Hail to the Queen (Sage Trilogy, Book 3)

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Hail to the Queen (Sage Trilogy, Book 3) Page 14

by Julius St. Clair

  “Change in a nation can occur with a simple declaration of its leaders…but change in a person, in a people…takes time, and suffering. Something that the Prattlians haven’t had to do. You can afford to read from day to night and have debates because you’ve had a system in place that hasn’t been challenged to its breaking point. Our entire world was turned upside down, and we had to adapt and scrounge for survival. Everything that Yelon said about the Allayans is true…but the assessment is outdated. We’re different now. We’re hungry now. And we know the horrors that this world can bring. Could you use the stone to better fight Zen-echelon? Perhaps. But how long would you have to study it and strategize before you came up with one legitimate tactic? As Allayans, we don’t have that luxury. We have to act immediately, and take on the consequences as they come. Can you accept that burden? Can you carry the memories of the lives you lose on your shoulders? Because we already have. We’re ready to act – now. And not just talk about it…”

  “My, my,” a voice ran throughout the courtyard. All eyes turned to the entrance, where a man stood in a large fur, blue robe. His face was smooth but covered in jagged scars. His eyes – green but hazy. Something was strange about him…

  “Who are you?” the King of Prattle asked as the stranger smiled.

  “My name is Thorn, and I am the King of Zen-echelon.” The crowd scurried away from him as King Nathaniel’s eyes widened in alarm. He pointed at one of his guards.

  “What happened to our surveillance?! Where are the guards at the entrance?”

  “All dead,” Thorn replied calmly. “And your surveillance doesn’t help you out one bit if your enemy happens to be invisible.”

  “Where is Kyran and Scarlet?” Catherine shouted as Thorn turned his attention towards her. Arimus blocked her with his body.

  “Hello, Catherine!” Thorn shouted out. “Arimus, can you please get out of the way? I just want to talk.”

  “From what I’ve heard,” King Nathaniel said. “You’ve come to kill us all.”

  “That is the plan,” Thorn chuckled. “But plans can change.”

  “What do you want?”

  “The stones. All of them. If Catherine gives me hers, and you relinquish yours, then I will spare your lives for no less than a month. Think about it. With an actual deadline to look forward to, you can live life to its absolute fullest. Go on vacation, party, eat, be merry! None of this mundane living and simply existing! For the first time in your miserable existence, you can truly live!”

  “I’ll have to decline.”

  “Well, that’s unfortunate.”

  “WHERE IS KYRAN AND SCARLET?” Catherine screamed, pushing Arimus aside.

  “They’re alive,” Thorn smiled. “But let’s just say that they didn’t succeed in their mission.”


  “That’s far too many questions, Princess. And I simply don’t have the time. There is so much work to be done, starting with this…” Thorn looked around. “…lovely Kingdom here...but I’m getting ahead of myself. Before we do this, I would like to introduce my sergeants. Boys, please come forward.”

  From behind Thorn and the open door approached two figures. They remained in the shadows for a second, and then revealed themselves with one final step. This time, it was Arimus who nearly threw Catherine aside.

  “DOMINIC!” Arimus roared as the young Sage flashed him an amused smile. James looked at his rival in shock but then scowled when he saw the other sergeant in attendance.

  “Alexander?” James mouthed. Alexander the Prattlian, alive and well, winked back at him.

  “GYRUIN!” King Nathaniel cried out as James suddenly noticed the man hanging at Dominic’s side. The young Sage was holding him tight by the back of the neck, and from what he could sense, Gyruin was fading fast. But no one could react in time. The moment James even considered making a move, Dominic took a regular, steel blade from his hip and stabbed it straight through the Prattlian’s chest…killing him instantly.

  “Geez, Dominic,” Thorn laughed. “They’re not going to want to talk after that.”

  “I’m sick of talking,” he said, staring straight at James. Alexander smiled and joined in the gaze.

  “James, you are…quite popular,” Thorn chuckled as Catherine fell to her knees.

  “Why, Dominic?” she sobbed with her head bowed down. “Why would you join him?”

  “I never belonged to you,” Dominic declared. “Especially not you. You chose the pauper over me, and you’ll have to pay for that choice. If any of those tears are for me, don’t bother. I’ve made my decision.”

  “But you were one of us!” Catherine cried out, shooting up her head. “You believed in our cause!”

  “I believed in our marriage,” Dominic sneered. “But when you broke my heart, and Kyran took my life, I realized that I had nothing to look forward to anymore. There was no reason to align myself with Allay any longer. You know what, just stop talking to me. Our business is finished. I only want him now.” Dominic pointed at James with his steel blade. James smirked and shook his head.

  “You could at least take me to dinner first.”

  “Can I kill them now?” Dominic asked Thorn who only chuckled and looked around him.

  “Not yet, my rambunctious friend. They still haven’t given me a decision. It would be terrible of me to wipe them out before I’ve gotten an answer.”

  “Well, tell them to hurry up. My eidolon is anxious to taste James’ blood.”

  “Gross,” James commented as King Nathaniel stepped forward.

  “Your Majesty,” the old King replied. “We do not have to go to war. If we could just sit down and discuss-“

  “- excuse me?” Thorn chuckled. “War? I’m not talking about war. You see, war implies that there are two sides fighting against each other and each have a reasonable chance of overcoming the other. No, I’m saying that either you surrender the stones to me, or I perform genocide on your entire race. It’s that simple. Now, you have exactly ten seconds to respond before the slaughter begins. Ten…”

  “We won’t secede to you,” King Nathaniel spat at him as he backed away. “Guards! Sound the alarm! Evacuate the city. Anyone with any combat experience must come to our location!”


  “But Sire, what about you?” a merchant asked. The King shook his head in defiance. “I stay here with my men. I will help with the power of the stone.”

  “Eight…” Thorn laughed as he signaled with a finger toward Alexander and Dominic. “Seven…”

  “See you later, James,” Alexander said with a wave. “If you somehow survive, we’ll catch up!” Alexander turned and ran away in a hurry as Thorn continued counting down. Guards poured into the courtyard and Arimus helped Catherine to her feet. The King of Prattle threw off his royal robe and clenched his fists, concentrating on the power within him.

  “Four…” Thorn said. “Well, Catherine? What about you? Three…”

  “WE WILL NEVER GIVE IN TO YOU!” Catherine screamed through her reddened face and flying tears. As soon as her words left her lips, her hair shot straight towards the sky, and the familiar tattooed markings began erupting from underneath her skin, the raw energy surging from the stone of Allay surrounding her in an electric purple wind.

  “Two…one,” Thorn said, and with the last word echoing across the valley, a rumble was heard in the distance. “Just remember, you brought this on yourself.”

  “COME FIGHT US, MONSTER!” Catherine yelled, but Thorn just grinned and began backing away.

  “That wouldn’t be fair to you. But tell you what, if you can fight through my army and get to me, I’ll be waiting just outside the entrance of Prattle. “

  “Come back here, coward!” Catherine shouted as she charged forward. A gust of wind blew in front of her, and she gasped as it caught Dominic’s fire-red eidolon, stopping him only an inch away from her forehead. “Dominic…” she said in disbelief as the
winds thrust her back to safety. Arimus and James jumped forward and drew forth their eidolons in unison, clutching them tight and advancing slowly upon their old comrade. Just as James was getting ready to speak, the first shriek cut across the sky, piercing the ears of everyone in the Kingdom. All eyes glanced upwards, and that is when the first fireball hit.

  Crashing into the shops, it continued to roll in a destructive line, destroying one whole row in a matter of seconds. Another barely grazed the top of the castle entrance, and then, just as Thorn promised, the chaos began.

  Hundreds of stone golems finished their march up the Prattlian mountain and burst through the entrance, continuing to advance at the meager army of Prattlians and their Allayan guests. Strange spider-like creatures with knives sticking out of their legs began crawling over the debris of the shops, still on fire from the strange spherical fire that rolled upon them. More shrieks pierced the air and the sound of large wings were heard from above. High in the sky, nearly ten massive dragons, all of different colors, shades and shapes circled the Kingdom hungrily. And finally, small, children-like creatures, covered in ash, scurried around the golems and ran forward with squeals of joy as they saw their long-awaited prey.

  “Have fun,” Thorn’s voice rang throughout the Kingdom as the creatures suddenly stopped and waited for permission to begin their attacks. Dominic smirked and pointed his red, machete-like eidolon right at James and the others.

  “Eat,” Dominic said with a smile, and the creatures began attacking all at once. The evacuation was still in effect so many of Prattle’s citizens were still on the sidelines. The dragons began swooping down and taking guards into the air to feast on while others began shooting balls of fire directly at the castle. The spiders began picking off the citizens and the golems ever so slowly advanced. The black-ash children were the first to meet James and the others head-on in battle.

  “What are these things?” James shouted as he plowed through ten at a time with his eidolon. They’re not strong but very quick!”

  “I’ve never seen them before,” Arimus said, joining his student on the frontline. “But I don’t sense a life force. Don’t hold back! Protect the Princess and the King!”

  “Guards!” King Nathaniel shouted. “Join the Sages in battle! Obey their every command!”

  The guards drew their swords and began slicing at the screaming children-like creatures that seemed to be pouring in by the hundreds from behind the approaching golems.

  “Take the small ones!” Arimus ordered the guards. “We will handle the stone and spider creatures as they advance. Keep an eye on your King and our Princess!”

  “That won’t be necessary, Sage,” King Nathaniel said as he placed a hand on Catherine’s shoulder. “Princess, I will give you the stone of Prattle, but if I am to die this day, I might as well give up my life to its power. You may stay on the sidelines if you wish, but I intend to ensure our victory. Join me?”

  “Of course,” Catherine smiled. “I didn’t call upon the stone’s power for nothing.”

  “Catherine, no!” James shouted as the first golem made it to the middle of the courtyard and took a slow swing at him. “Don’t use the stone!”

  “No offense, James, but…please shut up,” Catherine replied as she turned back to the King. “Your move.”

  The King’s eyes went white as bracelets of gold appeared around each arm. He looked up at one of the dragons soaring up above and pointed both arms skyward. He took a deep breath and a beam of light shot out from his clenched fists into the sky, piercing the clouds and the fog. It fired straight through the dragon, cutting it into two and sending it crashing to the land below the mountain. The other dragons took notice and began descending slowly towards them.

  Catherine concentrated on the swirling purple winds. They closed in and wrapped around her entire body, making armor appear and covering her from head to toe in violet steel. A light blue cape shot out from behind her and in her right hand a sword developed, blazing with the same electric purple that had swarmed her earlier. She turned to the King.

  “I don’t want the dragons to interrupt the boys,” she said, her voice sounding muffled from behind the steel helmet. “So excuse me if I take a more direct approach.”

  “By all means,” the King said. “Ladies first.”

  Catherine nodded and ran behind him, heading toward the castle - the highest point in Prattle. King Nathaniel continued firing at the dragons as he ran with her, but the leviathans weren’t so easily caught off guard this time. They shot out balls of fire mercilessly, forcing the King to take a more defensive approach. Some of them he was able to block with an invisible shield surrounding his body, but most he had to dodge physically, using the stone’s power to lighten his feet.

  Catherine paid no attention to the King and his battle with the dragons, concentrating only at getting up the castle. With the stone’s energy surrounding her soles, she jumped up the debris and the castle’s small towers, one at a time, until she reached the highest lookout. With her sword still in her right hand, she reached out toward a nearby dragon with her left. A shot of light extended out from her left palm and wrapped itself around the blue dragon’s throat. With all her might, she forced it out of the air and pulled it directly towards the castle.

  As soon as it was within reach, she released her grip, but the dragon was still speeding towards her, caught in Catherine’s forced momentum. Even its house sized wings couldn’t fight against it. The Princess leaped into the air, and swung her sword down upon its neck, decapitating in one smooth swipe. The head rolled down the mountain awkwardly as the rest of its body crashed into the castle itself and then crumpled into a lifeless mass. Catherine took a deep breath and focused on taking down the next dragon in the same manner, capitalizing on the distraction King Nathaniel was providing.

  “Catherine’s lost her mind!” James shouted as he dodged yet another golem blow. They were extremely slow, but it didn’t take his eidolon to tell him that one lucky punch could break his bones. And they were beginning to crowd him too, bunching up next to each other, shoulder to shoulder, each of them reaching for James with flailing fingers.

  “Catherine can handle herself,” Arimus coughed as he rolled under one of the spider’s legs. He cut it off, and it immediately grew back into place. Arimus grunted and dodged another swipe at his head. “These spiders have the same regenerative properties as Jester!”

  “Then obliterate it,” James shouted as he clashed his sword against a golem’s fist. The vibration sent him back onto his butt and he narrowly missed a foot slamming down onto his head. “I’m having a difficult enough time as it is!”

  “Why don’t you use your full power?” Arimus shouted. “You could eliminate the spiders and probably half of the golems in a few minutes!”

  “I’m preserving my energy,” James sighed as he was given a second to increase the density of his eidolon. It was just enough to slice through a golem from head to toe, chopping him into boulder chunks with one swipe. “Well…at least the golems don’t look like they regenerate.”

  “James! You didn’t answer my question!” Arimus said as he grabbed the lapel of a guard and threw him out the way of a child creature that tried jumping up and clawing his face.

  “What question?”

  “Why are you preserving your energy? Why aren’t you using your full power?”

  “Oh…” he muttered. “It’s because of him.”

  Arimus followed James’ pointing finger beyond the chaos to a pacing Dominic, smiling like a wild man, glaring back and forth between the two Sages. Arimus raised his eyebrows in concern.

  “I see,” he said as he turned back to the spiders. “For him, it doesn’t matter which of us he faces, as long as it’s a Sage.”

  “If he’s joined that maniac, I’m sure he’s gotten stronger,” James sighed, feeling more confident with his eidolon’s newfound density. “He wouldn’t be so eager to fight otherwise.”

  “Then which of us sh
ould engage him? We have no chance of truly ending this otherwise.”

  “I’m the one he wants,” James said as he and Arimus started fighting back to back. Both of them were beginning to take down their respective enemy with blinding speed, even while they talked.

  “This is true,” Arimus agreed. “But unfortunately, I won’t be able to hold off both sets of creatures. I may be a Sage, but I am a disabled one.”

  “Then how about this?” James offered. “I’ll power up, and take down both groups as fast as I can. You engage Dominic and keep him from stabbing me in the back.”

  “Dominic will try to kill me the moment we clash swords,” Arimus chuckled. “Not saying I’m looking forward to that plan, but…how much time do you need?”

  “Sixty seconds,” James said. “At most. Give me that, and I’ll take over right after I’ve cleaned up. We can take him on together and then go for the main prize. Unless you want to try skipping all that and just fight the King of Zen-echelon all by yourself.”

  “Hardly,” Arimus laughed. “Alright, sixty seconds. We break…NOW!” Arimus made sure to push as many spiders and golems back as he could with a powerful cyclone that kept he and James in the center. The reprieve was all James needed to concentrate on his transformation. As a colossal beam of light shot out from the sky and enveloped him, Arimus leapt into the air, through the cyclone, and towards Dominic who was staring in awe at the power James managed to summon. The Sage landed right at his former student’s feet.


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