Mail Order Sass

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Mail Order Sass Page 7

by Alix West

He lowered to kiss her and held her as she regained her breath.

  “That was too easy. I’m sure I can give you more.”

  She laughed weakly. “It’s morning. Caroline will be here soon.”

  Growling he rose. “I might have to fuck you slower, now.”

  He rolled her over and set her on her knees. She looked over her shoulder at him, trying to give him a look of dismay. He swatted her, and she gave a small yelp of surprise. After the baby was born, he’d treated her like she was fragile and might break. Their love-making had been gentle and tender. This was rougher, more carnal and she loved it.

  While he didn’t take her hard, with each stroke he drove deep. He gripped her hips. Each thrust made her mewl with pleasure. She arched her back, gasping when he reached between her legs to stroke her. The climax came suddenly and tore through her. An instant later, he snarled with his own release.

  He eased her down and folded her in his arms and, just as they always did after making love, they listened to see if they’d woken Michael. The house was quiet. Somewhere in the distance, a rooster crowed.

  “Are you going to give me a little girl? A sister for Michael?” he whispered.

  “Maybe. One day. Or I might have all boys like your mother.”

  He sighed and settled next to her, tucking her into his embrace. “I don’t mind what we have, just so long as we have a house full of children.”


  Thank you for reading my story. If you enjoyed this story please consider leaving me a review. Click here to sign up for my mailing list where I will notify you of future releases, exclusive offers and bonus material.

  Lastly, let me just say, I love the alpha cowboy, past, present and future. If you like them too, I encourage you to check out my contemporary works, written by my alter ego, Sasha Gold. Kept by the Billionaire is one of my favorites, check it out!


  Twelve steamy stories set in the Old West. Do you like bossy cowboys? Sassy but innocent mail-order brides? Welcome to Colter Canyon. Check out the Old West Alpha and Sass Collection today.

  Elizabeth wanted to help her maid write letters to a cowboy in Texas. But when her maid marries another, the cowboy comes looking for the woman who penned those sweet and sultry words. Check out Claiming the Mail Order Bride today. (This story not included in the Alpha and Sass bundle.)

  A scarred, reclusive billionaire expects a mail-ordered bride. The innocent young woman, an accounting intern, is sent to his remote ranch by mistake. Check out Kept by the Billionaire now.

  The final wishes of an old ranch owner bring his granddaughter and the ranch foreman together unexpectedly, in a way neither saw coming. Check out Kept by the Cowboy now.

  Books from Alix West

  Mail Order Sass

  Claiming The Mail Order Bride

  Mail Order Correction

  Mail Order Discipline

  Mail Order Punishment

  Mail Order Boxed Set (3 titles)

  The Virgin’s Price

  The Virgin’s Penance

  The Virgin’s Offer

  The Virgin’s Confession

  The Virgin’s Tale

  Western Virgin Bride Boxed Set (5 titles)

  Bounty Hunter Discipline

  Bounty Hunter Mail Order Bride

  Bounty Hunter Proposal

  Bounty Hunter Boxed Set (3 titles)

  Coming For The Cowboy

  Old West Alpha and Sass Collection (12 titles)

  Books by Sasha Gold

  Kept by the Beast

  Kept by the Billionaire

  Kept by the Cowboy

  Sweet Submission

  Sweet Trouble

  Sweet Abduction

  Sweet Fix




  All’s Fair

  All’s Fair in Love

  Kept Little Thing

  Sexy Little Thing

  Ragnar, Lord of Jaegar

  Medieval Romances

  Tempting The Knight

  Three Wagers



  Old West Romances

  Stolen Little Thing

  The right of Alix West to be identified as author of this Work has been asserted by her in accordance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

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  Copyright © 2017 by Alix West

  All rights reserved.

  All stories available on Kindle Unlimited and




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