His Wrath: Underground, 2

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His Wrath: Underground, 2 Page 12

by Jenika Snow

  “That’s great to hear,” Susan said. “You’re doing well, Brea. You’re making real progress, and I can see that the burden you carry is lessening.” Susan set her notebook down and crossed her legs. “But it’s going to be a long, slow road. You just have to be patient and take your time, accept that there will be ups and downs, but that eventually you’ll find that peace and harmony that you deserve.”

  Brea felt like she was already getting there, that with the closure from Cameron and the peace and happiness she’d found with Adrian, that she was actually starting to find her life once more. She knew that with time everything would be okay.

  Three months later

  * * *

  The scene was the same Brea had witnessed a dozen times. The crowd, the sweat, the blood. Except this time she was a spectator. The atmosphere from the “other side” of it all was different, and Brea found the adrenaline rapidly racing through her bloodstream.

  So this is what it’s about.

  Adrian had just done a TKO on his opponent, but the roaring crowd didn’t draw his attention from what he was looking at.


  There wasn’t anything better than watching Adrian in his element, even though she wasn’t the biggest advocate of fighting. There was just something about watching him fight, about seeing all his power and strength. It made her feel like nothing on this planet could harm her as long as Adrian was with her.

  And then the fight was done, the crowd roared, and all she could focus on was the man who made her heart beat … the one she loved.

  When he left the cage, he went straight to her. Hand in hers, Adrian led her through the crowd, up the stairs, and out the back. His truck was parked right outside the side door, but that’s not where he took her when they stepped outside. She knew what he wanted. Hell, it was what she wanted, too.

  After every fight, both of their libidos were on overdrive.

  His big body pressed hers against the brick wall, and his lips claimed hers in a searing kiss. He smelled of sweat from the fight, but the scent aroused her and she found herself pressing closer to him. The idea that anyone could come right outside the door and see what they were doing should have embarrassed her, but it did the complete opposite.

  But the truth was in just the last month she’d found her strength rising, her own independence consuming her. Brea felt stronger with Adrian, but it wasn’t because of him. He might have given her the path, but she’d found it, traveled it herself.

  “God, Brea. I want to take you right here.” His hot breath slid across her neck, and she shivered.


  “I know, pretty girl. I know it’s a stupid thought, but Brea…” The feel of his tongue up her neck had her turning her head to the side to accept more of his wicked touch.

  “No, Adrian. I want you. Now.”

  His muffled groan sent a spike of lust straight through her core. He cupped her ass, bringing her pelvis flush with his. He was hard against her belly, and she wanted to feel all of him pushing inside of her. He lifted her, and she wrapped her legs around his waist.

  Thank God she’d worn a skirt tonight. The material slipped up her thighs, and a cool breeze slid across the most intimate part of her. With her arms wrapped around his neck, he took one of his hands and cupped her bare ass cheek. The thong had also been a very wise choice.

  “Fuck, baby. Do you want to kill me?” His words came out as a half groan, half plea.

  “Adrian. I ache for you.” The feel of his teeth along her collarbone sent her into a frenzy. She needed him now.

  “Don’t worry, baby. I’m going to make you feel so fucking good. I’m going to take care of you.” Hooking his finger in the material of her thong, he shoved it aside and ran the digit along her soaked cleft.

  He tore his fingers away just as quickly as he’d touched her. The sound of his zipper being ripped down had her pushing herself on him, tempting him to go faster. She reached between them with one hand and gripped his scorching-hot shaft.

  They both groaned in need.

  His cock was hard, so stiff against her. Adrian pulled her panties aside, sliding against her moist folds. With each thrust of his hips against her pussy, she felt her clit tingle, her arousal swell. He hooked his hand behind her leg, brought it up and over his waist, and bent his knees, positioning the tip of his erection at the entrance of her pussy. In one quick move he buried himself inside of her.

  She gasped, cried out in pleasure.

  “I got you, pretty girl. I’ll always have you.”

  Adrian was hot and hard and filled her to the brim.

  “Have I told you lately how good it feels when I’m deep inside of you?” His lips skimmed along the shell of her ear. He used the wall behind her as leverage as he started to pump in and out of her. Another sharp thrust into her. “So tight and wet. So hot and perfect.” One more thrust. “Being inside of you will be the death of me, baby.”

  She let her head fall against the wall. The feel of the rough scrape of brick against her back heightened the pleasure of his thick cock shoving in and out of her. Brea held on to his shoulders, her knuckles surely white from the force.

  Adrian brought them both closer to easing the tightly strung tension inside of them.

  “Squeeze me, baby,” Adrian groaned. She clamped her inner muscles around him, and they both let out a harsh breath. “Oh God, baby. Please tell me you’re close because I can’t hold off for much longer.”

  She could hear the sound of people talking right behind the steel door. It was exhilarating and had her orgasm coming fast and hard. “I’m right there,” she breathed. As soon as the words left her mouth, he slammed inside of her hard. She came instantly and let her head lean against the crook of his neck.

  She bit down on his shoulder, trying to muffle her cries of pleasure. Adrian followed right after her, and she felt the hot spurt of his cum fill her. He swelled even farther as he found his own release. Never had she felt so intimately close with someone, but with Adrian she felt bare to him, laid out heart and soul.

  He stayed buried inside of her for several long seconds before finally pulling out and helping her to stand. She let her head rest on his chest and listened to the steady drum of his heart as it returned to a more normal rhythm.

  “I love you, Brea.”

  She smiled against his chest, knowing she would never get tired of hearing him say it. “I love you, too.” There would never be a day that went by that she wouldn’t tell him those words. She’d spent too much of her life not feeling.

  Adrian bent down and kissed her, soft and sweet. It brought a good kind of pain to her chest.

  Home. That was exactly where she was with Adrian.


  Eighteen months later

  He was nervous, more so than he’d ever been in his entire life. As he stared at Brea, the ring box in his hand hidden under the table, all he could think about was what if she said no.

  He thought of a hundred different ways to go about doing this, asking the woman he loved to marry him, but in the end he wanted something intimate, private. And so he’d made her dinner at their place, a little two-story cottage by the beach that he’d purchased for them. It had been a risk, a gamble that she’d even like the place. But he’d seen it, saw that the beach was right outside the back door, and knew that this was something that would help her emotionally, mentally, hell maybe even spiritually. He hadn’t hesitated in getting it.

  And thank fuck she’d loved the cottage, had cried and held on to him as she told him how happy she was, how perfect it was. Seeing those tears roll down her cheeks, seeing that smile cover her beautiful face had been perfection.

  Two hours outside of the city, away from the club and the fighting had them in their own little world. Although he still fought illegally for Tate, it was more on his terms, a few times a month, fight after fight during those nights for him to earn enough to keep him and Brea comfortable.

  And so they’d moved
in together. Although she still saw Susan twice a month, driving to the city because of the close relationship with her psychologist, because Susan helped her so much, Brea had also found a new therapist close to the cottage. She’d even found a waitressing job at this little seaside café despite the fact he’d told her she didn’t have to work, that he’d take care of them, take care of her.

  He wanted her to be independent, to go after what she wanted, what she thought was important. Because that was what was important to him. Although there were no self-defense classes in the little beach town, thirty minutes away he found a hole-in-the-wall gym that they could go to together and practice all she’d learned. She’d never be a victim again. He wanted her to keep training, fighting … to grow stronger. It was important for him that she took care of herself despite the fact he’d level anyone who tried to hurt her.

  She was his world, after all.

  “Are you okay?” she asked softly, and he glanced up, not realizing he’d been concentrating on his hands, on the little box he held.

  “I’m fine,” he said with a thick voice, clearing his throat and shifting on the seat. Damn, he was nervous. He lifted his free hand and rubbed it on the back of his neck, feeling dots of perspiration line his nape.

  Adrian knew if he didn’t just do it, didn’t just tell her how he felt, he’d regret it. Nerves or not, he wanted Brea by his side always. He wanted her in his life, as his wife, the mother of his children. Although he wasn’t in a rush, would allow her to take her time, lead the way, he had to do this for himself.

  And so he grabbed life by the balls and stood, walked over to her, and pulled her chair out slightly. He shifted her in her seat and sank down to one knee. She looked genuinely confused, but when he lifted up the white box and popped the lid, showing her the ring, he saw her eyes widen, her hand lifting to her mouth and covering her lips.

  “You and I have shit that tarnishes our pasts, nightmares and horrors that no one but us can ever fully understand.” He swallowed the lump in his throat. “But we prevailed, grew stronger, healed and found each other.” His throat was so tight, his heart racing. “All I can think about is you. You’re the first thing on my mind when I wake up, the last thing when I go to bed. The very thought of you not in my life is too painful to even contemplate.” He pulled the ring out of the box and reached for her hand, slipping the diamond on her ring finger. “Brea, you’re the love of my life, the woman I’d kill for, give my life for.” He stared into her eyes, wanting her to see how serious he was, how much he loved her.

  “Adrian.” She whispered his name softly.

  He might say those three words to her every day, telling her that there was no one else in the world for him, but even still he worried she might not know. Even still, Adrian worried she didn’t understand how deep his love for her really ran. “Brea, be my wife, marry me. Let me be your protector, your provider. Let me show you how good this world can be with the man who loves you by your side.”

  Fat tears rolled down her cheeks, and he lifted his hand and brushed them away with the pad of his thumb. She licked her lips and stared him in the eyes.

  “Marry me,” he whispered. And then she was nodding, smiling.

  “Yes. Of course I’ll marry you.”

  He stood and had her in his arms, pulled tightly to his body seconds later. With his hand cupping the back of her head, he just held her, amazed that he could still feel his love grow for her each and every day, that she could surprise him by wanting to spend her life with him.

  Hell, he didn’t know what he’d done to deserve her, but until the day he died, he’d make sure she never felt anything but his love for her.

  * * *

  The End

  Deeper, Tate’s story, is coming next!



  By Jenika Snow


  [email protected]

  Copyright © July 2018 by Jenika Snow

  First E-book Publication: July 2018

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  Cover photo provided by: Adobe Stock

  Editor: Kasi Alexander

  * * *

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: The unauthorized reproduction, transmission, or distribution of any part of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to five years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

  This literary work is fiction. Any name, places, characters and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or establishments is solely coincidental.

  Please respect the author and do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials that would violate the author’s rights.

  It should have just been a simple vacation, away from everyone and everything to clear my head. But I soon realized I wasn’t alone.

  He stalked me, hunted me. I should’ve run faster, tried harder. But the truth was I liked him chasing me.

  Wolf was a ruthless man, his way of living barbaric. Now he had me in his off-the-grid cabin, what he deemed my new home. I was his new wife, would have his babies.

  I was his irrevocably.

  I shouldn’t have felt arousal. But I did.

  He’s not going to let me escape ... but then again, maybe I don’t want to.

  * * *

  Warning: This one has bite to it—even if it’s NOT paranormal! As per the usual ... it’s short and fast and pretty unrealistic … but it gets right down to the juicy bits. It’s one of those stories that will have you wanting to find your own Wolf in the woods.



  A two-week vacation.

  It would be just me, a cabin in the woods, hiking to clear my head ... and nothingness. It’s what I desperately needed. Maybe I should have spent the time and money going to someplace tropical or exotic, or maybe gone to Europe and explored ancient cities and culture.

  But the truth was taking a road trip, nothing but the vastness and my own company, sounded pretty amazing.

  I packed the last of my bags in the back of my car and closed the trunk.

  At twenty-three I was ready for a break from the real world. With my only family—my mom and dad—living five states away, and my only “friends” being my co-workers, I was no stranger to being alone. I craved it even, embraced it. I had always loved the solitude being by myself entailed, and so going off for these fourteen days was perfect for me.

  But even though I desired that solitude, the fact remained I was lonely. I had no one, nothing of importance close to me. I went to work day in and day out, did my job, paid my bills. I worked my ass off, to be honest, and because of that I had no debt. Then again, I didn’t buy anything of value. I didn’t splurge, didn’t treat myself. I saved and bought the essentials. And what a boring, simplistic life that made.

  I’d rented a cabin an hour from where I lived, deep in the heart of the mountains. I don’t even think it had electricity, but going off the grid and reconnecting from everything was perfection right now.

  Working for a publishing company as an advice columnist was surprisingly draining and stressful and not what I really wanted to do. Hell, at my age I should have known what I wanted to be when I “grew up” but I didn’t and it was depressing. It was corporate America where I was surrounded by concrete and high rises. And no amount of relaxation when I was off the clock could really make me feel better.

  Although the cabin had no electricity I was prepared with portable chargers, a small propane stove, a case of batteries, and everything else I’d need for the next two weeks. I wouldn’t have to leave the cabin at all for as many supplies as I’d packed.

  Once in the driver’s seat I looked over at the passenger side, my laptop case sitting there like a trusty old friend. Although I was disconnecting from work, social media, and technology in general, I still brought my laptop in the hope that I would get a little time to focus on the book I
was writing. It was just a memoir, something probably nobody would ever read but me, but it helped to clear my head and I found it relaxing.

  The place I rented was a small one-bedroom cabin out in the woods. It didn’t even have running water, but a cistern. But I’d packed enough gallons of water I was set. Bathing, on the other hand, would be an interesting feat. So I’d work on my book until my laptop decided to die. Then it was just me and myself, this time allowing me to focus on absolutely nothing.

  I brought in the last box of the supplies and leaned against the counter, breathing heavily as exhaustion settled in. I had a couple battery-powered lanterns on, the sun had set an hour before, the darkness this deep in the woods almost suffocating. I walked out onto the small porch out front and leaned against the banister, staring up at the stars.

  The sky was so clear out here, the stars so bright. There were no lights from the city, no activity of life all around. It was nice and peaceful, but there was a touch of fear that I couldn’t quite shake. I knew it was because I was out here alone, that not even my cell phone got reception if I needed to call for help.

  It had fear but also excitement running through me, which was a strange combination. This is what I’d wanted, though, right? Of course it was a rhetorical question.

  Once the sun rose and I’d be able to get things situated, the food packed away, I knew my mind would start to clear.


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