A Crystal Angel (A Marsden Romance Book 6)

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A Crystal Angel (A Marsden Romance Book 6) Page 3

by Dawn Brower

  "Yeah, it sure is. Any chance we can get breakfast this early?"

  Noah nodded his head. "Indeed, they are already preparing it. Should we retrieve Lily?"

  "Yeah, we have a bit to discuss, though you should be prepared. Lily can sleep through anything and will be quite irritated at being awoken so early."

  "I can handle it; I've grown accustomed to Lily's moods from visiting your house the past year."

  Liam nodded and got up to follow Noah to Lily's room. They opened the door to find her sound asleep on the bed, the room completely dark. Lily had remembered to close her curtains. She liked her sleep and apparently had enough forethought to remember the possibility of early sunshine streaming through the window. Liam walked across the room and spread the curtains wide to allow the bright light to cascade into the room. It fell in quick succession across Lily's face, illuminating her dark curls, and her wrinkled blue dress. In sleep, she appeared angelic, but Liam knew how devilish his sister could be. The brilliant glow of sunshine was not doing much to awaken her, so he walked over to her bed and began to push on her shoulder. Lily jolted upright, her eyes flying open as they landed on Liam.

  "Why are you waking me up? Are Mother and Father here?"

  Liam shook his head. "No. We are going down for breakfast and we need you to join us."

  "How early is it? I feel like I haven't slept at all."

  "It's still quite early, you probably only slept four hours or so." Noah's quiet voice entered the room from his place just inside the doorframe of Lily's room.

  "Do we really need to get up this early?" Lily asked.

  "Yes, I'm sure we will have visitors soon." Liam held his hand out to his sister to assist her from the bed. "Come on, let's go eat."

  They followed Noah down to the small dining room and sat at the table. The servants began to serve them a light breakfast of poached eggs, bacon, and freshly baked bread. Liam picked up a slice of bread and spread creamy butter across it and set it on the plate of food the servant set in front of him. He no sooner picked up his fork to take a bite when the sound of voices interrupted him.

  "Ah, there you three are. See, Thor, I told you they would be fine. I hope you had a nice adventure; it is going to be your last for several years to come."

  His father glared at his mother and just shook his head back and forth in a slow motion. Liam watched his parents enter the room and take a seat at the dining table. Once they were both sitting, they turned their attention back to the three of them.

  "So it looks like we have some things to discuss," his father said, folding his hands across his chest.

  "Yes, sir." Liam nodded his head. "Indeed we do."

  "You know you could have saved us all some time and just come to talk to me." Thor glowered at Liam.

  "I didn't think of it at the time. I—we just reacted."

  "Yes, have you had time to think about your actions and what they mean?" Pia asked them.

  Liam could feel a well of emotions begin to roll through him. He still didn't want to marry some girl he'd never met. He could feel anger build up inside of him again. How could his father have done that to him? His arms folded across his chest defensively, he expressed his discontent. "You know why we left. I don't want to marry the Earl of Devon's daughter. I don't even know her. I'd like the chance to marry someone I love, if I marry at all."

  "Liam, dear, you do know I wouldn't have allowed that to happen," his mother reassured him. "You shouldn't have run off."

  Liam wouldn't regret his choices. He couldn't change them even if he wanted to. "I know that now, but I can't undo it." Anger and fury flowed through him as he stared his father in the eyes.

  "There will be repercussions. We can't have you running off because you're scared. We need you to understand you can talk to us about anything, no matter how difficult the subject." Thor hammered home his point by pinning all three of them down with his gaze. "If you had bothered to ask, you would know I didn't sign the contract with the Earl of Devon. You are not going to be forced to marry anyone. It will always be your choice. I made a mistake and I apologize for it."

  Liam lowered his head as the weight of his actions fell over him. He worried his parents and stressed over something that wouldn't have been an issue. He acted rashly. "I'm sorry, I promise I won't run away again. I will face whatever is bothering me. It is cowardly to think running will solve my problems."

  The servants came in and set plates of breakfast in front of his parents, along with some silverware. His mother picked up her fork and began to cut her egg. His father continued to look across the table at them all.

  "Liam isn't the only one at fault here." Lily began to play with her napkin, twisting it into a ball between her fingers. "I'm sorry too. Liam is right we shouldn't have run away."

  Liam looked at his friend. He didn't say a word during the entire exchange. Noah didn't show an ounce of emotion. He continued to stare at Liam's father. When it mattered most to Noah, his emotions ran more deeply and he showed none. Liam learned his friend's biggest fear was losing those individuals he'd come to love most. They now included his entire family, and he didn't want to be cast off.

  "Sir, I apologize for our actions. What do you plan to do?" Noah asked.

  "I plan on eating some breakfast and then dragging you three back to London. Tomorrow is Christmas and we still have not decorated the tree. The servants should have it set up in the sitting room by now so we can direct our attention to it when we get home."

  Surprise filled Noah's face. "You're going to allow me to come back with you?"

  "Of course. Why would I punish you solely for all of your actions? However, there will be punishments meted out once I decide on the proper ones."

  "Now, all of you eat. We have a long day ahead," Liam’s mother ordered them.

  Not long after they were done with breakfast, they grabbed their reticules, and all of them sat in a carriage for the long journey home. Fresh horses harnessed to the carriage had been swapped with those in Huntly's stable. They were exhausted, but anxious to return to London.


  It was early afternoon when they arrived at Marsden House, and the kids went to their chambers to rest before dinner. The Christmas festivities would start after they had eaten the evening meal. Thor followed Pia up to her chamber and closed the door behind them. He wanted to spend some extra quality time with her alone. Their argument was well over with and set aside on their journey to retrieve the children. He pulled off his jacket, folded it, and placed it on a chair near the door.

  A gamine smile on her face, Pia tilted her head and stared at him. "Do you need something?"


  She raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms beneath her generous bosom. "What can I do for you?"

  Thor began to undo his cravat, pulled it off his neck, and tossed it aside. "I need you, love." He pulled his shirt off next and tossed it in the opposite direction of the cravat. His breeches undone and hanging low on his hips, he stalked Pia.

  Pia took a step back. "You're not tired?"

  "I'm never too tired to make love to my beautiful wife."

  Thor continued to move forward as Pia stepped back. She hit the bed and fell backward onto it. He kneeled beside her, towering over her small frame. Reaching up, she ran her hands over his bare, muscled torso and squeezed one of his erect nipples. Thor reacted by lifting her skirts and skimming his hands across her thighs.

  "You have too many clothes on." Lifting Pia up, he pushed her bodice down, revealing her lush breasts resting on top of her corset. Thor licked her pink nipple and nipped at it, repeating the action with the other one. He hoisted her up off the bed and turned her around. His hands roamed across her back as he undid the laces of her dress and corset, pushing her chemise over her shoulders. Thor spun her back around and pushed all of her clothing down in one full sweep. He trailed his eyes over her naked flesh. Pia shivered and Thor could see her body begin to flush with desire. Thor picked her back up and p
laced her beside him on the bed. He continued to lick, nip, and kiss her whole body.

  "Enough. I need you inside me," Pia demanded.

  Thor stood and pushed his breeches off. He spread Pia’s legs, pulled her forward, and pushed his thick member deep into her. Pia moaned as her channel rippled around his length. Pia squeezed him with her inner muscles. Thor bit his lip as the pleasure raked over his sensitive flesh. He had to rein in his control and ease into loving her. If she kept stroking him with the muscles in her tight channel he would ravage her. He set a slow pace, stroking himself in and out of her. Pia raked her nails across his chest and moaned. Thor began to push himself in and out of her with deep rapid strokes. Pia's breathing became shallow and rapid; Thor could feel her orgasm begin as she squeezed against him. She screamed when she went over the edge. Thor moaned and threw his head back as his seed emptied inside of her. Afterwards he pulled himself out of her warmth and stood up. Thor lifted her up into his arms so he could pull down the bed sheets, and placed her on the bed. He crawled in beside her and spread the sheets over top of them. Thor pulled Pia into his arms; she curled into him and rested her head on his shoulder.

  "I think I can sleep now," he whispered in her ear.

  "I should hope so." Pia's laugh was light and throaty.

  "Remind me when we wake up I have a special present for you."

  "What if I want it now?"

  "I'm too exhausted, love. You undo me. It can wait."

  A pout formed on her face at his words. "You can be awful sometimes."

  "Me? Never, wicked, on the other hand..." Thor began to trail his fingers over her erect nipples.

  "I thought you were too tired?" Pia gasped as his fingers trailed down her hips and began to play with the tiny sensitive nub near her entrance. She moaned while his fingers stroked over her heated flesh. He could feel her begin to squirm beneath him.

  "I believe I said I'm never too tired to make love to my wife."

  Thor kissed her, pushing his tongue inside her mouth, effectively distracting her from the conversation about her present. He began to stroke her center with his fingers, rubbing over the sensitive tip, causing Pia to gasp. Deciding to distract her further, he roamed down to kiss her center. He spread her thighs and replaced his fingers with his tongue. Pia wrapped her legs over his shoulders, bringing herself closer to his wicked tongue. He began to push his fingers inside of her, caressing her channel as his tongue massaged the sensitive area of her sex. Thor licked and sucked her until he could feel her explode around his fingers. He pushed her legs off his shoulders and spread them wide. Then he crawled on top of her, pushing himself deep inside her. He began to pound into her with furious thrusts, desperate for his own release. He hadn't lied to her; he would never have enough of her, and he was always ready to make love with her. He needed her like he needed air to breathe. If not for her, he would still be a pirate roaming the seas for treasure. Pia, his sexy, flawed, perfect jewel, the angel he never thought to find in life. His orgasm hit him as he reveled in her beauty. A few minutes later he rolled off her and wrapped her tightly in his embrace once again.

  "Sleep, love, we have a busy evening planned."

  Pia's eyes drifted closed. Thor watched her for several seconds before he began to feel his own eyes drift closed.

  Chapter Five

  Thor led Pia into the sitting room, where he found all three children sitting on the settee, patiently waiting for them to arrive.

  "Oh good, you're finally here," Lily exclaimed.

  Liam watched them with apprehensive eyes. Thor could tell his child didn't know what to expect from them. He still needed to punish them for their behavior, but hadn't thought of what would be the proper chastisement for their actions. The children needed to stew for a little while as he mulled over his options; once he decided on a proper punishment he would let them know.

  "Are you in a hurry for your punishment?" Thor asked her.

  "Um, no, I thought we were going to decorate the tree..." Fear filled Lily's eyes as she stared at him. Good, she needed to know he hadn't forgotten their rash behavior.

  "Did you decide what you're going to do with us?" Liam asked.

  Thor looked over at his son. Resignation filled his eyes. He was ready and willing to accept whatever punishment Thor planned on assigning them.

  "I will get to it in a minute."

  "We have a few other things to discuss with you first," Pia explained.

  Thor and Pia walked fully into the room and sat on a settee opposite the children. All three of them stared back at them, their eyes wide and curious.

  "As you can see the tree is set up and ready to decorate." Pia gestured towards the tree the servants had cut down and placed inside the sitting room. "We will get to it in a moment. First we want to discuss your birthday."

  Liam's eyebrows rose as he looked over at Lily. "What about it?"

  "We were planning a special surprise for you, but in light of your actions we have decided against it," Thor explained.

  A glum expression formed on both of the twins’ faces. Thor didn't want to disappoint them, but believed they hadn't earned the planned surprise.

  "We were going to get you a carriage of your own to share. A little phaeton I was planning on teaching you both to drive; however, in light of your penchant for running away I've decided against it."

  "But Father..." Lily began to say before Liam interrupted her.

  "No, Lily. Father's right. I don't think we've earned the responsibility. Maybe in a couple of years, but we're too young."

  Lily nodded her head at Liam and turned her attention back to Thor and Pia. "I understand. Liam's right, besides I'd probably only get in more trouble with my own carriage."

  "So we will have to give you a less expensive birthday present."

  Lily looked at them both expectantly. "We're still getting presents?"

  "Yes and no," Pia explained.

  "You still have your Christmas gifts," Thor offered.

  Pia nodded. "Indeed. Our gift for your birthday is to allow you to even have a Christmas."

  Both Liam and Lily groaned.

  "We could cancel all of the festivities," Thor reminded them.

  "No, please don’t," Lily begged.

  During the entire exchange Thor noticed how Noah watched and waited. He didn't know what to make of the young duke. His reserved demeanor made him feel sad. He had lost so much at a young age.

  "What about you, Noah?"

  "I don't understand, sir?"

  "Do you still want to have the Christmas festivities?"

  "I'm just glad you're allowing me to be a part of your family." Noah's voice was quiet and heavy with emotion.

  "Son, you know you're welcome here anytime," Thor reminded him.

  Pia held her hand over her heart, tears forming in the corners of her eyes. "Noah, don't ever feel like you're not welcome here."

  Noah's head bobbed back and forth between the two of them. After several seconds he gave them a formal nod. "I won't."

  Time ticked by while they talked and Thor considered how to discipline them. After they were well into the discussion, Thor decided the exact punishment to give them for their misbehaviors. He didn't want something too harsh; yet at the same time nothing equally too lenient.

  "Now for your punishment," Thor began. "Each of you is going to help the maids clean for the next week. Expect to get up at dawn to assist them."

  Another groan filled the room. "Unless you want more work..."

  "No, Father, we'll help the maids," Liam offered before Thor could assign more tasks.

  "Good, I will inform them of your duties and you're to listen to them. If even one maid comes to me with a bad report I'll make things infinitely worse. Do you all understand?"

  Three heads nodded at him in agreement.

  "All right. Lily and Liam, show Noah where the decorations are and we can begin trimming the tree," Pia ordered.

  All three of the children hopped up and head
ed toward the box of decorations. With glee they began to hang up the various ornaments they collected over the past several years. Thor watched them as they hung each one up with care. Happiness radiating across their faces, they opened up each ornament and remembered when they picked it out.

  "Don't you have a special gift for me?" Pia asked.

  "Ah yes, I forgot."

  "You did tell me to remind you."

  "Indeed I did and then I got distracted."

  A blush filled Pia's cheeks. "I remember how you became distracted."

  His lips tilted into a smile filled with sin. "We'll have to become distracted in a similar fashion later."

  "Yes, but now give me my present."

  Thor looked over at his children and their friend. The tree was almost completely flowing with sparkling decorations as they continued to hang them on the green branches. Thor walked over and picked up a package near the box of decorations. It was adorned with the glittery dust of broken glass, ground down into fine grains and adhered to the sides of the box. It gave the impression of a thousand diamonds sparkling on the hard surface. A bright blue bow, matching the color of Pia's eyes, was wrapped around it. He picked it up, crossed back to his wife's side, and handed it to her.

  She clapped her hands as joy spread across her face. "What is it?"

  "Open it up and see."

  Pia undid the ribbon with care and pulled it aside, letting it drift to the floor. She lifted the lid and gasped. Inside, against red plush velvet lay a crystal angel. A shiny gold halo floating above her head, gossamer wings spread high on her back, and her skirts hollow and fine, she shimmered much like the diamond sparkle on the package.

  "Oh, Thor, she's beautiful."

  "It's a special tree topper I had made for you. She's delicate, so we need to be careful when we place her on the tree. If she falls she could break rather easily."

  "Will she stay in place?" Pia asked.

  "Yes, there are a couple of hooks under her skirt to tie her down. When the children are done I'll help you place it on the highest branch. She's our own guardian angel to watch over us each Christmas."


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