Off the Record

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Off the Record Page 15

by Rose, Alison

  But after tonight, when he’d faced one of his biggest fears and it had gone OK … well, he figured anything was possible.

  The elevator door opened and he entered, pressing the button for the next floor. It was probably a good thing she wouldn’t sleep with him. He had a feeling once she did, he’d have a hell of a job walking away from her. The trouble was, not sleeping with her was taking its toll as well. The woman was driving him crazy.

  A few minutes later Kate’s phone vibrated. It was a photo message from Paul. The image showed their parents lying fully clothed on a sofa, fast asleep in each other’s arms.

  Chapter Seventeen

  The next morning, Paul sat, freshly shaved and showered, contemplating the still sleeping figures of his dad and Kate’s mom on the sofa. Johnson looked so peaceful, more relaxed than he had in a long time. Alexandra Armstrong was good for him.

  Paul sat back, stretching his arms along the back of the sofa opposite them, with one bare foot crossed over the other, wondering whether they were going to wake up any time soon. Kate was on her way up, and their breakfast had just arrived. The heady aroma of coffee and bacon were making his mouth water. The thought of eating breakfast with the delectable Kate added to the sensual delight.

  Unwilling to wait any longer for his morning caffeine hit, Paul got up and poured himself a cup. As he passed by, he switched on the radio in the hope that it would rouse the oldies.

  At the sudden jarring sound, Johnson groaned. Alexandra blinked a few times, surfacing slowly. The DJ’s banter gave way to an old Eagles number. Sleepily, she reached up and stroked a soft hand against Johnson’s morning stubble, and began to sing along softly.

  ‘Hey, Alex, nice sound.’

  Paul grinned as, with a shriek just like her daughter’s, she sat upright, nearly unmanning Johnson in the process. His dad grunted and tightened his hold on her, saving her from the ignominy of falling off the sofa.


  Alex glared at Paul, looking just like her feisty daughter, her face bright with embarrassment. His father chuckled and hummed a few bars of the old song himself before levering himself up and shifting Alex to sit at his side.

  ‘Mornin’, Dad.’ Paul handed him a cup of coffee.

  Johnson took it gratefully, stretching his neck and moving his head from side to side in an effort to work some of the kinks out.

  ‘Aren’t you a little old to be necking on the sofa all night?’

  His father ignored him and took refuge in his coffee cup. Then, unable to hide a smile, he turned to the woman at his side. ‘Good morning.’ His voice was husky with sleep.

  She blushed, her toes curling into the thick carpet with embarrassment. Paul figured if he wasn’t standing over them, she might actually have been tempted to get husky right back at him. But it seemed, like her daughter, Kate’s mom preferred to play it cool under fire.

  ‘Good morning, both of you,’ was her dignified response. ‘I take my coffee white, with no sugar, thank you, Paul.’

  ‘Comin’ right up, ma’am.’ Damn! Those Armstrong women are cute!

  ‘And turn the radio down, son. It’s loud enough to wake the dead.’

  ‘Yeah, well, it was that or set off the fire alarm. You guys were out of it. I like my bacon hot.’

  He gestured to the table, which had been laid for breakfast, and the trolley bearing hot coffee, numerous plates covered with silver domes, and a couple of racks of toast. Paul inhaled the aromas of coffee and bacon once again and couldn’t believe they had slept through its delivery. Alex glanced at her watch and gasped.

  ‘Oh my goodness! It’s nine o’clock! I must go!’

  ‘Why?’ asked Johnson, at the same time as Paul said ‘At least have your coffee first.’

  Alex ran an agitated hand through her hair. ‘I can’t stay. Kate will be frantic.’

  ‘Relax,’ Paul urged, handing her a steaming cup. ‘She’s on her way up. I ordered for four.’

  ‘You’ve spoken to her?’

  ‘Yep, and shown her the evidence.’

  ‘Evidence?’ she questioned, weakly, looking like a guilty schoolgirl, another blush heating her neck on its way to her face.

  Paul laughed and flipped open his phone. ‘I sent her this,’ he said, showing her the picture he’d taken of them, asleep in each other’s arms.

  Alex groaned and hid her face in her hands. Johnson stretched a warm arm around her and leaned over to see the image. He laughed.

  ‘It’s not funny!’ she glared up at him.

  Johnson looked at her flushed face, his eyebrows raised, trying hard not to laugh. ‘Why not?’

  ‘Because … Because …’

  ‘At least you had your clothes on,’ Paul commented. ‘Not that I’d have taken pictures of you two in the buff. Eeeyoo!’ he pulled a face. ‘Naked parents. I don’t even wanna go there. It’s just too freaky.’

  Johnson’s lips twitched and Alex buried her burning face in his chest. They both exploded with laughter, hugging each other for support.

  They were still laughing when Paul opened the suite door to admit Kate.

  ‘What’s going on?’ she asked, bemused to see her mother giggling uncontrollably.

  ‘Don’t mind them. The old folks just lost their marbles.’

  ‘So I see. What set them off?’

  ‘I showed ’em the picture I sent you.’

  ‘Oh, Kate, darling. Did you see the photo? I can’t believe we slept through the flash!’ Alex got up and hugged her daughter. Kate realised her mother was unaware of how lovely she looked, with her cheeks flushed and green eyes sparkling with humour. Her short, silver hair was in spiky disarray, a style which others might spend a fortune on at a hair salon.

  ‘I saw it, you dirty stop-out,’ she teased. ‘It’s just as well I did, or I might have called the police and reported you missing.’

  ‘I’m sorry, darling. I’d only intended staying long enough to have some supper, but we got talking and …’ she blushed prettily, ‘we just … fell asleep.’

  Johnson rose and came to stand behind her, gathering her close. ‘Blame it on our advancing years,’ he slanted a rueful smile at Kate and kissed the top of her mother’s head. ‘Even a chaste necking session wears us out these days.’

  ‘Johnson!’ He grunted as Alex dug her elbow hard into his ribs. ‘Behave.’

  ‘I did!’ he protested. ‘Jeez, I was the perfect gentleman!’

  ‘And don’t take the Lord’s name in vain,’ she scolded.

  ‘Kate, let ’em fight. Come and eat. I’m starving here!’

  ‘Then you’d better say Grace,’ she responded, heading for the chair he held out.

  It was a bizarre situation, sitting down to breakfast with the man who had kissed her senseless last night and listening to their parents’ affectionate banter. Kate wondered if she’d ever get used to it.

  Soon they were tucking into full English breakfasts and discussing their plans for the day, which involved a free day before preparing to travel on their next venue. The tour moved to Scotland next, and they were leaving for Glasgow that evening.

  ‘What about you, Mum? Your check-in’s not until four is it? I thought we could go shopping.’

  Kate glanced at Johnson and frowned. Had she stepped on his toes? Did he want to spend more time with her mother? Alex bit her lip, glancing at Johnson, looking uncertain. You didn’t have to be a rocket scientist to work out that her mum was wondering the same thing. But apparently, Johnson didn’t get the message. Like so many of his gender, Kate thought with a grim smile, he was useless at reading the signs.

  Johnson concentrated on eating, his focus on his plate. Getting cross with herself for not checking with him first, she tried to concentrate on her own plate, but this situation was simply too weird. How could she eat when her mum was waiting for Paul’s dad to ask her to spend the day with him? Maybe Paul would break the stalemate.

  Unable to resist, she stole a glance at him, but Paul seemed oblivious
to everything but his breakfast. He brought a forkful of bacon to his lips. She watched as he opened his mouth and his lips caressed the food, taking it in. She couldn’t look away as his strong jaw began moving rhythmically, chewing.

  She swallowed as he swallowed, her throat suddenly dry. How on earth could the simple act of eating bacon be so arousing? It wasn’t the first time just the sight of this man had her feeling hot and bothered, something she wasn’t comfortable with in front of their parents. Trying to ignore him, she turned to Alexandra.

  ‘So, Mum, what would you like to do?’

  ‘Um, I’m not sure, Kate. I don’t really fancy shopping. I expect you’re all busy anyway. I should …’

  ‘No need for that,’ said Paul. ‘Stay here for a while. Dad can get you to your flight on time, eh, old man?’ He pushed his plate away.

  ‘Sure. No problem,’ Johnson confirmed casually.

  ‘In the meantime, Kate and I have a date.’

  ‘Since when?’ she asked, surprised.

  He winked at her. ‘Since these old guys couldn’t make up their minds. I figured we needed to get the he … uh … heck out of Dodge.’

  Kate scowled at him. OK, so Johnson wanted to spend more time with Alex, and she really hated the idea of playing gooseberry. But maybe she ought to stay. Her mother was vulnerable right now, and Kate felt the need to protect her.

  Paul gave her a steady look. She remembered their conversation last night, and sighed her defeat. In truth, she was excited to be spending more time with Paul, even as she told herself again that it was a bad idea. ‘OK.’ She threw down her napkin and got up. ‘Paul and I will head off. I’ll give you a ring tonight, Mum.’

  Alex, looking relieved, nodded. ‘I’d better come down and get my bag before they lock me out of the room.’

  ‘No need,’ Kate replied, pointing to the luggage waiting by the door. ‘I thought I might as well bring it up with me.’

  Alex thanked her and they said their goodbyes before she escaped into the bathroom to change into some fresh clothes. Johnson watched her go with a worried frown. Paul and Kate exchanged glances, eyebrows raised.

  ‘I think she’s a bit nervous,’ observed Kate quietly as Paul opened the suite door for her.

  ‘Why would she be nervous?’ asked Johnson behind them.

  They paused in the doorway. ‘Come on, Dad,’ said Paul. ‘You didn’t make it easy. Don’t you want to spend more time with her?’

  ‘Of course I do,’ he snapped. ‘But only if she wants to stay, which doesn’t seem to be what the lady wants after all. You saw how reluctant she was!’

  ‘Oh for goodness sake,’ said Kate, exasperated. ‘That was my fault. I put her on the spot. Of course she wants to stay. I haven’t seen her so alive and happy for a long time. Since Daddy died she’s been … I don’t know … But she’s not been happy until now. And that’s down to you, Johnson.’ She paused. ‘But I have to say this. If you go all cool and indifferent on her, she’ll be out of here like a shot. She’s still fragile. You have to make up your mind, Johnson. Do you want her company or not? Either way, you have to be honest with her. Don’t mess with my mother. She doesn’t deserve to have her heart broken again.’

  Paul grinned and gave his father the thumbs up before closing the door behind him and following her.

  ‘I can’t believe I just told your dad off,’ she laughed nervously as they entered the lift.

  ‘You did good. He needed telling. Your mom deserves to know where she stands. We all do.’ He moved closer, backing her up against the capsule wall.

  ‘We do?’ She asked, her tongue darting out to lick dry lips.

  ‘Oh yeah.’ He leaned in and pecked her gently on the mouth. ‘We all need to know that our … uh … affection is returned.’

  ‘Affection?’ Well, that’s an improvement on lust, she supposed. ‘Is that what you want, Paul?’

  ‘Absolutely.’ But his mind-blowing kiss said so much more.

  Oh my, am I in trouble! What on earth happened to being professional and detached? Every time he gets close, I lose it. The question is, do I want to find it again? Kate decided to worry about that later. Much later!

  The need for fresh air drove them outside to explore the extensive grounds of the hotel, and they spent a couple of hours strolling arm in arm, enjoying the early summer sun. Their progress was halted several times when conversation became unnecessary and they gave in to the urge to kiss.

  The magnificent rose garden was a natural setting for romance, the warm air filled with the heady scent of early summer blooms. The ancient yew maze which was the central feature of the gardens offered an intimate privacy that they took advantage of. They emerged laughing and flushed; Kate’s kiss-swollen lips and glowing smile evidence of their embraces.

  ‘I can’t believe that none of the other guests are out here enjoying the gardens and the sunshine,’ she said. ‘It’s beautiful here.’

  Paul shrugged. ‘If you weren’t here I’d have stayed in the suite, reading or watching TV; or maybe I’ve have found my way to the hotel gym and spent a couple of hours working out. If Jake or one of the other guys is around we sometimes go for a run.’

  Kate looked shocked. ‘And this goes on for how long?’

  ‘For as long as the tour lasts.’

  ‘Then you get out and enjoy a normal life, right?’

  ‘What’s normal? If you mean, do I go the mall, or the beach, then the answer’s no. In the States I’m too well-known to be able to go out without a pack of reporters or crowds of people following me. It doesn’t make for a relaxing time.’

  ‘So you stay hidden away all the time?’

  He laughed. ‘No, but I have to be very, very careful about where I go. I’ve gotten pretty good at disguises too.’

  ‘What – wigs and false moustaches?’ she grinned. ‘Or better yet, you’d look fabulous in a dress!’

  ‘Yeah, right. A six-foot-plus dame with a bunch of heavies guarding her would blend right in.’

  ‘Hiding in clear sight.’

  ‘Say what?’

  ‘The best way to hide something is to put it somewhere where it’s least expected. If you put it in clear sight it’s likely to stay unnoticed because people are expecting it to be hidden away. I bet if you went out without an entourage surrounding you, you’d hardly be noticed.’

  ‘Yeah, right,’ he responded. ‘Just like nobody noticed when I met you outside your office.’ He shook his head, his mouth compressed into a thin line. ‘I thought I might be OK in London, but I guess I was wrong.’

  Kate didn’t know what to say. She’d felt violated by that sneaky photographer’s images. It must be awful to have to put up with that all the time.

  ‘I learned the hard way that bodyguards are necessary,’ he went on. ‘I got caught out a couple of times.’

  ‘Really? What happened?’ she asked.

  ‘Don’t worry,’ he soothed. ‘These days it’s just paparazzi taking long-lens shots. Jake and our security team keep things under control. The reason we chose this hotel is that no one can get close without one of the guys seeing.’

  She looked around. ‘Are you telling me that even now, your security team are somewhere near us? I can’t see anyone on guard.’

  ‘That’s what we pay ’em for,’ he said. ‘To protect us without trespassing on our private space. They’re out there, all right. You’re quite safe.’

  She was silent for a moment, trying to absorb this information. ‘So your men are keeping watch all the time?’ He nodded. She glared at him. ‘And you let me kiss you, out in the open, knowing full well we had an audience?’

  He laughed and pulled her into a bear hug, stifling her protests.

  ‘Yes, I let you kiss me, woman! D’you think I can remember my own name when you’re within a few feet of me? Hell, I forget what day it is, so how am I supposed to think about anything but the taste of you? Now, kiss me again.’ He didn’t give her a chance to do anything else as he brought his mouth
down on hers. He kissed her breathless, and when she could finally speak she knew exactly what he meant.

  ‘Who am I?’ she asked. ‘What day is it?’

  ‘You’re my woman, and I want this day to last forever,’ he replied, his deep, husky voice sending shivers down her spine. ‘Let’s go eat some lunch.’

  For a moment, she felt her heart catch. The thought of being his woman was both exciting and terrifying. But she doubted he meant it in any permanent sense. He was Paul Brand, who was rarely seen with the same woman twice. She should just take his comments, and his kisses, with a pinch of salt, and remember that soon she’d be returning to the real world without him. In the meantime, she didn’t see why she couldn’t have some fun.

  She stepped out of his embrace and placed her hands on her hips. ‘Now you’ve gone and spoiled it, Brand. How can you think of food when you’ve just feasted on me?’

  He looked her up and down. ‘You look like you could do with feeding up, otherwise my appetites just might do you in,’ he mocked, sending her into gales of laughter.

  ‘Come on then, caveman. Drag me off and throw me some raw meat,’ she challenged, tongue in cheek. ‘Then we’ll see who’s got the biggest appetite.’

  They had a leisurely lunch, enjoying poached wild salmon, new potatoes, and fresh green asparagus. They’d shared a wildly sinful chocolate dessert and were contemplating coffee when Kate’s mobile emitted a beep, indicating the arrival of a text message.

  ‘It’s from Mum. I wonder why she didn’t just call.’

  ‘What’s it say? My dad’s always sending me the corniest jokes by text. I figure he’s too embarrassed to say them out loud.’ Instead of responding to his banter, Kate stared at the message, her face pale. ‘Kate, what is it?’

  She raised a trembling hand to her mouth, shaking her head. She quickly selected her mother’s number on her speed dial and called her. When the call went straight through to voicemail, Kate swore.


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