Wicked Obsession

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Wicked Obsession Page 4

by Ray Gordon

  ‘Would you like my cock up your bum?’

  ‘Yes … no, I …’

  ‘Have you never tried anal sex?’

  ‘No, I haven’t.’ Hauling her young body up as Alan climbed to his feet, Anne wondered what she was getting into. ‘I don’t want to get into anything like that.’

  ‘That’s what you said about pissing, but you loved it.’

  ‘Yes I know, but—’

  ‘It’s all right, I won’t push you. It’s just that I want to teach you everything, Anne. I want to teach you everything I know about sex.’

  ‘And you want to teach my sister?’

  ‘No, of course I don’t. I only want you.’

  ‘We’d better go to the pub now,’ she breathed as she straightened her clothes.

  ‘To see Dave?’

  ‘No, I … I just need a drink.’

  She did want to see Dave, Anne thought as she left the house with Alan. But she wasn’t sure why. Was it to confront him? she wondered as she followed Alan along the path to the lane. Did she want to boast about her sexual conquest? Watching Alan’s leather bag swinging by his side, she recalled the photographs he’d taken. If Dave saw them and he told Hayley … but Alan wouldn’t jeopardise his relationship with a young girl by showing the pictures around in the pub, she was sure.

  ‘Where the hell have you been?’ Dave asked her as Alan went up to the bar.

  ‘I went for a walk,’ she replied coldly. ‘I was a wild flower and I was plucked from the ground and—’

  ‘A wild flower? Anne, what the hell are you on about?’

  ‘Some people trample on wild flowers, Dave,’ she said accusingly.

  ‘Trample on … Where have you been?’

  ‘More to the point, where the hell have you been?’

  ‘I’ve been here, waiting for you.’

  ‘Before you came here, I meant.’

  ‘I came straight here from home.’

  ‘You were seen in the park, Dave, so don’t lie to me.’

  ‘In the park?’ he echoed. ‘I haven’t been anywhere near the park.’

  ‘Don’t lie, Dave. You’ve been to the park with Hayley – you were seen there.’

  ‘Whoever told you that I was in the park with your sister was lying. Anne, what’s this all about? I left home at six and came straight here. It’s almost eight o’clock. I’ve been here for the last couple of hours.’

  ‘Have you seen my sister?’

  ‘No, not since yesterday.’

  ‘I’ll be back later,’ Anne said, heading for the door. ‘I have to go and see someone.’

  ‘Anne, wait.’

  ‘I’ll be back.’

  Walking home briskly, Anne felt confused as never before. Why would Alan lie about seeing Dave and Hayley in the park? she wondered. Or was Dave lying? Perhaps Alan had lied to lessen Anne’s feelings of guilt? Perhaps he’d lied to make her angry and agree to piss in his mouth? There was only one way to find out, she thought as she opened her front door and went into the lounge. She asked her mother where Hayley was, then followed the woman’s gaze down to her legs. Her knees were grubby from kneeling on the floor in the derelict house and her skirt was crumpled. She looked like a common slut, she thought as she lied to her mother about falling over in the lane.

  ‘You’d better sort yourself out,’ the woman said. ‘You can’t walk around like that.’

  ‘Yes, yes, I will. So, where is Hayley?’

  ‘She went out with her new boyfriend.’

  ‘What time did she leave?’

  ‘About six, I think. What’s the matter, Anne? What’s happened?’

  ‘Nothing’s happened. I just wanted to talk to Hayley about something.’

  ‘She was meeting her new boyfriend at seven and—’

  ‘But you said that she left at six.’

  ‘She had to meet someone else first, so she left early.’

  ‘I don’t suppose she said who it was?’

  ‘No, she didn’t. Are you sure there’s nothing wrong?’

  ‘I’m fine, mum, honest.’

  ‘Hayley said that she’d be home around half past eight because she’s expecting a phone call about a new job.’

  ‘I didn’t know that she was after another job.’

  ‘She’s been headhunted,’ her mother said proudly. ‘It’s some high-flying position with an oil company. By the way, she’s bringing her boyfriend here to meet us.’

  ‘Really? Well, that will be interesting.’

  ‘Dad’s doing something in the shed and I’ll bet he’s got himself filthy dirty. I just hope that he’s going to change before they get here.’

  Anne checked the wall clock and smiled. ‘I’m looking forward to meeting Hayley’s new man,’ she said, concealing a grin. ‘They might be here at any minute so I’ll go and get washed and changed. I want to look my best for her new boyfriend.’

  ‘It’s unlike you to take an interest in Hayley’s friends.’

  ‘Maybe I’ve changed,’ Anne murmured, leaving the room and bounding up the stairs.

  This was her chance for revenge, she thought as she showered and dressed in a short skirt and a tight T-shirt. If Hayley was going to steal her boyfriend, then she’d steal hers. Applying a little make-up and brushing her hair, Anne gazed at her reflection in the dressing-table mirror and smiled. ‘An eye for an eye,’ she breathed, licking her full lips. ‘A cock for a cock?’ Should she wear her leather boots? she wondered. There was no need to dress like a slut, she decided. But she would behave like a slut.

  Anne was in the lounge with her mother when Hayley arrived with a good-looking man. He had brown hair and a suntanned face, and Anne thought he was rather dishy. Dressed in blue jeans and an open-neck shirt, he was in his early twenties and she reckoned that he was Hayley’s best catch so far. His name was Rick, and she reckoned that Hayley was very proud of him. He had a cock, Anne mused. And she had an accommodating pussy, so seducing him should be easy enough.

  Anne’s father was still in the shed, but her mother invited Rick to sit on the sofa and offered him a cup of tea. He was very good-looking, Anne thought, grinning at him as he looked her up and down. His eyes focused on her naked thighs and she reckoned that he’d be an easy enough conquest. But she had to get him alone, and she knew that wasn’t going to be easy.

  Hayley looked down at Anne’s short skirt and frowned as their mother left the room to make the tea. Anne grinned at her sister and then sat next to Rick on the sofa to further annoy the other girl. She knew that Hayley was fuming as she started chatting to Rick, but this was payback time and Anne was loving it. Asking him where he worked, and at the same time making sure that her skirt rode up her slender thighs, she turned her back on her sister.

  ‘I work for a computer company,’ Rick said, his gaze lowering as Anne parted her thighs slightly. ‘I’m an IT consultant.’

  ‘Aren’t you going out this evening?’ Hayley asked her sister.

  ‘I’ve already been out,’ Anne replied without taking her eyes off Rick. ‘Working with computers must be interesting. Mine’s been doing strange things – perhaps you could look at it for me?’

  ‘Yes, of course,’ Rick said. ‘Any time.’

  ‘How about now?’

  ‘Anne, Rick hasn’t come here to look at your computer,’ Hayley sighed.

  ‘It’s not a problem,’ Rick said, rising to his feet. ‘It may have a virus, so the sooner it’s sorted out the better. It won’t take a minute to check it over.’

  ‘I’ll come with you,’ Hayley breathed as the phone rang. ‘Damn, that’ll be the call I’m expecting.’

  Leading Rick up to her bedroom as Hayley answered the phone, Anne hoped that the call would keep her busy for a while. This couldn’t have worked out better, she thought, hoping that she could tempt Rick with her teenage body. Showing him into her room and switching her computer on, she perched her rounded buttocks on the edge of her bed as he sat at the desk. He was an attractive man, she mused again
as he gazed at the screen. Parting her thighs and displaying the triangular patch of white cotton covering her full sex lips as he turned and looked at her, she watched him closely for his reaction.

  ‘So, what’s the problem with it?’ Rick asked her, his stare transfixed between her naked thighs.

  ‘It does naughty things,’ she replied unconvincingly. ‘So, how long have you known Hayley?’

  ‘We’ve only just met. I thought it was too early to meet her family but—’

  ‘I’m glad you did,’ Anne cut in, parting her thighs further. ‘It’s been pretty dull around here lately.’

  ‘Dull? I’d have thought that a pretty girl like you would be out having fun. Don’t you have a boyfriend at the moment?’

  ‘No, I’m free and single.’ Leaving the bed, she came over and stood next to him. ‘So, what do you think?’ she asked him, pressing the gentle swell of her lower stomach against his arm. ‘Is there anything you can do for me?’

  ‘Yes, there is,’ Rick replied, grinning at her. ‘But I thought you wanted me to look at your computer?’

  ‘You’re a naughty boy.’

  ‘And you’re a naughty girl. There’s nothing wrong with your computer, is there?’

  ‘There was, but … well, it must have fixed itself.’ Pressing her young body harder against his arm, Anne grinned. ‘You might as well take a look while you’re here.’

  ‘What, you mean take a look at the computer?’

  ‘You can look at anything you want to.’

  Lifting her skirt and revealing the tight crotch of her knickers, Anne reckoned that Rick was game for anything as he ran his fingers up and down her inner thighs. Pulling her knickers to one side, he stroked the swollen lips of her pussy and then looked up at her as if to gauge her reaction. Her stomach fluttering, her clitoris swelling, Anne let out a rush of breath and licked her red lips, giving him the signal to go further. His finger entered the tight sheath of her wet vagina and he pulled her knickers further aside with his free hand to massage her hot inner flesh.

  ‘You are a naughty girl,’ he whispered.

  ‘And I get naughtier,’ Anne breathed softly. ‘Maybe you should spank me.’

  ‘Maybe I should meet you somewhere later.’

  ‘Maybe you should meet me in the park sooner rather than later.’

  ‘I can’t rush off,’ Rick sighed, gazing at Anne’s succulent sex lips squeezing his finger. ‘Your mum is making tea and …’

  ‘You have tea and chat for a while, and I’ll go to the park and wait for you.’

  ‘OK,’ he said, slipping his wet finger out of her contracting pussy. ‘I’d better say that I’ve sorted your computer out.’

  ‘And then you can come to the park and sort me out.’

  ‘Do you do this with all your sister’s boyfriends?’

  ‘Only the good-looking ones. Go back to the lounge and I’ll see you later.’

  As Rick left the room, Anne realised how easy it was to have any man eating out of her knickers. She felt a little guilty as she trotted down the stairs and told her mother that she was going to see Dave, but she also felt incredibly aroused. An eye for an eye, she thought, leaving the house and heading towards the park. Hayley deserved this, she thought as she walked past the pub. Two can play at stealing boyfriends and if that was the game that Hayley wanted to play then Anne would join in willingly – and win.

  Sitting on a bench beneath the evening sun, Anne began to think about her life. She’d always been the underdog, especially where Hayley was concerned, but things were changing. For the first time in years, she felt confident and happy with herself. She was becoming bubbly, and very naughty, and she liked the transformation. She was also a cheating slut, she reminded herself, but that didn’t bother her. Her goal was to beat Hayley at her own game, which she seemed to be doing with ease. She might see Dave again, she thought, but only for sex.

  Smiling at Rick as he approached, Anne parted her thighs and displayed the wet crotch of her white cotton knickers. ‘That was quick,’ she said as he sat next to her on the bench. ‘You must be keen!’

  ‘It’s not every day that an attractive young girl pulls her knickers down and … I wasn’t going to waste any time.’

  ‘Has Hayley pulled her knickers down for you?’

  ‘Yes, but …’

  ‘But what?’

  ‘I feel bad enough sneaking off and meeting you here, let alone talking about her.’

  ‘I want to know, Rick.’

  ‘We’ve had sex but … Let’s not talk about it.’

  ‘Wasn’t she any good?’

  ‘She can’t come,’ he finally told her. ‘She’s never had an orgasm in her life.’

  ‘I have multiple orgasms,’ Anne replied triumphantly. She rose from the bench and licked her succulent lips. ‘Come into the woods with me and I’ll prove it.’

  Walking into the woods with Rick in tow, Anne couldn’t believe that Hayley was unable to come. She’d always thought that her older sister was perfect in every way, until now. This was an amazing revelation, she thought happily. Hayley, unable to achieve an orgasm? Giggling as she sat on the soft grass in a small clearing, Anne lay on her back and looked up at Rick. His dark eyes stared at her young body and he obviously couldn’t believe his luck. Settling beside her and pulling her knickers off, he focused on the most private part of her teenage body.

  ‘You’re gorgeous,’ Rick said, leaning over and kissing the warm cushions of her fleshy outer lips. Breathing in her female scent, he opened her wet valley and licked her inner folds. ‘And you taste wonderful.’

  ‘What does Hayley taste like?’ Anne asked him, parting her legs as wide as she could.

  ‘Let’s not talk about Hayley,’ he sighed. ‘I want to concentrate on you.’

  ‘And I want you to concentrate on my pussy,’ she returned huskily.

  Rick’s tongue entered the hot sheath of Anne’s tight vagina and he breathed heavily as he lapped up her creamy sex milk. Anne quivered and writhed on the short grass as she looked up at the trees high above her. Was this where Dave had screwed Hayley? she wondered. Had they walked into the woods and found the small clearing and fucked there? Dave would have fucked Hayley’s mouth, she reflected. He’d have spunked down her throat and … Hayley was a bitch, Anne mused dreamily as Rick sucked her ripe clitoris into his hot mouth. But the tables had turned.

  Her orgasm welled from the depths of her contracting womb and Anne dug her fingernails into the soft grass, arching her back as Rick mouthed and sucked on her solid clitoris. Thinking of the old armchair in the derelict house, she imagined taking Rick there. Perhaps she should turn the house into her sex den, she thought as her clitoris pulsated and erupted in orgasm.

  Trembling uncontrollably, she cried out as Rick drove two fingers deep into her contracting vagina and swept his tongue repeatedly over the sensitive tip of her clitoris.

  Hayley couldn’t do this, Anne thought happily in her rising wickedness as her pleasure rocked her young body to the core. Rick would be pleased with her, she knew as he worked expertly between the splayed lips of her teenage vagina. Was Hayley into water sports? she wondered, imagining squatting over Rick’s face and showering him with her golden rain. Anne knew that she’d do almost anything in the name of lust, especially if it helped to destroy her sister’s relationships. A cock for a cock, she mused as Rick massaged the inner flesh of her inflamed vagina and sucked on her pulsating clitoris.

  Finally drifting down from her illicit climax, Anne breathed deeply as she listened to the slurping sound of Rick sucking out her orgasmic milk. She couldn’t imagine her sister lying on the ground with a man licking and sucking her pussy. Hayley’s clothes would get crumpled and her long blonde hair would become dishevelled and she’d hate it. There was no way Hayley would have sex in the woods but … Had Dave really fucked her beneath the trees? Anne wondered. Or had they found somewhere clean and comfortable?

  ‘You’re beautiful,’ Rick said, lifti
ng his head at last and gazing at Anne. ‘I wish I’d met you before I met your sister.’

  ‘It doesn’t make any difference,’ Anne countered. ‘You can have me whenever you want to.’

  ‘You mean you’ll share me with Hayley?’

  ‘Yes – why not? It’ll be fun knowing that you’ve fucked her before you’ve fucked me.’

  ‘I don’t think she’d see it that way. But if you’re happy with that …’

  ‘I won’t know whether I’m happy with the arrangement until you’ve fucked me.’

  ‘You want me to prove myself?’

  ‘Of course.’

  Closing her eyes as Rick positioned himself between her splayed legs, Anne let out a sigh as he pressed the bulbous knob of his solid penis into her wet sex valley. As he eased the full length of his penis deep into her hot vagina, she wasn’t sure whether he was extremely large or whether she was just very tight. Her sex sheath opened wide to accommodate his solid shaft, his bulbous knob pressed against her creamy-wet cervix, and she thought that she’d split open with the sheer girth of his huge cock.

  Withdrawing slowly until the wet petals of her inner lips encompassed his purple knob, Rick slid his cock smoothly back into Anne’s squelching vagina. He withdrew again and drove into her, finding his rhythm as she gasped and writhed on the grass beneath him. This was heaven, she thought dreamily, her young body rocking gently with the illicit shafting. She found it exciting to think that this was the very cock that had shafted her sister’s pussy. Hayley had taken Dave’s cock and now, in retaliation, she was taking Rick’s.

  ‘Are you OK?’ Rick asked her, his sparkling eyes smiling as he looked down at her pretty face.

  ‘Oh yes,’ she breathed softly, returning his smile. ‘I’ve never felt better.’

  ‘I want you to come, Anne.’

  ‘And I want your spunk filling my pussy. I want the spunk that Hayley would have had.’

  ‘It’s all yours,’ he said, chuckling.

  Increasing his vaginal shafting rhythm, Rick locked his lips to Anne’s in a passionate kiss. She tasted his tongue, breathing heavily through her nose as she wrapped her legs around his body and pulled him closer. The sensitive tip of her solid clitoris massaged by his pussy-wet shaft, taking her closer to her climax, she again imagined his cock driving deep into Hayley’s vagina. How had her sister reacted when he’d pumped his spunk into her? Anne wondered. Had Rick gasped in the grip of his orgasm while Hayley had wondered what an orgasm was like?


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