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Grace Page 16

by Laura Marie Henion

  Nicholas looked at Grace as she watched Max head outside to his truck.

  "So when were you planning on telling me about this?” Uncle Nicholas smiled at Grace.

  "Like you didn't know already?” Grace responded sarcastically and he laughed.

  "He's a good man, Grace. Don't push him away."

  "I know."

  "I'm worried, Gracy. I can't help it. I want to take you off this case."

  Grace rose from the couch. “No way!"

  "This is beyond the job requirements."

  "I can handle this and you know it."

  Grace glanced at Max as he re-entered the room, leaned against the island in the kitchen. He didn't interfere with the conversation. Grace eyed him a second, then paced the room.

  "Look at yourself, Grace. You're angry. You want revenge and this guy knows your past. He knows your weaknesses."

  Grace swung around to face Uncle Nicholas. “I don't give a shit what he knows. I am not backing out of this case, and you're not taking me off of it. He wants to come after me. Let him."

  "You're not thinking clearly and that's what nearly cost you your life in Vegas Metro."

  Grace's mouth dropped. No matter how many times her uncle heard the story or how the Vegas brass accommodated her actions, her uncle could only see one conclusion, Grace nearly lost her life a second time.

  "I did what I had to do then and will do exactly what I have to do now to catch this killer."

  Grace glanced back at Max again, knowing that he probably wondered what her uncle was talking about. Uncle Nicholas was acting like a father would and should be acting. Grace understood that.

  Grace let out a long sigh then walked closer to her uncle.

  "I love you. You're not just my uncle. You're my father and that's exactly where the worry and concern you have is stemming from. What happened back in Vegas was intense, but I survived and so did my partner. You of all people know how dangerous our job is. Let me continue with the investigation. I need this and I know I can get this guy."

  He placed his hand gently against Grace's cheek.

  "God, you sound like your father. Carl didn't give up on any of his cases, but he knew he wasn't invincible, Grace. Continuing with this case, feeling invincible and wanting revenge could be deadly."

  "I never said I was invincible. My mission is clear and has been from the start. This monster has to be stopped and I will stop him."

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  Chapter 10

  May had the opportunity to accompany the famous reporter Silvia Light, a well-known journalist for the County Newspaper, to an interview of a high-ranking businessman in regards to some charity work he had organized. The end result was a massive increase in funding for a runaway teens organization that assisted inner city kids and helped them to stay in school, find jobs, and live in safe, clean environments. The man, Mr. Marquette, an attorney, was meeting them at his office. It would be a major experience for May. She was nervous, excited, and eager to see firsthand how a professional journalist conducted an interview.

  "Now I will introduce you, May, but please let me ask all the questions. Then if Mr. Marquette doesn't mind, I will allow you to ask a few of your own. How does that sound?"

  "Oh, my gosh, Miss Light, that would be amazing. Really?” May asked, now even more nervous but very enthusiastic.

  "I'm serious. Now pay close attention and you'll learn a few things."

  May followed Silvia as Mr. Marquette was introduced to them.

  He was a strikingly handsome man and May thought he could be a model despite his older age. Tall, he had dark brown hair and deep green eyes.

  She immediately had butterflies in her stomach at the sight of him. She felt herself blush and Mr. Marquette smiled. She noticed the dirty look she received from Silvia.

  Silvia conducted the interview and May paid close attention to the line of questioning as well as the glances she received from Mr. Marquette. Self-consciously, May straightened her black wool skirt and clasped her hands in front of her on her lap.

  Due to the cleavage now showing, she regretted wearing the deep purple blouse. As she nonchalantly pulled on it, Mr. Marquette watched her every move.

  Just as Silvia was about to end the interview, Mr. Marquette directed his full attention toward May. “So, May, you're interested in journalism? What year are you in?” he asked and Silvia turned sideways in her chair re-crossing her legs and allowing her short skirt to reveal a bit too much thigh. With his attention solely on May, Mr. Marquette didn't even seem to notice.

  "I'm a senior and doing my internship with the County Newspaper. Silvia was kind enough to let me tag along and observe this interview."

  "That's fantastic. Do you have any questions for me?” He still didn't look at Silvia.

  May asked a couple of questions that Mr. Marquette complimented her on and fully answered. Then Silvia abruptly ended the interview. Mr. Marquette rose from his chair and circled his desk, shaking hands with both May and Silvia.

  May noticed he held her hand a bit longer than he had Silvia's, then winked at her. Smiling, she was fairly amused at the fact Mr. Marquette flirted with her.

  Phillip wouldn't find it too amusing. He was the jealous type and she knew this would only make matters worse. She promised herself no one would hear a peep about it, except for her best friend.

  May could only imagine what her future as a journalist would be. She was thrilled to think of the prospects and of all the interesting people she would meet. Human-interest stories interested her the most. Mr. Marquette had established quite a great organization to help troubled teens. She was not only impressed with his good looks but the fact he was wealthy and shared his wealth in providing assistance for those less fortunate in the community he lived in. That was impressive.

  May left the building with Silvia who now seemed to stare back at May with daggers in her eyes.

  May needed to deal with this internship and the pleasant personality of Ms. Silvia Light.

  * * * *

  As Mr. Marquette picked up the phone on his desk, his thoughts were still on the gorgeous, young blonde just in his office. He had finally found the perfect one.

  He waited with anticipation for the Master to pick up.

  "Who is this?"

  "I need to speak with the Master. I'm um ... ready to place an order,” Marquette stated.

  "Who sent you?"


  "You understand how this works? You have a safe hiding place?"

  Marquette had thought about this for a long time. He had everything planned out and his wife would be clueless. Right now, she was hysterical over their daughter's disappearance and really he didn't give a shit either way. Celina wasn't his, although his wife tried to pretend she was. The slut cheated on him at her bachelorette party. The whore!

  "Yeah, I'm all set. I can have the cash ready immediately. Where do you want to meet?"

  "Let's go over a few details first."

  Twenty minutes later, Mr. Marquette hung up the phone. He was so excited. He couldn't wait. Just two days and she would be delivered to him.

  He thought about all the wonderful plans he had in store for her. The blonde, so young and attractive. He nearly came in his pants when her blouse moved to the side revealing a bit too much cleavage. Then she was shy and blushed as she tried to hide it.

  She was definitely a good girl, not some sleazy, ugly slut like his wife.

  He should have divorced her ass as soon as he found out about the baby and the cheating. But too much was at stake. At that time, he still needed her family's business connections.

  With his own secret hideaway and personal sex slave, he could act out every sexual fantasy and desire he had ever dreamed of.

  Fuck my bitch of a wife. What good is she now? Never in the mood, never wanting to try something different in bed.

  He took a deep breath, then smiled as he glanced at his reflection in the mirrored curio cabinet. He was qu
ite handsome, had always been. His looks seemed to be more appealing the older he got.

  Many women both young and old found him extremely attractive. He knew this and he worked out at the gym every day to help maintain a young man's physique. He fixed the designer tie, then glanced around his office. Top-notch view of the city, more money than he could ever spend in his lifetime, successful business, friends, anything and everything he could ever desire was at the touch of his fingertips.

  He was on top of the world and soon he would have his queen. She was perfect, and he looked forward to all the fun he had in store for his little slave.

  The best part was, if things got sticky with the cops or he got tired of the blonde, the Master would take care of it for a mere additional one hundred thousand dollars. He laughed out loud, thinking that money ruled the world and along with the power he now wielded, he was invincible.

  Marquette continued smiling as he thought about the blonde.

  Two days. Just two days.

  * * * *

  Grace took one last look in the mirror, grateful that the cover-up hid the bruises well. They were nearly gone now. As usual, she wanted to look classy but sexy. If the Master would be at this party, she wanted to be sure to capture his attention.

  She opted for her low-cut, slim-fitting, silk sweater, her knee-length lined black silk skirt with the high slit on the side and black high-heeled shoes. She wore a red garnet pendant that fell just shy of her cleavage, drawing attention exactly where she wanted.

  It wasn't too risqué, but it would get the job done if the jerk showed up and revealed himself.

  Grace made her way downstairs where Max waited.

  * * * *

  Max took a deep breath as he eyed her and the outfit she wore.

  He was angry, nervous, scared. There were so many emotions going through him, all he wanted to do was beat the crap out of someone. He had to remain calm and it wasn't an easy task as he absorbed Grace's choice of outfit and beauty. She was stunning and an overwhelming sense of fear filled his body.

  He wanted to grab her, carry her back up to her bedroom and make love to her all day and all night, forget the party, forget the Master and just absorb each other and their bodies.

  "I'm just about ready, so if you want, I'll call you when I'm ready to leave the party then meet you back here.” Grace transferred a few items from her large pocketbook to the small black one she planned on taking with her.

  Max stood a few feet away from her.

  "There's been a change of plans. We decided to plant a few undercover officers at the party for your safety."

  Grace immediately looked up with her purse in one hand and the other hand on her hip. Even though she looked angry, Max didn't care.

  "What? What if he sees them? He's too smart for this."

  "He won't see them and you don't know what he's capable of, trained detective or not."

  "So here we are back to this again. You're questioning my abilities, my training? I can handle this, Max."

  "I'm not too sure, Grace. You've been through a lot, and with this guy knowing your past, he could use it against you. Try to break you."

  Grace turned away from him.

  Her uncle had told Max everything and when he tried to talk to her about it, she said she wasn't ready. He didn't want to push her about the past. The present was enough to currently handle. She hadn't seemed angry he was there when she received the file. The shock at the time was probably too much for Grace. She needed him and not as a cop working the same case she was, but as a man ... her man, her lover as his embrace protected her and consoled her from the pain.

  Now, he wanted to continue to protect her, but she refused to accept that protection. She was back in police mode, a homicide detective on the hunt for a ruthless villain.

  Max placed his hands on her shoulders.

  "You don't have to...."

  Grace immediately turned toward Max as if knowing what he would say and what his demands were.

  "No, Max, I do need to do this. We have no face to this Master. He's our only connection and now Jasmine has gone missing. If there's the slightest chance he's after me and that he may reveal his identity, then I need to do this."

  Max pulled her into his arms. His gaze roamed over her breasts then her face.

  "You couldn't wear a turtleneck?” he asked sarcastically and she laughed.

  He immediately pulled her closer and covered her lips with his own. His hand roamed over the soft silk then to the thigh-high slit. Moving his hand under the soft material on her upper thigh, he continued to her hipbone then cupped a cheek of her backside. He knew the gun in his holster wedged up against her hip as his mouth and tongue devoured her own.

  Grace placed her hands against Max's chest as if trying to put some space between them, but he wouldn't allow it. He wanted to taste her, seduce her into staying right here in her apartment with him.

  His mouth moved off of her lips to her cheek and chin. Her perfume consumed his nostrils as his tongue rolled across her throat.

  "Oh, God, Max ... please stop. I have to go."

  "Don't go."

  He continued to try seducing her.

  "I have to.” She firmly placed her hands against his cheeks and forced him to look into her eyes.

  "You know I have to go. We can continue this later."

  Attempting to fix her skirt, Grace took a step away, only to have Max pull her back against him.

  He caressed her face with his hand, then cupped her chin. “Please be careful ... no heroics."

  She smiled and he kissed her softly one last time.

  * * * *

  Grace mingled at the party for a while, watching for anyone who could possibly fit the profile of their killer, the Master.

  She had asked Uncle Ted about the guests who attended the party at the Marquettes and unfortunately he admitted to having a few too many drinks that night so his memory was fogged.

  She had the distinct pleasure of speaking with the Marquettes, who also claimed not being able to recall everyone who was there.

  Despite her questioning and suspicions that whoever abducted Celina may have attended one of their own parties, Grace noted Mr. Marquette seemed unaffected and actually smiled.

  A waiter she thought she recognized caught her off-guard. He winked and she recognized him as one of Uncle Nick's detectives.

  Grace felt frustrated as she recognized many big shot attorneys, politicians, and wealthy entrepreneurs. There were so many possible suspects. The killer could be any number of them and some even had blue eyes like the Master. She knew eye color alone wasn't enough to go by, but she hoped he would reveal himself soon.

  "So, Grace Martin, we finally get to have a meal together."

  Turning around, Grace was surprised to see Larry Sullivan. Then she remembered that he was very popular among the rich and famous in the community.

  Half the people in the room used him for representation at one time or another.

  She tried to keep her cool. “It's nice to see you, Larry. Are you enjoying the party?” She sipped her wine spritzer.

  "I am now.” He was so bold as to caress her arm with the back of his hand.

  Suddenly, Grace felt a chill. Larry was nothing but a flirt.

  Instead of paying her full attention on Larry, Grace scanned the room. That's when she noticed Tommy. He was one of the undercover detectives pretending to be a guest. She should have known Max would make Tommy be at the party, especially since he couldn't do the undercover work himself. Everyone knew he was the lead detective on the case.

  Grace was sure Tommy would relay everything back to Max.

  "Actually, I didn't know that Ted was your uncle until recently. I've assisted a few of his clients in the past."

  Larry moved closer as another couple walked by them. Even though they had plenty of room to pass, Larry took advantage of the situation.

  Solid as a rock, his body wedged up against her chest, and the palm of his hand co
vered her hipbone as if he had every right to touch her.

  Feeling Tommy's gaze on them, she glanced at him and the surprised look on his face.

  Immediately, Grace stepped to the side. “Have you seen that amazing ice sculpture?” She moved away from Larry and tilted her head toward the other side of the room.

  Larry looked in that direction and commented on the swan etched out of ice.

  Simultaneously, she inhaled a familiar scent. She quickly looked into Larry's eyes.

  They were dark green like emeralds.

  She took in the sight of him, his build, his shoulders, height, weight.

  No. The cologne was a coincidence. The eyes were different. She wasn't sure if Larry could be considered a suspect other than the fact he eyed her like a piece of meat.

  Suddenly, she heard, “Grace, I have been trying to get across this room to you for half an hour. How are you?” Johnny kissed her cheek.

  Grace was relieved her friend was there to rescue her.

  "I'm great, Johnny, how are you? Usually, I'm bumping into you outside of a courtroom.” Grace smiled, then waited a moment. Johnny had blue eyes, a similar build to the guy at the club but wasn't wearing any cologne.

  Damn it, this is ludicrous. I can't just make accusations based on nonsense. Clear your mind, Gracy. Pay close attention.

  "Yeah, or in the police department by the elevator.” He smiled as he placed himself between Larry and Grace.

  Grace tried to hide her uneasiness and took a sip from her glass.

  "I didn't think I would see you here, Larry. I heard you were busy with numerous businesses nowadays. That's got to take up all your free time."

  Grace wondered what other businesses Larry was involved in.

  "It does keep me busy, but I promised Ted and Delores I would attend the party and now that Grace is here..."

  Larry didn't finish his sentence. Instead, he eyed Grace then winked.

  Johnny placed his arm across Grace's shoulders. “Grace has that affect on many men. There's not many detectives who look like her,” Johnny added, holding Grace.

  It was obvious to her Johnny tried to make Larry think she and Johnny were involved.


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