Her Wolf's Guarded Heart_A Hot Paranormal Fantasy Romance with Witches, Werewolves, and Werebears

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Her Wolf's Guarded Heart_A Hot Paranormal Fantasy Romance with Witches, Werewolves, and Werebears Page 19

by Vella Day

Help? What could she do? Connor dragged another chair over from the corner and placed it next to EmmaLee’s. “Sit down and tell me what happened.”

  Finn sat and scrubbed a hand down his unshaven jaw. He looked over at her. “You must be EmmaLee. Sorry. I’m Finn, Connor’s brother.” They shook hands.

  “I figured,” she said.

  Connor had mentioned that Finn was having a hard time sleeping because of some strange dreams. The haggard look confirmed it.

  “Tell me what’s gong on,” Connor said.

  Finn glanced between them. “Most of the dreams have been the same—sensual and light.”

  His face turned a light shade of pink as if he didn’t want to talk about his erotic dreams in front of her. EmmaLee looked at Connor, but he held out a hand, implying she needed to remain.

  “I take it something changed?” Connor asked. EmmaLee admired how Connor could remain so calm when his brother was clearly distraught.

  “Yes, last night was different. Kaleena said she was in trouble.”

  “Kaleena is her name?” he asked.

  “Yes. She told me she was in danger, and that she needed my help. Then I heard these gut-wrenching pleas that sounded like she was off in the distance.”

  Connor studied his distraught brother. “What can I do?”

  “I don’t know.” He clenched his fists. “I don’t know. I know this sounds crazy, but she said she lives on some realm called Tarradon, wherever that is, and that I have to find a portal to reach her.”

  “Tarradon?” EmmaLee’s heart beat too fast.

  “Yes, do you know of it?”

  She explained what Jackson had told her.

  “Well, shit.”

  “Ophelia might be able to help,” Connor said.


  EmmaLee placed a hand on Finn’s arm. “Kaleena’s your mate, isn’t she?”

  “EmmaLee?” Connor asked. “What do you know about mates?”

  Oh, crap. Even though she was almost positive she and Connor were destined for each other, she figured he’d tell her when the time was right. “A lot. Remember, I had a good tutor—Vinea.”

  “Who, by the way is a goddess, not a shifter.” He lowered his chin and looked up at her, but he almost seemed delighted that she was so knowledgeable.

  “EmmaLee’s right,” Finn said. “While I’ve only touched Kaleena in my mind and smelled her scent the same way, I’m convinced she and I are mates and belong together—forever.”

  Connor huffed out a breath. “You’re totally serious?”

  “Yes, but I can’t prove anything.”

  “Finn, have you spoken with Zane? He’s knowledgeable about realms and portals. Perhaps something Kaleena told you will resonate with him,” EmmaLee said.

  “She has a point, Finn.”

  “He was willing to discuss it when I spoke to him,” she added. “And Zane’s good with keeping a secret.”

  Finn pressed his lips together. “Hell, I’ll talk to anyone. I’m so fucking scared for Kaleena. If she is some kind of witch I’m unfamiliar with, it might explain how she can talk to me mentally even though we haven’t mated.”

  “Or she’s a goddess,” Connor said. “I’ll call Rye and see if he can set up a meeting with Zane.” He pressed a few buttons on his phone. “Hey.”

  Connor explained how the plea from Finn’s dream woman had him rattled. “Could we bother Zane again? Oh, okay. We could do that too, thanks.” He placed the phone back in his pocket.

  “What did he say?” Finn asked.

  “Zane has the day off, and yes we can ask him. Turns out Rye spoke with James regarding your situation.”

  “When did you speak with him?”

  Connor huffed. “We’ve discussed your situation a few times. Your appearance, together with the lack of sleep has us both worried.”

  “I’d be worried too,” he huffed.

  “That’s why Rye contacted him.”

  “Who’s James?” EmmaLee asked.

  “He’s Naliana’s husband,” Finn said.

  “Ah, yes,” EmmaLee said. “I remember now. Vinea mentioned him. How can he help?”

  “James has helped many of our Clan. He seems to know a lot,” Connor said.

  “Perhaps it’s because his wife is a goddess,” EmmaLee added.

  “Yes. He has some powers of his own that no one, not even Rye or our dad, understand.”

  What she wouldn’t give to pick his brain. “Do you think he would know anything about the origin of my talon?” Her pulse picked up speed.

  “He might, but I doubt he’ll tell you.” Connor explained how he and Naliana worked. “If we are able to see him, take it with you. If the topic comes up, then you can show him.”

  That was all she could ask for. “Perfect.”

  “I’m up for any help,” Finn said. “I can’t go on like this. I know I’m not some surveillance expert and protector, but I need to so something for this woman or die trying.”

  “Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that.” Connor stood. “EmmaLee, why don’t you get that talon, and I’ll call Zane to see if we can visit him?”

  Happy to have a task, she rushed out. While she was sorry for the reason for the visit, she was looking forward to hearing what Zane had to say about Finn’s situation.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  “I wish I could have been of more help,” Zane said, “but I don’t know what to tell you. Like your shifters here on Earth, we only have telepathy after we’ve mated.” He faced Finn. “You’re sure you’ve never met her?”

  “I’m pretty sure, and I’m positive I’ve never bitten her. We were taught how to mate from a young age.”

  Poor Finn. Zane hadn’t provided the answers he was hoping for. “Kaleena told me she’s from Tarradon, if that helps.” Finn said.

  Zane stilled. “She’s from Tarradon?”

  “Yes. Do you know of it?” Finn asked, excitement coloring his tone.

  “Just that it supposedly exists, though I’ve never been there. If it is real, it’s possible the two realms interact regularly now. A lot can happen in one-hundred years.”

  Her heart beat hard. “I can’t believe it might be real.” That would imply dragon shifters could exist! EmmaLee wasn’t ready to admit that the chance of them being here was slim to none.

  Zane nodded. “I merely said I believe it does.”

  Finn’s face had gone pale. “It has to. That means Kaleena was telling the truth,” he whispered. “Kaleena and I have not mated—obviously—yet we do communicate when we sleep.”

  “You can dream walk?” Zane asked, his mouth opening slightly.

  EmmaLee had never heard of that term. “What’s that?”

  “It’s when a strong witch enters into a person’s mind during their dream state, and the two communicate, but only if the recipient also possesses the ability,” Zane said.

  Finn dropped his head back and let out a breath. “Well, fuck. I’m no witch.”

  Connor sat up straighter. “You might be.”

  Everyone turned toward him. “What are you saying?” Finn asked.

  “Our great grandmother on Mom’s side was said to have witch abilities.”

  Shock registered on his face. “So we’re part Wendayan? You’re crazy. We have no magical abilities.”

  “No one in the family seems to, so maybe only you inherited some of her talents,” Connor said. “We need to ask Mom.”

  “Why wasn’t I told before?” Finn asked. He was becoming more agitated and EmmaLee felt sorry for him.

  “I have no idea.”

  Zane tapped a finger on his lips. “If this Kaleena is a witch who is able to initiate this dream link with you,” Zane said, “the only way to be sure you are communicating with a real person is to find a powerful witch here to help you. She will be far more qualified to know about these things than some lowly bear like myself.”

  He was hardly lowly.

  Finn jumped up. “Then I de
finitely need to speak to Ophelia.” He faced Zane and held out his hand. “Thank you.”

  “I didn’t do much.”

  “You helped more than you realize.”

  “Any time.”

  EmmaLee had more questions, but Finn’s eagerness to leave prevented her. Once they stepped outside of Zane’s place—or rather Missy’s house—Finn placed a hand on Connor’s shoulder to stop him. “I need to ask Izzy if she can contact Ophelia for me, but I was thinking of speaking with James too. I know he’s only an immortal, but if he’s married to a goddess, he might know something—or at the least be able to find out more about portals, Tarradon, and dream walking.”

  Connor shrugged. “It can’t hurt. I say let’s give it a try.”

  “Do we need to call him first?” Finn asked.

  “Rye already mentioned your situation to him, so I suspect he’s waiting for us. I get the sense he doesn’t need to be contacted.”

  The three piled into Connor’s SUV. EmmaLee hadn’t been this excited since she’d learned about this other realm. The road to the immortal’s house was in the same compound where Connor lived. “Connor, have you been to his house before?” she asked.

  “Once, but it was a long time ago. One doesn’t just drop in for a visit—unless we’re expected that is.”

  Vinea had told her the same thing. EmmaLee twisted around in her seat. “Have you met him, Finn?”

  “Nope. I’ve never needed him before.”

  “Just so you know,” Connor said, “I’ve been told he talks in circles, so we’re to keep our questions to a minimum. The man can read minds, so don’t be freaked out when he asks you something you didn’t even mention.”

  “That’s scary and quite unsettling,” she said.

  It only took him a few minutes to reach the imposing stone home.

  “It’s been said that his house looks the same as it did a hundred years ago,” Connor said.

  EmmaLee studied the rather ancient villa. “I don’t see a car, and there doesn’t appear to be a garage.”

  “Maybe he keeps his vehicle in back.” Connor cut the engine. “Let’s see if he’s in.”

  The three of them marched up to the immortal’s home. Connor knocked once and was immediately greeted by a handsome man with gray hair. For some reason she thought that an immortal wouldn’t look old. His face however was fairly unlined.

  “Welcome, Connor. Come in. I thought you’d stop by.”

  Impressive. EmmaLee wasn’t sure if she should introduce herself, but before she could stick out her hand, James turned to her and held out his. “And you must be EmmaLee. I’m sorry for everything that has happened to you before and since you arrived in Silver Lake.

  The air rushed out of her lungs. She was going to ask how he knew, but then remembered Naliana was his wife. “Thank you.”

  She glanced at Connor. Had it not been for the slight rise in his brow, she would have guessed that he’d already told Rye everything, who would have then relayed the information to James.

  “You’re Finn I take it.” James smiled.

  “Yes.” They shook hands.

  “Please sit. Can I get anyone some of my homemade ale?” he asked. James acted as if this was a social call, but he must know they were there for something far more important.

  EmmaLee shook her head, but Connor and Finn said they’d take a glass. James smiled and then disappeared down a long hallway.

  Finn looked between them. “How much did Rye tell him?” he whispered.

  “I don’t think much, but he might have,” Connor said. “I don’t know why he’d tell James EmmaLee’s history though.”

  “Maybe he really is a god but tells everyone he’s immortal,” Finn said.

  “Could be,” Connor answered.

  “Here we are,” James announced as he carried in a tray containing four glasses, three filled with dark brown ale and one with water. On the tray sat a plate of what smelled like ginger cookies. “Tell me what you need.”

  Connor nodded at Finn. “I’ve been having these dreams.” Finn explained the erotic nature of them. “Three days ago, this woman—who calls herself Kaleena—told me she was in some kind of danger. She sounded really afraid.”

  “And you want to help her,” James announced.

  “Yes, even though I’ve never met her, I have this need to. She told me she’s from a place called Tarradon, in the province of Avonbelle. She said I needed to find a portal in order to reach her, only I don’t know how.”

  “Why do you feel so compelled to help?” James munched on a cookie then washed it down with some ale.

  “Whenever she comes to me in my dreams, my body reacts intensely. I feel as if she’s my mate.”

  “Do you dream walk with her?”

  EmmaLee stilled, and both brothers did too.

  “Yes,” Finn said. “What do you know about that?”

  “Very little. Did she tell you want kind of shifter she was?”

  “No,” Finn answered, “but in my mind’s eye, I can see flecks of pink and purple. I’m not sure what it all means.”

  James sipped his ale. “If she is from another realm, she might be able to telepath her thoughts.”

  “To just anyone?”

  “That I don’t know,” James said. “The only way to be sure would be to ask her.”

  “But how? Do you know how to access the portal?”

  “No, but Ophelia might, especially since magic is involved. I wish I could tell you more.”

  EmmaLee butted in. “Surely Naliana knows. I’ve never met her, but I’m a good friend of her sister.”

  “Ah, yes. You helped Vinea after she was cleansed. My wife told me to tell you thank you.”

  That wasn’t the response she expected or was looking for. “You’re welcome.”

  James stood, and Connor rose too. He speared his brother a look that said to ask nothing more. “Thank you for your time.”


  EmmaLee wanted to pull out the talon and ask if he had any idea what kind of animal it came from, but Connor was right. James wouldn’t tell her. A life was not on the line.

  As soon as they stepped outside, Finn grabbed Connor by the arm. “He knew more than he was saying.”

  “Yes, but according to Rye, he lives by some code that we are to follow our own life’s path, and he will only help when it’s a matter of life and death.”

  “It is a matter of life and death—Kaleena’s.”

  Finn’s desperation cut her deeply. Her mind spun. “Do you think Zane could help you find this portal? After all, he came to Earth through one.”

  “Or Vinea,” Connor said. “Apparently, she transported to the dark realm through one all the time.”

  Finn huffed out a breath. “All portals might not be the same. I’d hate to end up in the wrong spot and not know how to get back.”

  “Then you need to ask Kaleena,” his brother said.

  “I would if I could contact her.”

  When they arrived back at the office, Finn slipped out of the car. “Thanks for the help. I’ll try to get a hold of Kaleena and ask for details. I’ll also see if Ophelia can help.”

  Connor stepped next to his brother and wrapped an arm around his shoulder. “Perhaps you should take a few days off to get some perspective.”

  “You don’t think I’ve tried that? Uncle Garth has been more than accommodating with my schedule, but I’m the manager of the bar. Besides, Kaleena needs me now!”

  “By all means, do what you need to do. I’ll help in any way I can.”

  Finn thanked him once more and then took off. Connor then escorted her toward the office entrance. With all that had happened, EmmaLee wasn’t ready to sit inside and pore over articles. The day was too beautiful, and she yearned to breathe the fresh air and listen to the birds sing—anything to help her come to grips with this new information.

  She stopped before they reached the entrance to his building and planted a seductive hand on his chest.
“You know what I’d like?” she asked.

  Connor fingered her hair. “What would you like?”

  “What do you think if we have a little picnic near the caves?”

  Connor chuckled. “I see right through you, dragon lady. You want to search for the portal Zane came through.”

  Damn. He knew her too well. “His goes to Cargonia, but don’t you want to know what one looks like? It’s not like I want to enter it.”

  “What do you say we ask Missy if she’s ever seen one? After all, she’s spent quite a lot of time searching in and around the caves.”

  EmmaLee lowered her hand to his waistline, her thumb tapping lower. “I’m sure if she’d found anything, Rye would have heard and mentioned it to us.” She moved closer. “What I was thinking was that after our picnic, I could have my wicked way with you.”

  He laughed. “You are worse than my wolf. You’re starting to have a one-track mind.”

  “Am I? Are you saying your human side doesn’t agree with your wolf about wanting to get frisky?”

  “All my sides agree with that and letting you have your wicked way.” He smiled and clasped her hand, lifting it away from his crotch. “Since you have been patient and remained inside for the last week, I’ll agree to take you out—but just this one time.”

  EmmaLee clapped. “Thank you!”

  “We’ll stop at the store and pick up some wine, bread, and cheese.”

  She smiled. “No grapes? I was hoping you’d be willing to drop them into my mouth one at a time.”

  “I’ll put more than grapes in your mouth, young lady.” Connor growled as his eyes turned a lovely shade of amber. “Come on, let’s get going.” He grabbed her hand and tugged. “I’m not sure I can keep my wolf contained if we keep up this conversation.”

  “Take an extra set of clothes in case you get too excited and shift again.” EmmaLee giggled.

  “Keep talking like that and we won’t make it to the car.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  EmmaLee couldn’t believe how beautiful the view was from on top of the ridge overlooking Silver Lake.

  Connor leaned close and pointed. “Look to the right of the lake. See that clump of trees at four o’clock?”


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