Wicked Obsession

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Wicked Obsession Page 10

by Ray Gordon

  Anne had always thought that Hayley was refined and ladylike and, again, she couldn’t believe that this was her sister with an old man’s cock embedded deep in her tight arse. As she took more photographs, Anne thought it was a shame that Hayley wasn’t in a relationship with someone she loved and planned to marry. Anne knew that Rick and Robin screwing the likes of her little sister wasn’t going to bother Hayley at all.

  As he pumped his sperm deep into Hayley’s bowels, Alan repeatedly spanked her rounded buttocks while the girl whimpered and writhed over the back of the armchair. Anne watched her sister in disbelief – the sheer satisfaction depicted in her expression, her naked body shaking uncontrollably – as Alan repeatedly rammed his solid cock deep into her rectal duct and drained his swinging balls.

  ‘What are you up to?’ someone said as Anne took another photograph.

  ‘Get down,’ Anne whispered, turning to find Brian looking down at her.

  ‘What’s going on?’ he asked, kneeling beside her.

  ‘Alan is in the house, screwing my sister.’

  ‘God,’ Brian said softly, peering through the window. ‘She’s a real beauty.’

  ‘Don’t you start,’ Anne whispered through gritted teeth. ‘I’ve had enough of men chasing after my sister.’

  ‘Why are you taking photographs?’

  ‘It’s a long story.’

  ‘I don’t understand. You’re out here, taking photos, and—’

  ‘Shut up, Brian. They’ll hear you if you’re not careful.’

  ‘I think I’ll go and join them,’ he whispered. ‘She really is a little beauty.’

  Leaving the bushes, Anne walked into the woods and sat on a log. Why the hell did everyone compliment Hayley? she wondered irritably. Her sister had big tits and a lovely body but … It must be her tits, she concluded as Brian joined her on the log. Men obviously liked big tits. Shaking her head as Brian once more praised Hayley’s naked body, Anne knew that she’d never beat her big sister. Hayley was prettier, her tits were bigger, and she was better at sex.

  ‘Are you jealous?’ Brian asked her.

  ‘Yes, I am,’ Anne admitted. ‘She’s always been better than me. She did well at school and college and university, she has a well-paid job and a new car and—’

  ‘Hey, hey,’ Brian said softly, placing his arm around her shoulders. ‘I didn’t mean that she’s better than you. You’re amazing.’

  ‘Yes, and her tits are bigger.’

  ‘I don’t like big tits, Anne. Not all men like big tits, believe me. Besides, you’re even younger than she is and men love young girls.’

  ‘I know,’ Anne sighed. ‘It’s just that all my life I’ve had to put up with Hayley doing well at everything. She gets all the praise, she’s perfect, she’s—’

  ‘Are you going to use the photographs to get your own back in some way?’

  ‘That was the idea, yes.’

  ‘Well, make sure that you blot out Alan’s face. You don’t want to get him into trouble.’ Grinning, Brian pulled her close. ‘You’d be better off setting her up in some way.’


  ‘I don’t know. How about getting men to phone your house? They could ask for Hayley, ask how much she charges for sex.’

  ‘So my mum answers the phone and a man asks her how much Hayley charges for sex?’

  ‘Your mum will answer the phone to several different men every day. They’ll think that’s she’s Hayley and ask how much she charges for a blow-job or anal sex and—’

  ‘Yes, that’s a good idea,’ Anne cut in. ‘The thing is, I don’t know any men who would do it.’

  ‘I’ll do it. I can put on different voices. I’ll ring several times a day and—’

  ‘Yes, do it,’ Anne said excitedly. ‘I’ll give you the phone number.’

  Taking a pen and paper from his jacket pocket, Brian chuckled as she wrote her number down. ‘Your mum will think that Hayley’s on the game,’ he said. ‘And if you inadvertently leave a photograph somewhere where your mother will find it …’

  ‘It will all add up to my big sister working as a prostitute. The trouble is, I’m the prostitute.’

  ‘You are silly, Anne. I gave you some money to help you out. OK, so we had sex. But the money was just to help you out.’

  ‘You are nice,’ she breathed, smiling at him. ‘But I am a prostitute – there’s no other way to put it.’

  ‘They’re leaving the house,’ Brian whispered, peering through the bushes.

  ‘They might be going to the pub. Shall we follow them?’

  ‘Yes, I could do with a beer.’

  Walking through the woods with Brian, Anne realised that her perspective on her quest to get her own back on Hayley had changed. There was no point in bothering about the girl, she decided. Unless Hayley fell in love and planned to marry, there was no point in trying to destroy her relationships. Knowing Hayley as she now did, Anne reckoned that she wouldn’t bat an eyelid if she discovered that her little sister was screwing the same men that she, Hayley, was seeing.

  Following the unlikely couple, Anne watched as Alan went into the pub and Hayley walked on. Brian reckoned that Hayley was going home and suggested that they should go and have a drink with Alan, but Anne was more interested in her sister. Hayley was heading away from home, towards the other side of the village, and Anne wanted to know where she was going. Arranging to see Brian in the pub later that evening, she followed Hayley.

  Keeping her distance, she slipped behind a parked car as Hayley walked up a path to a small cottage and rang the doorbell. What the hell was Hayley up to? she wondered as a man in his forties opened the door and invited Hayley in. Feeling like a thief in the night, Anne slipped into the front garden and spied through the open window. Hayley was in the lounge, kissing the man and giggling. Was this another one-night stand? Anne mused.

  ‘Sorry I’m late,’ Hayley sighed, flopping onto the sofa. ‘I was held up at work.’

  ‘No problem,’ the man said as he poured two glasses of wine. ‘I suppose you didn’t have time to talk to your parents?’

  ‘No, I … I haven’t had a chance.’

  ‘You haven’t decided yet, have you?’

  ‘Yes, I have. The thing is …’

  ‘Hayley, I rang your office and they said that you’d gone home.’

  ‘All right, I lied. I had to do some thinking, Jack.’

  ‘I just want you to decide one way or the other. I’ve waited two years for you, Hayley. I’ll wait another two years, if that’s what it takes.’

  ‘I’ve decided to marry you.’

  Clutching her camera, Anne couldn’t believe what her sister was saying. She’d never heard of Jack, and she was sure that Hayley hadn’t mentioned him to her parents. Marriage? she wondered, frowning as she tried to get comfortable on the rough ground beneath the window. Realising that Hayley led a very dark and secret life, she wondered what the hell her sister had been doing, fucking an old man when she was thinking about marrying someone else.

  ‘I have to get home,’ Hayley said as she finished her wine. ‘I’ll talk to my parents, if my little sister isn’t hanging around.’

  ‘That’s great. Will you ring me later and let me know the outcome?’

  ‘Yes, I will.’

  ‘I’m forty-five and you’re only twenty-two but—’

  ‘I love you, Jack. That’s the most important thing. I’m sure that my parents will understand.’

  ‘I can’t believe that, after all this time, we’re going to get married,’ the man said excitedly.

  ‘I know that I’ve kept you waiting, Jack. But I’ve finally made up my mind.’

  Creeping around the side of the cottage as the front door opened, Anne gazed at her camera as she formulated her plan. She had the evidence of Hayley’s debauchery with Alan, and she was sure that Jack would be very interested to discover the shocking truth about his wife-to-be. Marriage, she mused again, unable to believe that Hayley was a two-timing slut
. Waiting until she was sure that Hayley had gone, Anne walked round to the front door and rang the bell. She was going to have to play this by ear, she thought as the front door opened.

  ‘Yes?’ Jack said, looking her up and down.

  ‘Sorry to trouble you,’ Anne said softly. ‘A friend of mine said that Hayley was here.’

  ‘She’s just left, I’m afraid. Can I help?’

  ‘It’s rather difficult,’ Anne sighed. ‘May I come in for a minute?’

  ‘Yes, yes, of course.’ Leading her into the lounge, Jack waved at the sofa. ‘Sit down,’ he said before refilling his wine glass. ‘Are you a friend of Hayley’s?’

  ‘Not exactly. She’s a friend of a friend.’

  ‘Oh, right. Would you like a drink?’

  ‘Thanks,’ Anne replied, settling on the sofa. ‘My friend … he’s been seeing Hayley for a while and he—’

  ‘Seeing Hayley?’ Jack interrupted her, his dark eyes frowning.

  ‘Yes, they’ve been going out together for a few months.’

  ‘Oh, er … I see.’ He knocked back his drink and looked shocked. ‘Please, do go on.’

  ‘He’s been wondering whether she’s faithful to him. He saw her come here earlier and … well, he asked me to find out what sort of relationship you have with her.’

  ‘My relationship with Hayley is … We plan to marry.’

  ‘Marry?’ Anne echoed, staring wide-eyed at him. ‘But I don’t understand.’

  ‘Neither do I. Are you sure that you’ve got the right girl?’

  ‘Hayley, yes. She spent the evening with my friend and then he followed her here.’

  ‘That explains why she’s been dithering about marrying me,’ Jack sighed, refilling his glass. ‘She hasn’t wanted me to meet her parents. She’s been putting it off and I thought that it was because of the difference in our ages. I had no idea that she was seeing someone else.’

  ‘I’m so sorry,’ Anne murmured. ‘I would never have come here had I known that … I don’t know what to say.’

  ‘I’m glad you came here. I’m Jack, by the way.’

  ‘I’m Rachael. Well, having put my foot in it, I suppose I’d better be going.’

  ‘No, please stay for a while.’ Topping up her glass, Jack smiled at her. ‘It’s nice to have some company, seeing as I’m now finished with Hayley. To be honest, I never thought that it would work out. I’m far too old for her.’

  ‘You’re not old,’ Anne said, giggling as she reclined on the sofa and parted her thighs a little. ‘Anyway, I prefer older men.’

  ‘Obviously Hayley doesn’t. I just don’t understand her. We’ve known each other for two years and things have been fine, apart from her dithering about marrying me. God, this is a shock. I feel … I really don’t know what I feel. Let down, used, cheated …’

  ‘You’re an attractive man, Jack. I don’t understand why she’s seeing another man. I really do find you attractive.’

  ‘Really? Well, er … are you seeing anyone at the moment?’

  ‘No, I’m free and single.’

  Anne knew that he wanted her young body as he gazed at the tight material of her knickers straining to contain her full sex lips. Was he into oral sex? she wondered excitedly. Would he push his tongue between the hairless lips of her teenage pussy and lap up her hot milk? She didn’t feel guilty as she parted her thighs further. Hayley had been screwing Alan in the derelict house, cheating on the man she planned to marry, so she deserved to have him cheat on her.

  ‘What’s Hayley like?’ she asked Jack as he gazed at the triangular patch of material nestling between her slender thighs.

  ‘I thought that she was a lovely girl,’ he sighed. ‘She’s told me about her amazing salary and we’d worked out that we could afford to buy a nice house and …’ He held his hand to his head and sighed. ‘I’m still in a state of shock. To discover that she’s been seeing another man is just incredible.’

  ‘Have you never been suspicious?’

  ‘Well, once or twice I have wondered whether she’s been telling the truth. She has to work late most nights and … Yes, I have had my suspicions.’

  ‘You need a girl you can rely on,’ Anne said, grinning at him. ‘You need someone dependable and faithful.’

  ‘The trouble is, I’m not getting any younger. Anyway, I thought that Hayley was faithful to me. I thought that she loved me. I know that she’d been dithering about marrying me but … as I said, I thought that was because of our age difference. Had you not come here this evening, I’d have married her and … You’ve saved my life, Rachael.’

  ‘How long have you lived here? I’ve not seen you around the village.’

  ‘Only for a couple of months. I’ve been living in London – that’s where I met Hayley. I work in London but because I wanted to be nearer to Hayley I rented this place. We’ve had some great evenings here. Nights of sex and passion and … well, it’s over now.’

  ‘Perhaps I can make you feel better,’ Anne said huskily, rubbing the swell of her tight knickers. ‘And perhaps you can make me feel better.’

  Kneeling between her feet, Jack leaned forward and kissed the taut material of her wet panties. Anne breathed heavily, parting her thighs wide, as he licked the small indentations at the tops of her thighs either side of her knickers. Her clitoris swelling, her sex milk flowing, she knew that he was teasing her as his tongue repeatedly swept over the smooth flesh of her inner thighs. Desperate for him to rip her knickers off and tongue her wet hole, she moved forward on the sofa and positioned her rounded buttocks over the edge of the cushion.

  ‘You’re gorgeous,’ Jack breathed, reaching up and squeezing the firm mounds of Anne’s young breasts through her skimpy crop-top. ‘You’re just what I need.’

  ‘What was Hayley like in bed?’ Anne asked him, her voice shaky as he lifted her top clear of her petite breasts and teased her ripe nipples.

  ‘She was always very wet,’ Jack said softly, biting her fleshy outer lips through her soaked knickers. ‘But that was probably because she’d been fucking another man before seeing me.’

  ‘She’s a whore,’ Anne gasped, her eyes rolling as Jack pulled her panties to one side and gazed at her bald love lips.

  ‘And you’re beautiful. God, there’s nothing I love more than a hairless pussy.’

  ‘It’s all yours, Jack. You don’t need that slut Hayley any more.’

  Parting the fleshy swell of Anne’s outer labia and exposing her open vaginal entrance, he slipped his tongue into her hot sex hole and lapped up her flowing cream. She writhed on the sofa, gasping as her young womb contracted and her outer lips swelled. Jack was good, she mused dreamily as he licked the creamy-wet walls of her teenage vagina. Deliberately avoiding the solid nub of her expectant clitoris, teasing her and sending her arousal soaring, he took her to hitherto unknown heights of sexual craving.

  ‘God, yes,’ she breathed, clutching his head and grinding her open vaginal flesh hard against his mouth. ‘My clit … lick my clit.’

  ‘Naughty girl,’ Jack said through a mouthful of hot vaginal flesh. ‘Are you ready to come yet?’

  ‘Yes, yes … please, I need to—’

  ‘Not yet, my angel. I want you screaming and begging for an orgasm.’

  ‘No, no, that’s not fair. Please … oh God, my cunt …’

  Crying out as Jack worked his tongue expertly around her hot vaginal hole, Anne stretched the puffy lips of her yearning pussy apart as far as she could. Again begging him to lick and suck her clitoris, she arched her back and shook uncontrollably. He ignored her pleas, tonguing her sex sheath and sucking out her hot milk but avoiding the solid bulb of her swollen clitoris. She tried swivelling her hips to align her budlette with his mouth, his tongue, but he moved down her gaping sex valley and continued to lap at the pink funnel of wet flesh surrounding her hot vaginal entrance.

  Anne thought that she was flying up to her sexual heaven as her neglected clitoris began to pulsate. She could hear Jack
slurping as her hot milk spewed from her open hole and flooded his mouth, and she knew that she’d be visiting him again. Why Hayley had cheated on him, she had no idea. The girl must have been mad, she reflected as she cried out and begged him for her orgasm. He chuckled, deliberately neglecting her solid clitoris as she begged and pleaded again for her desperately needed climax.

  Finally conceding, Jack moved up Anne’s open sex valley, sucked her swollen clitoris into his hot mouth and repeatedly ran his tongue over its sensitive tip. Anne screamed as her orgasm erupted, shaking her young body to the core. Throwing her head back, she wrapped her legs around Jack’s body and forced the pulsating nub of her erect clitoris into his hot mouth. Images of his cock sliding in and out of her tightening vagina looming in her mind, she pictured another hard cock shafting the tight duct of her rectum as she sucked on an orgasming knob.

  She was a slut, Anne knew as she rode the crest of her amazing climax. Sex now ruled her life, her very being was centred on her teenage pussy, and she vowed somehow to have three or four men attending her young body and spunking her tight holes. Her orgasm peaked as she imagined two knobs forced into her pretty mouth and pumping fresh spunk down her throat. Her fantasies would soon become real, she decided. She’d find men to use and abuse her teenage body and repeatedly take her to her sexual heaven.

  ‘No more,’ Anne finally managed to gasp. ‘Please, I can’t take any more.’

  ‘Was that a good one?’ Jack asked her, his pussy-wet face grinning.

  ‘The best I’ve ever known,’ she replied dreamily. ‘God, you really do know how to make a girl happy. I want you to fuck me now, fuck me senseless.’

  ‘It’ll be my pleasure,’ he said, unbuckling his belt and lowering his trousers. ‘I love you talking crude like that. Beg me to fuck you.’

  Gazing at his huge cock, his ripe plum, Anne could hardly believe the sheer size of Jack’s organ. ‘Please fuck me,’ she breathed. ‘Please fuck my tight little cunt hard.’

  His bulbous knob drove deep into her contracting vaginal sheath and pressed hard against her wet cervix. Anne let out a rush of breath. He was so big, she thought happily as he withdrew and rammed his huge member deep into her tight sex duct again. Her half-naked body rocking back and forth like a rag doll as he began his fucking motions, the smooth plateau of her stomach rising and falling with the penile shafting, she whimpered and shook uncontrollably in the grip of her sexual ecstasy.


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