Cowboy Paradise (Cowboys of Nirvana Book 1)

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Cowboy Paradise (Cowboys of Nirvana Book 1) Page 17

by Rhonda Lee Carver

  Pearl loved animals, always had. So when Callie lopped toward her then stopped a few feet away, ears perked as if silently asking for permission to approach, Pearl was more than happy to oblige. “Come here, girl.” Pearl held out her palm. The dog was beautiful.

  “Be careful. That dog might appear sweet, but she’s big and powerful,” DJ warned.

  “Do you think you’re the only one who can handle a dog?” She patted Callie on top of the head, rubbed her behind the ears, and received what looked like a canine smile. “See, Callie’s a big baby. Ain’t that right, girl?”

  The telephone rang from inside the house.

  “I need to get that,” DJ said.

  “Go ahead. Callie and I will get to know each other better.”

  The squeaking of the screen door made Callie’s ears pop forward. Her tail whirled and before Pearl knew what was happening, Callie jumped up, her huge paws pushing Pearl’s chest, sending her backward. Not expecting the sudden onslaught of weight and strength, she lost her footing. At the same time that she was pushed to the ground, hitting her bottom hard on the cement, her hand slipped off the gun.


  The gun fired.

  “Shit!” DJ yelled.

  Pearl struggled with Callie and finally managed to slide out from underneath the two-hundred pound pooch. Struggling to her feet, Pearl couldn’t believe her eyes.

  This wouldn’t end well for her.


  DJ stared up at the petite brunette from his hospital bed in the emergency room. The way she had her chin cocked and her fist planted on her slanted hip made his stomach twist. Or maybe it was the dose of pain meds that made him queasy, but he’d bet a month’s wages it had everything to do with the cowgirl who almost killed him, for the second time.

  He practically growled as he shifted his legs on the stiff mattress. If it wasn’t demeaning enough that he had every nurse and doctor in the ER examining his backside, he had to wear the thin, feminine gown, which added to his annoyance. He’d asked one nurse if they had something manlier, maybe one without the flowered design, but she’d told him ‘one for all’. She did whisper to him that he could take it off if he’d be more comfortable. Her smile had stretched from one hoop earring to the other, followed by a fluttering of her long, mascaraed lashes. He might have found that offer appealing if he wasn’t in a hospital bed with his wounded ass stuck up in the air. This wasn’t a pose he ever wanted to be in.

  But thanks to the lady who still eyed him as if she could shoot his other cheek, here he was.

  “Pearl, I think you’ve gone and jumped off the deep end,” DJ growled.

  “You know I didn’t mean to shoot you. It was an accident,” she huffed.

  “This is why crazy women shouldn’t be allowed to have guns.” He shook his head.

  “This is why crazy men shouldn’t own pets.” Her jaw softened some. “Anyway, I didn’t kill you. You’ll be like new in a few days.” Her smiled seemed like it’d crack her face.

  An overwhelming feeling of wanting to toss her over his knee and spank her rushed through him. “You shot me in the ass, woman!”

  “Clarification…the bullet skimmed your ass. Although it might hurt like hell, I can see it and it’s not that bad.”

  “Not that bad? And stop looking.” Rolling his eyes, he swore his rising blood pressure would make the staff in the emergency department think he was having a heart attack. Then he’d be in the hospital for more than the shot in the butt. “I’m sorry that I’m not in the mood for finer details, sweetheart. A shot ass is a shot ass.” He could hear his brothers now joking about his predicament. He’d never live this down. Good thing they were away for a few more days at the cattle auction and rodeo in San Antonio.

  Pearl’s tongue came out and swept along the plump ridge of her bottom lip, causing a stirring below the waist. What the hell?

  Oh hell no! His parts had better behave.

  He blamed his lack of discipline on the fact that he hadn’t been with a woman for a long while and not from any sexual attraction for the crazy cowgirl standing ten feet away from him. She was the devil’s spawn. He didn’t like her—not one bit.

  Yeah, he’d admit she was pretty enough. In fact, all of the Stone women could turn a head from a mile away and, like all his brothers, at one time or another they’d either sampled one of the sexy trio or had tried. DJ wished he was immune, but one night on the Rhinestone back when he was a teen had proven he couldn’t resist. He’d lost his head with Pearl after she’d told him she ‘liked’ him and smiled the prettiest smile he’d ever seen. Hell, he’d had a crush on her too, a big one, but his plans for college were at the top of his priorities. Besides going away to school, he wasn’t interested in a long distance relationship. He wanted to get his business degree and come home to open the R&R, just as his father had promised he could.

  After four years at The University of Texas, DJ came home and made sure to avoid the troublemaking female Stone clan, only waving in greeting or asking about the weather when he came across one of them. Pearl had always given him the cold shoulder as if she was too good for him. He’d rather take a dirt bath off a horse than be in the same room with her. She looked as if she could fire up his ass—and she’d actually managed to this morning.

  The cave of his chest narrowed. DJ just wanted the doctor to get into the room and stitch him up so he could head home. It wasn’t his idea to come to the hospital in the first place. Pearl had freaked and almost passed out when she saw what she’d done. After realizing the bullet wasn’t lodged in his body, he’d planned to slap on a butterfly bandage and call it fixed, but Pearl insisted she drive him to the hospital. She wouldn’t take no for an answer.

  Hell, she’d been right. He needed his ass to work and the quicker he healed the better. He had people scheduled for riding lessons, tours, and cabins were lined up for rental. An injury would only get in the way of business.

  His brothers picked a darn good time to go on vacation. They’d wanted him to go, but someone had to watch the ranch. He hadn’t taken a break longer than a day in more time than he could remember so why in the hell should they be allowed? Even his dad was away on some fishing expedition.

  Bringing his attention back on that smirking tart, he hoped more than anything Charmin had a baby mule Pugly—it’d deserve Pearl right.

  “Karma is a bitch!” Pearl sniffed loudly.

  “Yeah, and so are some women.” Damn, he’d sunk too far and by the narrowing of her gaze, she wanted to bury a finger into the wound on his cheek. A gentleman through and through, he wasn’t sure how Pearl could make him come unglued each and every time. Pearl’s mouth opened and he knew she was about to rip him a new asshole, but the door opened and DJ was saved by the doctor. He’d never been happier to see a white coat in his life. “That’s your cue to leave, Pearl. Three’s a crowd.”

  He watched her—mouth closed, lips thinned—as she turned and marched out of the room. DJ smiled. There was something about making her angry that made revenge a little tastier.

  Feeling a cool breeze sweep across his butt cheeks, DJ flinched and shot a look over his shoulder. The doc had the gown open and was examining DJ’s rump. “How does it look, doc?”

  “Like you’re one lucky son-of-a-gun. It’s only a flesh wound, but I’ll give you a couple of stitches and you’ll be as good as new—at least in a week. No riding though for two weeks.”

  “Two weeks?” DJ couldn’t believe what he was hearing.

  “Yes, that’s what I said. Two weeks. Although the wound is nothing serious, you’ll need to take it easy so you don’t pull out any of the sutures. They’ll have to stay in for ten days. If you’re worried about a scar and what the ladies might think, we can keep them in longer.” The doc covered the flap of DJ’s gown.

  “Can’t you just slap on a butterfly bandage or use glue and I’ll keep ointment on it?” The last thing he wanted was to be stuck in a horizontal position for one day, let alone a week.
br />   “The wound’s too deep for a bandage alone. And you’ll risk infection.”

  DJ ground his hands into fists. All of this over a donkey, a horse, and one out-of-her-mind woman! “Then let’s just get this over with.”


  Pearl heard the tapping of heels on the waxed floor and looked up to find Em coming up the corridor, a smile on her face. Only she would find this situation humorous.

  “I’m glad you came, Em.”

  “And I thought Jewels shouldn’t handle a gun.” Em shook her head, her smile growing wider.

  “I didn’t know if you got my message. Service is crappy here.” Pearl stood up from the seat in the ER lobby.

  Em gave her a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek. “I wouldn’t miss this for the world. I wish I could have seen the look on DJ’s face when he was shot in the butt. Priceless.” Her words made several surrounding people turn their heads in interest.

  “Shhh!” Pearl grabbed her sister’s arm and tugged her down the hall away from others. “I’m not proud of what I’ve done. It was an accident.”

  Em raised a thin brow. “Okay.”

  “What? You don’t believe me?” Pearl wrapped her arms around her waist, feeling a wave of uneasiness.

  “I believe you, but you do know this doesn’t look good.”

  Pearl nodded. What could she say in her defense? The proof was in DJ’s wounded ass. “What do you think Dad is going to say?”

  “Oh, I think you’ll find out very soon.” Em’s face paled.

  “Why is that?” Pearl asked.

  Em stabbed a finger through the air. “Look.”

  Pearl turned and her breath rushed from her lungs. Coming toward them through the lobby was Joshua Stone. His furrowed brow, red face, and quickstep told her just how upset he was. “Did you call and tell him, Em?”

  “No, I didn’t. Maybe Scrawny did.”

  Once he was closer, Pearl attempted to put a smile on her face. Sometimes that worked for the Stone daughters, but his jaw remained steely. “Dad, what are you doing here?”

  He shook his head and, as he stopped, his boots squealed on the floor. His grey eyes narrowed into slits. Powerful and in-charge, her father had the capability of making almost anyone cower under his glare—including his three daughters. He wasn’t a mean man, but he had little patience when it came to mischief.

  “I’ve come to clean up another mess.” His focus drifted over the lobby full of sick people. “Let’s take this to a private spot where we can talk.” He nodded his head toward the other end of the hall.

  Pearl followed him, shoulders slumped. Em gave her a look of encouragement.

  “You didn’t need to come and clean up anything. I have this under control.”

  Joshua’s wrinkles deepened. “Pearl, then why am I getting a call from Scrawny telling me you took off in a huff after threatening DJ Walters? Then I come to find out that you shot the boy in the ass.” His gaze burrowed into her skin.

  “I didn’t shoot him.” Pearl sighed. Joshua’s wiry silver brow shot up. She swallowed the heaviness in her throat. “Okay, I did, but it was an accident. His dog jumped on me and the shotgun went off.”

  There wasn’t even an ounce of forgiveness in her father’s expression. “I thought we’d discussed this before following the incident with the truck. You were supposed to stay far away from him because you two act like children.” He kept his voice low. “What is it with you and your sisters and toting guns like they’re purses?”

  “I’m offended, Dad! Not once have I carried a gun or thought of toting one. I’ll stick with Coach,” Em whined.

  Pearl narrowed her eyes. “Thanks, Em.”

  Em gave her an apologetic frown.

  “No guns for you, but trouble follows you just as it does your sisters,” he huffed. “I’m beginning to wonder what you girls will get into next. If it’s not one thing, it’s another. I swear you three are trying to drive me to an early grave. Thank heavens Jewels is getting married.”

  Pearl hated when her father was angry, especially when his wrath was directed at her. She’d always been the peacemaker, not the troublemaker. “I’m a victim of DJ Walters and his ignorance. Pugly got into the fence with Charmin again. You know what my plans were for her.”

  Joshua’s brow furrowed deeper. “Who the hell is Pugly?” He waved a hand. “Never mind. It’s not important. What is important is making sure the Walters family doesn’t press charges. I spoke with Jeb Walters on the way here. He said we didn’t have to worry. His son wouldn’t make a big deal out of this. But DJ can easily go against his father’s wishes and call the law. And I don’t want the conflict between our families, especially since it’s just you and the oldest boy who can’t seem to get along.”

  At the mention of the ‘law’ Pearl had a feeling that she was going to vomit the bagel she had eaten earlier. Although the incident was an accident, things could have been far worse. And although she did hate DJ with a passion, she didn’t want to see him dead.

  “So, Jeb and I have come up with a solution.” Relief spread over Joshua’s weathered face.

  “I agree.” Pearl didn’t wait to hear the suggestion, but felt some tension leave her muscles. “We should pay for a nurse to take care of him and we can hire a ranch hand to temporarily take his place at the R&R until he’s back on his feet.” She smiled in resolution.

  Joshua shook his head. “No.”

  Her smile fizzled. “No?”

  “DJ won’t need a nurse. You’ll stay with him at the R&R and treat him as you would one of your sisters if they were to suffer this same tragedy. You’ll also help out on the land, as needed.”

  Pearl couldn’t breathe. The overhead lights brightened and sweat beaded between her breasts. Em’s gasp cracked the air, mimicking what Pearl was feeling on the inside. “I won’t do this,” Pearl whispered.

  “Yes you will, otherwise, I wouldn’t be surprised if DJ doesn’t file a complaint. And you need to think of the repercussions if that should happen.” The area around Joshua’s mouth turned white.

  “Why would I want to stay there? Why would DJ even agree to such a ludicrous agreement?”

  “At this point, neither of you have a choice in the matter. Jeb and I are tired of these foolish stunts between you and his son. Maybe if the two of you are forced to tolerate each other, you’ll drop all of this nonsense, once and for all.”

  “But, Dad, do you realize what you’re asking of me?” Tears blurred her vision.

  His jaw softened. He laid his hands, callused and wrinkled from years of hard work in the sun, on her shoulders. “Listen, Pearl. I’m not doing this because I don’t love you, but quite the contrary. If the shenanigans don’t stop, someone’s going to get seriously hurt. I understand you’ve had a beef with this boy for years now. I don’t know what sparked it, and I realize he isn’t innocent in all of these events, but you’re my daughter and I want you to do the right thing. You’ve made a mistake and now fix it.” He dropped his hands, the hard lines back on his expression.

  “Dad, this is crazy. You can’t expect her to stay with a stranger, let alone a stranger she can’t stand. They could kill each other being all alone,” Em interjected.

  “Then so be it because I’m washing my hands of it.” Joshua turned and marched back toward the direction he came from.

  “He can’t force you to do this.” Em gave a saucy flip of her long hair.

  “With any luck, I can persuade DJ that he would do better with a nurse helping him and not me. There is no way he wants this any more than I do.” At least Pearl hoped.



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