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Impetuous Page 15

by Denise A. Agnew

  “Oh shit.” His voice turned hoarse.

  With one steady, smooth thrust, he eased inside her from behind.

  Her breath caught.

  “Too much?”

  Her pussy lips swelled so much with arousal he felt huge. “More.”

  He pulled back, then pushed, inching inside increment by increment.

  Then with one plunge, he shoved his entire cock straight up into her pussy.

  “Ian.” Her word came out strangled as shocking pleasure pierced her.

  Ian’s cock stretched her to capacity, the tip nudging against her womb. Tonight he felt even larger, the slightest movement inside her causing prickles of pleasure so hot, she thought she would come immediately.

  If he moved just a little she would—

  He moved his hips ever so slightly.

  Her pussy throbbed from down deep, straight from her cervix to where his groin hair meshed with hers.

  Her fingers pressed into the door, her eyes opening widely and staring at nothing. “Ian. Oh God, oh God, oh, oh—”

  He moved in a subtle motion that brushed up against that spot deep inside her. She moaned, this time low and fervent, her need so explosive she didn’t think she could stand another moment.

  He leaned into her and pushed until she realized there was more, that he hadn’t thrust all the way. She shivered, her whole body shuddering as that final inch took her.

  She wouldn’t survive. Synna felt like her whole body would come to pieces, rendering her helpless.

  That exposure freed her.

  Ian slipped his hand up under her skirts in front and found her clit. His fingers feathered over the hard nub and he stirred his hips against her so his cock thrust with tiny pulses, gently stroking against her walls.

  Heat deep in her pussy burned with mind-melting pleasure and broke her apart. She muffled her scream as the orgasm erupted. Her walls rippled around his cock as he kept the motion going, a gentle, exquisitely beautiful thrusting as he barely moved inside her.

  He fingered her clit, clasping it between his thumb and index finger and strumming in maddening rhythm. The infinitesimal fucking was slow and excruciating. She wanted to scream for him to move harder, faster, fuck her into the next century until she couldn’t stand.


  He kept up the slow motion, his fingers relentless on her clit. Seconds later he took his fingers, slick with her juices, and his thumb teased her anus. She jerked, the tickling sensation too good to be borne. He tucked his thumb into her anus until he sunk all the way.

  “Ian, oh my God.”

  “Like it?”

  “Like it? I think I’m going to die.”

  Leaning in to whisper in her ear, his hips still stirring against her in a steady fucking, he said softly, “You’re so hot. So damned hot. Tonight, when we are together again and you’re in my arms, I’m going to fuck your ass again.”

  She could only gasp one word as his erotic suggestion sizzled along her veins. “Yes.”

  She’d never felt anything so incredible in her life. Not even last night’s loving came close.

  Ian groaned like a man stretched on a rack. “Oh shit, this is fucking incredible.”

  “Please.” Her whimper set him off.

  He drew back and thrust hard. Keeping his thumb deep in her ass, he started a jackhammer motion and plowed into her hard. She almost shrieked at the incredible arousal as his cock rubbed back and forth against a spot high inside her that felt so incredible she gasped for breath. Feeling lightheaded, she leaned against the door as he thrust, his growls and grunts fueling her desire.

  Then he eased back and she almost screamed for him to continue.

  He removed his thumb from her ass, gripped her hips, and fucked her so relentlessly the motion moved her against the door. Each tremendous thrust pounded into her pussy until she heard the slap of skin against skin and the wet noises as their bodies came together.

  Waves of heat blistered her, causing her pussy to clench and release in tight ripples on the cock moving inside her. She moaned loudly, mindless as the world came apart at the seams.

  With one last thrust, he jerked against her and a low moan left this throat as his entire body tensed and shivered against her.

  His harsh breath rasped against her ear, his big body wrapping around hers. As his arms held her close, tears came to her eyes one more time. His heat, hardness and tenderness enveloped her heart, and stunned her.

  Shaking down to the core, Ian brushed the hair away from Synna’s neck and kissed her nape. God, she smelled delicious. He wanted to go on, and the way his cock hardened again as he rested inside her, he knew he could take her again in short order. He slowly eased out of her.

  He headed for the suite bathroom. “Don’t go away.”

  He glanced in the mirror and grimaced. He was a fucking mess. Like a college boy who’d just tumbled with a girl for the first time.

  Maybe because he did feel different. He’d been ravenous, eager to get inside her and put his imprint on her. His desire to possess had driven him to take her hard and fast, their joining an almost animalistic fervor.

  He’d wanted to mark himself on her body and soul so that no matter where or how that scumbucket demon touched her, she would never forget how it felt to be loved by a man who cared about her.

  He left the bathroom, and as she passed him on the way to use the facilities, he made sure to throw her a warm smile.

  Unease rippled through him when she didn’t speak, and her smile looked lukewarm at best.

  Shit. He’d experienced the best meltdown sex of his life, and she appeared almost unaffected. He knew she’d loved what they did. She shook him up, broke him down, and made him whole.

  He donned his costume, sword, and took a moment to do a half-assed job of combing his fingers through his hair.

  Hell, if he was supposed to look like Aragorn in Lord of the Rings, his hair didn’t have to look put together. He grinned into the mirror above the long chest of drawers. He didn’t give a prick about who he might resemble in some superficial way. But if it turned Synna on, he’d comply with the fantasy. He’d wear a friggin’ clown suit if it would get her off.

  Remembering his first glance at her this evening stirred his protective instincts. The dark brown dress, a cross between a nondescript wench and beguiling temptress had about brought him to his knees. The low bodice exposed the top curves of her breasts. She had nice-sized breasts, not too large or too small, and the lace-up front on the dress framed them to perfection. The dress cut in at her slim waist and flared over her hips in yards of fabric. Three-quarter sleeves contoured down to her elbows and ended in a froth of lace.

  He closed his eyes and almost groaned. He couldn’t afford to get another hard-on. Lay off the fantasy, Frasier. She needs to get back to work, and so do you. Just because you lost all control…

  Yeah, he could admit it. Synna MacDell rendered him defenseless. He didn’t like it, didn’t want it, yet he couldn’t resist the way she made him feel.

  Wanted. Cared for.

  Synna made him a new man.

  She left the bathroom, hair combed and looking so damned silky he wanted to muss it up again. He could tell she had repaired her makeup as well. She smiled as she crossed the room. She leaned down to pick up her purse. “I’m a mess.”

  “We both are.”

  “Yeah, but I look like I’ve had sex. You look like…like you’ve been through a minor battle.”

  He laughed. “Thanks.”

  She waved one hand in dismissal. “No, I didn’t mean that as an insult. You look a little tousled, but that’s a good thing. Me…I just looked fucked.”

  He chuckled again and reached for her, but she danced away.

  “Uh, uh, uh. Tyler is going to wonder what happened to me.”

  At the mention of the demon prick, Ian’s anger gauge went up to the red zone. “So?”

  “He’ll get suspicious, don’t you think?”

  Unable to keep
his hands off her entirely, he cupped her face and felt the delicate, soft flesh. “Remember, he can’t read our minds.”


  Her breathy voice feathered along his senses like a touch. His cock twitched. “Damn.”

  She frowned as he released her. “What’s wrong?”

  “You’re right.” He kissed her softly. “You’d better get out of here before I push you skirts up and get between your legs again.”

  Her cheeks went a pretty pink, her eyes flashing. “Ian. You’re so…”


  The flush in her face deepened. “Naughty.”

  A grin parted his lips, and he turned her around and marched her to the door. “Later tonight you’re going to find out how bad I can be.”

  “There’s more?” She threw a teasing look over her shoulder, hands on her hips.

  “Count on it, sweetheart.”

  She tossed him another knee-weakening smile and started to leave. He grabbed her hand and turned her back to him.

  “Hey, you know what?” He caressed the side of her face, then kissed her lips again in a slow, agonizing taste.

  “What?” she gasped out when he let her up for air.

  “You haven’t been stuttering lately.”

  She smiled. “Maybe it’s the sex.”

  He answered her grin. “Hell, I hope so.”

  With that parting shot, he let her go and she slipped into the corridor. He allowed the door to click shut, and he stayed in the room for several more heartbeats before he edged open the door and looked both ways. No one lingered in the hallway. SIA didn’t monitor this area, determined to give VIPs some privacy. He wouldn’t have to worry about anyone with surveillance spying the liaison he’d had with Synna.

  Gratified, he moved down the hall toward the party.

  * * * * *

  Self-consciousness hit Synna on the way back to the party. She probably looked like she’d been yanked through a keyhole backward. More than that, she didn’t feel in control. While in the bathroom a moment ago, she’d combed her hair and reapplied her lipstick. Yet she didn’t have her senses in order. How could she after a bone-melting encounter with Ian? Turning on her heel, she headed toward the ladies’ room she’d spied nearby. She slipped into the restroom one more time, determined to double check out her attire and make sure she didn’t look like she’d just rolled in the hay.

  While making love with Ian felt wonderful, they’d jeopardized this entire mission by having sex while the party went on. Yep, she must be crazy and Ian even nuttier for allowing hormones to overcome common sense.

  Smelling baby powder fresh, the restroom gleamed with highly polished sinks, flattering lighting, and amenities like hand-milled soap, designer fragrances and plenty of cushiony chairs for those who might feel a touch of the vapors. If she could pass out and leave the rest of this night behind wouldn’t that be nice? Then again, she didn’t want her time with Ian to be a fantasy. Her heart clenched with unhappiness at the idea of never making love with Ian.

  Once this weredemon thing is over, that may be exactly what happens. What he said about making love to you may not be the truth. Dorky had told her the truth about having sex to make certain the weredemon couldn’t harm her. That didn’t mean she meant any more to Ian than a good lay.

  Men could lie and they had fibbed to her before. What made Ian any different?

  Old doubts assailed her with cruel teeth and even worse memories. She knew women and men made the same mistakes constantly in relationships. Patterns were common and caused many a breakup. She scrubbed her hands over her face. Did she make the same gaffe with Ian that she’d made with the other two men?

  She glanced in the mirror and grimaced at what she hadn’t noticed before. One of her cheeks looked a little red, and so did her neck. Damn, she had beard burn.

  Everyone will know what that’s all about.

  She sighed. Her body still hummed with lingering pleasure. Ian had taken her to towering heights, and the adrenaline wouldn’t leave her anytime soon. But she had to get with the program before Tyler gave up on her and tried to seduce an unsuspecting woman.

  The success of this mission depended on her.

  The door swung open and Heidi walked inside. “Hey, there you are. Everyone was beginning to wonder. You just disappeared.”

  Heidi’s gypsy costume looked a little rumpled and her eyes looked a little funny—

  Heidi’s hand flashed out and clamped around Synna’s throat. Stunned, Synna started and grabbed Heidi’s wrist.

  “What—?” Synna managed to choke out.

  Before Synna could move or manage another word, the world went black.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Darkness cloaked Synna, but awareness trickled in drop by drop. A dull pain thudded in the middle of her forehead, and her throat ached. She swallowed with difficulty. Weak and foggy, she didn’t move. She heard the slow trickle of water, the hard, uneven surface under her back. She breathed in deeply and caught a whiff of fresh air. Thank God. An ache rolled through her body. The floor or whatever she lay on felt hard as hell. She groaned in soreness and frustration.

  She sat bolt upright, her eyes snapping open as she remembered.


  The bitch.

  Pain stabbed through her forehead at the abrupt movement, but she ignored it as anger roared up inside her. Why had Heidi attacked her? In a fit of jealousy over Ian? It didn’t seem likely. Bewildered, she sat still while she tried to clear her thoughts from an insistent fog and a dull throbbing in her skull. How had Heidi overpowered her so easily? Details were a little fuzzy, but Synna remembered the excruciating grip on her neck, and the blackness that quickly followed. Fear edged around the confusion. She needed to escape from here—wherever here was.

  Ian. He would notice her absence and look for her. She knew that without doubt.

  Dim light filtered around a crack in a doorway. She made it to her hands and knees and crawled toward the door. Under her hands, the floor felt like lumpy stone and not the surface she expected. Nope. Not in the Adora. At least not one of the suites.

  Not good.

  A cellar or storeroom, perhaps?

  Weariness and the nagging headache tried to muddle her brain. Feeling like hell, but realizing she couldn’t stay like this, she made the decision to rise to her feet.

  She wavered and then paused until dizziness passed. Unsteady, she walked to the doorway and pressed her hands against the surface. Rough wood greeted her touch.

  How could Heidi sneak her out of the Adora without someone seeing her? Confused but determined, she fumbled for the doorknob. She turned the cold metal knob and it didn’t budge. Damn!

  Irritated, she pounded on the door with the flats of her hands. “Hey! Hey! Is anyone out there? Help! Help!”

  “I wouldn’t do that if I was you.”

  Synna jumped, her heart climbing into her throat and almost choking her. She whirled around, staring into the darkness.

  The soft laugh purred, a beguiling feminine voice she knew.

  “Heidi,” Synna said.

  Heidi laughed again. “Yes. Too bad you can’t see in the dark. You’d realize how ridiculous you look in that wench costume. I thought I told you not to wear it.”

  Dumbfounded, Synna stared into the pitch black. “You’ve got to be kidding? Is that what this is all about? Me wearing a costume?”

  “It’s all about saving Tyler from you.”

  “That’s ridiculous. I’m not going to hurt him.”

  “Yes, you are.”

  She heard a snapping noise and glaring light illuminated the room. Squinting against the light, Synna put her hands over her eyes. Another sharp pain echoed through her skull and she moaned softly. God that hurt.

  “Don’t play sick with me.” Heidi’s voice held little emotion. “I know you’re tougher than you look.”

  Anger curled through Synna, and she lowered her hands and squinted into the harsh light. “Gee, thanks.�

  Heidi glowered, her features carved in harsh dislike. Synna felt the other woman’s determination and hatred slice through her like a knife.

  Synna glanced around. She stood in the middle of a primitive room about forty feet by forty feet. In the darkness, it had felt much smaller.

  Cluttered with boxes and other refuse, it appeared to be an abandoned storage area. The room was windowless, and the single bulb illuminated the dirty stone floor and dingy gray stone walls.

  “W-where are we?” Synna asked.

  “Somewhere you can’t escape.”

  “How did we get here?”

  Heidi wore the same smug smile she’d worn in the restroom earlier. “I transported us.”

  “Transported?” Synna felt dumb as a box of rocks, and the fuzziness in her head didn’t help. She was vaguely surprised that fear hadn’t crept into her psyche yet. That in itself didn’t make sense.

  Heidi came closer, and her walk looked different and not quite as steady. “Did you really think you could hurt Tyler? I know you think he’s an idiot, but he’s not.”

  “I never said he was an idiot. I didn’t know you cared for him so much.”

  “He’s my brother, of course I care.”


  “My brother, you moron.”

  Synna’s legs didn’t feel steady. She moved at a snail’s crawl until she reached a barren twin-sized mattress on a metal frame sitting against one wall. She sank down on the cushioning with a soft moan as her body ached from head to toe. Instead of feeling better, she’d started to feel worse.

  Synna shook her head. “T-Tyler is your brother?”

  Heidi’s eyes narrowed and flashed with annoyance. A strange golden light sparked inside. “God, I never realized how stupid you really are. He’s a weredemon.”

  “I know that already.” Understanding came to Synna in a slow wave. “Wait. So are you.”

  “Right.” Heidi laughed, and this time the slow chuckle didn’t sound like the Heidi Synna had known. “Finally you get it.”

  Synna didn’t get it. At least not totally. She sagged back against the wall and shivered. Cold crept into her bones like a sickness. The longer she stayed in this damp, chilly place, the worse she felt. She couldn’t even generate much emotion. Everything felt stunted and unreal.


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