THE ELECTED (Fighting Freedom Book 2)

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THE ELECTED (Fighting Freedom Book 2) Page 15

by Paige Clendenin

  After making sure the truck is out of sight, the eleven of us start walking down the broken road, Jake and Zac at the lead. We have left as little behind as possible.

  “How much further?” Jake asks Zac.

  “We are about twelve miles from RV926 which use is to be Richmond, Virginia.” Zac grins. “From there, we will have a little over one-hundred miles left to go.”

  “That’s great,” Mar says with a smile on her face.

  A few miles down the road, Zac stops in his tracks, mesmerized by the map in his hands.

  “What’s wrong?” Cara asks.

  “Give me something to draw in the dirt with,” Zac says still looking at the map.

  Dia runs and grabs a short stick from the side of the road and hands it to him.

  “Here you go.”


  Distracted, Zac bends down and begins to draw something in the dirt on the side of the road. He does it in complete silence. Once a blown-up version of the map is in front of him on the ground, he draws a huge circle around a spot on the map and a few dots to the south of the circle.

  “What is this?” Leah asks.

  “Shhhhh…” Zac shushes.

  He then begins to draw lines through the circle with letters and numbers around the perimeter of the sphere. After he finishes, he looks back and forth between the map in his hands and the portion of it that he has put on the ground.

  “Come on, crazy,” Samantha frowns, “are you going to clue the rest of us in on what’s so spectacular with a few swirls in the dirt?”

  “Don’t you see it?” Zac asks as if everyone is on the same brainwave as he is.

  “Uhm… Zac,” Eli says, “we don’t see what you see, so you are going to have to enlighten us.”

  “Sure… Okay…” He sits cross legged on the ground, just behind the dots in the dirt.

  We all follow along and sit with him on the ground, passing around water bottles and rations.

  “What’s all of this about?” I ask.

  “You see this?” he asks holding the paper map up, pointing to a circle around two words labeled Wonder Shield. He doesn’t wait for us to answer. “That isn’t just a circle around the city… It’s a wall.”

  “Are you sure?” Magi asks.

  “One-Hundred percent!”

  “So, this Wonder Shield place is where the old Richmond ,Virginia use to be?” I ask.

  “I think so.” He frowns. “Has anyone heard of this Wonder place?”

  We all look around to a bunch of blank faces. No one seems to have even heard of it. Apart from the map Zac holds in his hand.

  “I believe if The Elected know about this place, then they must be part of them,” Shawn says.

  “Or they are a threat to them.” Zac smirks.

  “What makes you think that?” I ask.

  “Well,” he says, “if you look at it like this, all of the places that are written in red ink, like The Facility, The Force, and The Elected itself, must be at least in some part in alliance with The Elected…”

  “And?” Samantha pleads.

  “The Force Field and this Wonder Shield are written in faint black erasable lead, possibly meaning that they still don’t have control of those cities yet,” he finishes.

  “I say we go around the wall and don’t take our chances,” Leah says.

  “No way.” Jake stands to his feet. “Look at those dimensions.” He points to the numbers scratched in the dirt. “That would throw us off nearly two days, and if these guys are against The Elected, then they might be of some help to us.”

  “What? You’re all crazy,” Samantha chimes in. “Let me get this correct, you expect us to nonchalantly walk up to the huge walled-in city that may or may not be a bad one, and just what? Knock and say, hello let us in, we hope you guys are on our side?”

  “Yep.” Jake smiles.

  “Okay.” She smiles back. “Just checking… I’m in.”

  “Me too,” Mar says.

  “Us too,” Magi points to her and Cara.

  One at a time, each of the members of our group state their consent, except for Leah.

  We all break apart to recharge before finishing our journey.

  “I heard you two talking, you know,” Leah comes up to me.

  “What two of us? About what?”

  “Dia…you and Mar were talking about Dia and her safety last night, and I would like to volunteer to stay back with her. You know… just until one of you can return and let us know that the city is safe.”

  “You want to keep my sister?” I ask, angry at first, but then understanding that as afraid as she is, she is using Dia as a reason to be helpful and out of harm’s way at the same time.

  “I’ll talk to the others and see what they think,” I say. “Have you talked to Shawn about this?”

  “Well,” she shyly says. “Not exactly, but I was thinking that since I was helping out that he might not be so against it.”

  “We will see,” I say as I walk off laughing.

  I call Mar, Eli, and Jake over to discuss with them what Leah’s plan is. At first, they are against it, but as the conversation goes on, we find that it may be the best choice.

  I can see from the corner of my eye that Leah and Shawn are having a sort of heated discussion about the situation. Her hands fly all around in sweeping gestures as tears fall down her face.

  Shawn turns from her and stomps over to where we are standing.

  “I take it that Leah has told you her plan,” he states in anger.

  “Yeah, but we don’t think it’s a bad idea.” I say, putting a hand on Shawn’s shoulder to steady him.

  “Where would they stay? Could she protect them if someone rushed them? Would Dia even agree to this?” Shawn’s questions fly.

  “Well… I don’t think Dia will like it much at all,” Eli says, rubbing the back of his neck, “but she loves Leah, and if we put it in a way as she thinks she is helping Leah out, then maybe she will agree.”

  “I will talk to her,” I say.

  “So, that just leaves the place and protection part,” Shawn points out.

  “Yes, I suppose you’re right,” Jake says.

  Zac pulls the map out of his pocket and examines it before speaking up.

  “There is a small village about a mile from Wonder Shield,” he says. “Being this close to The Elected headquarters, I don’t think there would be many, if any people there. Perhaps we could find a place for them to stay.”

  “That’s an idea,” I say. “I think we need to investigate the village before we make our decision to let them stay there.”

  We all agree to walk the remaining distance to the village outside Wonder Shield. The closer we get to The Elected, the more alert and on edge we are. Our guns all started resting on our backs, to be pulled to our sides, but now, with the village in the near distance, our guns are all pulled high into the air. Those of us with automatics are looking through the scopes every few seconds as to see what we can see at a further distance.

  “Dia, Leah, Zac, and Mar, stay back and cover us from behind,” Jake whispers. “Babe, cover me to my left, Eli, to my right.”

  “What about the rest of us?” Samantha asks.

  “Camouflage yourselves in those bushes to take vantage point.”

  “Got it,” Shawn says, slowly creeping off to the right into the tree line.

  Samantha, Magi, and Cara also slink off into the shadows to sharp-shoot if needed.

  Seconds after they enter the bush, a loud shot rings into the air, causing my ears to ring and panic to fill us all.

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  All our eyes raise up to the silhouette of a person standing off to the side of the road in the distance. As best as we can tell, the shot didn’t achieve contact with anyone or anything. It appears the person put the bullet into the air, as a warning shot, perhaps.

  The person who took the shot comes closer, holding their gun up into the air as to let us know that they don�
�t plan on shooting at us at this very moment.

  “Don’t shoot,” the shadow shouts out, revealing, by the sound of his voice, they are clearly a boy, and a young one at that.

  “We won’t shoot if you don’t,” Jake yells back.

  “Bring your side shooters into view,” the boy says strongly, “and I promise I will not shoot unless you do first.”

  “Show yourselves,” Jake shouts out to those of us at vantage point. “Guns held in the air.”

  Shawn, Samantha, Magi, and Cara come out into view with their guns raised into the air ever so slightly. We all stand still as the image of a boy about Zac’s age comes into view. It takes me a moment to realize what is going on when I see Cara running at the boy.

  “Baxley!” she screams, running into the boy, hugging him wildly.

  He pushes her out enough to take a good look at her face to see if he might know her.

  “Cara?” he asks, slowly bewildered.

  “How?” Cara stammers. “The Elected took you! I saw it.”

  “They did,” Baxley says still in unbelief.

  “How are you here?” she asks. “Why are you here?”

  We all begin to lower our guns a bit more the more Baxley relaxes with his stance and weapon.

  “It’s not safe here,” he says. “Come with me.”

  “Is where you are leading us safe?” Leah asks.

  “Safer, but keep in mind…nothing is safe around here, ma’am,” Baxley answers.

  Leah nods in agreement. I think by now we all know we haven’t once felt safe since we thought all was right at The Force. Even when we were home, we had to worry about The Elected, starving, work camps, and being abducted by The Force.

  We all follow him into the abandoned village. Sure enough, there is no life at all, apart from a stray cat and a small flock of mangy birds.

  Baxley leads us into a meadow filled with wild flowers. It is clear to see the path that he has walked over time, smashing down half dead flowers under foot.

  Time is not useful in a place and situation such as this. We were taken by The Force in late April, it must be pushing August about now, but I can’t be sure, maybe September. The flowers, once beautiful and bright, are a dull brown color and appear to be dying. The heat of the day is so stifling that it is hard to breath. By now, winter’s breath is gearing up to escape across the country side, but not even a gentle breeze has graced our presence.

  “Where are you leading us?” Samantha asks.

  “It’s just over that hill.” Baxley points to a small hill on the other side of the meadow.

  “That’s not bad,” Dia says, while shaking her tired foot in the air trying to gain circulation. “I’m tired of walking.”

  “Me too,” Zac agrees. “Come here,” he says as he hoists Dia in the air and wraps his arm around her waist. “I will carry you so those precious feet of yours don’t fall off.”

  “Oh, Zac,” Dia giggles as she enjoys the ride. Her hands, brushing the tops of the brown wild flowers. They crumble at her touch, but she doesn’t mind. For a little while, she gets to be a kid again. Zac plucks a dandelion fluff and hands it to her. She blows the white puffball, letting its fluff fly all around them.

  After leaving the meadow and ascending the hill, it is clear to see where Baxley is leading us. Sitting at the trough in the valley, is a small cabin still intact. It appears to be half dilapidated, but as we enter inside, it amazes us all to see that it has been kept well. It occurs to me that it is needed to look like it does on the outside to better conceal it from any onlookers.

  Once we plop our things in a pile on the floor of the corner of the cabin, we all take a seat around the rooms odds and ends furniture.

  “So, what’s going on?” Cara asks as though she has been dying to know ever since she saw her brother again for the first time in five years.

  “It’s a long story,” Baxley begins, “so I will try to keep it brief for time’s sake.”

  “Got it,” Mar confirms.

  I can’t get it out of my head that this kid seems wise beyond his years.

  “I was taken by The Elected five years back when I was six.” He pauses. “I remember that day like it was yesterday. They took me to headquarters on a flying craft…”

  “There are no flying crafts anymore!” Samantha interrupts, laughing.

  “That you see,” Baxley says, calmly.

  “What do you mean?” I ask.

  “They have cloaking capabilities that make the crafts invisible to those below. The flying crafts are everywhere and not seen or heard by anyone. They go around taking pictures to survey the land, and better, to see what groups of individuals, voyagers, and cities that remain to pose a threat to them are doing.”

  “That’s how those pictures of us were taken,” Magi squeals.

  Everyone looks around for a moment, not saying a word.

  “Go ahead,” Jake finally breaks the silence.

  “Anyway,” Baxley continues. “They took me on the craft to The Elected headquarters and put me through a program they call The Division Training Protocol.”

  “What’s that?” Shawn asks.

  “It was what they called the first test stage for the beginning of an army made solely of children. They start young so when The Division happens, which is the war they are planning on waging against The Force Field, Wonder Shield, non-compliant voyagers, and any non-conforming members of the corridors, the children will be older teens or young adults, and under their command. And expendable.”

  “Not such an easy task, is it?” Jake scoffs.

  “You wouldn’t think so, would you?” Baxley counters.

  “How do you mean?” Eli asks.

  “Well, the first stages I took part in, things didn’t go as planned. You try to force hundreds of little kids to follow some leader that does nothing but abuse them, yell and scream at them, beat them, you don’t tend to get so many followers. However, intelligence at The Elected got smart and decided that they didn’t need first stage members anymore, because we were non-compliant. They made us slaves, yard workers, whatever, you name it.”

  “How did they fix the problem?” I ask, not sure I want to know the answer. I can’t get it out of the back of my mind that my father was a member of the board of intelligence at The Elected.

  “Methrodine,” Baxley answers. “They kidnap kids that have been drugged with the stuff, and introduce a second drug after abduction called, Zolpidem-Modafinil-Amphetamine Number Twelve, or ZMA12, which is a hypnotic drug, mixed with a few other components. Lastly, they put a serotonin inhibiting tracker at the base of their necks that acts as both a tracking device, and a close-range brainwave control activate. The members of The Elected have tiny remotes that can control mass groups of the kids who have been drugged and bugged, as they call it.”

  I gasp, thinking about Syl and Shae. If we even find them, is it possible to get them back?

  “So, that doesn’t explain how you are on the outside now,” Samantha brings up the obvious.

  “Wonder Shield has been running regular ops into The Elected headquarters, rescuing as many of us first group testers as possible. It hasn’t been possible to reach the current group yet. We have tried. Wonder Shield brought me into their city, fed me, nursed me back to health, a little over a year ago, and now we are just waiting for the war to start. We are in alliance with The Force Field and several groups of voyagers and individual corridor dwellers that have agreed to fight. And you guys now ,I suppose.”

  “Yes, we plan to fight,” Jake answers.

  “We want to see the peace,” Mar adds.

  “When are they planning on starting the war?” Cara asks her brother.

  “According to our intel, while there is no exact date known, we have learned they are planning to begin things in a month or so.”

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  All of us stand in stunned silence. Is it possible all of this is going to be happening in the next couple months? I can’t help bu
t wonder if we have lost all hope in finding Syl and Shae, and if we do find them, can they be restored back to normal?

  After talking to Baxley about our plan of getting our sisters back, and fighting this war, possibly with Wonder Shield, he agrees to lead us there, except for Leah and Dia, who we are leaving in the cabin until we check things out first. Dia did not like the idea at all, but making her feel like she is staying with Leah instead of the other way around, caused her to agree with the crazy plan. Baxley assures us that the cabin is the safest possible place for them to stay, other than inside Wonder Shield city limits, that is.

  Now, we are walking the remaining short distance to Wonder Shield to see what we will find. Each step we take, leads us closer to the unknown, but also closer to our family that has been separated for so long. We don’t much like leaving two of us behind, but Baxley continues to reassure us that they are safe.

  “Who oversees this place?” Zac asks Baxley.

  “We call her Rae.”

  “It’s a girl?” Mar asks.

  “Yes,” Baxley answers. “She runs the place by herself. However, she is an excellent leader, and everyone loves and respects her.”

  “Great,” I say. “I can’t wait to meet her.”

  Less than a mile, and we are at the gates of Wonder Shield.

  “Don’t say anything until I can request a meeting with Rae. They don’t take newcomers often, but I don’t think she will have an issue.”

  Upon entering the city, it is clear to see the members are readying for a war. All around us, men, women, children, all shapes, sizes, and colors are in the streets eating, cleaning guns, hammering out swords and knives. Occasionally, one of them will incline their head at us as to say hello, but you can tell, they know we don’t belong here yet.

  Inside the twenty-foot walls made of wood, stone, and broken pieces of pavement, are small dwellings constructed of the same. There are people as far as the eye can see. There are no vehicles, so they go by on foot, doing the things that need to be done for the day.

  Kids talk and play with other kids, while their parents or responsible adults watch while working on war preparations.


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