Ruthie's Desire - The Esquire Girls Series - Ruthie's Story (Books 1, 2, 3 & 4) - Box Set

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Ruthie's Desire - The Esquire Girls Series - Ruthie's Story (Books 1, 2, 3 & 4) - Box Set Page 2

by Cassie-Ann L. Miller

  He’d want nothing to do with me if he knew who I really am.

  Chapter 4

  Three months later…

  “Any idea what this meeting is about?” Nadia asks on the heels of a deep yawn.

  I swivel my chair back and look up at her. “No clue,” I say taking a sip from my snack-sized carton of milk then resting the box on my small, cluttered desk. I glance up at the clock on the wall near our cubicle stations. It’s 8:50 on a Monday morning and I’d much rather be wrapped up in my bed sheets than here at Cartwright Moretti Stevenson waiting for this last minute staff meeting to start. To add to my irritation, today is the first day of this semester’s classes at Cornell Law and I’m missing my Bankruptcy Law class to be here.

  Hailey inches closer to us and her voice drops to a whisper. “There’s a rumor going around that the law firm is in financial trouble. Maybe they’re gonna announce layoffs…or worse maybe they’re gonna announce that they’re shutting the office down.”

  I cringe at the possibility that Hailey’s words may be more than speculation. What if she’s right? What if her words are true? I can’t afford to lose this internship. We started work here as summer students back in May and we were virtually guaranteed associate positions once we respectively pass the New York bar. If Hailey’s right, that means that we’ll all be tossed out on our asses, back into the job market.

  I can’t afford to lose this job. God knows I can’t afford to live off of my scholarship money alone. Especially with my shoe addiction.

  I decide to shrug off those worries. Cartwright Moretti Stevenson is a respected and well-established firm with offices in Los Angeles, Boston, Chicago, Houston and Tokyo. There’s no way the firm is having financial difficulties…At least that’s what I want to believe.

  “I can’t afford to miss my Estate Law class this morning,” Nadia mumbles groggily. “If this firm is gonna fire me, they’d better make it fast.”

  I find myself laughing at her comment as I take another sip of milk. “You’re the most cynical person I know, Nadia,” Hailey says with a grim expression.

  Nadia smirks in response.

  Just then, Luke appears speed-walking down the hallway. “Good morning, my beautiful esquire girls,” he says jovially as he slides across my desk to take a seat. However, he doesn’t notice the box of milk perched precariously on the edge of my table and it goes flying into my lap, the white liquid splashing all over my black pants.

  “Luke!” I yelp, jumping to my feet. “Puta merda! Look what you did!”

  He turns beet red as he rushes to grab the now-empty carton from my lap. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” He apologizes profusely as Hailey comes to the rescue with a box of tissue paper. Nadia grabs the papers on my desk out of the way just as they’re about to get drenched.

  I stare down at my milk-splattered black pants, my mouth agape.

  Merda! “What am I gonna do?” This ultra-important staff meeting starts in less than five minutes.

  “Don’t you have a spare in your desk?” Nadia asks matter-of-factly.

  “A spare?” I ask, slightly confused.

  “Yes, a spare outfit,” Hailey intervenes like it’s the most natural thing in the world to have a wardrobe in the bottom drawer of my crowded file cabinet. I guess the look on my face tells her that my answer is ‘no’. “I would lend you mine but I don’t think my clothes will fit you,” she says in an embarrassed tone glancing down at her size sixteen frame. I’m a size two so borrowing her outfit is not an option for me.

  “I have a skirt,” Nadia offers ducking into her bottom drawer, she hands me a black skirt which may be my size but since Nadia is a good six inches shorter than my five foot eleven frame, what qualifies as ‘knee-length’ for her is downright ‘inappropriate’ on me.

  I hold the skirt in front of me and groan. “Too short.”

  “I could ask Madison to lend you something,” Hailey offers. “She’s not as tall as you but she is a few inches taller than Nadia.” I cringe at the idea of asking my boss’s uptight, snobby daughter for a change of clothes. She already thinks she’s better than the rest of us interns so begging to borrow her clothes will only stoke her sense of superiority. Frankly, I’d rather walk around in my milk-soaked pants than see her smirking at me with satisfaction.

  “I’ll wear this,” I say clenching Nadia’s skirt in my hands.

  Nadia glances up at the clock again. “Okay, 9:00. We’ve gotta get on the move.”

  “You guys go ahead. I’ll see you in the conference room.” As I rush off towards the washrooms, I hear Luke apologizing to me again. “I’m gonna kick your ass, Luke,” I yell over my shoulder and I hear him laugh in response.

  Chapter 5

  I stand in front of the sink, looking at my reflection in the mirror…And I’m not happy.

  And I don’t mean that in a ‘low-self-esteem’ kind of way.

  The fact is, I take great care to ensure that I’m appropriately dressed for work everyday because women like me don’t get away with wearing tight, skimpy clothing without drawing unwanted attention. Not with legs as long as mine and boobs as big as mine. It also doesn’t help that I have long blonde hair and honey brown eyes. I don’t want to sound conceited – I’m just stating the facts.

  That’s why I always dress super conservatively for work; loose slacks that don’t emphasize my legs, blazers that cover my round ass, necklines high enough to hide my ample cleavage. I don’t want to draw attention to my body. I’m not that girl…anymore. I don’t want to give off the wrong signals at the office. I don’t want to get preferential treatment based on my looks. Especially here at this respected law firm. Especially given my past.

  That’s why I’m so upset to be wearing Nadia’s ill-fitting skirt this morning. It’s a good three inches above my knee and with my pumps, it just brings all the attention to my legs.

  I check my reflection again. Shit! I’m so annoyed.

  I adjust the lapels of my light gray suit jacket and the frills of my black chiffon blouse in the hopes that that will somehow draw attention away from my short skirt. I pull my blonde hair into a low ponytail and I scurry out of the washroom with my wet pants wadded up into a ball. I drop them into a plastic bag under my chair and hurry off to the conference room. I’m already late for the staff meeting.

  Thankfully, the meeting hasn’t started yet when I rush through the entrance at the back of the room at 9:03. I see my friends standing near the coffee station at the front, but I decide to hide out at the back – I don’t want to draw any unnecessary attention to my inappropriate outfit by sauntering across the crowded room.

  Moments later, James Stevenson, one of the firm’s named partners, clears his throat from the front of the room. He’s standing with Wallace Cartwright, another of the firm’s named partners and a tall, dark and handsome man that I can only describe as wow! Dark, wavy hair cropped short, dazzling blue eyes, sculpted face. Despite his perfectly-tailored black suit, I can tell that his shoulders are broad. His skin is tanned and lickable. I have to bite my bottom lip to keep from drooling.

  Who the hell is he?

  “Good morning, everyone.” Mr. Stevenson’s voice rips me out of my shameless oogling.

  It’s strange but, the hottie looks kind of familiar. Where have I seen him before? In the financial section of the New York Times, maybe? Or in Fortune Magazine?

  “As many of you know, our dear partner, Michaelo Moretti, suffered a severe stroke over the weekend and is currently hospitalized at Mount Sinai –“ I hear myself gasp loudly. This announcement is the last thing I expected to hear at this staff meeting. The firm’s managing partner, Michaelo Moretti, always seemed healthy and vital despite the fact that he comes across as very, very uptight. It’s surprising to hear that he’s fallen sick. “Our thoughts are with Mrs. Moretti as well as Michael, Matt, Madison and the rest of the Moretti family.”

  I glance over at Mr. Moretti’s daughter, Madison, who’s seated near the fron
t of the room. I’ve never really spoken to her since she comes off as pretty stuck-up and until recently, she’s never hung out with the rest of us law interns. Honestly, I don’t really know her but today, there’s so much pain on her face that I can’t help but feel compassion for her.

  Mr. Stevenson nods his chin in the direction of the hottie. “Michael will be here at the New York office indefinitely, helping us keep the ship afloat while his father recovers–” Whoa! The hottie is Mr. Moretti’s son! “– Michael do you have a few words?”

  Michael takes the floor. I look over at Hailey and Nadia curious as to whether they enjoy the view as much as I do. They’re both looking at me, but the look on their faces is not the excitement I was expecting; it’s more like anguish.

  What’s that all about?

  “Good morning, everyone.” Ooooohhh! His voice is thick and smooth like wild honey. And his body language is so confident, his movements so fluid. He’s like a panther. “As Mr. Stevenson said, I’ll be helping manage the firm while my father recovers. We’re hopeful that his recovery will be quick and complete. And that you’ll have me out of your hair sooner rather than later.” As far as I’m concerned, he can stick around for as long as he likes. “To all those of you who have reached out to the family over the weekend, we appreciate your support and we look forward to having dad back here as soon as possible.” Well, I, for one, want the hottie to stick around; I could look at him all day.

  He nods and takes a step back, and for some strange reason, I feel bereft. Stop it, you silly girl, I scold myself.

  Mr. Cartwright steps forward. “Okay. Back to work. Have a great Monday, everyone.”

  I glance over at Nadia and Hailey. They’re gesturing discreetly at me as they beeline across the room to me. What’s going on with those two?

  Before they reach me, I feel a strong hand grab me by the upper arm. I look to my right and am face-to-face with the hottie. Every smoldering hot inch of him. He stares at me with fire in his icy blue eyes.

  “You – follow me.”

  Chapter 6

  We enter an office at the end of the hall and he closes the door behind us.

  “I can’t believe you’re here! I never thought I’d see you again!” he says jubilantly, pressing me into the door and sticking his nose into the curve of my neck. God – he smells masculine – like testosterone and spice. For a fraction of a second I melt into the force field that is him, but then, I have to push him away because he’s obviously mistaken me for someone else.

  “I – I’m – I,” I stutter as I crane my neck out of his reach and struggle to look up into his eyes.

  “Ruth…” he murmurs pulling me to him again.

  Oh, shit. He knows exactly who I am. Oh shit oh shit oh shit. My mind is racing now. How does he know me? The possibilities make my stomach churn. I was careful in my former life – I always wore a mask or a wig to conceal my true identity. I was careful. So, it can’t be. It just can’t be. I stand there frozen, fumbling for something to say.

  He suddenly stumbles back as if he’s been doused in cold water. “Wait – you don’t remember me!” The scowl on his face tells me that he’s beyond offended.

  “I – I,” I continue to stutter.

  “I’m not a man that women forget, Ruth.” His tone is low and menacing as he moves away from me and into the chair behind his desk. My skin tingles as his eyes blaze an erotic trail across my figure. His jaw twitches slightly and he swallows hard before his tongue swipes across the seam of his lips. He leans back in his chair and loosens his tie. A soft sound escapes my lips as I watch his thick fingers work the smooth silk. Unable to contain what I feel when I look at him, I drop my gaze to his desk, and immediately, an image of his hot and sweaty body taking me against the hard wood flashes across my mind. I bite my bottom lip to prevent yet another moan from slipping out of my mouth.

  I’ve met lots of good-looking men in my lifetime – lots of rich, handsome ones – but never has my body been so reactive to another being…except for…

  Ohmygod. Ohmygod. It’s him.

  The guy I picked up at Club JUMP! on my birthday. The guy I brought back to my apartment. Who fucked me senseless for hours on end and woke up looking absolutely delicious the next morning.



  Ohmygod. It’s him.

  And, he’s my boss’s son.

  All the air rushes out of my lungs and my knees buckle so fast that I have to reach for the door to steady myself. He leaps up and rounds the desk. His hands clasp around my waist and a raging heat erupts between my thighs. “Whoa – are you okay?” His intense eyes scan my face.

  “It’s you…” I whisper.

  He buries his face at my collarbone again and grunts softly. “You forgot me?”

  “I was so drunk that night. A-and – your hair is…different.” I moan as I run my fingers through his short silky strands. It’s the only excuse I can find.

  He grabs a hold of my left leg and wraps it around his waist. The sound of the slit in my loaned skirt tearing open is indistinct at best. All I can hear is the frenetic beating of my heart as his rock-hard body leans into mine. “I’ve thought about you,” he groans in a deep baritone just before his lips bear down on mine. “I’ve thought about you a lot.” He presses his erection against my damp core and I grind against him shamelessly. Like an animal in heat, my arousal fragrances the air. His hands grab at my ass as his tongue probes my mouth.

  He pulls away abruptly. “Let me ask you a question, Ruth. Just how many men do you fuck?” I gasp in horror at the question. How dare he? “It’s a fair question,” he counters. “I mean, given that you forgot all about me.”

  I push away from him, utterly offended. “You hair is different,” I repeat. I know it’s a poor excuse, but it’s all I’ve got.

  He doesn’t seem to buy it. “I’m not a man that women forget.” He slips his hand under the hem of my short, inappropriate skirt as he speaks. “Take off your clothes,” he demands. “I’ll make sure you never forget me again.”

  I gape at him. He must think I’m a whore.

  And who can blame him? I jumped into bed with him the first night I met him, today I didn’t even recognize him when we met again, and now here I am in this ludicrously-short skirt, panting and pressed up against his office door… like a whore.

  “I have to go,” I say quickly as I slide out of his grasp. “I have a class.”

  He grabs my wrist, looking at me with a quizzical expression on his face. “A class?”

  “Yes. I have Property Law Class.”

  He stumbles a few steps away from me. Confusion sweeping across his expression. “Wait – you’re an intern? That night we met – you said you were a lawyer.”

  I blush, suddenly feeling self-conscious. “Law firm intern…Lawyer…It’s pretty much the same thing.”

  He throws his head back and laughs. “I think that the New York state bar would disagree, Ruth.”

  I feel my jaw twitch. “Okay – I told a white lie. You lied, too. You said your name was Mike.”

  “Mike…Michael…It’s pretty much the same thing.” He imitates my tone, amusement dancing in his gorgeous eyes, dimples deepening in his cheeks. “How old are you anyway?” He folds his arms and sits on the edge of his desk.

  I fidget uncomfortably, pulling at the frills on my blouse. “Twenty-four. I turned twenty-four the night we met at the club.”

  He runs a big, strong hand through his hair. His shoulders are tense now and his lips have pulled into a tight line. “Jeeze.”

  To break the tension I ask, “How old are you?”

  His response is terse and curt as he moves to take the seat behind his desk. “Too old to be playing these games. With an intern, no less.”

  I grimace at him. “What does that mean?”

  He frowns deeply at me. “You’re lots and lots of trouble. Y’know that, Ruth?”

  “Avoiding the question, I see. Typical lawyer move,” I s
ay in a grating tone.

  His phone beeps on the table next to him. He glances at it and scowls. “I’ve got some work to do, Ruth. If you’ll excuse me.” He turns his attention to his laptop, all desire to seduce me now gone from his expression. “We’ll keep this strictly professional. It seems that that would be best.”

  I drop my head towards the floor and my shoulders slouch forward a touch. “Yes. Let’s keep it professional.” As much as I hate to admit it, a part of me was hoping that Michael would keep pursuing me. But that would be a dangerous game. He’s right – we should keep it professional. That would be best. I turn towards the door to leave.


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