Wicked Obsession

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Wicked Obsession Page 1

by Ray Gordon



  About the Book

  Also by Ray Gordon

  Title Page

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven



  About the Book

  Eighteen-year-old Anne has always been jealous of her attractive and successful older sister, Haley. Feeling second best is something she has grown used to. But when a handsome young man rejects her advances and takes a shine to Haley instead, it is one humiliation too many. Seething with envy, Anne decides to take revenge the only way she knows how – by using her young body and sexual charms to destroy Haley’s relationship. Before long behaving wickedly becomes an obsession and Anne relishes the rewards of her promiscuous behaviour. Prepared to go to any extreme to trump her sister, Anne makes plans to seduce Haley’s future husband on the night before the wedding.

  ‘Nexus is the UK’s longest running imprint of erotic fiction and consistently delivers quality fiction with an unusual slant’ Erotica Readers & Writers Association

  Also by Ray Gordon











  Leaving the house, Anne headed for the pub with wicked thoughts swirling in her young mind. Robin was very good-looking, she reflected, wondering how big his cock was. She’d thought of telling him that he was one of several men that Hayley was seeing, but she didn’t want to cause trouble before she’d had the chance to get Robin alone in the woods. They’d go for a walk, she decided as she reached the pub and ordered a drink. They’d walk through the park to the woods, chatting about Hayley, and then she’d drop her knickers and show him her hairless pussy and—

  ‘Hi, sexy,’ Alan whispered in her ear.

  ‘Oh, hi,’ Anne breathed, turning and facing him.

  ‘Brian was over the moon after seeing you last night. He’s really looking forward to the next time, and so am I.’

  ‘You are naughty,’ she whispered, grinning at him. ‘But I can’t meet you again.’

  ‘Why not?’

  ‘I’m not a slut, Alan. I mean, I love sex but not with two men at the same time.’

  ‘You loved it, you silly girl. Why try to deny it?’


  ANNE SAT ON the end of her bed and gazed at her reflection in the dressing-table mirror. Her hair was auburn, shoulder length, and framed her pretty face beautifully. Her eyes were brown and large and her red lips full and succulent. She was eighteen and exceptionally attractive, but she lacked self-confidence. Standing in front of the mirror, she turned this way and that, admiring the violin curves of her young body. What was wrong? she wondered. She was slim, with small but firm breasts, and her bottom was nicely rounded. There was nothing wrong with her physically. But something was missing.

  Hayley, her twenty-two-year-old sister, sparkled with life, she had charisma. That was the missing ingredient, Anne decided. The sparkle, the charisma … That was the reason why Hayley had men chasing after her. It wasn’t her long blonde hair or her perfect body, it wasn’t her fresh face or her enchanting smile, it was her personality. Lifting her T-shirt, Anne scrutinised the firm mounds of her petite breasts. They weren’t as large as Hayley’s, but she was proud of them. She was especially proud of her nipples. They were elongated and rose alluringly from the dark discs of her areolae, and she loved to show them off through the tight material of her tops. She rarely wore a bra because she loved the way her T-shirts outlined her nipples. Men had always looked at her, admired her young body and her pert breast-buds pressing through the clinging fabric of her tops. But men had never chased after her the way they pursued Hayley.

  ‘Very nice,’ Hayley said, giggling as she peered around the door. ‘Wow, that skirt is rather short, isn’t it?’

  Anne lowered her T-shirt and glared at her sister. ‘I’m going out with Dave,’ she said triumphantly. ‘Anyway, what do you want?’

  ‘Mum wants to know whether you’ll be here for dinner.’

  ‘I don’t know,’ Anne sighed. ‘I might be, I might not.’

  Hayley raised her gaze to the ceiling. ‘Is this another one of your moods?’

  ‘I’m not in a mood,’ Anne returned irritably. ‘I just don’t like you walking into my room when I’m getting changed.’

  ‘I didn’t walk into your room. The door was open and …’ Hayley looked down at her feet. ‘See, I’m standing on the hall carpet.’

  ‘You know what I mean, Hayley.’

  ‘Will you be here for dinner or not?’

  ‘No, I’m going out.’

  Anne closed the door as Hayley went downstairs. She wasn’t in a mood, she thought agitatedly as she flopped onto her bed. It was just that Hayley had walked into her room and … Hayley had never been moody, she reflected. She’d always been happy and had coped with problems with a smile. She’d done well at school and had gone on to college and then university. She’d landed herself a good job and she had money and a new car. And she looked stunning, no matter what clothes she wore. It wasn’t fair, Anne thought. Even her name was nice. Hayley had a nice ring to it – it was feminine, sexy.

  ‘What do you want now?’ Anne called as a knock sounded on the door.

  ‘It’s me, Dave.’

  Anne leaped off her bed and opened the door. ‘Dave,’ she trilled, grinning at her boyfriend. ‘What are you doing here?’

  ‘Your sister told me to come up. I know that we’d arranged to meet later but … Well, I couldn’t wait to see you.’

  ‘God, I’m not ready or anything.’

  ‘You look great as you are.’

  ‘I have to have a shower and—’

  ‘That’s OK, I’ll wait here. I’ll imagine you naked in the shower, rubbing yourself off and—’

  ‘Dave,’ Anne sighed. ‘Don’t be so rude.’

  ‘I’ll bet your sister masturbates,’ Dave sniggered. ‘I can just imagine her with her knickers down and her fingers …’

  ‘Dave, stop it.’

  ‘Sorry, I was only joking.’

  ‘Do you fancy my sister?’

  ‘She’s OK.’

  ‘What do you mean by that? You do fancy her, don’t you?’

  ‘Of course I don’t, Anne. I was only joking.’

  ‘She’s twenty-two, the same age as you. Do you think I’m too young for you?’

  ‘Anne, will you stop going on about Hayley? I’m going out with you, OK?’

  ‘I know,’ Anne breathed, forcing a smile.

  ‘I thought we’d go to the pub,’ Dave said, sitting on the edge of the bed. ‘It’s a nice evening so we could sit outside.’

  ‘So you can talk about football with your mates?’

  ‘No, no.’

  ‘All we ever do is go to the pub and see your mates. Can’t we go somewhere else for a change?’

  ‘There is nowhere else, Anne.’

  Anne felt her stomach sink at the prospect of listening to Dave chatting with his friends. She’d been going out with him for three weeks, but things weren’t really working out. He filled a void, she mused, watching him brush his dark hair away from his face. She’d not wanted her emptiness filled by evenings sitting in the pub, but it was better than sitting at home in her room. Dave
was OK, she thought as he smiled at her. But they hadn’t had sex yet, and Anne had often wondered why he hadn’t made a move towards her. He was always making lewd comments, joking about sex, but he hadn’t once tried to touch her. Several times she’d wondered whether he really did fancy her. He seemed to like taking her to the pub and was disappointed if she didn’t go with him. But their relationship was going nowhere, and he was doing nothing to boost her self-confidence.

  ‘We could go to the cinema,’ she suggested eagerly. ‘I haven’t seen that new film about—’

  ‘You know that I don’t like being surrounded by people coughing and spluttering,’ Dave whined. ‘I can’t stand the cinema. We’ll go to the pub.’

  ‘Hang on,’ Anne whispered, moving to the door. ‘Hayley, why are you hiding there?’ she said, yanking the door open and staring hard at her sister.

  ‘I’m going to my room,’ the girl replied. ‘I wasn’t hiding.’

  ‘You were listening to us. You’re always hiding outside my door.’

  ‘You’re becoming neurotic,’ Hayley said with a giggle as she went to her own room.

  Anne closed her bedroom door, sat at her computer desk and stared at Dave. She was pleased that he’d come round, but she’d rather have met him later as they’d arranged originally. Noticing him gazing at her naked thighs, she wondered whether he’d come round early because he’d decided that they were ready for sex. Three weeks was a long time, she thought, parting her legs and displaying the tight crotch of her white cotton knickers beneath her short skirt. They’d often kissed and cuddled, but nothing more, and she was becoming increasingly frustrated.

  Dave gazed at her knickers as she parted her thighs wider, but he didn’t make a move. He didn’t even come out with a crude comment. Didn’t he like her young body? Anne wondered. They were more like brother and sister than boyfriend and girlfriend, she thought dolefully. Maybe he was a virgin and he didn’t know what to do. That must be it, she concluded, parting her thighs to the extreme and grinning at him. He lowered his head and looked at his watch, and she knew that he was in a hurry to get to the pub.

  ‘You go on and I’ll see you later,’ she sighed, giving up all hope of arousing him as she pressed her naked thighs together.

  ‘OK,’ he agreed rather too readily, heading for the door. ‘I’ll see you there.’

  Anne sighed as he left the room. She’d only had a couple of boyfriends before Dave, but neither of them had needed coaxing. They’d dived into her knickers on the first date and she’d had to fend them off. Not wanting to come across as a slut, she’d made them wait for a couple of days before she’d opened her legs to them. What was it with Dave? she wondered as Hayley passed her door and bounded down the stairs. Hearing the front door close, she gazed out of her window and noticed Hayley walking up the front path. As she reached the pavement, she seemed to be in a hurry. Her walk became a trot until she’d caught up with Dave and Anne wondered what her sister was up to. Dave turned and said something to her, and Anne reckoned that they were seeing each other behind her back.

  Leaving the house, Anne kept her distance as she followed them along the street. Dave wouldn’t have come round early if he’d arranged to see Hayley, she reflected. Perhaps Hayley had been listening to their conversation and had thought this was her chance to steal Dave from Anne. They were up to something, Anne was sure as she watched them walk past the pub. Wondering again whether Dave thought that she was too young for him, she hid behind a bush as they walked into the park and sat on a bench. She could see them talking, see Hayley laughing, but she couldn’t hear what they were saying. Had Dave been screwing Hayley all along? she mused angrily. Was that why he hadn’t wanted sex with her?

  Anne wondered about confronting them, but she wasn’t in the mood for an argument. Besides, they’d only lie their way out of trouble. Walking back to the pub, she felt her stomach churning. Hayley was a bitch, she thought as she walked up to the bar and ordered a large vodka and tonic. And Dave was a bastard. He must have thought that Hayley was more fun to be with, Anne reflected. She had a new car and money … And her tits were bigger. Was that what Dave liked? Big tits? How could her sister steal her boyfriend? Anne mused angrily.

  Taking her drink to a table, she slumped down as one of Dave’s friends noticed her and smiled. He was in his early fifties and more of a hanger-on than an actual part of Dave’s group, but he’d always seemed nice enough. Grabbing his beer from the bar, he walked over to her table and asked her where Dave was. This was all she needed, Anne thought, shrugging her shoulders as he sat down opposite her. Again asking her about Dave, he lowered his gaze to her ripe nipples where they were clearly defined by the tight material of her T-shirt.

  ‘He’s out with some other girl, I reckon,’ she finally muttered.

  ‘What?’ the man said. ‘You mean you two have split up?’

  ‘I mean he’s screwing someone else behind my back.’

  He looked genuinely surprised. ‘Blimey, that’s not like Dave,’ he breathed.

  ‘You obviously don’t know him, Alan.’

  ‘Who is the girl? Anyone I know?’

  ‘She’s my sister.’

  ‘Your sister? Wow, I can’t believe it.’ Again, Alan looked down at her nipples and smiled. ‘So, are you … I mean, now that you’re not with Dave …’

  ‘Are you asking me out?’ Anne interrupted him. Deciding that she needed some excitement, she licked her succulent lips. ‘Are you asking me out?’ she repeated.

  ‘Yes, but I think I’m a little too old for you,’ he returned with a chuckle. ‘You wouldn’t want to go out with an old guy like me, would you?’

  Anne felt defiant in the despair of her betrayal. ‘I might,’ she breathed, her brown eyes smiling.

  ‘Well, in that case …’

  ‘Where are you going to take me?’


  ‘You’re asking me out and I’m saying yes. So, where are you going to take me?’

  ‘Well, I …’

  ‘I want you to take me to the derelict house in the woods. Do you know it?’

  ‘Yes, but … That’s a strange place to go.’

  ‘It’s a lovely evening and I like the woods. I love the smell of the pine trees and the wild flowers.’

  ‘OK, if that’s what you want.’

  ‘They say that the house is haunted.’

  ‘Right, let’s go ghost hunting.’

  Finishing her drink, Anne felt a lot better as she left the pub with Alan. She’d rather hoped that Dave would see her as she grabbed Alan’s hand and walked down the lane to the woods, but he was probably too busy screwing Hayley to give Anne a thought. Following a narrow path through the undergrowth, Anne breathed in the scent of the pine trees. She’d always loved the woods, and had often played there and picked wild flowers when she’d been younger. But she’d rarely gone into the derelict house because the ghost stories had worried her. Was it really haunted? she wondered, trying to push thoughts of Dave and Hayley from her mind.

  ‘I haven’t been here for years,’ Alan said as they reached the house. ‘This place must have been derelict for ever. I used to play war games here when I was a kid.’

  ‘What games do you want to play now?’ Anne asked him impishly.

  He grinned as he looked her up and down. ‘Anything. I don’t mind.’

  ‘How about role-play?’


  ‘Yes. You go into the house and I’ll knock on the door pretending to be lost.’

  ‘OK, but … Then what happens?’

  Anne licked her full lips again and grinned at him. ‘You invite me in and take advantage of me,’ she breathed huskily.

  Alan flashed her a look of puzzlement. ‘Take advantage of you?’ he murmured.

  ‘Pick me like a wild flower and breathe in my scent.’

  ‘Hang on, I’m not with you.’

  ‘You play the role of a dirty old man and you force me to have sex with you,’ she explai

  ‘Oh, er … yes, I see.’ He chuckled. ‘I won’t have to play the role of a dirty old man because I am one.’

  ‘You’re up for it, then?’

  ‘Yes, yes, of course.’

  Anne felt her stomach somersault as Alan went into the house. She’d always loved role-playing, but she’d never involved sex in her games. She realised that she was only doing this to get back at Dave but, if Alan acted his part properly, she was going to have some excitement at long last. This was far better than sitting in the pub, she reflected, wondering whether Dave had pumped his sperm into Hayley’s pussy and was now waiting for her in the pub. How long had this been going on? How could Hayley betray her little sister like this? Dave was a bastard, Anne thought angrily. He’d had his chance, and he’d blown it.

  Her clitoris stirring as she imagined a man in his fifties pulling her knickers down and gazing at her teenage pussy, Anne felt an ache in her lower stomach. She’d masturbated regularly, but she’d longed for the feel of a hard cock stretching her young vagina wide open. Her fingers had brought her amazing orgasms, but they were no substitute for a cock or a lapping tongue. Sex was becoming a distant memory, she mused as she walked up to the house and tapped on the front door. But, hopefully, that was about to change.

  ‘Yes?’ Alan said, opening the door.

  ‘I’m lost,’ Anne sighed. ‘I need to use your phone.’

  ‘You’d better come in,’ he said, taking her hand and pulling her into the hallway. ‘Come through to the lounge.’

  ‘Do you live here alone?’ she asked him, again hoping that he’d play his part properly as they went into the front room.

  ‘Yes, I do.’ Alan closed the door and looked her up and down. ‘You can use my phone, but I want something in return.’

  ‘I … I don’t have any money.’

  ‘I don’t want money.’

  ‘I don’t understand. If you don’t want money, what do you want?’

  ‘I want to look at your body,’ he breathed.

  ‘No, no …’

  ‘Take your knickers off,’ he ordered her. ‘Take them off, or I’ll rip them off.’

  Anne concealed a grin as she reached beneath her short skirt and tugged her wet knickers down to her knees. She knew that she should have prolonged the game, but her arousal was rising fast and she didn’t want to waste time. As Alan stared at the small stain in the crotch of her knickers, she knew that his arousal would also be running high. He must have thought this was his lucky day, she mused as he licked his lips. Wondering how big his cock was as he told her to lift her skirt up, she thought that he was pretty good-looking for his age. His greying hair swept back, his dark eyes sparkling lustfully, he wasn’t at all bad-looking. Gazing at the bulge in his trousers, she knew that he was waiting in anticipation as she lifted her skirt slowly.


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