2012.
Edna Randle, interviewed in Vancouver, May 17, 2012
Leslie McKellar, telephone interview, March, 2007.
Tevie Smith, interviewed in Vancouver, May 21, 2012.
Ross with actor Vincent Pastore.
Page references refer to the print edition of the book.
Note: Page numbers in bold denote photos.
Abraham, Al, 77–81, 87, 103, 105, 111
Ackery, Ivan, 52
Allen, Bruce, 133
Arctic Club, the 115
Armstrong, Louis, 37, 47–49, 48
Asner, Ed, 77
Backus, Jim, 58
Baer, Max, 52, 52, 60
Bagnato, Charlie, 27
Barclay, George, 70, 70, 95, 102
BC Entertainment Hall of Fame, 139
Beattie, Mike, 86–88 beer parlours, 34–35
Belafonte, Harry, 43, 44
Bennett, Tony, 129
Benson, Phil, 87
Boone, Pat, 43
Borge, Victor, 43, 58, 61
Boston Bruins, 77
Boyd, Denny, 30, 59,101, 120
Braidwood, Thomas, 100, 102
Branca, Angelo, 28–30, 93, 121
Brown, Les, 46, 115
Burns, George, 129
Burrows, Bob, 81–82
Calabria (Italy), 19
Campbell, Frankie, 52
Campbell, Vern, 69–70, 70, 84, 94
Capozzi, Herb, 121
Cave, The (club), 115, 138, 139
floorshow, 47
Century Plaza Hotel, 80
Chamberlain, Russ, 92–101, 98, 102, 120, 135
Chapman, Aaron, 13–14
Cheese, Eddie, 73, 79, 86, 90, 105
Cherry, Don, 77
Ciancio, Salvatore, 124–126
Clinton, Bill, 132–133
coal mines, Vancouver Island, 19–22
Colonna, Jerry, 37
Colville, Mac, 53
Commodore Ballroom, 139, 139
Commodore Bowling Lanes (Vancouver), 49–50
Cooper, Gary, 52, 52
credit cards, 85, 95, 99
dancers. See Penthouse, exotic dancers
Davies, Dave, 69
Davis Jr, Sammy, 50–52, 51, 120
Dean, Danielle, 75, 76, 89
Deep River Boys, 47, 147
Deighten, Gassy Jack, 34
DeSantis, Sandy, 37–38, 37, 38, 43, 46, 61
Diamond Cabs, 22, 23–25, 24, 39, 43, 81–82
Dixie Inn Chicken Shack, 41, 42
Drew, James, 41
Duina, Joe, 49
Duina, Mickey, 49
Dunsmuir, Robert, 19
Durante, Jimmy, 43, 141
Eagle Time Delivery Systems, 22, 23–28, 24, 30, 67
Athletic Club, 25–28, 35
Eccles, John Kenneth, 72–73, 78–80, 86–88, 90, 96–97, 105–106
Ellington, Duke, 37, 129
Elliot, Norm, 95–96, 102
Exhibition Park racetrack, 87, 122
Expo 86, 10, 12, 116, 131
Extension, BC, 19–20, 22
Filippone family home, 22–23
Filippone, Danny, 9, 9–14, 11, 14, 17, 117–118, 121–122, 129–133, 132, 133, 136, 141–142
Filippone, Domenic (Mickey), 20–21, 21, 27–28, 28, 30, 39, 40, 44, 49, 51, 54, 61, 62, 72, 77, 81, 83, 90, 107, 110, 111, 112, 120, 122
arrest, 92
daughter Rose, 92, 100, 111–112, 122
death, 111
suspicion of bookmaking, 87
Filippone, Florence, 21, 21, 28
Filippone, Giuseppe, 19, 19–21, 30, 30, 126
Filippone, Jimmy, 21, 21, 23, 25, 26–27, 27, 28, 30, 49, 52, 60–62, 60, 66, 81, 83, 113, 116–117, 135, 135
death, 133
Filippone, JoAnne, 61–62, 76, 107, 135
Filippone, Maria Rosa, 19, 19–22, 21, 28, 30, 62, 63–64, 72, 111, 122, 126, 126, 127
Filippone, Ross, 9, 11, 12–14, 14, 20, 21, 28, 30, 31, 36, 44, 48, 51, 53, 58, 58, 60, 62, 65, 66, 72, 74, 77, 81, 90, 93, 96, 99–102, 102, 107, 110, 113, 116–118, 120, 122, 125–127, 127, 129–130, 133, 134, 139, 140
arrest, 92
Eagle Time, 26–28, 30–31
early years, 21–23
marriage to Penny Marks, 62–64, 96, 117, 126
Palomar Supper Club, 37–38
World War II, 28–30
Fitzgerald, Ella, 43, 43
Fleetwood Mac, 77
Flynn, Errol, 53
Forsyth, Scott, 114, 116–117, 124, 126, 138
arrest, 123
/> Fotheringham, Allan, 98
Francis, Daniel, 34–35
Gage, Chris, 46
Gorshin, Frank, 77, 77
Goulet, Robert, 43
Gray, Paul, 73
Hampton, Lionel, 139
Harkema, Bill, 103, 123
Hebenton, Randy, 15–16
Heritage Vancouver, 10
Herman, Woody, 77
Holiday, Billie, 45
Hotel Vancouver, 35, 37
Iaci, Frank, 49
Ink Spots, the (music group) 37, 37, 115
Intelligence (TV series), 133
Isy’s Supper Club, 88, 115, 139
Jacques, Roy, 93, 98, 100–101
James, Harry, 47
Jeffries, Herb, 46
Johnson, Stan “Cuddles,” 46
Johnstone, James, 138
Jones, Quincy, 139
Kelly, Minerva, 92, 100
Kenny, Bill, 37, 115
King, Sandy, 88, 88, 90–91, 120
King Cole Trio, 37
Kroeger, Chad, 133
Ladybirds, the, 78
Laine, Frankie, 37, 119, 141
Lake, Vic, 83–85, 87–88, 92, 94, 97, 101
Lannol, Dennis, 118
Led Zeppelin, 77
Leonard, Jack E., 77
Levinson, Peter and Paul, 74
liquor, 34–35, 37–42
Louis, Joe, 52
Lovie, Miss, 57
Loy, Myrna, 43
Luliano, Antonio, 119
Lutcher, Nellie, 37
MacDonald, Grant, 55–56, 56, 71–73, 77–78, 88, 103
MacGillivray, Alex, 64–65
“Madame Sandra,” 67
Mangan, Dan, 132
Mansfield, Jayne, 77
Manson, Marilyn, 132
Maria in the Shower, 132
Marks, Penny, 44, 47, 57, 62, 62–64
Liquor, Lust and the Law Page 11