“On my legs, you pervert. Now take your pants off so we can get this over with.”
My jaw sagged. “What?”
“Take your pants off. Lie face down on the bed.” Her words were brazen, and I stood frozen in my spot near her bed. A half smile crooked on her lips, and her shoulders jutted up and down quickly. “I can turn my back if you’re embarrassed.”
“I’m not embarrassed,” I defended, but a part of me did feel like an awkward schoolboy.
My mind reeled at the thoughts of what might just happen if I took my pants off. I couldn’t guarantee that I would ever leave her room if we continued at this pace. She moved her arms in a sweeping gesture toward the bed, but I stood steadfast. I seemed to be in a constant state of halfing around the woman, and I knew there was no way I would be able to hide my arousal without the tight denim to keep my dick under control.
“Honestly,” she said, and I could hear a huff in her voice. “How exactly do you propose I do this if you leave your pants on? Pants off. Facedown on the bed. Now please.”
I gave into the fact that resistance was futile with the woman. A half-smile quirked on my lips when I realized just how intently Charlie’s eyes followed my movements as I worked my belt loose from my jeans. I kicked my shoes off and quirked an eyebrow in her direction. Her eyes were dark, and her chest heaved slightly with the deep breaths she was taking. A smirk crossed my lips as I reached for the button of my pants. Her eyes stayed fixed on the motion of my hand as I popped the button and began to slowly lower my zipper.
— C —
Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale.
His eyes traveled down and then back up my trembling body before making eye contact and winking. I made myself stare at the spot where his head was when he bent to push his pants to his ankles. I beat back my curiosity at the thought of his underwear and attempted to focus on the rustling sound of his pants being kicked across the floor.
I only allowed my eyes to travel back to his body after the creaking of my bed settled. His head was turned away from me, resting on his corded arms. The heather gray material of his boxer-briefs clung to his sculpted form, and I stared a little longer than was necessary—or appropriate. His thighs were as thick as small tree trunks, and I was certain that near-daily ice skating made them powerful. In the name of all things good and hockey, I was in so much trouble.
“You just had to lie in the center of the bed,” I observed as I approached. There was no way that I would be able to comfortably lean over the side of the bed to massage the oil into his skin.
A deep chuckle reverberated through my room as I tentatively placed a knee on the bed. The cotton sundress that seemed like a good idea for what I thought would be a day of strolling leisurely through downtown suddenly seemed terribly impractical. I crawled the short distance to Devon’s prone form and leaned back on my haunches to consider my next move. No matter what I did, it would end with my bare thighs gripping his strong body. My tongue felt like parchment in my mouth.
The cotton material of his t-shirt slid up slightly as I crawled over his body, and I bit the inside of my cheek to keep from moaning at the sensation of his hot flesh pressed between my legs. Devon groaned, and I jerked upward slightly. “Shit, am I hurting you?”
I started to get up but his hand gripped my thigh tightly. “No, you’re fine. I just didn’t realize how good it would feel to finally have your legs wrapped around me.”
Words failed me. What could I possibly say that wouldn’t sound awkward and idiotic? I opted for silence.
Clearing my mind, I popped open the bottle of massage oil and allowed some to drip first onto his left leg and then his right. My fingers dug gently into taut muscles, and I listened intently to Devon’s breathing. I lost all sense of time as my fingers worked their way over his velvety skin. Methodically, I massaged all of the tense knots from the muscles of his thighs. Groans and gasps eventually gave way to gentle, even breaths, and I leaned back slightly.
I climbed over Devon and threw my legs over the side of the bed. Jelly could have replaced my legs for how stable I felt standing on them as I placed my feet on the floor. Gingerly, I placed one foot in front of the other and padded toward the bathroom.
My fingers shook as I gripped my sink tightly. My gaze drifted upward from my tensed hands, and I studied my flushed face in the mirror. I scrutinized the shape of my face, long in the cheeks and somewhat angled at the chin. I always thought my face looked odd on my soft body. I turned my head one way and then the other, attempting to figure out what Devon found enticing about it.
I peered through the mirror at my pert nose. I was soft, overall. My breasts rested lower on my chest the I liked, and the curve of my ass protruded more than I was comfortable with. I knew I was blessed to be tall—one thing that I could thank my father for—otherwise my weight would have made me feel dumpier than I already did. Reaching up, I pinched the underside of my arm, unhappy with the amount of soft flesh resting between my fingers.
My thoughts drifted to the chiseled man sleeping on my bed. How in the actual fuck did I get to this point with him? The amount of good looks, charisma, and sex appeal the man possessed was downright ungodly, and he was here with me?
What was even more mind-blowing was the fact that Devon seemed equally as interested in me as I was in him. I closed my eyes and leaned my head back. I realized it was time to stop questioning the reasoning for the hardened hunk of sex on my bed and time to start thanking whatever cosmic being that was responsible for thrusting him there instead.
Fuck my insecurities.
“Don’t you dare let people that don’t love you tell you how you should feel about yourself.” It was time to stop treating Mrs. Easton’s words as just a mantra. I needed to start actually living by them.
Time for some self-love, Charlie.
Trepidation caused my steps to falter on my path back into my bedroom. My lecture of self-love continued on a loop in my mind as I gazed at Devon’s sleeping form. There was a golden quality to the sunlight that was trickling through the window. I considered again just how insane it was that this particular man was lying on my bed, bathed in the sunlight of a late spring evening. A smile quirked on my lips.
The entire world is insane; I just happened to get lucky with what that insanity dropped in front of me.
Tiptoeing across the room felt like it took an eternity. Devon’s slumber seemed peaceful. Waking him felt wrong, so I decided to let him snooze. I hoped he would forgive me if he didn’t wake up in time for his endurance training. Our day was the closest thing to perfect I could’ve hoped for, and I didn’t like the idea of sullying it with a potential argument.
His drowsy voice caused me to stop in the doorway. “Hmm?” I called while glancing over my shoulder. Devon’s position on my bed hadn’t changed. He still laid there with his head resting on his arms and facing away from me.
“Where are you going?”
I turned and rested against the door jamb. A smile spread across my lips. “You seemed like you needed the nap, so I thought I would let you sleep. I was heading toward the kitchen to see if I could rustle up some grub. I thought you might forgive me for letting you miss endurance training if I kept you satiated.”
I watched as his shoulders rose and fell with the deep breath he took. “Do you know what would really keep me satiated?”
“Pancakes?” I offered with a shrug. I felt foolish when I realized he couldn’t see the motion of my shoulders. What if he didn’t pick up on my sarcasm?
He chuckled, and a jolt rocked through my body when I realized that the man just got me. “Pancakes usually work, but I what I really want is for you to come take a nap with me. Your bed is awesome. You shouldn’t miss out.”
Visions of naughty daydreams played through my mind, and I reminded myself that I didn’t Devon to my apartment to seduce him. “I probably shouldn’t. I have a big presentation on Monday that I should prepare for.”
I was lying.
“Don’t be a pussy, Charlie,” Devon echoed my words from earlier in the day, and I shook my head slightly with a soft laugh.
I kicked my sandals off somewhere near his pants and took a steadying breath as I approached the bed. “Budge over,” I said. Devon rolled quickly onto his side and scooted backward, allowing me the space to climb into bed next to him. I lay with my legs crossed at the ankle and my hands clasped over my stomach. Heat emanated from Devon’s body as he, too, rolled onto his back.
Neither of us spoke.
Minutes ticked by slowly, and I willed my body to fall asleep. I considered holding my breath until I passed out from lack of oxygen. Honestly, anything that would end the awkward silence would do.
I heaved a deep sigh, rolled toward Devon, and tucked my body against his, relishing the heat exchanged between our skin as he pulled me close. Almost immediately, his fingers found their way into my hair, and I sighed. My eyes slipped closed, and I felt my body begin to relax. I snuggled deeper into his side.
I glanced up in time to see Devon’s lips crashing toward mine. What felt like electric currents exploded violently across my body as his lips moved urgently against my own. Gone were the chaste kisses from that afternoon on the beach, replaced instead with heat and passion.
Breathing seemed like a secondary necessity to the feeling of Devon’s lips working fervently against my own. One of his hands stayed tangled in my hair while the other traveled the length of my torso, brushing lightly against my navel before continuing the journey down. His fingers trailed over the skin of my thigh before traveling upward.
Our lips disconnected, and a shuddering gasp pushed through my kiss-swollen lips. I stifled a moan at the sensation of Devon’s fingers dancing against the skin of my thigh, and then hip, and then navel as he explored my body beneath my sundress. My arms were caged between our bodies, and I felt that my inability to explore his body left me at a distinct disadvantage. His lips returned to mine.
The writhing of our bodies pushed my sundress further up my thighs until the only thing separating us was our underwear. The feeling of his burgeoning erection pressing against my hip caused me to fight my arms free from where they were caught between our bodies. The heat between us was hotter than the sand on a hot Carolina day, and I wanted to feel more of his skin pressed against my own.
I pushed his shirt up his torso and was delighted at the feeling of his hard packed muscles twitching beneath my curious fingers. Devon nestled between my hips, and he stopped kissing me long enough to allow me to pull his shirt over his head. My eyes were granted a cursory glance of his caramel skin before his lips were on my neck and my eyes closed.
The sensation of his hard length pressing against my core made me swallow my moans and pushing my hips fervently against his own. Our underwear was an unwelcome barrier as the roll of his hips pushed me into my pillow top mattress. The feeling of his fingers tugging at my dress should have given me pause—was I really going to have sex with him like this? We hadn’t even talked about where our relationship was going, and our friends still didn’t know.
The delightful sensation of his teeth grazing over my bra-clad nipple pushed all thought from my mind. I gasped when he pulled my bra down from my breasts and began to nibble gently on the pebbled nipples—giving his attention to one and then the other. My hips surged upward to grind with his as I keened loudly. If he bit just a little bit harder and applied just a touch more pressure to my hips, I’m sure I would come harder than I had in months.
Molten heat crept through my body, centering somewhere behind my navel and nearly exploding out of me when Devon’s fingers grazed ever so slightly over the part of my body that I was dying for him to touch. Instinctually, my hips pressed closer to his hand as he continued his ministrations on my breasts. Breathy sighs puffed through my lips as goosebumps rose on my body. His touch was pure, untamed electricity, and I would gladly fall apart in his lightning storm.
My fingers knotted in the quilt. His fingers pushed my underwear to the side deftly, and the feeling of him exploring was slick folds caused a groan to build with the same intensity of the pressure building in my body. M hips rocked against his strong fingers, and tremors spasmed through my weakened muscles as he brushed gently against my clit.
The need to be closer to him, to be filled by him, caused me to grasp his wrist and push his hand further down. With a particularly sharp bite to my nipple, Devon sank a finger inside of me. I came all but unglued at the overwhelming sensations. Intuitively, I rocked against his finger, groaning as he added another and continued to lavish my breasts.
“Holy shit,” I said, gasping the words between clenched teeth after a particularly delicious orgasm rocketed through my body. The hand clutching his wrist trembled as I fought to still his motions. Devon chuckled; the hot puff of air against the sensitive skin of my breasts caused me to shiver as he pulled himself back up my body.
He pressed a kiss gently against my lips. “My thoughts exactly,” he said while hovering over me. His actions pushed my legs further apart, and heat flooded to my cheeks when his eyes—filled with hunger—met my own.
He buried his face in my neck, and his arms wrapped around my body. One rested on the small of my back while the other expertly released the clasps of my bra. The feeling of my bare breasts pressed flush against his hot skin caused another tremor to rock my body.
One of my hands snaked between our bodies, and he hissed as my fingers traced the outline of his cock. I dipped my hand under the waistband of his boxer briefs, and my thumb grazed over the head of his cock. I stilled momentarily to relish the feeling of his pre-cum on the pad of my finger. Brazenly, I fisted his length in my palm and stroked him until he was grinding against my hand in the same manner that I had against his.
His reaction to my touch was intoxicating. Devon groaned into my neck before placing butterfly light kisses upward toward my ear. I slowed the pace of my hand pumping against his shaft when his breathing became haggard in my ear.
“Charlie,” he groaned. I could hear the frustration and desperation in his tone. “I was so close.”
“Not like this,” I whispered as I pulled my hand away from his dick and scrambled backward. The heat of his gaze caused my stomach to clench as I worked my panties down my thighs. I was met with a guttural growl as I dropped them over the side of my bed.
He surged forward, our lips connecting as he rolled his body expertly against my own, eliciting moans from me as his hands explored the expanse of my flushed skin. Devon’s lips traveled down my neck as one of his hands abandoned its expedition of my body. The question of what he was doing died on my lips as he gently bit and then blew air on the skin near my clavicle. The noise of him rustling through my bedside drawer was unimportant compared to the feeling of his underwear-clad length grinding incessantly against me.
The rustling stilled at the same moment his hips did. Devon leaned back, a box in his hands and an odd look on his face. My cheeks flamed at his next words. “You have got to the be the only girl I’ve ever met with contacts in her bedside drawer instead of condoms.”
Words failed me. How embarrassing would it be to admit just how long it had been since I’d had sex? He tossed the box on the nightstand and climbed from my bed with a chuckle and a shake of his head. Every bit of the heat that was centered in my core raced upward, and my neck and face burned from my flush. I would’ve gladly accepted a portal to hell opening under my bed when he reached for his jeans.
My sweat-slicked back pressed against the cool wood of my headboard, and shivers raced through my body. My eyes slipped closed as I breathed deeply. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale.
Surely I could ignore the fact that all of this was happening if I focused on my breathing rather than the sound of another man walking out of my life.
Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale.
My mattress dipping forced my eyes open. Devon was crawling back toward me with th
e foil of a condom packet glistening from where it was held between his teeth. He fisted the condom as he leaned toward me to lay a series of kisses across my shoulder and up my neck before centering on my slightly parted lips. He pulled away and began to tear the foil package.
“Remind me,” he started as he tossed the now empty packet on the bedside table to rest next to my box of contacts, “to take you out to buy condoms tomorrow. If contacts really were the only thing available, I would’ve resorted to jerking off. And trust me, that would’ve been way less fun than what I’m preparing to do to your body.”
My body reacted to his words. Viscerally. The shudder that raced through my muscles started in my toes and ended at the top of my body, shaking me like a violent midwinter shiver. He surged forward, pulling my body away from the headboard and pushing me back into the mattress. I groaned as his hot, sticky skin dragged against my own. I lost all sense of time as Devon parted me with his length.
My breath hitched in my throat when he found my entrance and stilled there. His strong hand clutched my jaw, and I was staring into a deep pool of whiskey. His eyes were hooded, liquid with lust and desire, but still asking all the right questions. Are you okay? Are you sure you want this? Should I keep going? They seemed to whisper, and I nodded demurely. His hand traveled from my jaw and down my throat, his touch featherlight, as he tipped forward.
Inch by inch, Devon took over my body. Coherent thoughts were impossible at the sensation of him filling me more deeply, more resolutely than I’d ever been filled before. My back arched, but his pace was frustratingly slow.
My feet hooked behind his knees, and I drove myself upward, grinding against his length. His hands moved to my hips, holding me in place as he continued his slow rocking motion. I chewed my lip and studied the concentrated look of his face. He loomed above me, devilishly handsome and looking as if he was fighting the urge to come unglued. The tension in my body was unrelenting, and I needed a release.
“Devon,” I gasped.
Breakaway: A Hockey Romance Page 18