Can't Get Enough

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Can't Get Enough Page 14

by Molly McLain

  Lifting her hips, she notched him home.

  But Tony only allowed himself to slip inside enough to breach her, his face buried in the side of her neck. “Jesus, you feel so fucking good.”

  “More.” She lifted her hips again, trying to bring him closer, but he shook his head and kissed her jaw.

  “No, baby, we need the condom,” he whispered and her face went hot. Of course, they did. God. He knew that better than most, didn’t he?

  He leaned back, tore open the package and rolled it on. “You’re beautiful,” he murmured, and she felt the slow slide of his gaze over her body like a warm, soft caress. Then he was above her again, pushing her hair away from her face as the thick head of his cock probed at her entrance.

  He slid inside and she gasped, clinging to him and holding her breath, until he was fully seated deep inside her.

  “Nicole,” he whispered, the expression on his face twisted and restrained. “What the hell have you done to me? Why can’t I get enough of you?”

  “Fuck me,” she rasped through the lump in her throat. “Don’t hold back. Please. I need you, too.”

  He made a strangled sounded and, a beat later, began to move inside her.

  Goose bumps rushed over her skin as her senses went into overdrive and every cell in her body began to hum. He filled every inch of her, pushed her body to its limit with every thrust and every claiming stroke of his cock, straight to her core.

  Her ears rang and her legs shook at his hips. She couldn’t get enough either, and she definitely wasn’t in any hurry for this to end.

  “Look at me,” he whispered. “Look at me when I make you come.”

  “I’m looking.” And she was. Right into his beautiful brown eyes. “Tony...”

  “Tell me, baby. Tell me what it feels like.” He thrust in hard and she cried out, her fingernails scoring down his back.

  “It feels like...” Too much. Not enough. Just right. “Like everything.”

  “Fuck, yeah. It does.” He hooked an arm around her leg and drove home, over and over again. “So damn good. So hot. So fucking perfect.”

  When he flicked his thumb over her clit, her entire body jolted. “Do that again,” she cried and he did. This time she was ready for his touch, and for the sensations that rolled through her body like a flash fire.

  He held her so close that she could feel the crisp hair on his thighs rubbing against the back of hers and the heavy slap of his balls against her ass. The connection was so tight and so right that the pressure built quick and hot, all over again. He thrust faster and faster, grunting and muttering half phrases of approval, chasing his own orgasm too.

  “I’m gonna come, baby. Oh shit...” His fingers dug into her leg as he pressed the pad of his thumb against her clit once more and shattered her into a million little shards of pleasure. She arched off the couch and he held her close, pumping his own release deep inside.

  Neither moved until the fine sheen of sweat on their bodies dried and their breathing returned to normal. Tony finally slipped free, took care of the condom and came back to the couch, pulling her into his side without a single word. He kissed her forehead and she clung to him, her knee at his hip and her hand on his stomach.

  In that moment, the world was perfect. No regrets. No uncertainties.

  Just two people brought together by some crazy twist of fate.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Tony slept better than he had in months, and it had everything to do with the insatiable blonde resting her pretty head on his chest.

  Between a late night snack and the early morning sunshine creeping through the lace curtains, they’d burned through two more condoms—thank God she’d been prepared—and a set of sheets. He’d also managed to get rug burn on one knee, and Nicole ended up with a bite mark on the inside of her right thigh. If he had it his way, she’d have a matching one on the left side just as soon as she woke up.

  But for now he let her sleep. They had plenty of time for more. Seven weeks, to be exact.

  So at just after eight o’clock in the morning, he found himself staring up the high ceiling in the guest bedroom on the second floor. Since the window had been blocked off in the other room, she’d moved down to this one, though truth be told, the queen bed in the master was a lot more appealing than this meager full. It kept her close, though, so he wasn’t complaining.

  And the crown molding in the room was beautiful. Original, just like the rest of the woodwork in the house. With a little work, it’d look brand new again.

  “Stop thinking about what you’d fix,” Sleeping Beauty muttered against his bare skin.

  “Have you thought about contacting the local Historical Society about this place? You might even qualify for funding to have it restored.”

  “Restoring it is an entirely different animal than cleaning it out and putting it up for sale.”

  “It is.” She’d made it very clear that she didn’t have time—or the money—to invest in the home, but it still seemed like sacrilege to let it go. “But it wouldn’t hurt to contact them. Who knows—they may know someone looking to take on a project like this.”

  “If I agree to call, can we talk about something else?” She slid her hand along his stomach and his muscles jumped as she neared his erection. “Like this?”

  He flipped her onto her back so fast, she shrieked. And when he shifted down her body, stopping only to lick and blow a breath across each of her nipples, she shivered and wound her hand in his hair. Her legs fell open too, giving him complete access to make good on that second bite. “Picking up where we left off?” she asked breathlessly.

  “Yep.” He licked his way down her belly and then nibbled on the inside of her thigh, just enough to tease her until she wiggled beneath him. Her arousal tickled his nose and his mouth watered, eager to taste her again. “This carnival ride is in town for a limited time. Gotta get my fill while I can.”

  With that, he dipped in and ran his tongue along her seam, opening her as he went, getting right to the good stuff.

  “Jesus!” She arched off the bed when he found her clit and swirled the tip of his tongue around the tiny nub. “Carnival ride? Really? You’re equating me to the freaking Tilt-a-Whirl?”

  He chuckled, never taking his mouth off her. “Baby, you’re a ride I’d spend all my tickets on.”

  She laughed too, holding his head a little tighter as he fastened his lips around her clit and sucked. “Oh God, this is the best way to wake up. Ever.”

  He pulled away just enough to slide a finger inside and blow a breath across her pretty pink skin. “You did promise me breakfast...”

  She moaned when he licked again and, goddamn, there wasn’t a better sound in the world than hearing her come undone. His ego roared, bringing her to such an elemental level. Just a man and a woman, thoroughly enjoying each other.

  But it was more than that, too. Nicole wasn’t a random woman from the bar. Not a faceless piece of ass he’d forget about by morning. She’d made a mark on his life and to share this with her? No words could describe how right it felt.

  Her hips began pulsing toward his mouth and she abruptly let go of his hair to clutch the sheets. He glanced up just in time to see her eyelids drift shut and her mouth fall open, sucking in a silent breath, as her pussy fluttered around his fingers and she came like a goddess beneath his tongue. His goddess. So fucking pretty.

  Needing release himself, he grabbed a condom from the box on the nightstand, intent on getting inside as quickly as possible. Nicole must’ve felt the urgency too, because suddenly she was on her knees beside him, taking over.

  “My turn to ride,” she purred, pushing him onto his back and straddling his hips.

  Fuck yes. He gripped his cock and positioned himself at her entrance. Even though they’d done this three times the night before, he shook like it was the first time. With an intense, inexplicable need to get as close to her as possible. His ears rang and he couldn’t get enough air in his lungs. He

  She inched down and he watched in wonderment as her body accepted him. Pressure built in his chest and he groaned, barely resisting the urge to slam all the way home.

  Nicole moaned and he looked away from their coupling long enough to meet her beautiful, widened eyes. She reached down and caressed the side of his face and he turned in to kiss her palm.

  “You’re so fucking gorgeous,” he whispered. “I love watching this. Watching you.”

  “I love how good you make me feel,” she said in return, her cheeks tinging pink.

  He jerked her down and took her mouth in a deep kiss at the same time he slipped a hand between their bodies and stroked her clit. She gasped at his touch and then smiled against his lips.

  Yeah. He could make her feel good, all right. And he was gonna do it every damn chance he got.

  She came moments later and he followed after her, murmuring her name against her neck as he spilled himself deep inside.

  They lay unmoving, with her spread out across his chest, until his stomach growled and she laughed.

  “On that note, I guess it’s time to get up and start the day.” She patted his abs and slid off of him, no modesty at all as she padded barefoot and completely naked to the bedroom door. “Shower first?”

  He grinned and grabbed another condom just in case.


  “So I called the realtor on Thursday. She’s coming over Monday for a walk-through. I hope all these boxes don’t put her off.” Nicole popped a grape into her mouth as she and Tony sat at Gran’s old dining room table, eating the last of their breakfast. She’d made Tony a three-egg omelet, chock full of bacon, sausage and cheese, while she settled for a much smaller version and double the fruit. Now that she was working out again, she was gonna take this healthy stuff seriously. Of course, having marathon sex would probably help, too.

  “I’m serious about the Historical Society. I have to call them about the courthouse anyhow. Why don’t you let me ask around a bit? See what the prospects are. This has got to be one of the oldest, best kept homes in town. I’m sure someone will be interested.”

  “I know how to dial the phone, Tony.” As soon as the words were out of her mouth, she regretted them. “I’m sorry. It’s just...I can do it, okay?”

  He nodded, though he held her gaze for a long moment before he continued to eat. She watched the muscles in his neck work as he chewed and that now-familiar longing began to build again low in her belly.

  He finished every last bit of food in his plate in silence, then slid his chair back and crooked his finger at her.

  “What?” she laughed. The whole thing was comical, really, with both of them sitting at the table in next to nothing. Him in his boxer briefs and her in his t-shirt and panties.

  “I want dessert.”

  Good God, she’d created a monster.

  She went to him and let him kiss her until they were both breathless and groping at one another. He slid a hand under her shirt and took his sweet time playing with her nipples and working her to a wicked frenzy.

  But Tony suddenly stopped, simply holding her breast softly in his hand.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked, grinding her middle into his erection, but he shook his head and steadied her hips with his free hand.

  “Why is this okay...” The pad of his thumb stroked across her hardened peak. “But when I wanna know about your past, you shut me down?”

  “I don’t—”

  “You let me fuck you, but you won’t talk to me. Not really.” He gripped her hip a little harder, his eyes full of questions. “I don’t get it.”

  She wasn’t sure she wanted him to get it. The truth was liable to send him running for the door. Slapping his hands away, she stood, smoothed her shirt back into place, and took their plates to the sink.

  They’d shared a lot of little things about themselves last night in between touching each other, but talking about one’s ex-husband while naked with another man never panned out well.

  But she wasn’t naked right now. Neither was he. And maybe Tony would understand.

  When she really thought about it, not telling him would be like letting Derek get the best of her all over again. Especially if it put a barrier between her and something she wanted. Something that made her happy.

  She ran their plates beneath the faucet and reached for a towel to dry her hands. All the while Tony sat, patiently waiting for her to respond.

  “I’ve had a bad experience. Controlling guys...they just don’t do it for me.” God, that was weak, and not even close to what Tony deserved. But admitting the truth made her feel foolish, because not only had she stayed with Derek for far too long, she’d gone back, too.

  “You’ve said that before. What I don’t understand is why you think I’d do that to you.” His tone was soft, but she still heard the defense in his voice.

  She wet her lips and kept her shoulders pulled back, back still turned to him. “You ordered the supplies without asking me.”

  “I asked.”

  “But you didn’t like my answer, so you went ahead and did what you wanted anyhow.”

  “I thought we sorted this out already.”

  “So did I. You’re the one who keeps pushing the subject.” She clenched her eyes shut, regretting the words as soon as they were out of her mouth. This was not his problem, dammit. Could she be any more unreasonable?

  He was quiet for two beats, then she heard the scrape of his chair screeching across the floor. His hands were on her shoulders seconds later. “Nicole,” he said even gentler this time. “You put yourself out there for me every damn day. I just wanna do the same for you. I want to understand, but I can’t if you don’t tell me.”

  Exactly. Silence was her armor, because if she let him in all the way, she’d give him the power to hurt her. And Tony Dunn...he could shatter her heart.

  “I just want sex,” she said, not because it was the truth, but because it was easier. Safer.

  “I don’t believe that.”

  Of course, he didn’t. There wasn’t an ounce of truth to it. “Well, you should, because it’s all I have to offer.”

  Tony made a droll sound behind her, his hands squeezing her shoulders, then he slid his hands down to her wrists and wrapped their arms around her waist. He pressed his face into her neck and sighed.

  “I’m not going to try and guess what exactly happened to you, but know this...” he said, lifting his face to her temple. “You came into my life for a reason, just like I came into yours. Whether you’re here for seven more hours or seven more weeks doesn’t matter, because this thing between us? It’s special, Nicole. You know it and I know it. What you choose to do with that is up to you.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  She had no idea what she was going to do with Tony’s confession.

  Jump in head-first and give her better judgment the middle finger?

  Or tell Tony they’d made a mistake and end whatever was going on with them now, before it got even more complicated?

  Honestly, both options sucked, because both would hurt. One now, the other later. It was inevitable.

  On the flip side, it was hard to ignore how happy she’d been the past week. How seeing Tony every morning and then again when he came home from work had become her favorite times of the day. Harder to pretend she didn’t see the same change in him, too. The shadows beneath his eyes had begun to fade and she guessed he was sleeping better at night. He sure as heck smiled a lot more.

  Things were...nice. So she’d decided to see how things went on their own. Maybe it was best this way anyhow.

  “Hey there, Nicky Keller.” Luke looked from his desk late Monday afternoon. He’d called earlier to let her know her car was fixed, but she’d had Bri so she’d asked him to stick around until Tony got home and could give her lift.

  “Thanks for waiting for me.” She smiled through the nausea whirling in her stomach. Luke had given the total damages over the phone and, even though she tried to
mentally prepare herself for the number since last week, the thought of cleaning out her bank account made her physically ill. She’d taken pride in building up a nest egg after the divorce. It was her ticket out of Denver, after all. Sure, her plans for Chicago were still a go, but she wouldn’t have the cushion she’d anticipated. The one that assured she wouldn’t have to live with Rachel until she had a few paychecks under her belt. The one that assured her fewer run-ins with Derek.

  Who, unnervingly, had started leaving daily voicemails again.

  “No problem.” Luke slid a repair breakdown across the counter, but she couldn’t bring herself to look at it. Instead, she handed over her debit card, her fingers shaking.

  “Here. Just get it over with.”

  “You know, we can break this up into a few payments if that’s easier for you. It’s really not that big of a deal, Nic,” Luke offered in a discreet tone, like they weren’t the only two people left in the building. But they were, thank God, because Tony had only dropped her off, telling her he’d run out for some fresh Parmesan to go with the lasagna she’d made them for dinner.

  She smiled at Luke. “I appreciate the offer, but the sooner this is behind me, the better.”

  He shrugged and turned his back to run the card through the machine.

  She blew out a shaky breath and wrapped her arms around herself as she glanced toward the automotive magazines on the table. But her focus snagged on movement near the door instead. Specifically, Tony standing with Brianna on his hip.

  Nicole opened her mouth to remind him that she didn’t need a ride, but the stern look on his face shut her up fast.

  He’d heard Luke’s offer. And he was reading her like a freaking book right now.

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” he asked, his voice low.

  “Tell you what?” She plastered on another phony smile, hoping he couldn’t see the fine tremor that shook her entire body.

  “I knew you wanted to make money while you were here, but I didn’t realize it was because you’re broke.”

  “I...I’m not.” He’d just paid her on Friday and she hadn’t even touched it yet. Mostly because it would have to pay for food and her car insurance.


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