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Kwarq Page 11

by Nikki Clarke

  I don’t know why I said he could come in me. I was caught up in the moment. Caught in the feel of him stretching me, the teeth clacking thrust of his hips, that edge of pain that made me flinch every time he sank into my body, all of the things he kept whispering to me. It was primal and raw, and it felt good and right. In the split second when he asked if he should pull out, I’d wanted to feel him gushing hotly inside of me, all of him. And when those first jets of cum bathed my walls, a final savage orgasm had pulsed through me, almost ripping me in half. But now I’m wondering if that was such a good idea. Who knows what his nut is going to do to my body.

  Kwarq’s breath is deep and heavy against my neck. I would think he was asleep if it wasn’t for the slight tugging in my scalp where his fingers are twisting around a curl. He spreads his fingers wide along my head, rubbing through my sweat dampened coils. It’s a nice feeling, this mini massage, and I relax under his gentle touch.

  I let him rest his weight on me for a moment longer before the necessity to breathe makes me have to shift beneath him. Immediately, he raises to his elbows with a frown on his face.

  “I am sorry, my lehti. I am hurting you.” He leans in and brushes his cheek along mine before pressing a light kiss to my lips.

  He leans back, slipping from inside of me, and I wince as he drags through my tender tissue. He eases onto his heels, and the moment he’s away from my body, I’m hit with the full aftermath of our love making.

  Everything hurts. Where a moment ago I felt the best bliss of my life, now I feel like I’ve been tossed down a flight of fucking stairs.

  My hips cramp in protest when he lifts his pelvis from the cradle of my legs. My thighs were spread nearly to touch the floor. I bring my knees together and rock them to my chest.

  “Mmm,” I groan as I try to work out the stiffness. I’m flexible, but not that flexible. I hold still and assess the most obvious casualty of sex with Kwarq. My cooch.

  My pussy throbs like there’s a pulse down there, the inside tight and hot. The lips tingle, almost as if they’ve fallen asleep. Almost as if I’ve had a dick the size of my arm pounding into me for the last half hour. Kwarq watches me with a worried expression.

  “I think I may have been too vigorous with you. You will be sore.”

  He was very vigorous. That is a perfect word to describe it, but I can’t bring myself to regret it. Not even when my back catches from the hard floor as I sit up.

  “It’s okay. That was amazing. It was totally worth—what the hell?”

  I look between my legs where a thick flood of milky liquid has gushed from my pussy. It puddles in an impressive pool beneath me. I look up in horror to find Kwarq looking mildly embarrassed. It’s not an expression I’ve seen on him before. His skin starts to pulse a dull red. He looks boyish, and I’d laugh if this wasn’t so gross.

  “I don’t usually release that much. Only since the leht has it been so, uh, plentiful.”

  Plentiful is a few teaspoons. At least a cup has oozed from my body.

  “Okay, why?”

  “To increase our chances.”

  “Of what?”

  “Of having offspring.”

  My eyes jump to his face. Right. I let him come in me. And because he’s an alien with a super smart, evolved body, naturally it would do its best to make sure I get knocked. Naturally. Well, it’s a good thing I’m human and he’s…not.

  “That can’t happen, right? You and me. Cause we aren’t the same species.”

  Kwarq frowns like I’m not making sense.

  “We are not the same species, but we are compatible, Amina. We will have young.”

  “Uh, we will?”

  He sniffs the air like he’s checking to make sure the chicken in the oven isn’t burning. A second later, his mouth breaks into a wide smile. His face brightens and the yellow of his eyes goes soft and gushy. I don’t like it. He leans down to take my hands and kisses the backs of them.

  “We will. My seed has breached you, lehti. We have conceived.”

  Wait, what?

  I pull my hands from his and scoot back out of the puddle of semen like it really is acid.

  “Uh, what do you mean, we’ve conceived? We just had sex.”

  “It only takes once, my lehti.”

  “Kwarq, I’m serious. Don’t play.”

  I’m starting to feel a little annoyed. Maybe alien sense of humor is different than human, but this isn’t cute like the tongue thing. This shit isn’t funny.

  Kwarq frowns and tries to reach out to me, but I scoot further out of his reach. He stops and stares at me with a puzzled expression.

  “Amina, I do not play. My species’ conception is immediate. I am able to scent it even now. My seed has connected with your egg. You have conceived.”

  I close my mouth. My throat suddenly feels dry.

  “What are talking about? How?”

  “How I have explained. I did not think you were opposed. I know that some women take pills to stop conception. This is why I asked if it was okay to release inside of you. When you said yes, I thought…”

  He stops because I’m shaking my head quickly back and forth.

  “Yeah, I didn’t think it was going to be instantaneous!”

  I jump to my feet and back away. I feel strange, like things are happening inside of me that I can’t see or control. The ache from his penetration is intense now. I move gingerly, causing even more cum to seep from my pussy. I’m starting to panic.

  “Lehti, of course we will have a child whenever we come together and you are fertile. We do not have to, but if you make the decision to allow me to release inside of you, it will happen.”

  He’s saying things that kind of make sense, but I’m not listening. I’m thinking about the thing that’s apparently growing in my womb right now, that he can apparently smell. Wait, what does he mean ‘when I’m fertile’? How did he know I was fertile?

  “You could tell I was ovulating?”

  “Of course. I have a very good sense of smell.”

  I’m not so impressed by his amazing spidey senses right now.

  “You knew I would get pregnant? Why didn’t you say anything?”

  “I did. I asked you if you wanted me to finish inside.” He’s so calm. It’s like I’m the one who isn’t making any sense.

  “Yeah, I thought that was because you didn’t want to give me space gonorrhea or something!”

  His eyes narrow and his jaw clenches in irritation. “We do not have these diseases where I am from, and I would not copulate with you if I knew I had them. I am insulted that you think I would.”

  I haven’t seen Kwarq upset, at least not with me, but there is definitely an edge of annoyance in his tone. I don’t see why he would be annoyed, though. He’s not the one knocked up with a friggin alien baby. Oh, god, I’m knocked up with an alien baby.

  I back away until hit a wall. Kwarq stares at me from where he stands near the pile of clothes where we had sex. The pool of cum is right at his feet. It slowly spreads until it touches his toes, and I feel my stomach roll.

  I turn and rush past the kitchen until I find the bathroom. I get the lid up on the toilet just as the acid spray of my breakfast erupts from my mouth. I bend over the bowl, jerking violently as I empty my stomach. After while, my stomach begins to ache as it tries to release what’s no longer there.

  “The sickness will pass, lehti. It is bad for the first day after conception, then it is better.” Kwarq’s large, warm hand settles on my back. He rubs between my shoulder blades in slow, firm circles.

  I spit and lift my head, holding my curls back from my face with one hand. “This is morning sickness?” I can’t believe it. I almost won't believe it.

  “It is a sickness that happens with the attachment of the fetus. Our gestation is somewhat more rapid than yours. I do not know how your body will adjust, but this is normal, and it will pass.”

  And here I just thought I was grossed out by the alien baby invading my body. I s
it back from the toilet and look down at my stomach. Despite having puked up the meager contents of my belly, I feel full. Almost like I do when I drink a lot of liquid.

  “I feel strange. Something’s wrong.”

  Kwarq kneels beside me in an instant, his face all worry. The earlier annoyance is gone, like it was never even there.

  “What are you feeling?”

  “What are you a gynecologist, too?” I snort out.

  “I am trained to birth young, yes.”

  Of course he is.

  “I thought you were a linguist.”

  “I am.”

  “And a gynecologist?”

  “More like what you would call a doula on this planet.”

  I roll my eyes. This dude is too much for me right now.

  “What are you feeling?” he persists. “I would make sure everything is going as it should.”

  He’s talking like I’m five months pregnant and not five minutes. It’s throwing me off. He’s settled into this idea too quickly. This whole alien love affair was charming for a second, but now it’s feeling a little weighty. Still, I should probably know if a gray-tongued alien spawn is going to come bursting out of my chest in a minute.

  “I feel full. Like I’m holding a lot of liquid in my stomach, but lower.”

  He nods, and his face relaxes in relief.

  “That is normal. The liquid is in your womb. That is the remainder of my release.”

  “It’s your cum?”

  “It is.”

  “Is it going to come out?”

  He shakes his head. “It is there to protect and nourish the baby.”

  “Like amniotic fluid?”

  He nods. “It will merge with your fluid and surround our baby.”

  Our baby. I little tingle goes through me. I’m pregnant. I don’t even know what to say. A few hours ago I was almost too scared to sit across from this alien man in a coffee shop, and now I’m going have his baby.

  Chapter 12


  There are new smells to my lehti. One, I’d hoped for, but never imagined knowing for many years to come. It’s the pure, clean scent of new life—our young—which is now taking root in her womb. The child’s spirit has not yet presented itself, but it will soon. Right now, there is just the science of us both, blending, forming into something of its own.

  The second smell is one I’d never want to smell on my lehti. It makes my first heart ache with sorrow. It’s disgust, and it’s rolling off of Amina in sharp, stinging ripples. The source of her revulsion crushes me. She is repulsed by our child.

  Her distress is like a stab to my chest. It wars with my own elation over our joining and the resulting conception. I imagined this moment differently. In my dreams of starting a family, my lehti and I would come together joyfully, and any resulting offspring would be celebrated and welcome.

  I’m saddened that this isn’t the case, but there are too many things I need to tell Amina about what will happen from now for me to dwell on it. She sits across from me on the bathroom floor, her face a mask of shock, and I hate that I must distress her further. She needs time to understand and to decide. I would never try to take away her right to choose, and whatever she decides, I will support her. But it is a choice she must make soon.

  “I can’t have an alien baby.”

  I flinch at her description of our child. I know what she’s imagining. A slimy, worm-like creature fighting its way from her body. Something foreign and unrecognizable bursting from beneath her skin, clawing out from inside of her. I cover her knee with my hand, and when she doesn’t shy from my touch, I smooth it over her thigh to comfort her.

  “You do not have to have the baby if you do not want to. We can terminate.”

  Her eyes leap to mine. There’s confusion there. It makes me feel guilty and ashamed. Somewhere deep inside, past my own desires, I know that when Amina agreed to let me release inside of her, she wasn’t agreeing to this. I wanted it, and now she’s forced to carry the burden of this difficult decision.

  “How am I supposed to terminate this pregnancy? Am I just supposed to go down to my local clinic and get it done? What if things don’t look like they’re supposed to? What if it’s strange or they detain me because they think I have some kind of disease?”

  These are crazy questions, but I understand why she’s asking them. Even if I’m sad that we won’t have a child, I’m glad that I can put her mind at ease.

  “We do not have to do it here. I can take you to my home planet to perform the procedure. It is quick and painless there. We are more than equipped with the technology to do it. Not all Lyqa women desire offspring, and mistakes happen.”

  I hate to think of our child as a mistake, but if this is not what she wanted when she agreed to let me come inside of her, then it is my fault to be responsible for.

  “Lyqa? Is that what you are?”

  She tilts her head to the side. Curiosity has replaced her agitation. Maybe having a regular conversation will calm her down. If she knows more about me, perhaps she will feel less afraid of what has happened.

  “Yes,” I nod, “I am Lyqa.”

  Her brown eyes narrow, and her head pulls back on her neck.

  “Lyqa. What kind of being is that?”

  “We are humanoid of sorts.”

  Amina’s chest puffs rapidly. I sense her alarm growing.

  “What do you mean, ‘of sorts’? What does that mean?”

  “It means I am Lyqa, Amina. Nothing more.”

  “You keep saying that, but what the hell is a Lyqa?”

  “It is a being like a human. There are some differences as you have noted. Heightened senses, a larger physique, an increased instinct.” I already know what I say is going to scare her, but I want to be honest. As expected, her eyes widen further.

  “Instinct? Like an animal?”

  “We are all animals, lehti.”

  “Stop doing that! You know what I’m asking. Are you part fucking dog or squid or something?”

  I resist the urge to roll my eyes. I don’t think my lehti would appreciate my impatience. Humans and their imaginations.

  “Amina, I am not trying to alarm you. I am not an animal in the sense you are thinking. My people do have an instinctual part of ourselves that is, I could say, more in tune with our senses than humans, but we are neither feral beasts nor shape shifters. Do not worry.”

  Amina’s dark skin has been slowly leaking of color until it’s an ashen, gray color. She’s still, so still that I worry she may be having some kind of attack again, like the one she suffered on the train earlier. I squeeze her thigh where my hand rests and she gradually refocuses on my face.

  “Is my baby going to be human?”

  Despite the fear in her voice, my heart lightens and fills with hope. Maybe her mind is not made up. Maybe she is considering carrying our child.

  “Our baby will be part human, yes, and part Lyqa. He or she will be beautiful and normal. My lehti, we are different, yes, but not so much that you have to be afraid. However, if you want to terminate, I will support you. There is always time to have a child,” I add this last part quietly. It is important that she knows this is not a deciding moment for us. I am with her always, until she turns me away from her heart.

  “I don’t know.” Amina buries her face in her hands. Her cloud of hair bounces about her shoulders when she shakes her head. She is worrying too much. Again I feel the guilt of having impregnated her. This is too soon, and yet we do not have a lot of time. I must impress on her the urgency of her decision. I don’t want to, but I must.

  “I would never seek to pressure you, my lehti, but you will have to decide soon. As I have said, our gestation is slightly different than yours. Things will progress—quickly. If we are to terminate, it must be tonight.”

  Her eyes lock on mine, wide and full of panic again. “What to do you mean tonight? How am I supposed to do it tonight?” She jerks her knees up to her chest, causing my hand to fall from
her leg. She’s folded herself against the base of the bathtub, out of my reach. Her face is a mask of horror. “Are you—do you do that, too?”

  I shrink back at the thought. While I do not shame a woman for her choices with regard to conception, I could not be the one to terminate my own fetus. I have not the skill nor the heart for it.

  “No, I would take you to my home.”

  “How are we going to get there tonight?”

  This is not the time to explain the complexities of space travel, but if it will put her mind at ease, I will do my best.

  “Without going into too great detail, space travel is not as difficult as humans think. I am able to fold space in time in a precise measure, so I can get us to my home very quickly. Would you like to go?”

  I wait. Almost hoping she takes too long to decide, and we miss the window for termination. It would be a lie to say that I am not longing for a family. It is a selfish thought, but it would be an even greater lie to say that the moment I scented her conception, my first heart didn’t swell with pride and love for my lehti. I can imagine nothing more beautiful than watching her belly get round with my child. But her safety and emotional wellbeing are more important. So I wait, and when she finally nods her head, I try not to let my disappointment show.

  “I will take you now. You do not have to prepare. I can have you back before tomorrow.”


  I’m in a damn spaceship. It’s really more of a pod kind of thing. Like a suped-up space version of a smart car. Two large, padded high-backed chairs are fitted flush against the back of the pod, and a lighted panel sits just below the wide, transparent window in front of us. There’s just enough room for me and Kwarq. I almost laughed when I followed him out to the alley behind his apartment building and saw that he had it parked out back. No kidding. It was in his landlord’s garage. Apparently, he rents it for an additional charge each month. I could only shake my head wondering how that conversation went.

  How much to rent the garage?


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