Ruthie's Desire - The Esquire Girls Series - Ruthie's Story (Books 1, 2, 3 & 4) - Box Set

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Ruthie's Desire - The Esquire Girls Series - Ruthie's Story (Books 1, 2, 3 & 4) - Box Set Page 15

by Cassie-Ann L. Miller

  Merda – I can already tell that this is going nowhere good. “I’m not a lawyer, Teresa. Not yet.” I hold my breath as I ask the next question. “Why?”

  “I just fucking got picked up by the cops, man. They dragged me down to the station. They had no right doing that! No fucking right!” Teresa is yelling so loudly that I have to hold the phone away from my face.

  “Calm down, Teresa. What happened?”

  “This fucking, new bitch from the club. She had the nerve to put her grimy-ass hands on me while I was outside smoking. She thinks she owns the place. So, I had to show her that she was wrong.”

  Typical Teresa. Getting into fights with girls from the club. Causing trouble. Getting arrested. That’s why Sergei had kicked her out of Club Evade shortly before I left. He said that she was more trouble than she was worth and on some level, he was right. When the fuck will she grow up?

  I have to interrupt her tirade because, as far as I remember, I cut off all ties with her and I refuse to be dragged into her messy life any longer. “What exactly do you want from me, Teresa?” My patience is running on fumes.

  She fumbles a bit as she speaks. “D-do you think you can, y’know, come bail me out of here? Please? It’s – it’s Friday. I can’t spend the whole weekend locked up. I mean – I’ve gotta work. Rent is up next week. I need to make money. And I don’t even deserve to be here. I didn’t do nothing wrong, Ruthie. You’ve gotta believe me.”

  Actually, I don’t gotta do anything. Teresa and I are done.

  “Look Teresa, I wish you the best. I hope that you turn your life around. But I can’t get involved in this.”

  “What? Ruth – No! No! Help me! Please!”

  I push past a pang of guilt and say, “I’m not getting involved.”

  “You can’t just leave me here! We’re sisters! Remember?”

  I’ve bailed Teresa out of so many situations – not just jail – over the years that I’ve known her. I’m not doing it anymore.

  “Goodbye, Teresa.”

  “Don’t hang up on me, Ruthie. Please.”

  She’s crying. I can hear it in her voice. That makes me pause just a little bit. It pulls on my heartstrings.


  But despite the way I feel, I’ve come to accept the cold hard truth that Teresa is a hopeless case. She won’t change. Ever.

  “No, Teresa…bye…”

  Just as I’m about to hang up, I hear her say. “Y’know what? I actually felt bad for telling Sergei where you are. But now, I hope he finishes you off, dumb bitch.”

  The line goes dead as my jaw gives way and my mouth hangs open.

  Chapter 14

  Man, it stings!

  Finding out that someone you considered a sister sold you out to the man you thought was trying to kill you? Yeah – that stings.

  I spent the weekend in bed licking my wounds and feeling sorry for myself. Even though I cut Teresa out of my life a few months ago, I would have never expected her to conspire with Sergei to hurt me. It should have been obvious to me, though. I had managed to dodge Sergei for years – that is, until I cut Teresa out of my life. Then, he suddenly appeared. Now that Teresa’s confessed that she told Sergei how to find me, it’s so damn obvious. I should have seen it sooner.

  Crying all weekend didn’t solve anything. It sure would be nice to have someone to talk to about this. I feel like I’m bearing the weight of the world on my shoulders. I haven’t told Michael about Sergei’s recent harassments. Being in a long-distance relationship is both a blessing and a curse; the distance allows me to hide the stress over the Sergei situation from Michael, but on the other hand, I know that being able to fall asleep in the arms of the man I care about would offer me the solace that I need. As for Hailey and the girls – they’re completely in the dark about my past. I can’t even imagine how they would react if they found out the secrets I’ve been hiding.

  I stare at my reflection as I wash my hands in the washroom at work. Puta! The stress is starting to take its toll on me. The dark circles under my eyes are a dead giveaway that I’ve been losing sleep over this situation.

  Just then, the washroom door swings open and Liz walks in with another mousy-looking associate that I’ve seen around the office a few times. I don’t know her name.

  “Good morning Ruth,” Liz says pointedly as she walks up to the mirror and pulls out her makeup bag. Before I can answer, she turns back to her friend and says loudly, “So, as I was saying, he took me to the DuSable Museum of African American History this weekend while I was with him in Chicago. And it was so moving. Some of the exhibits were just heart-wrenching. I mean – at one point, I was weeping so profusely that he just had to hold me to his chest and rock me till I could calm down.” She tosses a glance at me over her shoulder to make sure that I’m listening.

  He friend coos. “Aww, that’s so sweet. I wish I had a boyfriend like that.”

  Liz beams. “He is absolutely the best boyfriend ever. He really is. And he’s so hot. And he’s the most amazing lover. He knows exactly how to –“

  Too. Much. Information.

  Jeeze – are we in high school?

  Liz is working so hard to hold my attention with this little story of hers. I’m all but convinced that her so-called boyfriend is nothing but a fabrication. Still, she’s starting to get under my skin with this little act of hers. I need to get out of here.

  I grab my purse from the counter and head towards the door. I need to get to the break room and grab a muffin before I start work, anyway. Just as I’m about to make my escape, I hear her say, “And he has the biggest penis I’ve ever seen. I can barely even fit it in my mouth.”

  Well…there goes my appetite.

  Chapter 15

  As I’m walking towards my cubicle, I see Mr. Moretti wobble out of his office, holding fast to his walking stick. A perfectly-polished Gabriella follows close on his heels in an elegantly-fitted marigold yellow skirt suit. Madison walks beside her with an arm draped around her shoulder as she daintily wipes her nose in a silk handkerchief. Matt exits the office next, a deep frown set on his face. Next come Mr. Cartwright and Mr. Stevenson. As they pass by each office, Matt sticks his head inside telling the lawyers working away at their computers to come and gather in the wide hallway.

  I try not to stare as I settle into my cubicle but that’s virtually impossible. Something is about to happen. Something big.

  I glance over at Nadia, Luke and Jasmine who all look just as confused as I feel. Nadia just shrugs her shoulders at me. I feel my nerves tingling in the pit of my stomach. For months, rumors have been swirling about the firm’s financial problems. I’ve even heard Michael arguing about the situation with the senior partners over the phone. And then, there was that super-secret meeting a few weeks ago when many of the partners flew in to the New York office, presumably to discuss the fate of the firm.

  It appears that right now is the moment of truth.

  Mr. Moretti taps his cane against the edge of my cubicle and clears his throat loudly to get everyone’s attention, but he already has it. All eyes are peeled to him. Dozens of lawyers, interns and support staff circle around him, waiting with baited breath to hear what he has to say.

  “Good morning.” His voice is strong and confident as he addresses the group gathered around him.

  He gets a chorus of ‘good morning’s in response.

  “As you all know, I suffered a stroke a few months back and was away from work for quite a while. My recovery has been challenging, to say the least, but with the support of my family –“ he pulls his sniffling wife closer to him “—and the healthcare professionals who assisted me, I was able to make, what I consider, a full recovery.”

  A loud round of applause fills the crowded hallway and Mr. Moretti implores the gathering to be quiet. Madison discreetly pulls out her smartphone and begins videotaping.

  “I had a lot of time to think while I was recovering. And one of the many things I realized
is that, life is much more than working and making money and building a legacy. Life is about making time for the people you love and the activities you enjoy. All of that was almost taken away from me when I had the stroke. And now, I can’t live with myself knowing that I’m depriving myself of indulging in all the beauties of life…That’s why I’m retiring. This is my last week here at the office.”

  There’s an audible gasp in the room. Tears fall from the eyes of his secretary, Ms. Harvey, and a few of the staff members who have been a part of the Cartwright Moretti Stevenson family for a long while.

  “I’ve given over thirty years of my life to this firm. When Mr. Cartwright, Mr. Stevenson and I started this thing, we were just a bunch of hot-headed young attorneys who didn’t want to work for anyone else. Now, we have offices across the country. We have hundreds of employees. We’ve made a name for ourselves. But now, it’s time for me to make a life.”

  Some of the employees nod in agreement, expressing their support for the boss’ impromptu announcement.

  “I want to take my wife on a Mediterranean cruise and force my sons to go fishing with me and find out what all the hype is about this golf-thing.”

  Everybody laughs.

  “I know that you must have lots of questions. You’ll get answers over the course of the week. But, for now, I just want to thank all of you for your time, your service and your investment in this firm. Without it, Cartwright Moretti Stevenson wouldn’t be the behemoth that it is in the legal services industry today.”

  Loud applause rips through the room as everyone cheers Mr. Moretti on.

  “Anyway, enough chitchat for now. I’ve got to take my beautiful wife to brunch.” He turns and plants a big kiss on Gabriella’s lips. I hear myself gasp, seeing our usually-uptight boss being affectionate towards his wife in the middle of the office. The kiss catches her so off-guard that she stumbles slightly and turns several shades of red. When he pulls away, she’s blushing like a teenager in love.

  Laughter and cheering ring out as congratulations and well-wishes bear down on the Moretti family.

  My heart is tripping excitedly. But for a reason that is merely tangential to the announcement that my boss just made.

  If Mr. Moretti is leaving…maybe Michael is coming back to New York…

  Chapter 16

  “I was just as shocked as you to hear the news.”

  I take a hearty bite out of my bagel as I slip onto a window-facing stool in the coffee shop down the block from Cartwright Moretti Stevenson’s offices. “So, you’re telling me that your dad just woke up this morning and decided that he wants to retire? I don’t buy it.” I balance my phone between my shoulder and my cheek as I swipe a generous helping of creamed cheese across the bagel.

  Michael chuckles lightly. “Matt said that my parents showed up this morning and summoned Cartwright and Stevenson into dad’s office. Stevenson was so alarmed by the announcement that he called Matt and Madison in immediately to see if my dad was all right. That’s how Matt found out.”

  “And Madison? She already knew, didn’t she?”

  “She had mentioned that dad was considering retiring. But that was a few months ago. Before his stroke. Come to think of it, I guess it makes sense that he’s want to hang up his hat, with his health problems and all. It’s just that it’s a little abrupt.”

  “Abrupt, but good. Right? Because that means you’ll come back to New York to manage the firm…Right?” I hold my breath as I wait for his answer.

  I hear him sigh into the receiver. “Ruth, don’t get your hopes up. We really don’t know what the partners will decide as far as a permanent replacement for my father. They could choose from any of the dozen or so senior partners or they could even hire an outsider. So, don’t get your hopes up.”

  “But you’re the best man for the job. You proved that when you managed the office while your dad was recovering.” I’m whining and I know it. But I just want him back here so desperately. This just seems like the perfect window of opportunity and I’m disappointed that he’s given no indication that he’s willing to fight for it.

  “The California office needs me.” He says the words so simply, so matter-of-factly, as if that explanation is enough.

  “Well, I guess you don’t care then.” I feel tears fighting against the back of my eyes.

  He groans and I imagine him leaning back in his chair and loosening the tie around his neck. “It’s not that I don’t care, Ruth. I just don’t want you to get your hopes up and be disappointed at the end of the day. That’s all.”

  He has a point. I have to admit. Even my stubbornness can’t blind me to that fact…I just miss him so much.

  His voice softens with compassion. ”Let’s just wait and see what happens. Okay, babe? We’ll know soon enough.”

  Chapter 17

  I sweep my powder brush quickly across my cheek before blotting my overly-shiny lip gloss with a tissue. I lean into the washroom mirror and inspect my teeth before doing a quick breath test.

  “Ruthie – you’re fine. More than fine. You’re beautiful.” Nadia is trying to be reassuring but ‘fine’ isn’t good enough; I need to look perfect tonight. Michael’s plane touches down in a few minutes and I’m meeting him for dinner at a quaint little Spanish restaurant in SoHo. As hungry as I am, I’d rather skip three courses and go straight for ‘dessert’.

  I’ve missed him.

  And now that he’s in New York for the meeting to elect a new managing partner for the firm, I plan to take advantage of his every free minute.

  Yeah – tonight, ‘fine’ just ain’t gonna cut it.

  “Wow – you’re so lucky, Ruthie. I don’t think you even realize it. You’re dating the New York office’s next managing partner,” Jasmine says dreamily as she leans against the bathroom counter.

  “Don’t jinx it,” I scold her glaring at her reflection in the mirror.

  She smiles sheepishly. “Well, I just want you to know that I’m rooting for you and your happily ever after. I really want things to work out for you.”

  I get where she’s coming from. She has the best of intentions. “Thanks, Jazz. That’s sweet.”

  Nadia brushes lint off of my jacket before giving my shoulder a firm squeeze. “We’re all rooting for you, Ruthie.”

  I smile at her before turning back to the mirror. I run my fingers through my blonde hair. “You girls have no idea how much I need this to work out.”

  Chapter 18

  I hold my breath as the conference room door swings open. I’m aching to turn around and scan the crowd for Michael’s handsome face coming out the door. Instead, I keep my head down and continue to fiddle with the fax machine, tossing the occasional glance over my shoulder, hoping to see Michael walk out.

  After an eternity, most of the partners have dissipated. I hear a voice say, “Congratulations, Michael!” and I feel my heart jump into my throat. I try not to react as giddily as I feel as I slowly turn around and see the last of the partners spilling out of the room.

  I rush into the room and find Michael standing alone by the window with his cellphone in hand.

  “So…what happened?” I ask excitedly.

  He turns to face me with a wide grin on his face. “I’m the new managing partner of Cartwright Moretti Stevenson’s New York office.”

  I’m so happy that I squeal. “Ohmygod! Ohmygod! I’m so proud of you!” I leap into his arms. He squeezes me tight. His laughter rumbles against my chest.

  Just then, someone clears their throat loudly in the corridor. Startled, we look back and see Mr. Stevenson walking by. He tosses us a cross glance. Michael mutters an apology under his breath as he walks over and closes the conference room door.

  I blush deeply. Very few people at the office know that Michael and I are dating, and I’d like to keep it that way. But I was just so overwhelmed with happiness that Michael is moving back to New York that I clearly wasn’t thinking straight when I jumped on him to congratulate him.

Now that the door is closed, Michael approaches me with an excited glint in his beautiful blue eyes. He wraps me in his arms and presses his warm, delicious mouth to mine in a long, deep kiss that makes my knees buckle.

  “You have no idea how happy I am,” I whisper against his lips.

  I feel him grin wickedly through our kiss. “Why don’t you show me, then?” He takes a step back and tugs down the zipper at the front of his navy blue pants.

  “Here? Now?” My eyes must be wide like saucers.

  “Yes. Here and now. I’m the boss. I make the rules. And I want you down on your knees. Here and now.”


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