CERIC_Elemental's MC 4

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CERIC_Elemental's MC 4 Page 13

by Alexi Ferreira

  “Shit,” he mumbles. “You need to give a guy a warning when you walk up behind him.” At our smiling faces, one of his eyebrows raises in question. “What are the five of you up to?”

  “Do you know,” Gabriela says with a coy smile, “that you have a really great body? Don’t you think, girls?” At her words, a stunned look crosses his face.

  “Do you want to get me killed?” he says. His eyes return to me, and then he turns.

  “Oh boy,” Aria whispers, smiling slyly at me and then nodding towards him. Breathing in deeply, I pass Orion to Jasmine and then take a step closer to Gunner.

  “Gunner,” I call. He turns his face towards me with a scowl. “I want you to call us a cab. You are then going to drive us down to the gate and wait for the cab to arrive.” At his nod, I continue. “When we leave, you are going to forget that we went out until the men ask you if you know where we are.” Gunner pulls out his phone. He scrolls down and then places the phone by his ear.

  After ordering the cab, he closes the hood of the SUV and makes to enter, but I stop him. “Gunner, put on your T-shirt.” I hear the women sigh behind me, and I smile, knowing that they are wondering why I would do that.

  As soon as we’re on our way, Brielle and Jasmine start to laugh nervously. “We’re going to get into such trouble, but this is so cool,” Jasmine retorts. “You will save me from your daddy, won’t you, Orion?” He coos at her, making us all laugh.

  “Did you tell Sam we are coming?” Aria asks excitedly.

  “Oh, shit,” I groan. “I was so excited to get out that I forgot. I will send him a text. I’m sure it will be fine.” A few minutes after sending the text, I get his confirmation that he will be home in fifteen minutes.

  When we arrive outside his apartment, Sam is pulling up in his car. When he sees all of us, his eyebrows raise in question. “Are you all running away?” he teases.

  “Hey, Sam,” I say, walking into his arms that are already open, waiting to hug me. “I’ve missed you.” Sam has always been a pillar of strength for me. Every time I had issues at home, Sam was the one I used to turn to.

  “I’ve missed you too, Nunu,” he whispers as he pats my ass. “Come along now, let’s go inside. I’m sure this is going to be interesting.”

  We all make our way upstairs to his apartment. Until a few weeks ago, I was sharing the apartment with him since leaving my old life behind. It was awkward when he brought someone home with him, but otherwise, I enjoyed living with Sam.

  Sam offers everyone drinks as we sit on his couch. He wants to know about what life is like at the MC and how we can live with such hotness around us all the time. The girls laugh at Sam’s perverseness and how he tells them how he would like to take some of the guys.

  “Which one did you like, Sam?” Gabriela asks cheekily, a twinkle in her eye.

  “Oh, doll, such testosterone all over. I was fighting myself not to jump them the whole night,” he teases. “But if I had to choose one, I would say Caelius. I like the silent type. Mmm, yip, definitely Caelius. The things I could do with that body.” He strokes his abs sexily and winks at us.

  Gabriela starts to laugh uproariously.

  “What are you up to? There is no good coming out of that laugh,” Aria asks with a teasing smile.

  “Can you just imagine Caelius’s face when we tell him that Sam has a thing for him?” she replies, and then bursts out laughing again.

  “Hey, what’s wrong with me?” he asks playfully as he takes off his shirt. “This here is pure hotness, I will let you know.” He thrusts his hips playfully. “He would think he’s in heaven if he had to get a piece of this ass.” He walks up to Brielle, grabs her hand, and strokes it down his ass. “You see? Pure heaven.”

  “For your own health, handsome, I would suggest you not be so liberal with us when the men are around, but otherwise, you go ahead. If you would like, I can also see if your ass is as bouncy as it should be.” Gabriela laughs as he turns his ass towards her and starts to rotate it playfully. “Yip, sure looks supple.”

  I shake my head. The way I know Sam, he’s in his element. He loves attention, and the more he gets, the happier he is. “Don’t tempt him, or he will be parading in front of you naked soon, showing off his sorry assets.” I laugh when Sam looks at me with a shocked look on his face.

  “Sorry assets!” he grumbles with a playful glare. “For your information, it’s bigger than normal. Don’t play dumb; you’ve seen it before many times, and talking about that, you’ve even felt it.” He puffs up his chest with a proud strut.

  “What?” Jasmine and Aria squeak at the same time. “No offense, but aren’t you supposed to be gay? Or are you bisexual?” Aria asks with a confused look.

  “Did you two sleep together?” Jasmine asks.

  “Yip, Nunu over there and I have slept together lots of times since we were about five. Isn’t that so, Nunu?” he teases. At Jasmine’s huff, he laughs. “But I think what you are asking is if we’ve had sex before.”

  All the girls are now looking at him curiously, as if this is the best news they have ever heard. “Well, when we were about sixteen, we made out a few times. You see, Nova was adamant that I couldn’t be gay, so she seduced me at every turn.”

  “Ha, wishful thinking,” I tease.

  “Oh, really? What was all that skimpy underwear you would wear around me?” he asks teasingly.

  “The underwear you bought me,” I say sarcastically. Sam used to distribute newspapers, and every birthday or Christmas, he used to buy me makeup and lingerie with the money he made, saying that if he didn’t, I would never do it, as I was more of a tomboy than he was.

  “Come on, Nunu, you know you wanted me,” he teases. Moving over to me, he kisses me on the neck and hugs me close. My skin feels like pinpricks when he hugs me close to him, and the kiss on my throat feels as if my skin is burning where his lips touched me. What the hell? I have always felt comfortable with Sam since we were kids. Why am I feeling this aversion to him all of a sudden? Pushing him away playfully to cover my discomfort, I punch him in the arm.

  “So, did you sleep together or not?” Gabriela asks impatiently.

  “Nope, we didn’t. We tried, but it just felt too weird. It was like sleeping with my brother,” I say while wrinkling my nose in distaste.

  “Have you ever had sex with a woman, Sam?” Brielle asks as she sips her margarita.

  “Are you offering, honey?” he asks as he wiggles his eyebrows. Instantly, her face fills with colour as she blushes at his teasing. “Believe it or not, I had sex with quite a few women before I finally acknowledged that I was gay.” I remember that time and how much he tried to like any woman, but it just didn’t happen. He even asked me to persuade him not to like men, but I couldn’t do that. It just wasn’t him, and he would be miserable his entire life.

  We hear the rumble of motorbikes approaching, and I see all the women tense, as we know that our time has come to an end. “Well, that was fun while it lasted,” Aria jokes. “Do you think if I jump Brandr as he comes in the door, he will still be upset?” She thrusts her hips playfully, making us all laugh uproariously at her protruding stomach.

  “I can always just thrust Orion into Wulf’s arms as he sees us. He won’t moan at me with the baby between us. And then on the way home, I can always seduce him until he forgets how upset he is,” she says as she wiggles her eyebrows.

  “I’ll just go straight for the crotch. He’ll forget about everything except my hand,” Gabriela says as she thrusts out her hand and starts to fist and open it a few times.

  “You three are so useless. Why try to appease them when the whole idea is to have them hot and bothered, taking their rage out on you? I don’t mind being Ceric’s naughty girl any day of the week as long as he punishes me nicely,” I say while fluttering my eyelashes exaggeratedly.

  “Well, at least I don’t need to worry. No one will be angry with me. Maybe I’ll just stay here with Sam for a while and see him parade around na
ked,” Brielle says with a grin as she looks at Sam teasingly.

  “Are you blind?” Gabriela responds. “If Bion’s with them, by the way he’s been eyeing you, you’re not going to get out of this one unscathed, either.”

  I jump to my feet and approach the window as I hear the bikes downstairs. Moving the curtain slightly, I see they have all come after us. I feel the others behind me also peeping out. “I’m sorry to tell you this, ladies, but I don’t think any amount of seducing is going to appease the fury on those men’s bodies. I would start hiding if I were you,” Sam says as he starts to move towards his front door.

  “Oh, shut up, spoil sport,” I say. I can feel my heart racing as I see Ceric jump off his bike and make his way towards the entrance, and then we hear a loud crash. “Okay, that didn’t sound too good.”

  “No joke, Einstein. We’re in so much trouble,” Gabriela says, “but it was so worth it.”

  I hear Sam say from outside the apartment, “Go right in. You don’t need to break my door.” I can hear the nervousness in his voice. Sam may be a happy-go-lucky kind of guy, but he’s not stupid, and he knows when to keep his mouth shut. “I didn’t invite them, just so you know.”

  “Tattletale,” I scream so he knows I heard him. The first one through the door is Bjarni, and lordy, the man can make anyone pee themselves just with one of his looks. His eyes go directly to Gabriela, and I see him relax slightly at her presence.

  “Hey, babe,” she says quietly, as if nothing happened. I hear him huff in annoyance, and then he throws me an angry scowl as he moves towards his woman. Oh boy, I’m on his shit list.

  Wulf marches into the house like a hurricane, his amethyst eyes shining in anger. “What the fuck, angel?” he asks. Jasmine is already standing with Orion. At his father’s voice, he gurgles in pleasure. She approaches and hands Orion to him. At that, I nearly laugh, as she practically did what she said she would. Wulf glares at her over his son’s head, but then softness comes to his eyes as Orion places his chubby hand on his face.

  “Don’t you ever do this shirt again,” Brandr roars from the door. “What were you thinking?”

  “Don’t overreact. We’re fine,” Aria states angrily. I miss Brandr’s reply as Ceric explodes into the apartment.

  When he sees me standing by the window, he scowls. Pointing at me, he growls, “Are you insane coming back here? Do you know what could have happened?” With each word, he advances until he is standing right before me.

  “You are never going to do this shit again. Do you hear me? If you want to go out, someone will escort you. I will not have you place yourself and the others in danger again.” With that, he grabs my upper arms, pulling me towards him. His head comes down towards me, and then he freezes. His eyes that were already darker with anger go such a dark brown that I can’t see the pupil. He growls deep in his throat like an angry animal, and then he’s letting go of my arms and looking around.

  “Ceric?” What the hell is wrong? I can feel the fury radiating off him. Looking around, I can see that most of the brothers are now in the apartment, and at his reaction, they have also tensed.

  “You think you can touch my woman?” His snarl is deep and more frightening for it. And then he moves so fast that I don’t even see until he’s in front of Sam with a hand on his neck, lifting him off the ground. “You’re dead.”

  “Ceric!” I scream. “No, please, no.” Rushing towards him, I place my arms around his waist and start to pull, trying to pull him away from Sam. I see Sam’s eyes bulge and his face turning purple as Ceric’s hand tightens around his neck, but then I’m being lifted away from Ceric, and Bjarni has his arm around his neck and waist, pulling him back, while Draco pulls at his arm.

  CERIC 17

  The fear that was pumping through my body when I found out that Nova wasn’t at the compound dissipates when I see her standing by the window, being replaced by anger. This silly woman is a danger to herself. How I am supposed to keep her safe when she does shit like this is beyond me.

  “You are never going to do this shit again. Do you hear me? If you want to go out, someone will escort you. I will not have you place yourself and the others in danger again,” I roar as I approach her. All I want to do is take her into my arms and make sure she’s fine. Fuck, this woman is driving me crazy. Taking hold of her arms to shake her, I pull her against me instead. As I lower my head to nuzzle her neck, the essence of another man assaults me. I can feel every muscle in my body tense when I smell Sam on her. The only way his essence is so strong is if his body fluids touched Nova.

  My vision tunnels as I drop Nova’s arms, scared that I might hurt her in my anger. Looking around, I find my prey. The fucker is going to die. No man touches my woman except me. I see his eyes widen when he realizes that I’m coming for him, but he doesn’t have time to run, as I’m on him before he can even take a step.

  “You think you can touch my woman?” My arm shoots out, and I clasp him around his neck, lifting him off his feet. “You’re dead.” I feel arms around me, trying to pull me back, but I’m not letting go until he’s dead.

  And then, I’m choking as my air supply is also being cut off. “Let him go, Brother.” I hear Bjarni’s growl near my ear, and I also see Draco before me, pulling at my arm. “You don’t want to do this in front of the women.” I start to see black spots before my eyes, and then I feel my clasp loosen around Sam’s throat, and he falls to his knees before me while I’m being dragged away.

  “Don’t hurt him,” I hear my hellcat scream, and then she’s before me, pulling at Bjarni’s arm that’s still around my neck. “You’re choking him.”

  “That’s the idea,” Bjarni says, but slowly lets me go. I hear Draco order Sam out of there, and from the corner of my eye, I see Gunner and Caelius dragging him out. I’m still gulping in air and rubbing at my neck as I look down at Nova, who is standing before me with a worried look on her face, her hand resting on my chest.

  “Are you okay?” she whispers, quite a contrast to when she was shrieking at Bjarni to let me go. I smile as I realise she wasn’t worried about Sam but about my welfare when Bjarni was choking me. I nod, not sure if I can talk yet.

  “Good, because now I can kill you.” She slaps my chest, her eyes suddenly flashing in anger. “What did you think you were doing? You could have killed Sam.” Her voice is quiet, but her eyes are flashing.

  “I’m still going to kill him,” I growl, my anger returning. “Why was he touching you, and how?” At my statement, she huffs and then turns, but there is no chance in hell she is getting away from me now. Grabbing her arm, I twist her back towards me. “Don’t walk away when I’m speaking to you.”

  “Leave me alone,” she warns, her chin jutting out and her shoulders back as if she’s going into combat. I’m going to teach her a fucking lesson. She must learn not to confront me all the time. Taking hold of her waist, I throw her over my shoulder. “Put me down. What are you doing?” She kicks her legs. I spank her ass once as I start to make my way out of the apartment to quieten her.

  “Argh, you’re such a pain,” she grumbles. “Of all the guys, I get a damn barbarian.”

  I smirk at her words as I walk down the stairs. “Get used to it, because by the end of the day, you’re going to be apologising to this barbarian.” As I make it outside, I see that most of my brothers are already on their bikes, waiting for us. Bion is standing by Burkhart’s bike where Brielle is sitting while he yells at her. I place Nova on her feet. I’m surprised when she gets on my bike without me telling her to.

  Getting on the bike, I pull her flush against my back as I take off. We take a slow cruise back instead of burning rubber as we did when looking for them. I can see the women are enjoying the ride, but my brothers are still frowning in annoyance as they make their way back. Bjarni has his hand on Gabriela’s leg as they ride, her head lying on his back, with her belly tucked against them.

  As we park in the garage, Nova hurriedly gets off the bike and starts to w
alk inside. If she thinks she’s going to get away with this that easily, she has another thing coming. First, I want to know why she smelled like Sam, and then she needs to promise me that she’s never going to take a chance as she did today again.

  Walking up behind her, I turn her around and then throw her over my shoulder again just to irritate her. “Aargh, seriously?” she complains, but then quietens. Walking into our room, I kick the door shut. Placing her on the floor, I take hold of the back of her neck and then bring my mouth crashing down on hers. The kiss is rough and all consuming; by the time we leave this room, she will never forget who she belongs to. As we kiss, I guide her until her back is against the wall. Picking her up with my hands under her ass, I lower my head to her neck and bite, hearing her gasp.

  “You’re mine,” I growl. Pulling my hand up to the V-neck of her T-shirt, I pull down, tearing it with my strength. Her hands pull at my hair as her breasts jump free from the flimsy bra that was ripped off with the shirt. Her nipples pebble in lust, as if asking for my attention. My fingers start by stroking over the pert peaks, but then I pinch, making her gasp. “No one touches you but me.” My lips graze her breasts, just missing her starved nipples.

  “Open your eyes!” I command as her head is thrown back in pleasure as I thrust my jean-covered erection against her wanton pussy. Her eyes open slightly. “Tell me you’re mine.” I bite her nipple, hearing her gasp. I stop moving my body against hers, feeling my cock weep with want.

  “Tell me,” I insist, not touching her until I hear her whispered words. “I can’t hear you. Louder.”

  “I’m yours,” she murmurs. I don’t know I am holding my breath until it rushes out of me in relief. Placing my hand at the junction of her legs, I press into her pussy.

  “Mmm.” Her pelvis moves uncontrollably against my hand. I know she’s near, but I’m not going to let her come until I have what I want. Taking my hand away, I bring it up her crotch until my fingers are in the seam of her waist. Pulling, I hear the button pop and the zip tear.


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