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Grace Page 8

by Laura Marie Henion

  "I thought you gave up on women,” Tommy teased.

  "What are you talking about?"

  "Well, it doesn't look like that's true anymore. But I guess when a woman looks like her, who can resist?"

  "I hope she can handle this. She's too ... classy for this.” Max knew how annoyed and angry he sounded.

  "You don't think she can?"

  "We're going to find out. The waiting is going to kill me tonight. Let's see if we can follow and at least be outside the club in case something goes wrong."

  "You're taking a chance, Max. We could blow the whole thing just because you're worried about Grace."

  "I'm not gonna blow anything. I just want to be sure this goes down right. We should have sent in one of our own people."

  "Grace Martin has quite the reputation. She'll be fine."

  Max couldn't shake his uneasy feeling.

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  Chapter 7

  Mary and Grace made it through the three checks including being frisked. Thank God she didn't wear the wire. They were on their way to the club with their special invitation. At the final checkpoint, the guards demanded Grace be blindfolded to ensure the safety of the club location. Mary had been there before and was allowed entry. Grace was nervous and couldn't help the scared feeling.

  "I could pull this up a bit, so I can see where we are."


  "Why not, there's no one here with us?"

  "They're watching, Grace. They can see our every move. There are cameras everywhere."

  Grace swallowed hard and kept the cover over her eyes. She had to trust Mary.

  * * * *

  "My God, Mary, I feel like I'm some sort of secret agent, and we're working espionage. This is like some sort of off-the-wall spy movie. What's up with all the security, the hidden passwords and being frisked?” Grace smiled nervously while Mary parked the car in the underground garage.

  "It's about fantasy, Grace. You're about to enter a different world. You have no idea. Oh, by the way, you should use a different name. Just in case."

  Grace thought hard.

  "It's better to be prepared, Grace, because with your looks and great body, there's bound to be someone who won't play by the unwritten rules."

  "Won't you be with me most of the time?” Grace suddenly felt more nervous than she expected to be. Even though she was experienced in undercover work, this was intense. She always had backup. She couldn't shake the uneasy feeling.

  "Not if we want to find out who Celina was with that night."

  "Fine. I guess you can call me..."

  "Jane!” Mary blurted as they exited the vet.

  "Jane? Jane what?” Grace asked.

  "Bond ... Jane Bond.” Mary smiled.

  "You can't be serious?"

  "You said you felt like some sort of spy. Go with the fantasy, Grace. Maybe you'll find out you have a deep, hidden dark side, a sexual fantasy you've kept hidden that's fighting to emerge."

  "I don't think so, sidekick. This is definitely not my thing."


  "That would be your name tonight."

  Mary laughed as they made their way through the parking garage jammed packed with cars. Grace held onto that attitude and toughness to fight her nerves.

  They entered an elevator, making their way to the tenth floor. On the way up, Grace heard the music but couldn't make out the song.

  As the doors opened, Grace had the shock of her life.

  * * * *

  The club was actually the whole upper tenth floor of a high-rise. It was dark, except for the multicolored lights that flashed throughout the club. It was hard to make out faces unless they were right next to her.

  There was so much to take in all at once as Mary led Grace to a large bar.

  Billy was tending bar as Mary counted on, and the place was wall to wall with people.

  Grace tried not to make eye contact with anyone and she felt completely on display as if she were a large side of beef at some meat market. Her thoughts were validated with rolls of tongues and disgusting remarks from strange men in odd get-ups.

  Mary just pushed her way through the crowd holding Grace's hand. She appeared to be smirking at Grace's reaction. However, Grace did not find any of this humorous.

  They stood near the end of the bar, Grace taking the corner spot to ensure her backside's safety. There were numerous places to stand, sit and dance while a small crowd gathered near a dark hallway.

  Grace leaned closer to Mary. “What's down there?"

  "You don't want to know."

  "Sure I do. This is why I'm here."

  "The peep show.” Grace stared at Mary while the small bit of info registered in Grace's head.

  Mary whispered to Grace. “They're going through a long hallway to watch. There's all types of people out there, Jane, and some of them get off watching while others like to be watched."

  Grace felt sick to her stomach.

  "Find out what you can about Celina, and then let's get the hell out of here,” Grace told Mary.

  Grace remained in one place. She watched the bartender, carefully hoping and praying she wasn't slipped something in her drink. She heard of this happening before and panic set in. She watched Mary do her thing, flirting with the bartender around the other side of the bar. She was good and obviously had a lot of practice at it.

  "Hey, red, what's your pleasure?"

  Grace swung her head around to the short guy dressed as if he just had a hard day at the office in some stuffy firm downtown. The nerve of him to approach her. Obviously, he didn't know the rules. Grace kept her cool recalling Mary's advice.

  "Take a walk,” she told him firmly, then took another pretend sip of her wine, being sure not to make eye contact with him.

  "What if I say no?"

  Pretty gutsy for a short guy. His head barely made it level with her chest.

  She ignored him, then turned her back to him and faced the bar. Not surprisingly, Mary was no longer there. Grace tried to play it cool, keep in her role, but the twerp wouldn't leave.

  When an arm went around her waist, she made a fist and prepared to let loose, but strong arms took hold of her, then a man stepped between the two of them.

  The stranger was taller than Grace. She couldn't see his face since his back was toward her as he whispered to the shrimp who ran with his tail between his legs.

  All Grace could see was black hair, the sides of a mask, and large stocky shoulders. He wore a tux, shiny black shoes and black gloves covered his hands. Slowly, he turned toward her. His eyes were dark and mesmerizing, his lips moist, seductive as he spoke to her.

  "I'm sorry about that. It seems some people don't know the rules."

  He spoke with a fake English accent, but she was more interested in his eyes. There was something familiar about them. She stayed silent, wondering where the hell Mary was and what terrible luck she was having.

  First an elf, now a wannabe Zorro.

  "What is your name?” he asked.

  She stayed silent. She was supposed to be in control. Who was this guy?

  "Maybe you don't know all the rules, either?"

  He teased, then snapped his fingers and the bartender was immediately handing the masked man a drink.

  "I am the Master. I know everyone who comes here. You are new, are you not?” The English accent was bold but weak on certain syllables. She was good at detecting fakes.

  "Jane.” She assumed the man was some kind of master of the club. She didn't want to make a scene. Where the hell was Mary?

  He leaned in closer to Grace and in half a second, she was pinned helplessly against the wall. His hands held her wrists tight, his body wedged up against hers. She didn't want to appear frightened or frantic, but his bold move was intimidating and scary.

  He stared intently at her. Their gazes locked.

  "Let go of me,” she demanded in a whisper.

  His face was next to hers, his cologne strangely
familiar. His stare held her own. “Jane does not suit you."

  Grace tried to stay calm and waited for her chance to escape.

  "You don't think so?” She tried to sound more confident and remain calm. What were the chances that assault or even rape weren't against the rules?

  She swallowed hard, fully aware of her dry mouth and in need of something way stronger than the full glass of white wine that remained untouched on the bar.

  "Too plain for such a seductive beauty as yourself.” The words rolled off his tongue, the exotic music played, the lights flashed red, blue, then green, and she was somewhat eager to challenge the masked man.

  He was frightening, spooky, and wicked. She sensed the evil within him. She tried to make light of the current situation. It was an attempt to still feel somewhat in control even though she knew better. This was bad.

  "It's Bond. Jane Bond,” she whispered back at him, then smiled. Her voice held steady but she was losing it.

  As he stared deeper into her eyes, she closed her mouth. He again moved his lips closer to Grace's, but there was no contact. He inhaled her perfume, then his lips lingered above her neck before moving to her ear and he whispered, “A more suitable name for you would be Goddess, perfection ... Grace."

  She nearly fainted. She was certain her eyes revealed her fear, shock, and surprise. How does he know my name?

  "Who are you?” she asked, her voice shaking now despite the control she tried to maintain.

  "The Master,” he replied, then gently released his hold but brought her hand to his lips. He softly kissed her hand and released it.

  "I have business to attend to, but I'm glad to have met you."

  He walked away through the crowd, and she stood speechless, wondering who he was.

  She rubbed her sore wrists.

  * * * *

  "Jane ... holy shit, are you all right? We've got to get you out of here.” Mary pulled Grace along with her.

  They were headed toward the elevator.

  "Who the hell was that?” Grace asked, but Mary refused to comment.

  Out of the club, they walked through the garage.

  "Who was that guy, Mary? Tell me.” Grace could hear the demanding tone in her voice and knew the shaking had nothing to do with the cold night air.

  "Shhhhh.” Mary looked over her shoulder, glancing around the parking lot.

  Grace did the same and wondered if Mary thought someone followed them. They got into the car and carefully exited a different way.

  In silence, Mary drove a few blocks, continually checking the rearview mirror. Grace looked behind them. No one followed.

  Mary was acting paranoid, scared. They were silent until Mary pulled up to Grace's car by The Cave.

  "We shouldn't have gone there tonight. This is bad.” Mary put the car in park.

  "What is it, Mary? What did you find out?” Grace asked.

  "I put us both in jeopardy tonight, Grace. I need to think things through."

  "No, you need to talk to me. Tell me what you found out."

  "Don't call the detectives. Don't tell them anything yet. They know who I am and they can follow you and find out who you are."

  Confused, Grace had no idea what Mary meant, even though she recognized Mary was babbling.

  "Who will know? What are you so afraid of?"

  "That man who approached you, held you like that ... he's the Master."

  "So who gives a shit? I'm not going back there ever again."

  "If he doesn't know who you are already, then he will find out. He has connections."

  Grace was silent. She didn't dare tell Mary that the freak called her by name.

  "So what?” Grace replied, still not understanding Mary's concern.

  "What are you not telling me, Mary?"

  Mary stayed silent a minute, then Grace's cell phone rang. She answered it.

  "Where the hell are you?” Max yelled into the phone.

  "We're at...” Grace halted as she looked at Mary. There was good reason for Mary's concern, Grace could see it in the other woman's eyes.

  "I'm in my car. Everything's fine. We left the club, and I'm on my way home. No, there's nothing to tell right now. I'm tired, Lieutenant, I'll call you tomorrow.” Grace hung up the phone.

  Mary was pale and her hands shook. “Thanks, Grace."

  "Don't thank me, just level with me, Mary. What is going on?"

  Mary stayed silent another moment.

  "Celina was at the club the night before she disappeared."

  "Oh, my God, Mary. Who was she with? Did you find out who she was with?"

  Again Mary said nothing for a few moments.

  "The Master. She was last seen headed to one of the back rooms with the Master."

  Grace's stomach hurt and her heart dropped all at once. Frightened, Grace really didn't want to ask the next question and as she began to speak, Mary cut her off.

  "Before you ask, I don't know who the Master is. He always wears that mask and he owns the place. He owns all the clubs."

  "So how do we find out who this Master guy is?"

  "We don't.” Mary attempted to exit the car but Grace quickly touched her arm stopping her.

  "What the hell do you mean we don't?"

  "I tried to explain a lot of the things that go on in places like this, Grace. There's just too much to explain everything."

  "Well try, Mary. I want to find out what happened to Celina. This guy could be responsible for her disappearance. There are other girls still missing, some murdered. If this guy is responsible, then we have to find out."

  Grace was angry and Mary just stood there, pale, frightened, and unwilling to continue.

  Is the Master responsible for Celina's disappearance? Did he kill the other girls?

  As Grace asked the questions, the reality that she was that close to their only suspect was disturbing to say the least.

  "I have to tell Felix and Frank something. My commander will want a detailed report on his desk by tomorrow morning."

  "I understand that, Grace. Just give me until tomorrow. I need to gather my thoughts. Please hold them off until tomorrow."

  Grace's cell-phone rang again. This time, it was Felix.

  "Grace! Are you all right? We lost you there for a while. Where are you now?” Grace heard the concern in her partner's voice.

  "We're fine. Mary's a little shaken up. We're both exhausted, though."

  "What happened?"

  "I'll call you in a little bit and update you. I'm just getting ready to leave The Cave parking lot. We'll meet tomorrow morning and go over everything with Mary.” Grace eyed Mary, and Mary whispered a thank you, then bowed her head.

  "What do you mean tomorrow morning?” Felix was annoyed.

  "I mean this will have to wait until morning. We're fine and I'll call you back. We can start to write up the report after we interview Mary tomorrow."

  "Fine. You're right. It's late and you're tired. I'll see you in the morning. You sure you're okay?"

  Grace smiled. “Yes, Felix, thanks."

  Grace hung up the phone, then leaned her head back against the headrest. Am I really fine? Is Mary hiding information?

  She looked at Mary. “Tell me more about tonight. I need to tell my commander this wasn't a waste of time. This is a police investigation, Mary..."

  "There are ... people ... who pay for certain unobtainable things,” Mary finally said.


  "Beyond that, Grace ... sex slaves."

  "Are you kidding me? Celina was kidnapped and sold to someone as a sex slave?” Nausea set in and bile attempted to make its way to her mouth. She covered her mouth with her hand, closed her eyes a moment and tried to compose herself.

  This was awful, heart wrenching, and a despicable crime.

  "It's something the Master came up with. From what I was told, it's something new. The word is that someone contacted the Master and he chose Celina. He probably figured she wouldn't be missed since she had
only gone to the club twice. She was ... lured ... by him."

  "The same guy who cornered me?"

  "Yes, Grace. Now let's call it a night."

  "There's nothing more you can tell me? This is what you found out?"


  It was obvious to Grace that Mary was finished talking. If she pushed, Mary might close up entirely and refuse to help.

  "What about the clothes?” Grace asked.

  "Keep them, you never know when they might come in handy,” Mary teased and the small smile on her lips disappeared just as quickly as it had appeared.

  They exited the car, both silent. Grace felt the beginning of a migraine.

  Grace thanked her and Mary promised she would call tomorrow. Grace figured Mary needed some space. Obviously, the news upset her. After all, Celina was Mary's friend, but Grace didn't want to give the other woman space. She wanted answers and she wanted to go back to the club, drag the so-called Master out by his neck and hand him over to the cops. But what real evidence did they have?


  She hoped by the following morning, Mary would explain more.

  "I'll stop by tomorrow and we'll talk some more. You know Mathews and Johnson are going to want to talk to you, don't you?"

  "I know that, Grace. Just don't let them come here. I'll meet you somewhere. I'll call you tomorrow."

  Grace hesitated a moment until Mary forced a small smile. Then she waved goodbye and headed home.

  Grace called Felix back as she drove home and they made plans to meet in the morning and question Mary.

  * * * *

  Grace couldn't help but feel uneasy and guarded, so she drove a different way home, watching for suspicious vehicles, but none seemed to follow her.

  The Master was intimidating, intense, and now the events of the night finally sunk in. She recalled the secret locations where they stopped and were given new directions, then Mary had Grace cover her eyes with a blindfold, as the guards had demanded. Mary had been there before. They knew her, but Grace wasn't known. It was all part of the fantasy and a way for the Master to stay in control. Grace would definitely make Mary tell her the location of the club. With all the people involved and working for the Master, this had to be a multi million dollar business.

  Grace recalled observing the many strange people who were there, the peep show, the onlookers, even the elf. Why would the Master have to resort to forcing women to become sex slaves when there seemed to be enough in that club alone who were willing?


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